()du li brigade of [-] people finally gathered together after several days of hectic activity. Although the local people did not know the reason, they also guessed that the PLA troops must have a big move, and the brigade commander Li Yong And political commissar Wang Chengde also held a pre-war meeting again.

I haven't held a meeting together for several months. Dozens of people crowded the small conference room into a mess. The atmosphere of the meeting that should have been relaxed seemed very dull.

The situation encountered by the first battalion was described in detail. After Fang Xin, the chief of staff, finished introducing the situation, there were constant discussions in the entire conference room, with bad tempers, such as the opinions of Ma Changsheng, the commander of the third battalion, and He Cuihua, the instructor of the supply battalion. Yes, don't say anything, go out immediately, kill all the bandits, rescue the missing persons from the first battalion, maybe if you go early, you can save a few living people.

It can be seen from the words of these people that everyone subconsciously thinks that the missing of more than 200 people is really enough. There has been no news for more than a month, and the time is too long. Even if they are found, the day lily is probably cold. , Going early is just to try your luck, maybe you can pick up a few missing ones. . .

The bad-tempered ones demanded that the troops be dispatched immediately, while the good-tempered ones, such as Wang Huhu and Ning Jinshan, remained silent and neither agreed nor objected to the opinions of Ma Changsheng and the others.

The Fifth Battalion Commander Wang Huohu is a very steady person. He believes that he cannot easily deny the opinions of his comrades before he has mature suggestions, although he does not agree with the immediate departure.

Conflicts arise. Some people advocate going out immediately, while others want to wait and see. The party represented by Ma Changsheng and He Cuihua thinks that they should be dispatched immediately. How many people can be rescued is better than not being able to get any of them back. , and the party headed by the Fifth Battalion Commander Wang Huhu believed that more than a month had passed.Worrying won't solve the problem, so we should work out a safe solution.

At this point in the meeting, the brigade commander Li Yong was required to make up his mind. Li Yong did not express support for that side, but just read the telegram from his superiors to everyone, and conveyed the death of Luo Shaowei, the deputy commander of the [-]th Division. In the chaotic meeting, Li Yong decided to wait a little longer. The troops should not act prematurely, because the report from the reconnaissance battalion has not yet been brought up, and everything has to wait for Zhang Jinsong and the others to come back.

It had no choice but to be like this.The troops do not fight unprepared battles. Although they have to deal with bandits, they must proceed with caution. The decision of the brigade commander is not wrong.

During this period, Li Yong and Wang Chengde asked the troops to prepare for battle with all their strength, even if they did not go to Yiwu immediately.The troops couldn't stop, and the sacrifice of Deputy Commander Luo Shaowei made the field army's troops at all levels definitely make big moves. The du li brigade should also listen to the instructions of its superiors at any time.ready for action.

The du li brigade has been discussing this matter for the past two days. Almost all the old people know the deputy division commander Luo Shaowei. It is shocking that the deputy division commander of the main force is in the hands of the bandits.

While everyone was talking about it, more than a day passed, and in the evening, the reconnaissance battalion commander Zhang Jinsong and his soldiers who everyone had been waiting for came back.Not only came back, but also brought back a very surprising news.

Zhang Jinsong came back with a few of his soldiers. He didn't know if he was riding a car or on a horse, but his whole body was rolling like a mud monkey.These guys broke into the conference room of the brigade headquarters all at once, sat on the stool and panted, while Zhang Jinsong muttered loudly: "Hey, hey, silly boys of the brigade headquarters, come and be smarter, hurry up Let's drink some water, hurry up."

Li Jia, the company commander, asked a few security guards to quickly bring over the big tea mug, and pour some lukewarm water for them. It could be seen that these guys were exhausted.

Boom, boom, Zhang Jinsong and several of his soldiers each filled half a tank of water, and then they breathed a sigh of relief, Li Yong and Wang Chengde also came out after hearing the sound.

Zhang Jinsong and several scouts stood up and reported: "Report to the brigade commander, report to the political commissar, the situation is finally cleared up, we grabbed a few tongues, and asked fellow villagers along the way, a small team I led finally went to the field in Yiwu Check it out, and according to our observations, Yiwu County is being besieged by a large number of bandits, and the missing persons from our first battalion have not been wiped out by the bandits, and they are still fighting in Yiwu."

Just as Zhang Jinsong finished speaking, a bang from outside the door flooded in with a large group of people. Li Yong and Wang Chengde looked back and saw that almost all the commanders above the battalion had arrived.

It didn't take long for this group of people to know the news of Zhang Jinsong's return, especially the first battalion commander Li Jiangguo and the instructor of their battalion. These two guys were lying outside the door. They were so happy when they heard that the missing personnel had not been eliminated. Tears are about to fall.

