After the ()du li brigade reported the situation to the headquarters of the Second Army, the army commander Guo Peng was very worried about the old squad leader Yang who had gone to Yiwu with the army, and the political commissar Wang Enmao had to explain:

"I don't know the specific situation, but I guess it was Lao Yang's bad temper that made Li Yong and Wang Chengde so hard that he was sent to Yiwu. In addition, the du li brigade guys It’s been a long time since I’ve fought a war. These days, it’s not a pain in the ass. My opinion is, since we have the opportunity, let them show off. There are more than 6000 bandits. With the fighting power of the du li brigade, it’s no problem to deal with them. What do you think? .”

Commander Guo Peng agreed little by little, and at the same time reminded: "Hey, Lao Wang, since we are going to deal with the bandits, don't forget our old buddy, Lao Chen, and ask them to send some people from the five armies, at least some translators and guides." What, they are all locals, and they are more familiar with the local conditions than us."

The old buddy that Commander Guo Peng talked about was none other than Deputy Commander Chen who had just withered into the Fifth Army (formerly Xinjiang National Army) as a political commissar for not long.

The telegram sent by the Second Army to the du li brigade was very simple: . .

"Quickly help Yiwu, eliminate banditry, and stabilize the regional situation."

Everything is ready, only Dongfeng is owed, the Du Li brigade has already prepared everything, and is waiting for an order from the superior.

Time is too urgent, who knows what is going on with Yiwu's two platoons now, although there are reports that they are still persisting, but it is estimated that they will not be able to bear it, and it is a very simple reason to arrive one minute earlier to have more hope.

As soon as the telegram from the Party Committee of the Second Army was sent to the du li brigade, Li Yong, the brigade commander, immediately had a clear mind, because all the previous preparations of the army were to build momentum, and the specific combat missions depended on the instructions of the superiors. Li Yong was worried What matters is not whether the superior will give the task, but what task to give.The meaning of the telegram sent by the Second Army and the First Corps was very cryptic. There was a sentence in it telling the du li brigade to stand by. This shows that the superior may give the du li brigade some other tasks. If that is the case, it will be broken. , when the du li brigade completes other tasks and then goes to Yiwu, maybe the day lily will be really cold.

Li Yong's worries were not unreasonable. In the eyes of everyone in the du li brigade, our army was besieged by bandits in the Yiwu area with more than 200 people. This is already a great event.The troops should go to the rescue immediately, but from the perspective of the superiors, it is really not a big deal to be surrounded by two and a half rows of hundreds of people. When the Northwest Military Region is about to make a big move against the bandits, it is very likely that Du The Li brigade participated in the siege of the main force of the Usman gang.In this way, the du li brigade will be at a loss.

Everything has to focus on the big picture.All must start from the overall situation of Xin Jiang.Even if the order from the superior is to make the du li brigade give up the rescue and fully participate in the siege of Usman, it must be resolutely implemented. But what makes people happy is that the order from the superior is to make the du li brigade quickly rescue Yiwu. worries are gone.

What everyone in the du li brigade doesn't know is.Before the order was issued, the Second Army, the First Corps, and even the Northwest Military Region had considered this matter. It was not without the idea of ​​slowing down the rescue of Yiwu and besieging the bandit brigade with all its strength. The main force of the Usman gang has 10,000+ people.Although it is a mob, it is indeed a large number of people. It takes a lot of effort to completely eliminate them. The du li brigade is an important force to suppress bandits in the military region's plan. The chief valued it, and later heard that there were more than 6000 bandits besieging Yiwu, and when there were mutiny Seventh Cavalry Division, the superior's plan changed again.

There are more than 6000 mobs, and there is a mutinous cavalry division in the middle. This is already a very powerful bandit, and the mutiny of the troops has a very bad effect. If these bandits and the Usman gang are combined, the strength of the bandits will be greatly reduced. It will be more powerful, and it will be more difficult to destroy. The superiors think that, in this case, it is better to let the du li brigade let it go, and wipe out these thousands of bandits while rescuing the Yiwu army, which is tantamount to cutting down In particular, the bandit leader who besieged Yiwu was Usman's daughter Yilier. This is a well-known bandit who is very influential among the bandits. The chiefs all know that, du The li brigade is a very good fighting unit, if they can capture or kill Yilier, it will be perfect, and it will be a serious blow to the morale of the bandits.

This is the idea that the entire Northwest Military Region let the Du Li brigade go to rescue the Yiwu defenders when they were about to launch a large-scale operation against the Usman gang.

However, this is all behind the scenes. As a front-line combat force, the du li brigade does not know it. From the moment it received the order from its superiors, the whole army of the du li brigade was dispatched. The order of brigade commander Li Yong was very simple , There is only one sentence, and the whole army marches forward to attack the Yiwu area.

