The beacon of youth

Chapter 630 Use your brain to find a way

Seeing that Wang Chengde, the political commissar, had a bad eye when he mentioned the captives, Brigadier Li coughed a few times in a fake manner, and then quickly changed the subject: "Ahem, ha, that's true, I said, old Wang, the commander's telegram is also Come here, tell me how we should fight this battle."

Wang Chengde, the political commissar, revealed the article about the prisoners, and said in the words of Li Yong: "Dayong, the bandits also have their strengths. We cannot underestimate the enemy. The commander's telegram made it very clear that the bandits gathered more than 10 people around us." The power of people, but we didn't even find a single person, let alone a human, and we didn't even see a horse, which shows a problem, the early preparations of the bandits were very successful."

Li Yong agreed with Wang Chengde's opinion. Indeed, Xinjiang's vast territory, harsh natural environment, coupled with sparse population, as well as ethnic and religious issues, all provided convenient conditions for the bandits. Coupled with the speed of the cavalry, from a tactical perspective, The tactical massing and preparation of the bandits was successful.

But what about success?Want to make an idea of ​​our independent brigade?snort.

"Order the troops to end all training immediately. Those who go out to help the villagers with spring plowing and production must withdraw as soon as possible. Order the second, third, fourth, and fifth battalions to deploy defenses along the surrounding area of ​​Yiwu County. Old Wang, is our headquarters right? We have to change places."

Li Yong, the brigade commander, used four infantry battalions to defend the east, west, north, and south perimeters of Yiwu County. The rest of the equipment and personnel were withdrawn, including the heavy howitzer battalion, tank battalion, and anti-aircraft machine gun battalion. It is also planned to move to the Beishan position.

In the infantry battalion, which is the most basic defense, Li Yong did not release the first battalion, because the first battalion suffered heavy casualties in the early battle, whether it was in the 40-odd days of siege, or later as the first attack echelon , the first battalion has made great efforts.Correspondingly, they also suffered more casualties than other battalions, and it would be beneficial to give them a period of rest.

The Beishan position has a very wide view. The two squads of the first battalion once stayed on the mountain for more than a month. There are all kinds of dug trenches, circular fortifications, and individual bunkers. Xiaocheng’s engineering company is a very good place to clean up. It is a frontline observation post, and it is very suitable as a brigade headquarters.

Another point to consider is that the bandits do not have heavy artillery.If the firepower can't reach here, there is no problem in terms of safety. Although you can't be afraid of death in a war, it is not a good thing to let the enemy knock down the command post. At the same time.Gao Xiang's artillery battalion command post is also located here.

After receiving the order, more than 20 battalion commanders came to the meeting room of the Independent Brigade in Yiwu County, together with the brigade headquarters and county government personnel who attended.There were more than 30 people in the meeting.

The newly formed Yiwu County Government has already put up the airs.But it will take some time for it to become effective. The person who came to the meeting of the Independent Brigade was the county magistrate Zhang, whose arm was not yet sharp.

According to Li Yong and Hu Xiaolian, the head of the health department, they originally wanted Captain Zhang to go to the field hospital behind to recuperate, but the county magistrate Zhang refused to go because the Yiwu county government had just been established.There is a lot of waste waiting to be done, all kinds of work are endless, coupled with the shortage of personnel, everywhere is very tense.How can I, the county magistrate, leave my comrades halfway to go to the hospital, what can I do without an arm, and do the same work.

This is a man of iron, behind the thick glasses is the cold light of extreme hatred for the bandits. Li Yong respects his opinion and gives them as much help as he can.

The current independent brigade can really respond to that sentence, with strong troops and high morale. In addition to its own ten battalions, there is also a cavalry battalion and a platoon reinforced by the Fifth Army. A total of eleven battalions are concentrated in All together, infantry, cavalry, artillery, armor, all kinds of arms are available. If you want to fight such an army, you really don't know whether the bandits are brave or have a bad head.

