The beacon of youth

Chapter 584 The Crazy Cavalry Company

() A platoon leader who was dispatched to help fellow villagers repair canals was tricked into the bandit's house and was beaten unconscious. After waking up, platoon leader Zhao found himself tied up in a small room. After breaking the rope in his hand, he quietly opened the door and slipped out. Taking advantage of the mob's inattention, he ran towards the temporary residence of him and several soldiers. (none., popup window....{}

Platoon Leader Zhao's intentions are obvious, the situation is very critical, and the comrades should be notified as soon as possible. But at this moment, a bandit woman who went out to fetch water saw Platoon Leader Zhao running. The bandits chased after them, and then they shot indiscriminately.

A few bullets shot in from the back, and the running platoon came to a sudden stop, and blood spots bloomed on the military uniform on the chest, and the blood flowers slowly expanded, and within a few seconds, the front of the chest The platoon leader Zhao covered his chest with his hands, staggered a few steps and then fell down. When he was dying, this old soldier who was used to seeing life and death knew that he would never go back, and he would never see the laughing and laughing eyes again. Li Jiangguo, the battalion commander, and Li Yong, the carefree brigade commander.

A platoon leader, the veteran of the ** brigade, who had survived many major battles, died in the weeds on the frontier. The blood flowing from his chest stained the unknown wild flowers beside him.

After killing a platoon leader of the People's Liberation Army, the bandits immediately came to the soldiers' camp with their guns, and then shouted: "The People's Liberation Army, go and see, the canal you built washed away our house."

The officers and soldiers of the People's Liberation Army paid the most attention to the affairs of the masses. When they heard that the canal had washed away the house, several people immediately followed to the edge of the canal. When they passed a luxuriant red willow bush, suddenly a group of armed bandits rushed out. Surround these warriors.

The soldiers were still too careless. The peace and quiet for a period of time lowered their vigilance. After hearing that the aqueduct washed down the houses of the masses, they ran out without weapons, and were helpless after being surrounded by armed bandits.

With sticks and random guns, several soldiers fell down. Among them was a young soldier who was only 16 years old. Because of his handsome appearance, the bandits did not kill him right away. Baby Balangzi, as long as you call me dad, I will take you in as my son and save your life."

The little soldier shouted angrily: "We are here to help the masses in production, why do you want to kill the People's Liberation Army?"

The bandit next to him knocked him to the ground with a stick, and the bandit leader said: "Finally, I will let you call me Dad, and I will let you go if you call me, and you can come with me."

The little soldier cursed: "Don't dream, you bandits will be cleaned up by us sooner or later. Our battalion commander and brigade commander will not let you go, we won't let you go."

Before he could finish speaking, the 16-year-old soldier was beaten to death with a stick, and then his body was thrown into an abandoned well. <The soldiers of Geng were all killed, and the initial purpose of the bandits was achieved.

The soldiers who went out from the second platoon also suffered the same experience. A bandit leader named Ahimaimat led dozens of bandits, holding rifles and chopping vines, and pouted at the second platoon who was helping the villagers in the spring farming. The platoon of soldiers surrounded the past.

A soldier working on the ground felt something and immediately stopped him, and several bandits immediately surrounded him. A bandit said: "We know you are a Muslim, we are a family, and join us to fight against the black man, the People's Liberation Army." .”

The Northwest Field Army is located in the Northwest, and there are many Muslim cadres and soldiers in the army. This Muslim soldier pretended to hesitate, and while the bandits were not paying attention, he chopped down a bandit with a shovel in his hand, and then loudly reported to his comrades: "The bandits are here, run."

But it was too late. None of the soldiers who came out to work had weapons. In addition, there was a big difference in the number of people. They were already surrounded. The bandits beat the unarmed soldiers in the second row with sticks and Tuman. , Later, the two soldiers who were still alive were tied to a tree and whipped to death with a horsewhip. <The soldiers who plowed and repaired the canal were all killed, all of them were killed without preparation. This is the first time that Won Nang Nang has been killed.

After killing the scattered members of the People's Liberation Army who went out, the bandits tightly sealed the news. The people in the village were only allowed to enter but not to leave the village. The deputy battalion commander Hu Qingshan and his comrades had no idea. <Geng’s soldiers were all killed, this is not over yet, the bandits are targeting the work team led by Captain Zhang again.

Because the bandits also know that compared with the regular People's Liberation Army, those student soldiers who are full of reason are easier to deal with. Although these student soldiers are also wearing military uniforms, most of them have no weapons in their hands, and most of them don't even have guns. Yes or no! !Killing them is not a piece of cake.

