The beacon of youth

Chapter 621 The Price of Recklessness

() A group of bandit suppression troops, after more than ten days of hard work, finally saw the shadow of a bandit in the desert. The soldiers were so happy that they mounted their horses and chased after them, charging against the bandit's bullets.

What the soldiers discovered was a group of armed bandits led by the nephew of the bandit leader Usman, Habuli Bari, and there were probably several hundred people.

Hundreds of bandits are not a big force. The PLA's pursuit force is a whole regiment, and there should be no problem in eliminating them. In addition, the bandits' weapons are only simple rifles, not even a decent light machine gun. No, none of the soldiers thought that the battle would be difficult, and it was a natural thing to take down these hundreds of bandits.

Finally, I have achieved some results. When I go back, I can brag with the chief and my comrades. It is not in vain to run around in the big sand dunes. The soldiers are very excited and chase after them on horseback.

Habulibali is a well-known gangster in the Usman gang. He has rich combat experience in the desert dunes of the Great Gobi. This guy didn't panic when he saw the bandit suppression troops of the People's Liberation Army. The rifle shot at the PLA soldiers rushing over. . .

Crackling, bullets flying randomly, Habulibari himself picked up a rifle, kept pushing and loading it, and then shot at the PLA cavalry.

The speed of the cavalry's charge was very fast, while the shooting speed of the bandits' rifles was slow. The firepower of Habri Bari posed a limited threat to the PLA's advance and suppression troops.

But no matter how limited the firepower of the bandits is, the weapons in the bandits' hands can kill people. Under the continuous shooting of the bandits, the attacking PLA troops still suffered casualties, and soldiers and horses were constantly shot down.

The troops were furious. So far, the troops of this regiment have not caught a single bandit, and they themselves suffered casualties first. Such a thing is simply intolerable.The soldiers swept past overwhelmingly, no longer caring how many blood bubbles had been worn out on their buttocks.

But the efforts of the soldiers still failed to achieve results. Hundreds of bandits shot indiscriminately and retreated with a whistle after causing certain casualties to the troops of the People's Liberation Army. Catch us? It's not that easy."

The bandits ran away, and ran away after causing certain casualties to the advancing and suppressing troops. The soldiers were furious and chased after the bandits' horses.

The bandits in Xinjiang grew up on horseback and are proficient in riding.Far from being able to compare with the soldiers of the raiding and suppressing troops who had just been allotted war horses, the rider and the war horses must cooperate with each other for long-distance riding.If you don't cooperate well, it's not only laborious.Even speed is affected.The soldier watched as the bandits who were not too far away from him ran faster and faster, and then slowly disappeared without a trace.

It doesn't work to be angry, or lose your temper, but you can't catch up. Immediate skills can't be practiced in a day and a half, so the soldiers had to stop.Walking back along the original road, it was already dark at this time, the sky was dark, and the soldiers were all focused on running when they were chasing the bandits.I can still remember the way I came here.

The trouble was serious, not only did the bandits fail to chase, but they couldn't even find the way they came.

If you can't find the way, you can't find the place where you camped just now, and you can't find tents and items to keep out the cold. You can only go back in the general direction.

Half an hour passed, and an hour passed. After passing a sand dune, another sand dune appeared in front of me. The endless sand dunes seemed to never end. It was completely dark, and the campsite when we came was still dim There is no trace, everyone understands that this is because they are confused in the desert, and they may get lost even more if they run again. The soldiers have no choice but to find a leeward place and camp where they are. All problems will be discussed at dawn the next day.

They didn't eat any food, ate some dry food, drank a few sips of water, and the troops fell asleep in the sand nest.

The soldiers were exhausted, they were sweating profusely while chasing the bandits, and their joints were almost torn apart by their unfamiliar riding skills, and they started snoring not long after lying down.

The climate in the desert is different from that of the outside world. Not to mention the huge temperature difference between day and night, it changes from time to time. It is as hot as a stove at noon, and it can freeze people awake in the middle of the night.

The army is full of young men in their 20s. They sleep well after a day of exhaustion. They didn’t notice the temperature change in time. When they woke up the next day, the soldiers were shocked. It snowed in the desert all night. People's bodies are covered with a thick layer.

The temperature was very low, and the body was about to freeze. The soldiers who woke up felt that they could not move their arms and legs. Many soldiers were frostbitten, and some ears were frozen.

This is by no means nonsense. Human ears are located at the nerve endings and are supplied by capillaries. They are easily frostbitten when encountering cold. The sweat on the first day aggravates the degree of frostbite. After the clothes are soaked in sweat, the effect of keeping out the cold is great. Very bad, the troops who don't know how to survive in the desert paid the price for their recklessness, and the lesson is extremely profound.

