The beacon of youth

Chapter 620 Deadly Mobility

() The story is divided into two parts. After the death of Deputy Division Commander Luo Shaowei, the First Corps of the People's Liberation Army and the Xinjiang Military Region established a bandit suppression headquarters, with Commander Wang Zhen, Deputy Commander Sai Fuding, and Chief of Staff Zhang Xiqin.

Immediately afterwards, the northern Xinjiang frontline headquarters was established in the northern Xinjiang area where banditry was the most rampant. The former enemy commander was Luo Yuanfa, the commander of the Sixth Army.

Then, with the Sixth Army of the People's Liberation Army as the main force, some troops of the Second Army, the Fifth Army, and the Ninth Army were mobilized to form a bandit suppression army. According to the combat deployment, the eastern and western battlefields were divided into the northern Xinjiang area, and the bandits were attacked at the same time. .

During this period, Zhu De, the commander-in-chief of the People's Liberation Army, sent a telegram to General Wang Zhen:

There are few adults in Xinjiang, and bandits are prone to childbirth and hard to eliminate. In addition to developing production and improving people's lives, they also need to control transportation, and use a large number of tanks and armored vehicles that come every day, so that bandits are afraid and dare not run rampant.

At about the same time as the du li brigade rescued Yiwu, the People's Liberation Army's large-scale offensive began. The mobilized troops rushed from all directions to the northern Xinjiang area, but the start was not smooth. ..

The bandit suppression troops are mainly infantry, with only a small amount of cavalry and armored soldiers, while the bandits are all cavalry. The two troops are different in mobility. Although the bandit suppression troops are fighting hard, since the infantry cannot catch up with the horseshoes of the cavalry, So repeatedly failed to seize the opportunity.

In his telegram to Commander Wang, Boss Zhu also mentioned that a large number of tanks and armored troops should be used to improve the mobility of the troops, but a clever woman cannot cook without rice. It is still the poorest in the army, not to mention the armored troops, even the cavalry is very few, and equipment has become an important factor restricting the combat effectiveness of the troops.

People's Liberation Army soldiers with a low level of education used to set cars on fire after they seized them, because no one would tinker with these things with wheels.I didn't know it was a good thing until recently, but it was too late, and the burned car became a pile of scrap metal.

The soldiers regret it. When they fought guerrillas in the big valleys, they felt that these iron guys were useless. Those who went around and around were not as fast as their own two feet. Only when they arrived on the Great Plains did they realize that cars are very useful. They can not only transport Soldiers can also transport a large amount of logistics materials. Someone once calculated that the transportation capacity of one car is equivalent to dozens of donkey carts. It would be impossible without them.

The bandit leader Wu Siman threatened 10,000+ bandits to do evil everywhere.But these 10,000+ bandits did not gather together, but dispersed into several stocks of different sizes. Sometimes there were only a few hundred people who robbed houses, and when there were many times, thousands of people could work together to make chaos together. There were countless stocks of large and small bandits. Xin Jiang made chaos.

Features for bandits.The People's Liberation Army troops for suppressing bandits also divided the troops into several branches, with the first regiment level as the backbone.Catch around.But after a period of time passed, the results of the bandit suppression troops were not great.

Xin Jiang is different from the mainland. In the past, when the Eighth Route Army and the People's Liberation Army fought against their opponents, they marched to conquer the world with their feet.This method will not work in plain areas.

The vast Xinjiang area has a vast area, and the bandits have a lot of room to maneuver, which is very suitable for cavalry operations. It is on the Gobi grassland and desert in Yimapingchuan.The line of sight can be seen far away, and the bandit suppression troops are often spotted by the bandits as soon as they show up. However, the bandits can use various methods to deal with them by virtue of their strong mobility. The PLA's bandit suppression troops will rush up and fight If there are too many people, run away. The People's Liberation Army can't catch up anyway. I can do whatever I like. Therefore, the arrogance of the bandits is extremely arrogant.

After several battles, the soldiers were so angry that they were about to die. What kind of battle was this called? The bandits were just a few miles away, but they couldn't catch up. Dazzling movements to tease the bandit suppression troops of the People's Liberation Army, as if to say, I am here, what can you do to me?

The troops of the People's Liberation Army entering Xinjiang are old troops that have been battle-tested. There is no doubt about their combat effectiveness.

What is important in war is to control the initiative on the battlefield. Now it is good, the initiative is in the hands of the bandits, they can fight when they want, and leave when they don't want to, just like the old Northwest Field Army used to deal with Hu Zongnan's central yang army. It is a guerrilla tactic. For a period of time, the fight against bandits has been suffocated and angry.

Therefore, improving the maneuverability of the troops in the fastest time has become the most prominent problem in the battle against bandits. The corps and the field army knew the difficulties of the front-line troops, so they found a way to equip the troops with a large number of horses so that the infantry could be replaced with cavalry.

