The beacon of youth

Chapter 629 The Distressed Chief of Staff

() Several small jeeps drove over accompanied by more than a dozen large trucks with heavily armed soldiers on board.

At about the same time when the commanders at all levels came to the front to refer to the meeting, Commander Wang of the Corps was also accompanied by Chief of Staff Chen Haihan to the Southern Xinjiang Frontline Command. Commander Wang said to Chen Haihan as he walked:

"As a chief of staff, you have nothing to do. What are you doing with me? Send a few people to show me the way, and it's over. As for making such a big commotion? It's the Jingwei company and the reconnaissance company. We These people are not recruits, what are you afraid of?"

"Commander, am I just in case?"

"Nonsense, where are there so many contingencies? I also know what your kid wants to say. Isn't it Luo Shaowei's fault? You are afraid that I will encounter bandits halfway. Let me tell you, I brought a guard company , The Czech style alone has resisted nine, and also carried up two ninety-two styles, even if they encounter bandits, they can't get cheap."

Chen Haihan didn't make any excuses, the commander can say anything, anyway, I have to bring someone to pick him up. . .

Those who came to the meeting were at least commanders above the regiment, and a large room was full. Commander Wang saw that, good guy, there were representatives from the First Army, Second Army, Fifth Army, and Ninth Army. Of course, the most Still as the main commander of the Sixth Army at all levels.

Seeing the commander coming, everyone came over to say hello one after another, and some who were particularly familiar even asked casually, if there was any important matter, the commander had to be present in person.

Commander Wang made a fool of himself: "Of course there is something important. Let me tell you guys that our corps has its own intelligence system. As for what matters, we will discuss it later at the meeting."

A large map was hung on the wall, which was convenient for everyone to see. The chief of staff, Chen Haihan, was holding a small tree strip that had been peeled by the guards.Pointing at several locations on the big map, he is explaining something vigorously:

"Comrades, the bandits have been missing for several days without any reason. We have never been able to understand the bandits' intentions. Now, after the efforts of our reconnaissance troops and our careful analysis, the army commander and I believe that the bandits are carrying out A big plan, this plan is to concentrate all their strength. Attack our second army du li brigade stationed in Yiwu."

Discussions immediately rang out in the conference room. The situation analyzed by Chief of Staff Chen Haihan made everyone a little unbelievable. For a long time, the bandits in Xin Jiang have tried to avoid contact with our army's large troops, and they have used small groups Multi-lane hit-and-run tactics.Mainly harassment, and I have never heard of anything that dared to make a decision on a main brigade.

A commander stood up and asked: "Comrade Chief of Staff. Is the news accurate?"

"Exactly. All the information we have obtained proves that the bandits who disappeared in multiple ways were finally found in the area around Yiwu. Unfortunately, we can't find them yet."

"Since this is the case, what are we waiting for, let's go quickly."

Most of the commanders who participated in the meeting became excited.Isn't it true that the bandits have never been caught, even if they saw a shadow, they ran away, this time there is a chance.Then hurry up, catch them all, and then destroy them.

Chief of Staff Chen Haihan smiled wryly: "Comrades, I also know the importance of catching up on time, but how to start, we have few cars and few horses, tens of thousands of people are marching on foot, fighting with bandits in the Gobi desert the speed of a horse's hooves?"

Commander Luo Yuanfa added: "Let me also say a few words, in addition to personnel, we also have a lot of heavy weapons and equipment, which are not suitable for marching in the desert. Our Sixth Army once used a platoon An example of a soldier pushing a cannon, comrades, a platoon of soldiers is almost exhausted in order to push a cannon in the desert, how can they chase bandits if this continues.”

The venue fell silent. The example mentioned by Commander Luo Yuanfa has actually been encountered by them. Since entering Xinjiang, the old troops have encountered new problems. They used to go around in circles with the enemy in the Dashangou, and they have never felt that marching with two feet is useful. It’s inconvenient, but it’s not working now. There is no modern means of transportation. Comparing the speed with bandits in the Gobi Desert is indeed a very troublesome problem. The meeting room is a bit cold, because so far, no to the solution.

Commander Wang coughed: "I told everyone, don't be so dejected. Isn't it because you can't run away from the bandits? It's not like you lost the battle."

Everyone's eyes lit up, that's right, isn't Commander Wang holding a meeting with them? If they can't do anything, it doesn't mean that the Commander can't do anything. Let's listen to what Commander Wang has to say.

