() More than 6000 bandits have fought fiercely for several days, and lost countless manpower, but still failed to achieve the expected results. For this reason, the bandit leader Yi Lier asked several leaders for their strategies:

"What do you think should be done? If there is any way, tell me quickly."

The battle was not smooth, and the stubborn Yilier had no choice but to listen to the opinions of these people.

Ai Baidula, the local snake who is familiar with Yiwu, came up with an idea: "Miss, we can't just stare at the inside of Yiwu City, look, in the north of Yiwu City, this place we call Beishan, stand here From this mountain, we can clearly see the defense situation of the entire Yiwu County, so I think that as long as we can hold Beishan in our hands, we will be able to attack the communist army in the city with condescending firepower."

Abadula said a lot of words, in fact, he meant to take the Beishan position first, and then use the advantage of height to suppress the PLA's inner-city troops with firepower.

Abdullah's opinion was supported by several rebel bandit leaders. The failure of the attack made them eager to change their tactics, because after a few days of fighting, most of the casualties were theirs, and Eliel only brought more than 100 people. People, in order to show their loyalty to the eldest lady, of course they would not let the more than 100 Yilier's cronies fight, so most of the soldiers who died were members of the original Seventh Cavalry Division.

According to Yilier, Abaidula and others' research, it is a good way to occupy the Beishan position and it should be implemented immediately.

All the bandits who participated in the attack used Yiwu natives who were familiar with the terrain, that is, the district and township self-defense forces under Ai Baidula. They used sneak attacks, and the sooner they occupied the better.

Beishan position, more than 100 meters above sea level, is the highest peak near Yiwu, and also the commanding height of Yiwu County. In order to master this life-and-death position, Hu Qingshan used two squads of soldiers and brought two Maxim heavy The machine guns stood firm.

The battle at the foot of the mountain went on for several days, but there was no movement at all in the Beishan position.The daily task of more than [-] soldiers is to watch their comrades wrestle with the enemy with their eyes wide open.

This kind of feeling of watching people fight is really uncomfortable, especially when people are constantly being sacrificed or injured and carried down, it is even more unbearable. The soldiers have proposed several times to use the firepower on Beishan to support their comrades , but they were all blocked by Hu Qingshan.

The fighting continued until noon on the third day.The bandit, who suffered heavy casualties, seemed to have suddenly opened his mind.While besieging the main position, a team was sent to sneak around Beishan.

The bandit's tactics are very simple. While restraining the People's Liberation Army under the mountain, they use a force to attack the Beishan position, so that they can give full play to their personnel advantages.

Because of the terrain.The Beishan position had a very wide view, and the bandits were discovered by the observation post on the top of the mountain as soon as they started to move.

The soldiers on the northern mountain were feeling uncomfortable, and they all became excited after seeing the bandits' actions. Damn, it looks like there is a battle to be fought. <When he was farming, he had already died, and the second platoon leader with a low position was already one of the highest commanders of the Yiwu Liberation Army except for Hu Qingshan.

The old platoon leader shouted calmly: "Everyone is there, listen to my order, and prepare to fight."

Machine guns, rifles, submachine guns, the rattle of bullets being loaded can be heard clearly, and the caps of grenades are unscrewed in piles. Everything is ready and waiting for the command of the commander.

The bandits kept approaching the mountain.It has already entered the effective firing range of infantry light weapons, but the old platoon leader still did not give the order to fire.

The commanders from the old Eighth Route all have a common characteristic in fighting. They like to bring the enemy closer before attacking. At first, it may be to save ammunition, but later it became a habit.The soldiers are used to this feeling of killing the enemy face to face. Although it is dangerous to do so, they have such confidence.

Sneaking up bandits think they're safe, don't they.According to their thinking, if there were communist troops on the mountain, they would have opened fire long ago.Yamashita has been fighting for several days in a row, and they have never seen any firepower on Beishan to support Yamashita. Therefore, they naturally think that because there are few People's Liberation Army, the Communist Army on the mountain has no defense force. They added a little Be careful just to let the communist army down the mountain find out later.

It was less than 30 meters away from the last ridgeline on the top of the mountain. From searching and advancing with a gun bent over, it turned into a swaggering stroll towards the top of the mountain. These bandits who participated in the sneak attack were still thinking about it secretly. It was much better, but just when they were completely relieved, they heard a loud roar from behind the ridgeline of the mountain top: "Fire."

The soldiers' bodies were tightly attached to the inner wall of the trench, with their heads bowed and half bent, motionless, waiting for the commander's order. After the platoon leader shouted the order to fire, they stood up abruptly, stretched out their bodies, and opened their arms with their hands. The weapons in the gun shot violently at the bandits under their noses.

It is indeed under the nose, just a little distance away, and it may come up later, but this effect is what we want, and this time difference is what we want.

