The beacon of youth

Chapter 593 Yiwu Offensive and Defensive Battle 6

() Light blue muzzle smoke enveloped the entire battlefield, it was the smoke from the bullets fired from the barrel.

After a battle, too much ammunition is consumed, and most of the soldiers use quick-fire weapons. When fighting, they "chug and tug" and go out with just a pull of the trigger and a shuttle. It is very enjoyable, but this This style of play puts a huge pressure on the logistics. The ammunition carried by the soldiers can't hold up the consumption. Now we can see the benefits of the work team.

During the interval between battles, the people of the work team were busy delivering water, food, and ammunition to the soldiers on the front line, and then carried the wounded down. After a few times, they cooperated very well with the soldiers on the front line. , although we can't fight wars, we should be able to do some work like this.

These student soldiers ran up one by one. The girls and boys touched Maxim and the Czechs with their hands and did not let go. Some said that they would try the next time the bandits rushed up again, and they also directed at the bandits' cavalry. After cuddling the heavy machine gun a few times to enjoy themselves, the old soldier told them kindly that this is not a joke, that war is not a play, and if it is not done well, it will kill people. The latest chapter of the heavy machine gun panacea Miaoxian! !Just touch and see, want to fight?Hey, we still have to wait.

The People's Liberation Army's position was full of laughter, but looking at the rebels on the other hand, they were downcast. Originally, they wanted to use sudden movements to shock the People's Liberation Army, and then use a charge to solve the problem. Unexpectedly, not only did the attack have no effect, but instead There were a large number of casualties and morale was hit.

Yilier's face was ashen. She didn't expect these hundreds of communist troops to be so difficult to deal with. She knew that the troops of the People's Liberation Army were tenacious, but she didn't expect that a single charge would suffer such a big loss. I brought it up, so I really can't let go of this face.

Compared to Yilier's anger, Abdulah's mentality is much better, this guy just thought, hehe, didn't you all say that I am a fool and an idiot.This time, let you elites who are not idiots and idiots also suffer from the People's Liberation Army.

A bandit leader persuaded: "Miss, victory or defeat is a common matter in military affairs. We have just driven for a few days. The brothers are exhausted and the physical strength of the horses is not good. You can see if this is okay. Let's rest today and tomorrow." Launch an attack, and the communist army will not be able to escape anyway.”

Finally, someone gave Yilier a step to go down, and she hurried down the donkey.But what this guy said was true. After driving for several days, he was really tired.

The bandits receded like a tide, but Hu Qingshan's psychology was like boiling, according to normal reasoning.It is impossible for so many bandits to gather near Yiwu, and they are all cavalry. The situation is absolutely weird, and the situation is a bit wrong.

Just as the brigade commander said, we should think more about why in everything, why there are so many bandits, Hu Qingshan vaguely guessed something.

It is obvious that there must be a mutiny in the troops, otherwise this situation would not be possible.And it was not a small-scale mutiny.

This is beyond the controllable scope of the Yiwu garrison of the du li brigade. The news should be sent out in time so that the brigade commander and political commissar can prepare early and let the main force come to support.

But the roads have been blocked, and all telephone lines have been cut off.It is simply impossible to send some news, Hu Qingshan thought for a long time, the current situation can only rely on the strength in his hands to hold on until the big troops come to help.This is the only way.

In the blink of an eye, it was the morning of the next day, and the soldiers hadn't had a stable breakfast yet.The rebel brigade once again launched a large-scale attack. This attack is different from the past. Obviously, Yi Lier and others have also learned the lesson from yesterday. This lesson is that horses are useless in the battle of city positions. Became infantry.

The failure of the attack on the first day made the bandits gain insight. After some research, it was decided that all the cavalry should be changed into infantry in the attack on the second day, and they should be divided into multiple batches to charge in turn.

Yilier is not stupid, not only is she not stupid, she is also very smart. She and several rebel leaders believe that no matter how tenacious the People's Liberation Army is, it will only have 300 people. .

The crowd was turbulent, and the bandits rushed forward relying on their absolute superiority in numbers. The Seventh Cavalry Division of the rebellion was from the regular army, and their combat effectiveness was much stronger than that of ordinary bandits. He didn't perform very well in the battle with the city. The only thing that was better was that the weapons and equipment were much better, but they were only slightly better. Most of them were riding rifles and sabers. Machine guns and heavy machine guns were very good. In terms of weapons, even though it was a division that rebelled, it was not at the same level as the standard equipment of the du li brigade.