It's scary enough to think about it. If bandits attack in the middle of the night, how can the frostbitten regiment resist? By then, let alone destroying the bandits, even yourself may be involved.

Relying on tenacious perseverance, they finally walked out of the desert, but the troops of this regiment had lost their combat effectiveness.

A whole regiment, not only failed to eliminate the bandits during the pursuit and suppression operation for nearly a month, but a large number of soldiers were frostbitten in the desert, and then they were dragged to the rear to rest in disgrace, from the regiment leader to the soldiers, They all feel extremely ashamed, but there is no way, the Great Desert has its own behavior, and if you don't understand it, you will pay the price. The news was reported to the front finger and the rear headquarters in time.

Dihua, PLA First Corps Headquarters

Commander Wang is frowning as he reads the situation report. The bandit suppression operation has been going on for almost a month, but the results are not satisfactory. Judging from the situation gathered by multiple troops, the bandits are playing cats and dogs with the PLA's pursuit and suppression troops. In a game with mice, the bandits couldn't beat the PLA, but the PLA's bandit suppression troops couldn't catch up with the bandits, and the two sides went back and forth on the vast land.

Not being able to catch up with the bandits has become the most urgent problem for the current bandit suppression forces. What should we do?If the difficulties of the troops are not resolved, morale will also be affected.

Commander Wang, who had meditated for a while in the headquarters, said to the several chiefs: "Do you see if this works? First, order the troops to use all their time to practice horseback skills. Be sure to learn the skills. Second, ask the rear For support, it is best to mobilize a group of vehicles and tanks. Third, inform the whole army of the news that the du li brigade wiped out the bandits in Yiwu, so as to improve the morale of the troops."

Several chiefs agreed, and one of them added: "Hu Zi, why did you forget your old subordinates? Let Lesken and Old Chen of the Fifth Army think of a way. It is said that when the du li brigade went to Yiwu, the five The army sent a cavalry battalion to accompany it, and it performed very well."

One sentence reminded the dreamer, Commander Wang patted his forehead: "Oh, my friend, why did I forget these two guys, they are real local snakes, how can we suppress bandits without them, order The fifth army, mobilize elite forces to cooperate with large forces to suppress bandits, the sooner the better."

When the du li brigade went to Yiwu to rescue Hu Qingshan and the others, Commander Lesken of the Fifth Army and Political Commissar Chen wanted to join the operation together in order to get some credit for the newly assigned troops, but the request was rejected by the superiors , the reason is that their five armies are still of great use and cannot be easily mobilized.

According to the feedback from various sources, the troops accompanied by local soldiers from the Five Armies are progressing relatively smoothly, while the troops without local soldiers are in a mess, and it is common for troops to get lost.

With an order from the Bandit Suppression Headquarters, the soldiers of the Fifth Army were divided into countless tactical squads, and then dispatched to all levels of bandit suppression troops. Du Li Brigade was no exception, but they themselves had a cavalry battalion of the Fifth Army A platoon with Ma Hemuti, there is no need to deploy additional troops.

At the same time, Yiwu's battle situation was also forwarded by troops at all levels, and the entire corps became a sensation. Everyone knew that the du li brigade, which was usually buffed with leather, made another contribution, and it was still a great contribution.

More than 6000 bandits were wiped out, and Usman's daughter Yilier was also captured alive. Of course, it was a great event. Several families were happy and others were sad. But the base camp of the bandit leader Usman was in a gloomy state.

This is a remote grassland pasture. Due to its remote location, there are few people there. Usually, only herdsmen are active in this area during the grazing season every year. At other times, only groups of wild wolves are active here. .

Recently, this area has gradually become lively. From time to time, there are figures swaying in the dry weeds. Dust-colored yurts are connected one after another, and there are some grass-green military tents in the middle. From all signs, it shows that this It is a camping area different from ordinary herdsmen.

The scale of the yurt is very large, and it is conservatively estimated that it can accommodate 8000 to [-] people. It turns out that the bandit base camp that the People's Liberation Army's bandit suppression troops have been looking for is stationed in this ranch.

In one of the biggest yurts in the middle, a guy with a swollen face was yelling at a group of people: "Listen, you all, Yilier is my daughter, even though he is a woman, he is also a hero on our prairie , I'm going to save him, to save her from the Communists, damn Abdullah, he let my daughter fall into the hands of the devil."

It was the biggest bandit leader in Xin Jiang, Usman who was appointed by Chiang Kai-shek as the commander-in-chief of the Communist Party's appeasement, who was yelling. (To be continued. Mobile phone users, please go to read.)

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