Li Jiangguo, the commander of the first battalion, yelled loudly: "I just said, Hu Qingshan is not so easy to die, and the soldiers of our first battalion are not so easy to be wiped out. The brigade commander, political commissar, our first battalion asked the brigade party committee for tasks , We must serve as an assault battalion for the bandits who beat Yiwu, if you fail to complete the task, you and the political commissar will shoot me."

Li Yong and Wang Chengde didn't promise who would be the assault battalion, and the battle plan hadn't been formulated yet. The political commissar Wang Chengde suggested: "Dayong, since everyone is here, let's hold a meeting and ask Zhang Jinsong to organize the reconnaissance camp. Let everyone know what happened.”

Seeing that everyone's eyes were on him, Zhang Jinsong eloquently explained what he had observed in the past few days: "Comrades, our reconnaissance battalion was dispatched after receiving the order from the brigade headquarters, using a large number of jeeps and horses. , and also used some disguised scouts, anyway, they thought of all the ways they could think of, and finally got the first-hand information. To judge, the missing troops of the first battalion are still fighting. According to our understanding, there are three groups of bandits who besieged our army in Yiwu. Then there are more than 800 people brought by Yilier, the daughter of the great bandit leader Usman, and finally, there are more than 100 people from the Seventh Cavalry Division stationed in Qitai. Otherwise, relying on the strength of the local thugs, we are no match for our one battalion and two platoons. In short, the situation in the Yiwu area is very troublesome, and the thugs are very powerful, with a total number of more than 5000 people."

In fact, the information obtained by Zhang Jinsong's reconnaissance is not very accurate. The cavalry company of the Yiwu Bianka Brigade that was wiped out the first time was not found out, and their tongues did not understand the earliest battle that took place in the county. However, this is no longer important. up.

Hearing the news of the mutiny of the Seventh Cavalry Division, the commanders of the du li brigade were itching their teeth with hatred. Damn, it's not appropriate for the People's Liberation Army to be a bandit. I really don't know what their heads are thinking.

The Second Battalion Commander Ma Quanyou, who was usually not very talkative, muttered: "We have to eliminate all such people. If we don't keep one, we will be sorry for the common people."

It was the third battalion commander Ma Changsheng's loud voice: "Old Li, I blamed you wrongly. Who would have thought that the Seventh Cavalry Division mutinied. Our troops in Yiwu plus the work team are only more than 300 people. The enemy's strength is theirs. It's more than 20 times that of yours, and it's not easy to persist until now, and the soldiers in your first battalion are all doing well."

"I will not shirk my responsibilities if I fail to do my job well. In short, I hope that comrades will give us the opportunity to take the lead, and we promise to show our comrades a good look." determination.

Li Yong and Wang Chengde were also surprised by the news that Zhang Jinsong brought back. What surprised them was not the bandit riots, but the rebellious Seventh Cavalry Division. Military strength, the mutiny of the entire division is too harmful to the local area. If you want to stabilize the situation in the Yiwu area, you must eliminate the Seventh Cavalry Division. The [-]-strong rebel mob needs to be treated carefully.

The situation was immediately reported to the Second Army, the First Corps, and the Northwest Military Region. In the telegram, Li Yong asked his superiors to fight, requesting that the du li brigade go to rescue the Yiwu defenders, and explained that there was no need to mobilize other troops, as long as they One brigade is enough. The du li brigade promises to wipe out the bandits besieging Yiwu, the mutinous Seventh Cavalry Division, and the restoration of the situation in the Yiwu area.

The Second Army of the Chinese People's Liberation Army.

The news was shocking. The mutiny of the Seventh Cavalry Division had a very bad effect. The army commander Guo Peng and political commissar Wang Enmao who received the telegram studied the situation sent by the du li brigade together. Commander Guo Peng slapped the table and said to his old partner Wang Enmao Political Commissar said:

"It's really shit. The Seventh Cavalry Division was disabled by us in the Battle of Lanzhou. For the sake of the overall situation of peacefully liberating Xin Jiang, the superiors gave them the designation of a division. Slowly transform this army, but unexpectedly they killed the political cadres we sent over, and surrounded the two platoons of the du li brigade. I knew it would be better to completely eliminate these guys in Lanzhou .”

Political commissar Wang Enmao knew that Commander Guo was speaking in anger, so he pointed to the telegram and said, "Old Guo, the telegram from the du li brigade also mentioned a situation. Lao Yang, who we arranged to retire to the du li brigade, was besieged in Yiwu I don’t know what’s going on with this old guy in our army, so I’m really worried for him.”

Commander Guo Peng hurriedly circled the room a few times: "My God, when did this guy run into the bandits? It's really worrying. I remember, didn't you send him to the Du Li brigade headquarters?" Did you go, why did you go to Yiwu with the two platoons, that kid Li Yong won't really let him go to the front line to fight." (To be continued.)

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