At this time, it was clear that the captured war horses were useful, and agencies at all levels were mobilizing with all their strength to send the remaining horses to the frontline troops who needed them most. The cadres of the rear agencies handed over the horses, and even the cavalry correspondent All the horses were handed over to the combat troops, and the cavalry correspondents were almost becoming infantry correspondents, but even with such a full mobilization, the gap in the horses was still too large, and it was impossible to change all the troops into cavalry. If you say you can change it, you can change it. Soldiers who are used to fighting on foot still need to learn how to ride a horse, and riding a horse can't be learned in a day or two.

The former commander-in-chief Luo Yuanfa had no choice but to equip a small number of troops with limited horses, and changed several infantry regiments that had a certain foundation for using horses into cavalry regiments.

With several cavalry regiments, Commander Luo Yuanfa's tactics have also changed to a certain extent. Although our cavalry is not capable, it is still possible to entangle the bandits, as long as these fast cavalry regiments can entangle the bandits , Once the follow-up large troops surrounded them, the bandits would be finished.

There were horses, and the method was good, but then new difficulties appeared, and one of the regiment's bandit suppression troops almost caused a big problem.

The soldiers of this regiment are all Han soldiers who have just entered Xinjiang, and the horses have just been distributed. The soldiers' kung fu on horseback is limited to being able to ride, and they are not familiar with the geographical location and climate environment. More than ten consecutive days have passed Did not encounter a single bandit.

A regiment of people said they were going to suppress the bandits. After more than ten days, not a single bandit was killed. The task assigned to them by the army commander Luo Yuanfa was to eliminate a few bandits immediately, and entangle them when they encountered a bandit group. , and then waited for the big troops to come up to encircle and suppress them, but the soldiers spent a lot of effort and ran a lot of wrong roads, and they didn't see a single bandit. In this way, even the regiment leader and the soldiers were anxious enough, and their heads were about to smoke , Damn, where did the bandits go.

The troops of the People's Liberation Army that were killed in the flames of war have a strong sense of honor, and they are afraid of falling behind others in battle. In a hurry, the regiment leader only brought a map and a compass to pull the whole regiment Into the hinterland of the great desert.

The great desert is a very scary place, no worse than plains and oases. The environment in the desert is harsh, and the climate can change as soon as it changes. If you can’t find a place to replenish drinking water, let alone suppress bandits, you can come out alive. It was not easy, but the soldiers of this regiment rushed in confused.

Both the regiment leader and the soldiers thought it was nothing, as long as there were maps, who could know every place where wars were fought, could wars be fought by looking at maps?

Old experience does not work in the great desert. First of all, the accuracy of the maps used by the soldiers is doubtful. In addition, the terrain in the desert is constantly changing. Under the action of wind and sand, some landmarks The sand dunes are shifting every year, and the map drawn in the first year may be different from the original topography in the second year. Without a guide, it is very dangerous to run blindly.

At dusk that day, the troops were camping, and the cooking squad set up a big pot to cook. The soldiers whose buttocks were about to be split in half were screaming and cursing together.

They are all traditional old infantry units, and they became cavalry after a night of sleep. The superiors gave everyone a horse. According to the original old army, this is already a very extravagant thing. It is extravagant enough, but the riding skills of the soldiers cannot be practiced in a day or two. The whole regiment of horses adheres to the old tradition of not being afraid of hardship and not afraid of death, practicing horseback riding with all their strength. Sitting still, but it's just running without falling off the horse. It's still far from being able to ride a war horse proficiently.

The meal was ready, but before we could take a few bites, the reconnaissance company came to report that there was a black shadow moving on the sand dunes not far to the southeast, probably bandits.

Now that there is banditry, they immediately attack, and when the assembly whistle is blown, the soldiers mount their horses rubbing their numb buttocks, and pounce on the bandits with all their strength.

The soldiers are in a hurry, they finally saw such a group of bandits, no matter what they say, they can't let them run away, the tents used for camping are no longer needed, and some soldiers even throw away their coats, in order to catch this group of bandits as soon as possible .

The scouts saw it right. It was a group of gangsters under Usman, the leader of the bandit, wriggling on the sand dunes, led by Usman's nephew Habuli Bari.

Habuli Bari is also a well-known bandit under Usman's subordinates. He is proficient in riding skills and brave and good at fighting. He is one of the leaders of the younger generation in Usman's armed forces, second only to Usman's daughter Yilier and son Sheldman.

The characteristic of a family-style armed force is to put all the elite power in the hands of someone you can trust. As Usman's nephew, Habulibali meets all the conditions for leading troops.

Hablibari, who was like a wild wolf, saw the People's Liberation Army's advance and suppression troops from a long distance away. This guy calmly commanded the troops to shoot on the sand dunes, regardless of whether he could hit the People's Liberation Army or not, he shot on horseback.

The bandits are basically equipped with rifles. Hundreds of bandits with hundreds of rifles shot at the troops of the People's Liberation Army indiscriminately, regardless of whether they entered the effective range of the rifles, and beat them indiscriminately.

Thank you brothers for your support, thank you for your votes. (To be continued. Mobile phone users, please go to read.)

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