The beacon of youth

Chapter 585 The Deputy Battalion Commander in Wrath

() After Hu Qingshan led the troops to Yiwu, he inevitably dealt with various people in the Yiwu society. Among them was a cavalry company of the former Kuomintang border card brigade stationed here. (None., pop-up window, text,

All cavalry, a hundred or so people, their task is to guard the safety of the supply station, as it was during the Kuomintang period, after accepting the peaceful adaptation, the task remains the same, stationed in place, but with the People's Liberation Army Yiwu Task Force With the arrival of the station, everything has undergone new changes.

The troops of the People's Liberation Army have iron discipline. Every needle, thread, grass, and tree belonging to the army belongs to the public, and all seized must be returned to the public. There are clear regulations in the "Three Major Disciplines and Eight Points of Attention". Execution, this will inevitably conflict with the cavalry company guarding the supply station.

After the Kuomintang's power was wiped out on the mainland, the small cavalry unit in this remote area still regarded itself as orthodox and regarded the supply station as its own private property. Accepting the order of peaceful reorganization was also a last resort. I regard myself as the same type of people as the People's Liberation Army who came to Yiwu to perform tasks.

This arrogant and accustomed cavalry company did not hide their displeasure. After the arrival of the People's Liberation Army troops, they behaved extremely reactionary in words and actions. Logically speaking, Hu Qingshan's position is the deputy battalion commander, the highest ranking officer of the People's Liberation Army in the Yiwu area. Commander, the cavalry company should obey the deployment and command, but obviously, this cavalry unit has no intention of obeying the command at all. When the personnel of the two troops met by chance, they raised eyebrows at Hu Qingshan and his soldiers , full of swear words, and threatened to get the soldiers of the People's Liberation Army out of Yiwu.

The soldiers of the du li brigade are all guys who eat soft but not hard. Under the influence of the brigade commander Li Yong, they are used to it from top to bottom. Let alone this cavalry company, the regular army of the Kuomintang has never paid attention to it Here, the provocation of the cavalry company has no endurance at all, and he has long wanted to kill the cavalry company. In line with the principle of putting the overall situation first, Hu Qingshan tried his best to suppress the soldiers under him, so that The soldiers try not to clash with the cavalry company as much as possible, and repeatedly warned the soldiers that the cavalry company is also regarded as their own family. Fighting their own people will only make those reactionary forces lively, and the gains outweigh the losses.

But now everything has changed. The cavalry company of the former Kuomintang Border Card Brigade not only attacked but also caused casualties. This is no longer a solution to the problem by patience.

The soldiers who heard the news gritted their teeth angrily. Captain Zhang was seriously injured and sacrificed two staff members. What else can be explained? Why are they his own? This is an obvious rebellion.

"Deputy Battalion Commander, the enemy has already attacked. Do we still have to wait to die? When did our du li brigade suffer such a big loss? If you don't dare to do it, go back to our brigade commander and political commissar. We will take the responsibility .”

The soldiers seldom or never talked to the deputy battalion commander Hu Qingshan like this, which is really urgent.

Hu Qingshan is a soldier from the old Eighth Route Army. From the day he joined the army, the emphasis on fighting is to take advantage and not suffer losses. Every action of the troops must gain something, and things that suffer losses cannot be done. Otherwise, the poor Eighth Route Army will not be able to develop. , The casualties of the task force made him equally furious.

The words of the soldiers kept him churning in his heart, but his determination was not easy to make. He was different from the soldiers. He was the commander of the team and he had to consider the overall situation. There was nothing wrong with fighting. , The combat effectiveness of two or two platoons is completely sure to destroy a cavalry company. The headache is that this cavalry company also bears the name of the People's Liberation Army.

However, it is impossible not to act now. Looking at the excited soldiers in front of him, Hu Qingshan understands that there is a limit to patience, no matter whether it is an individual or an army. The army has already suffered casualties. It's useless, a useless commander can't lead the troops to perform tasks.

Thinking of Hu Qingshan's unwillingness to make a decision here, he ordered with a livid face: "Order the first and second platoons to gather immediately and surround the cavalry company."

Because of the special geographical location, the former Kuomintang army set up a material supply station in Yiwu. A cavalry company with more than 100 people was responsible for guarding the security of the supply station. Because the cavalry company is close to the water, the life of the officers and soldiers is very comfortable. Being in the inland hinterland, the war does not affect them. Usually not only there is no war, but also what you want to eat, rice, flour and canned food. Such a large supply station is not bad for more than 100 of them. The situation at that time can be said to be living like a fairy, which also created their arrogant and domineering character.

Now that the People's Liberation Army came, everything changed. Not only did the People's Liberation Army not use the materials in the warehouse, but they also asked them not to move them. They said that these materials were already owned by the public, and they had to be registered and recorded, and then waited for the unified allocation by the superiors. .

