The beacon of youth

Chapter 579 Different Policy

() As the saying goes, no matter how good a book of war is, you must learn and use it flexibly, and you will suffer losses if you copy the ancient methods indiscriminately. He suffered a lot in the fight against bandits. (none., pop-up window....

The reason for the loss is that some local cadres stubbornly implemented the so-called soft policy and released a large number of captured bandits and spies.

The result of the soft policy is that these bandits and spies who were released soon returned to their old jobs and retaliated wildly against the progressive masses and activists. If you don’t kill the head, you’re still in charge. Since you can’t die, it’s better to kill a few more second-rotors. Local dialect refers to the progressive masses and grassroots cadres who are dedicated to the People’s Liberation Army. Stop, have a meal in the district, and get out of the county when you get to the county."

In this way, the local people don't understand Zheng Fu's approach. The people don't understand why the bandits and spies who were caught after a lot of hard work and bloodshed were released by Zheng Fu. This is not letting the tiger go back to the mountain. Well, those people who risked their lives to inform the People's Liberation Army were retaliated by the bandits and suffered a lot of losses. In view of this, the common people also made up a rhetoric: "Don't be afraid, never be afraid, just be afraid that the Communist Party will speak leniently." .”

The meaning is very clear, **'s policy is too lenient, not only too lenient but also very confused.

The work has been going on like this, some people have concerns, and they dare not report to the PLA troops when they have a situation. The reason is very simple, because it is useless to report, and the bandits will be released after being caught. The bandits didn't dare to trouble the PLA troops, but they dared to trouble the common people. It was the common people who were killed and hacked.

First, the local people are afraid of being retaliated by the bandits and spies, so they do not report to the bandits and spies.

Second, the bandits and spies took advantage of the loopholes of our army and government policies. When they were caught, they cried bitterly and said that they wanted to be loyal to the new government and start a new life. Call this method "running leniency."

Third, the bandits and spies also carried out all kinds of reactionary propaganda to the masses, and said that they only attacked the cadres of the Communist Party of China and those who actively approached the People's Liberation Army, and had nothing to do with ordinary people. This is called "a wolf in the wilderness , only eat cadres and not sheep.”

These bandits and spies with the Kuomintang label on their heads have all been killed. Some local cadres still have illusions in their hearts, imagining that the enemy can put down the butcher knife and ride on the Buddha, imagining that they can start a new life, but this is obviously unrealistic. The policy of leniency and gentleness has no effect, and the Xinjiang area where Li Yong and Du Li's brigade are located inevitably has problems of one kind or another.

As the work of the masses gradually deepened, some reactionary bandits and spies, as well as the former aristocratic landlord bureaucrats, felt threatened because they found that the policies promulgated by the new government of the Communist Party of China were not beneficial to them, but beneficial to the poor.

One morning, Xiamaya Ranch with fertile water and grass.

Dozens of people gathered in a few simple rooms. From the leather robes on these people and the oil on their faces, it can be seen that they are not poor farmers or herdsmen, but a man with a fierce look in his triangular eyes. He yelled at everyone in a low voice: "If this goes on like this, it won't take long for those poor guys to run away with the ****, and our good life will never come back. If we want to live a good life like before... You can only fight the People's Liberation Army to the end, and completely drive the Communist Party and the People's Liberation Army out of Xinjiang, have you all made up your mind, and if you think about it, you will work with me."

Who is speaking?This guy is none other than Usman, the well-known bandit leader in Xinjiang, a murderer with bloody hands. At the moment, they are having a meeting on how to deal with the large troops of the People's Liberation Army entering Xinjiang.

The meeting went on in a chaotic manner for almost a day. After eating wine and meat, I don’t know how many big pots it was. The armed forces in the village are not good enough, and methods other than armed forces must be adopted. In the end, the bandits headed by Usman and Yao Lebas believed that only by mobilizing all the people in Xin Jiang to oppose the revolution, Only then can the People's Liberation Army be driven away.

Yao Lebas, another bandit leader who came to the meeting, gave the method they came up with a name. According to the Communist Party, we also call it mobilizing the masses.

How can the common people oppose the People's Liberation Army? ?After thinking about it, it turns out that only deception is the most effective way to spread rumors and nonsense. Therefore, in the early 50s, rumors arose in the vast land of Xinjiang.