On this day, a few gunshots were heard suddenly from Yiwu County not too far from the People's Liberation Army garrison, and the direction of the gunshots was near the supply station.

The gunshot rang out suddenly, and Hu Qingshan, the deputy battalion commander who was working in the room, immediately sent two soldiers over to check the situation.

The time was not long, two soldiers rushed in, sweat was dripping from the foreheads of the two soldiers in cotton padded clothes, Hu Qingshan stood up when he saw it, he knew that these two soldiers must have rushed all the way here, They are veterans who have fought wars, and they will not be in such a hurry if there is no major event.

"Deputy Battalion Commander, things are not good. The work team and the cavalry company of the Bianka Brigade are fighting." Two soldiers reported.

"What's going on, explain it carefully."

Before Hu Qingshan's voice fell, the door of the room was pushed open by a group of people, and a large number of working team members rushed in, and everyone reported the situation to him in a hurry.

"Deputy Battalion Commander, the cavalry company was rebellious. When we went to check the warehouse, they not only refused to cooperate, but also cursed people. When we returned a few words, they shot, woo, woo, woo." Several small team members cried and said.

The blue veins on Hu Qingshan's forehead popped up: "Don't cry, what's the use of crying? Explain the situation to me carefully, and don't hide anything."

After some understanding, Hu Qingshan finally understood that Captain Zhang took a large group of people from the work team to the supply station of the Bianka Brigade to check supplies today, but they encountered unreasonable obstruction from the cavalry company guarding the warehouse. The soldiers believe that everything in the supply station belongs to them, whether it is food or ammunition, it has nothing to do with the People's Liberation Army.

Captain Zhang led his people to fight for reason. Captain Zhang told these soldiers that you are different from before. Now that you have peacefully uprising, you are also the People’s Liberation Army. All must be counted and recorded, and reported to the superiors in full, and then obey the unified deployment.

"But they didn't listen to the explanation, and they also said that the supplies in the supply station were all illegal. Chairman Jiang brought them back from the United States, and it has nothing to do with us. If there is no way for ** to get ready-made ones." A female team member said.

"Are there any casualties?" Hu Qingshan asked loudly to the two soldiers.

The two soldiers with hot sweat on their heads replied: "Report to the deputy battalion commander, two of them were sacrificed, and Captain Zhang was seriously injured."

This was really unexpected. Hu Qingshan could have imagined that the cavalry company had objections to Captain Zhang and his work team going to receive the supply station, but he didn't expect these people to dare to shoot: "What? They really dare to do it, I really don't know Dead or alive, where is Captain Zhang?"

"It was just brought in, and the hygienist is bandaging it."

When the first and second platoons were dispatched, Battalion Commander Li Jiangguo not only strengthened them with a firepower platoon, but also added a small health team to prepare enough medicines and perform minor operations at the same time, in order to deal with emergencies. Situation, I didn't expect it to be really useful now.

When Hu Qingshan came over, Captain Zhang had already passed out, his face was sallow, and his shoulders were bloody and bloody. Hu Qingshan had fought many battles and was wounded many times. He was also very familiar with wound treatment. A few of them were treating Captain Zhang's wound The health worker told him that there was no bullet in the wound on the shoulder, it was a penetrating gunshot wound, and the bullet made a hole in the shoulder, which should have been caused by a close-range shot from a rifle. There is no problem, but if the operation is not done in time, this arm may be too tight.

A burst of anger shot straight to his forehead, Hu Qingshan endured this cavalry company for a long time, since the troops stationed in Yiwu, the officers and soldiers of this cavalry company have ridiculed and ridiculed the soldiers in the first and second platoons, not only did they not become the warmth of a family, but also right The soldiers I met kept insulting them, saying that the Communist Party is the real army, that Taiwan's President Chiang is the real leader, and that Tubalu, who came from mud legs, should also be the master of the country.

Who are the soldiers of the ** brigade? They are the trump card of the Northwest Field Army, and they are the team of Commander Wang Zhen. They have fought from northern Shaanxi to Xinjiang. The master who walks sideways has never been scolded by anyone, not even by the superiors. The soldiers who have suffered from this anger and have a hot temper have once shouted: "Damn it, a group of Kuomintang soldiers are also Dare to make a fuss with Lao Tzu, I really don’t know how the word “dead” is written.”

According to the opinions of the two platoon soldiers, this cavalry company should have been killed long ago. This is the result of Hu Qingshan's persistent obstruction. Hu Qingshan told the soldiers that although they used to be troops of the Kuomintang, they are now just like us. It is also called the People's Liberation Army. There is a reason for the People's Liberation Army to fight the People's Liberation Army, and everything must be based on the overall situation.


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