I am used to the comfortable life, and I can't stand it. Now that they came to the People's Liberation Army, they were plucking the tiger's hair. On this day, when the work team led by Captain Zhang wanted to carefully count the warehouse supplies, they couldn't bear it anymore. Stop doing it.

A man with the appearance of a company commander shouted loudly in front of the soldiers: "Brothers, what's the benefit of following the ****? There is no food or drink, and all the supplies in the supply station must be transferred away. All the supplies have been transferred to us. What to do? What to eat? What to use? Are we allowed to drink the northwest wind? Damn, how come the supply station that I have guarded for many years has become theirs? The supplies they distribute to us are for Can people eat it? Not only is there no oil and water, there is not even enough millet, but there is also a part of black beans. Black beans are the feed of war horses. Can people eat them? How is this different from feeding livestock? The county magistrate of Abdulah came to me yesterday He said that the Third World War is about to break out, and Chairman Jiang will counterattack the mainland at that time. The police commander and provincial governor of Xin Jiang have been appointed. We don’t blame the past for the fact that we voted for the Communist Party, we are still good brothers, brothers, what do you think we are going to do?”

A soldier with a shaved head stood up and shouted: "Company commander, there is no turning back when you shoot your bow. Several people who died were killed and injured. They will definitely not let it go. If you don't, you will have to. Just take them down in one go." It's over, and I won't have long nights and dreams."

In the chaotic venue, someone asked back: "Although there are not many people in the communist army, we only have more than 100 people, which is even less than them. How can we fight against them?"

Hearing the questioning voice, the company commander replied: "Everyone, don't panic, the county magistrate Abedulah has already told me the truth, and a large-scale riot is about to break out in the whole Yiwu territory. More than 800 people can be mobilized, and if we add more than 100 of us, the number of rioters can reach more than 1000, so are you afraid that you won’t be able to deal with those two or three hundred people?”

Just when the cavalry company about to rebel felt confident, a soldier standing guard outside rushed in. The soldier panted and reported: "Report to the company commander, something is wrong, the People's Liberation Army sent us We are surrounded, and we are required to hand over our guns and surrender."

Although they participated in the peaceful uprising in Xin Jiang, the cavalry company in this remote county never regarded themselves as the People's Liberation Army. The People's Liberation Army they said was still an opponent and enemy as before. However, it is too late even if they want to regard themselves as the People's Liberation Army now Yes, their actions have turned themselves into real gangsters.

Just when the gangsters didn't know what to do, a voice amplified countless times by the loudspeaker rang outside: "Listen, officers and soldiers of the cavalry company, we are the People's Liberation Army garrison in Yiwu, and I order you to raise your hands immediately!" Surrender, I will give you 10 minutes to think about it, and we will attack when the time is over."

The voice from the loudspeaker yelled several times in a row, and every single mouse in the cavalry company of the Bianka Brigade, let alone a human being, could be heard clearly.

This group of people knew that what was coming had finally come, and they all knew that the People's Liberation Army would not let it go, but they didn't expect it to come so soon.

Panicked, the gangsters who wanted to rebel were still talking loudly just now, bragging that they wanted to unite all the forces of Yiwu to participate in the riot and fight the communist army to the end, but they panicked when they knew that the People's Liberation Army was encircling them.

This cavalry company is deep in the hinterland of Xinjiang, and has little contact with the outside world. Its specific task is to be responsible for the safety of the supply station. The work is very comfortable, but when it comes to real knives and guns, I am a little confused.

Hu Qingshan, the deputy battalion commander who was furious, gathered all the troops of one, two or two platoons, surrounded the cavalry company in the first time, and only gave the opponent 10 minutes. What is the concept of 10 minutes, but it is It’s time to fart and piss, and the time limited by the People’s Liberation Army is up in the blink of an eye. The soldiers asked Hu Qingshan what to do. The enemy has no intention of surrendering. Are they going to rush in?

"Rush in? I'm not that stupid. The enemy doesn't hold a firestick in their hands, and they can kill people. Order the artillery squad and prepare for battle. If they don't come out, I'll blow them out."

Hu Qingshan is very angry, but his mentality is still sober. This is the true ability of a long-term battlefield veteran. If you are angry, you have to think more about fighting. When the specified time was up, the troops were not allowed to charge, but the artillery was made ready for battle.

Hu Qingshan did this with considerations, rushing forward will definitely bring relatively large losses to the troops, the position of the cavalry company of the Bianka brigade is just the barracks where they are stationed every day, and it is not a solid position. It can bring huge pressure to these guys, as long as the enemy is blasted out, it will be easy, and it can only be slaughtered by the soldiers.





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