The military order fell like a mountain, and with one order, the duli brigade dispatched all the heavy equipment, tanks, heavy artillery, armored vehicles, and a large number of anti-aircraft machine guns. There was also news that Commander Lesken and Political Commissar Chen (formerly Deputy Commander Chen of the Second Army) sent a cavalry battalion to the du li brigade, saying that they wanted to cooperate with the du li brigade, led by a battalion commander and A few days ago, Ma Hemuti, who was a teacher to the soldiers at the brigade headquarters of the Du Li Brigade.

Originally, according to the opinions of Commander Lesken and Political Commissar Chen, they wanted to pull out the entire Fifth Army and go to the Yiwu area with the du li brigade to eliminate banditry. After the army makes a relatively large military exploit, it can also be seen by the brother troops and the leaders. Our fifth army is not only a late army, but it is also the main force, but their suggestion was firmly rejected by the superior.

Just kidding, the Fifth Army also wants to go?That's something that can't be done firmly, one du li brigade is enough to go to Yiwu to suppress the bandits, the Fifth Army is very useful, as for what it is useful for, the superiors didn't say, hehe, you don't need to inquire.

The superiors did not allow the five armies to act without authorization. There was no other way. Commander Lesken and Political Commissar Chen had no choice but to send a battalion to cooperate with the du li brigade. .

Ma and Muti yelled from a long distance: "Hey, brigade commander and political commissar, I'm back again. The army commander and political commissar asked us to cooperate with you. How about it? I'm not late."

Ma Hemuti was very familiar with the people in the brigade, so Li Yong pulled him over: "Oh, you came too timely, how many people are here?"

"Report to the brigade commander, report to the political commissar, we came to a battalion and my platoon with more than 40 people, a total of more than 500 people, all of them were dragged here."

Ma Hemuti is a platoon leader of the Fifth Army. Because he is very familiar with the people in the Du Li brigade headquarters, Commander Lesken and Political Commissar Chen also took this issue into consideration when they sent troops over. In order to communicate with the army, Ma and Muti were specially sent here, and he was asked to bring their entire platoon there.

"It's great that the old chief misses us." Li Yong muttered in front of Wang Chengde.

This is like the rain in time, the combat effectiveness of the du li brigade is not to mention, it is no problem to deal with thousands of bandits, but their ability to communicate with the masses is not as good as the soldiers of the fifth army.

The soldiers of the Fifth Army are all locals. Not only are they more familiar with the local customs, but also the terrain than the du li brigade. With them, at least they will not go wrong. In addition, there is no need to find an interpreter when capturing prisoners for interrogation , the du li brigade learned a little bit of local language before the troops entered Xinjiang, which is fine for simple conversation, but once it involves specific military issues, they will be blinded. Therefore, a cavalry battalion from the fifth army is simply a solution That's a big problem, for example, Ma Hemuti, he is proficient in local minority languages ​​and Chinese, which is good news.

Looking at the troops of the du li brigade setting off, Ma Hemuti asked anxiously: "Brigade Commander, what am I doing? Hurry up and send me some missions. I'm going to show off to Sanniu and Xiaocheng in this battle, hehe , My platoon is a combat unit, better than their repairmen and engineers."

When Ma and Muti were in the brigade, they often got together with Sanniu and Xiaocheng. Several young people who were about the same age chatted very well and often bragged together. Xiaocheng and Sanniu often talked to Ma and Muti. Let’s talk about the glorious deeds of the du li brigade before. Of course, there are some elements of showing off in it, but no matter what, the major battles on the Northwest battlefield that Xiaocheng and Sanniu talked about made Ma and Mu very happy. Envy, but envy is envy, Ma and Muti always want to compete with Xiaocheng and Sanniu, because the soldiers led by Sanniu and Xiaocheng are repair and engineering units directly under the brigade headquarters. This guy Muti looked down upon somewhat.

Ma Hemuti is a platoon leader who is very capable of fighting in the Fifth Army, and he is also a well-known combat hero. Otherwise, Commander Lesken would not have sent this kid to the brigade headquarters of the du li brigade to be a teacher , this time catching up with him leading troops to fight side by side with Du Li Brigade, of course he has the idea of ​​a competition.

Li Yong understood what Ma Hemu Ti was thinking, since he wanted to fight, it was a good thing, but what would this boy do?

Brigadier Li Da thought about it, there are more than 40 people in Ma Hemuti's platoon, and they are all good young men from the Xin Jiang minority. Now is the time when they are needed, and it will not be effective to put them in the brigade headquarters Thinking of this, Li Yong said with a smile: "It's not easy to get a mission. Go to Zhang Jinsong, the battalion commander of the reconnaissance battalion. He will arrange the specific mission."

This is to assign a platoon of Ma Hemuti to Zhang Jinsong's reconnaissance battalion. Li Yong did this with consideration. The du li brigade dispatched a large force of tens of thousands of people, and the marching route was entirely led by the soldiers of the reconnaissance battalion. , although the scouts are all elites in the army, local fighters like Ma and Muti must be familiar with the local area. Transferring a platoon from the Fifth Army to the scout battalion is also a good way to make use of their strengths , the two forces cooperate with each other, so it is perfect. (To be continued.)

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