Seeing that everyone was looking at him, Commander Wang said with a smile: "Haha, everyone, don't pin your hopes on me as a commander, I can't find too many cars and horses, but I am better than you guys." Be mentally alert and won't get angry because you can't outrun the bandits."

Besides Commander Wang, the highest-ranking commander of the Sixth Army is Luo Yuanfa. It is more appropriate for him to ask questions at this time: "Commander, if you have any suggestions, please tell us."

"There is a suggestion, but I am not commanding the battle on your behalf. The specific battle deployment is still dispatched by you, the former commander-in-chief of the enemy. I will check it out for you later. Comrades, don't be discouraged. Don't look at us. We can’t run away from the bandits now, this is only temporary, our rear will send us a large number of cars and horses soon.”

When talking about this, Commander Wang changed the subject: "But these are all things in the future. At present, we still have to rely on our feet to fight against the bandits. I want to remind everyone of one thing. Have you forgotten the bandits?" What kind of army do you want to deal with? Can these ragtag bandits eat this army?"

That's right, I forgot about this quarrel in a hurry, and I wanted to set off quickly, but I ignored them. In the old Northwest Field Army, anyone who didn't know the du li brigade of the Second Army would be a fool. There is such a tyrannical army The troops are sitting in town, and the bandits still want to take advantage?Fuck his nainai, don't even think about it.

Commander Wang's voice sounded again: "Comrades, with our du li brigade here, everyone is more at ease. The bandits have at least concentrated more than 10 horses, and their strength is almost ten times that of our Du Li brigade. Almost all the rebel bandits in the entire Xin Jiang are concentrated in that area, including the bandit leaders Usman and Yao Lebosi .”

Another man who looked like a cadre stood up: "Commander, the bandits are bullying us slowly. They want to swallow the du li brigade in one gulp, and then run away after fighting. By the time our large troops arrive, they will have already It's gone."

The collective wisdom is infinite. After such an analysis at the meeting, although I did not personally participate in the planning of the bandits, it is almost the same as the actual situation.

Commander Wang nodded: "That's right, that's what the bandits are planning. They want to use their fast maneuverability to hide around Yiwu, and withdraw after fighting. When we find out, it's too late to rescue him." , because our main force is all infantry, and the bandits also know this situation."

Is there any good way to deal with the fast-running bandits?Of course there is a way. The most critical question here is whether the du li brigade can hold on, and how long it can last. As long as the du li brigade can entangle the bandits and gain maneuvering time for the large troops, the battle will definitely win .

Commander Wang gave everyone a reassurance: "Comrades, I am very familiar with the du li brigade. I know their fighting style and every soldier of them. I have great confidence in them. The bandits want to take them away." Eating it is simply wishful thinking, our most urgent task now is to formulate the most secure battle plan, the enemy changes and we also change, carry out a large and deep penetration, and wipe out the bandits in the Yiwu area."

These people who came to the meeting thought, isn't it? The du li brigade is a unit led by Commander Wang, and he must know this unit very well.

The pre-war meeting chaired by Chief of Staff Chen Haihan quickly formulated a battle plan:

One, send a report to the du li brigade and inform them of the enemy's situation.

Second, order the du li brigade to deal with the bandits around Yiwu as much as possible, hold them back, and buy time for the large troops.

Third, all the troops belonging to the front line in southern Xinjiang must use the fastest speed and the shortest time to maneuver around Yiwu. Don't be afraid of hard work or fatigue.

Fourth, carry out a large-scale and deep interspersed encirclement, strive to enclose all the concentrated bandits in the encirclement circle at one time, and then wipe them out.

The order was sent out tick-tock in the form of radio waves, and soon, the du li brigade stationed in Yiwu received the order from the former commander of the field army. in front of.

"Old Wang, it's interesting. The bandits have a lot of appetite. Since our brigade became an army, I haven't heard of anyone who dares to use our crooked brains to eat us? Isn't this courting death?" Brigadier Li Yong threw the telegram on the table.

"There's nothing to dare to think about. We ate up a Seventh Cavalry Division and captured the eldest lady. This enmity has become bigger. It is understandable to want revenge. In addition, we fought too much in the last battle. Seriously, there are basically not a few of the more than 6000 bandits left, and there are only seven captives, just seven, those who have never fought against us don’t know the combat effectiveness of our du li brigade, why don’t you let others think about it.”

Political commissar Wang Chengde gave Li Yong an explanation, and when he talked about the captives, he deliberately emphasized his tone. Wang Chengde was reminding Li Yong, don't you think I don't know, I know everything, but I just don't want to expose you.Recommended tickets (to be continued...)

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