Chuck, rattling, all the weapons fired, including the two precious Maxim heavy machine guns, firing at the maximum speed, and the bullets swept across like a gust of wind.

The continuous firepower of the water-cooled Maxim heavy machine gun is excellent. At a distance of about 30 meters, there is no place to hide on the bare hillside. Long before the battle started, the boundaries of the light and heavy machine guns had been cleared. All the stones that hindered the shooting were removed, and the raised soil bags were leveled. The soldiers even dug out the roots of the trees after sawing off the trees, so that the bullets would not be blocked at all after the battle started.

The victory of the battle was based on the preparations before the battle. The efforts of the soldiers before the battle were obviously not in vain. The dense rain of bullets interrupted the dozens of people in the front, and the flesh and intestines flew all over the place. Hun Fei, who was frightened even if he was not hit, lay down on the ground in fear, not daring to move.

The Tom submachine gun emptied two magazines in a row. Seeing that the bandits who were not killed were lying on the ground, the old platoon leader roared: "Grenade."

The well-trained soldiers picked up the grenades and threw them out at the same time, and swarms of grenades flew over densely and smashed over.

The cover of the grenade has been lifted long ago. Veterans feel that it is too slow to throw the fire ring on their fingers, and they have to do the detonation movement of the forearm with the forearm. That is a technique only practiced by new recruits. Veteran what to do?Veteran soldiers would just pull off the fire ring and throw it away. If they were in a hurry, they would even bite off the fire ring with their teeth and throw it out, so that the other hand could be free to grasp the weapon.

"Grenade, grenade" In the roar of the old platoon leader, the soldiers dropped bombs continuously, round after round.

Throwing a grenade down from the top of the mountain is too much of an advantage. It doesn't take too much effort. It's 60 meters away, and then it's blooming everywhere.

Lying on the ground to avoid bullets is a good way, but it is useless against grenades. The grenades blooming everywhere blew up the bandits lying on the ground one by one. Later, no one wanted to lie still on the ground, but jumped like a swarm Get up and run back, run, it's better than lying on the ground and being blown to death.

The old platoon leader threw out a grenade, replaced his submachine gun with a new magazine, and then jumped out of the trench with a roar, holding the submachine gun and chasing down madly. The soldiers followed when they saw the platoon leader rushing out. He jumped out and chased down the mountain, sweeping with a submachine gun while chasing.

There were more than fifty soldiers, only the shooter and the ammunition man with the two heavy machine guns were not charging. These two heavy machine guns were continuously providing fire cover for the soldiers. The bandits who tried to resist were all smashed into pieces, and the rest jumped out like their platoon leader.

Chasing, chasing desperately, chasing the bandits lost their souls and souls, chasing him to hell, the soldiers chased from the top of the mountain to the foot of the mountain, and only withdrew back under the cover of machine gun fire on the top of the mountain.

When there is an opportunity to fight back, it is a very traditional tactic of the People's Liberation Army to pursue it to the end. This tactic was often used when fighting against the Kuomintang troops before, but the bandits in Xin Jiang had never seen such a tactic. I have never seen a bandit before. A guy was rushed with his head covered and turned around, and was beaten until he cried for his mother.

The blow was severe, and the attacking bandits suffered at least two or three hundred casualties. The dead bodies stretched from near the top of the mountain to the foot of the mountain, and the wailing sounded endlessly.

The bandit leader who was watching the battle opened his mouth wide and couldn't catch his breath for a long time. Damn it, the communist army is too fierce. He thought he would gain some advantage by attacking the Beishan position, but he suffered a big loss again.

Unable to control her anger any longer, Yilier yelled at Ai Baidu: "Idiot, this is your sneak attack plan? You said that Beishan is not defended by the communist army, what do you, the local county magistrate, do for a living. "

Ai Baidula was scolded and kept silent. Although he is a figure among the local landlords and herdsmen in Yiwu, in Yilier's eyes, he is just a dog's leg.

The casualties in the attack on Beishan were all people who loved to worship dula. This old guy felt worse than Yilier. There were more than 800 people shot before the riot, but now it is less than half.

Someone from the Seventh Cavalry Division came to smooth things over: "Miss, the idea of ​​the county magistrate Abedulah is also good, but we didn't expect that Beishan not only has a communist army but also has such a strong firepower, that's why the brothers suffered a disadvantage. Victory or defeat is a matter of military affairs. If it doesn’t work once, we’ll attack twice, and if it doesn’t work twice, we’ll attack three times. Sooner or later, we’ll exhaust the Communist Army’s strength, and Yiwu will still be ours.”

Several times of storming the county seat and the Beishan position made the bandits understand the truth that it is useless to fight against the People's Liberation Army. Therefore, after a few days of Yiwu's offensive and defensive battle, the bandits also changed their methods. road attack.

Brothers, don't bother, give Laoba a few recommended tickets

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