Hu Qingshan calmly ordered the troops to bring the enemy closer before attacking. Regardless of the large number of bandits, in a small environment, their deployment is limited. Soldiers are very experienced in dealing with such attacks.

The battle started the moment the bandits rushed up, and the soldiers opened fire violently by using various terrain and features.

Gunshots sounded like popping beans, with the sound of grenade explosions in the middle. Although there are many bandits, the place where the People's Liberation Army will be defending in Yiwu County is not big, and no matter how many troops there are, they will not be able to deploy them. The enemy provides an opportunity.

The whole county was like a boiling pot, the sound of gunshots and shouts of shouts filled the sky, but the shouts were all those bandits charging with distorted faces. Gun shooting, don't waste any excess power at all Super fat exchange system.

A wave of bandits was beaten down, leaving a field of dead bodies, and the next wave of bandits rushed up again, followed by another field of dead bodies and wounded.

To deal with such an attack, it is not difficult for the soldiers who are used to seeing large formations, but it is undeniable that the advantages of the bandits in personnel are also reflected. Under great pressure, the battle lasted from morning to almost noon, and the seven or eight large-scale group charges of the bandits were all beaten down, but correspondingly, the soldiers were already quite tired, their physical strength had declined severely, and there were varying degrees of damage to the positions. casualties.

Yilier and the bandit leaders also made up their minds, wanting to break down the fighting spirit of the People's Liberation Army with uninterrupted charges, consume the strength of the defenders, and then capture Yiwu County in one fell swoop.

The students in the work team kept carrying down the sacrificed and wounded soldiers, and brought up the ammunition. The scene became tense. The fierce and bloody battle made these student soldiers mature quickly. These girls and boys gritted their teeth Without saying a word, when transporting ammunition to the front line, he will also take part in the battle for a short time, and shoot a few shots at the bandits with the rifle in his hand.

Regarding their actions, Hu Qingshan did not express any objection. People are trained. If you participate in more battles, shoot more shots, and see blood a few times, you will be much better when you go to the battlefield in the future. At least you will not be nervous and nervous. Afraid, I think I practiced like this at the beginning.

War is cruel. It is very likely that the comrades who were joking with each other just fell in front of him a few minutes later. Bandits are also human beings, and bandit weapons can kill people. Gradually increased, but fortunately enough ammunition, the front can continue.

The reserve team asked to attack several times but was ordered back by Hu Qingshan. Although he was very nervous, Hu Qingshan believed that it was not appropriate to use the reserve team so early.

Not only is the reserve team useless, but the firepower on Beishan is also useless. There are two squads and two reinforced heavy machine guns on the commanding height of Beishan in Yiwu County. This is a very powerful force. It can form a crossfire on the enemy, which can effectively expand the strike area without leaving a dead angle for shooting.

This is also the reason why the soldiers on the Beishan position asked to open fire. As long as they join the battle, they can relieve the pressure on the frontal position to a large extent. However, their request was rejected by the deputy battalion commander Hu Qingshan.

The battle was very intense, but the deputy battalion commander Hu Qingshan still did not use the reserve team and the defenders on Beishan, because the enemy's huge manpower can be seen from the bandits' offensive. The battle has just been fought for more than two days, and the frontline troops can still In the case of persistence, it is better to expose the hole cards in your hand less, including those small mortars.

Charged again and again, but was beaten down again and again. The streets and alleys of Yiwu were filled with corpses of bandits. groans, the scene was extremely brutal.

Once the charge was beaten down, they would come back again, but no matter how desperately the bandits tried, they were all pushed back head-on by the People's Liberation Army. The PLA's bullets and grenades in the defensive positions seemed to have never stopped. In the past, bullets were like wind, and grenades were like rain.

Adding submachine guns and grenades, close combat is worthless. The PLA troops have a lot of experience in fighting such battles, which is what the soldiers are best at.

On the third day of the brutal positional offensive and defensive battle, the bandits finally understood a truth. It is extremely stupid to charge indiscriminately with a large group of people. It consumes a lot of lives and does not bring them the slightest benefit. Still stuck.

Several days of unsuccessful attacks made Yilier's eyes full of red threads. This strong woman finally saw the fighting power of the People's Liberation Army. The former county magistrate of Yiwu, Abadula, gathered together with several leaders. They They persuaded together:

"Miss, you can't go on like this. The Communist Army's group combat capability is very strong, and the casualties of the brothers are too great."

Guys give the old bus some referrals

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