Xin Jiang is different from other old liberated areas, and also different from the new liberated areas in the Mainland. The mass base is weak, and the people don’t know much about the PLA, or don’t know it at all. Xin Jiang has many ethnic groups, and its language and folk customs are quite different from those in the Mainland , The problem is complicated, and some rumors that catch the wind are more likely to spread, which provides a convenient soil for bandits and spies who spread rumors and make trouble.

All kinds of rumors made it difficult for the local people to tell the truth from the fake, and the people panicked. Of course, the situation reached the ears of everyone in the du li brigade. The political commissar Wang Chengde and others felt that the problem was very difficult, and wanted to explain it to the people, but they didn't know where to start. place to start.

On the other hand, Brigadier Li Da, who usually doesn't work very hard on political work, is very calm and seems a little heartless all day long. Li Jia, the company commander of the Jingwei Company, is somewhat curious, wondering why the brigade commander is not in a hurry, and is smiling Li Yong explained to him that none of this is a big deal, as long as we work hard and find the right way, all problems can be solved, and the rumors of bandits are not scary.

It's not that Li Yong has a good mentality, but that this guy knows the changes in the situation later, and if he knows the truth of the matter in advance, there is nothing to worry about.

However, Li Yong, who doesn't like politics, also provided some suggestions to the political commissar Wang Chengde and other political workers. The Kazakhs, no matter what nationality they are, only the poor and the poor are the real family. Only when we poor people unite and wipe out all these oppressors, landlords, rich, reactionary landlords and herdsmen, can the common people truly be the masters of their own families and truly Live a good life.

As for adopting a soft-hearted policy against bandits, Li Yong is even more scornful of this kind of behavior. What kind of behavior is he? He should take tough measures against bandits and spies, focusing on eliminating them. It's useless for a habitual bandit to talk about policy. Eight generations of ancestors have been bandits, and banditry is in their blood. It's no use talking about human nature and policies to such a person. Therefore, Li Yong ordered the du li brigade to send a working group Yes: If there are traces of enemy agents and bandits, once they are found, they will all be wiped out. There is no need to ask the superiors, and each battalion and platoon can do it by themselves.

This is to give the troops full autonomy. Commanders at the first level of du li brigade and platoon can launch pre-emptive strikes in the struggle against the enemy, and then report to the superiors, and then eliminate them first.

The soldiers are happy, huh? It's fun to work with our brigade commander, huh? What about this and that to the bandits, just wipe them out.

Li Yong delegated power to the most grassroots platoon-level combat units. He also told the soldiers that what we want is the result, and the process can be relaxed appropriately. The most basic goal of everything is to achieve the goal, which makes the soldiers think With the fullest use, the methods of each battalion or platoon are different, but basically they mainly focus on beating and killing. Once they are found, they will all be wiped out. Some units even cut off the heads of bandit leaders who are extremely angry public display.

It is impossible for other troops to behead their heads to show the public, but Li Yong believes that extreme measures must be used to deal with bandits. In troubled times, heavy codes are used. Without thunderous means, how can there be a bodhisattva heart.

In this way, within the jurisdiction of the du li brigade, the bandits disappeared without a trace.

The extremely vicious actions of the du li brigade caused fear among the local bandits and spies. These guys said one after another that they must not engage in any activities within the jurisdiction of the du li brigade, otherwise they would be courting their own death. It's different, if you catch them, you will be punished to death, and you will not be soft at all. The method of crying and asking your mother to kneel and kowtow to "run for leniency" doesn't work for them.

After going back and forth, the du li brigade became famous again, not only among the PLA's own troops, but also among the bandits and ordinary people in Xin Jiang, but this so-called famous name is not always a good thing. Their incompatible behavior also aroused some people's resentment or misunderstanding, especially for the method of beheading the bandit leader to show the public. What to say, this is not the style of our People's Liberation Army, and it is no different from a bandit warlord if it continues like this.

Some people say that they want to show off too much, that they are showing off their personal heroism, and some people think that the du li brigade has hit the bandits too hard, and there are deviations in the implementation of policies, which is a typical rash and chaotic

There was a lot of discussion, and these reactions reached the ears of Li Yong, Wang Chengde and others. The political commissar Wang Chengde felt heavy pressure.

Wang Chengde, the political commissar of the Du Li Brigade Department, said to Li Yong: "Dayong, recently, there have been many rumors that are not good for us. See if we can restrain our approach."


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