When Wang Chengde, the political commissar, reported the enemy's situation to everyone, he would blow up the pot, what's wrong?The bandits still want to eat our whole brigade?Isn't he just kidding? I said why I haven't heard of any major actions by the bandits for a while. It turned out that the idea was on our heads.

"If there is anything to study, just do the same as the [-]th Cavalry Division that beat him last time. Let Gao Xiang's artillery battalion bombard first, then the tanks go up and charge, and our infantry will outflank it from both sides. Isn't it over? What are you using so much brains for?" The one who spoke was Ma Changsheng, the famous veteran in the Independent Brigade, and the worst-tempered Third Battalion Commander.

Ma Changsheng represented the views of some people, although they did not speak, their opinions were similar to those of Ma Changsheng.

Li Yong did not refute his opinion, but continued to ask: "And then, what should we do next?"

Ma Changsheng replied indifferently: "It will be easier in the future. The bandits will definitely not be able to withstand our rush. In less than two hours, we can beat the bandits to pieces."

Li Yong continued to ask: "What about the future, what will happen after the bandits are defeated?"

The second battalion commander Ma Quanyou, who was sitting next to Ma Changsheng, yelled at him: "You kid, wait for a while, and wait for the brigade commander and the political commissar to talk about it?"

Ma Changsheng chuckled: "Report to the brigade commander, I haven't figured out what to do next, I'll talk about it later."

There was laughter in the venue, and Li Yong knocked on the table and said: "This guy Changsheng has a certain truth in what he said. The bandits can't stand it if they continue to do so. Even if they have 10,000+ people, they have to be beaten down by us." , but I still want to ask everyone a question, these 10,000+ bandits are much more than the Seventh Cavalry Division, can our independent brigade eat it all at once? Let’s bombard the cannons and the tanks again, the bandits will be killed The guy was so scared that he disappeared without a trace. Comrades, the bandits are all cavalry. They run all over the mountains and plains. Where do we go to catch them? Can we catch them? It’s all problems. If you don’t think about these problems well, Just thinking about having fun, that's not called fighting, it's called joining in the fun."

After taking over Li Yong's words, political commissar Wang Chengde picked up the telegram and read it to everyone, emphasizing that there was one item in it, which was requested by the superiors to entangle the bandits as much as possible in order to gain time for the large troops to maneuver. What does this mean? The question shows that our main force does not want our brigade to drive away the bandits all at once, but wants to stick them in this area and wait for the big troops to come up and encircle them.

Dozens of people who came to the meeting felt that what Li Yong said was correct. Yes, there are 10,000+ bandits. Once they are defeated, they will loosen their cages like rabbits. It is too difficult to catch them all. As for the combat intention, that is, not to scare the bandits away, but also to let them see through the intention, it is not easy to handle.

The task is arduous, and the arduous here does not mean how much the Independent Brigade has to pay, but that they need to use their brains and use their brains to find a way.

This is also a helpless thing. Under the circumstances at that time, with the existing conditions, the troops of the People's Liberation Army entering Xinjiang did not have the ability to maneuver quickly. It would be very difficult to encircle and suppress bandits who were all cavalry in a wide range. Many grassroots commanders have reported that the bandits are ahead, but they can't catch up, even if they are so angry that they can't catch up.

The combat intention of Commander Wang of the Corps and Commander Luo Yuanfa, the former commander-in-chief of the enemy, is to find a way for the Independent Brigade to entangle the bandit brigade in the Yiwu area and wait for the main force to encircle the enemy. After discussions at the meeting, Li Yong announced Order:

[-]. The four infantry battalions defending around Yiwu County should strengthen their defenses and build fortifications, especially fortifications against cavalry, to prepare to repel the enemy's sudden attack.

Although I look down on bandits from the bottom of my heart, I still have to pay attention to the opponent tactically. I don’t want to fight unprepared battles. I must be prepared before the battle starts, especially the various field fortifications to defend the cavalry.

Second, use the first infantry battalion as a mobile force, ready to support the above four infantry battalions at any time.

There are 10,000+ bandits, and the equipment is not very good, but there are many more people than the independent brigade. The total strength of each infantry battalion in the independent brigade is more than 1000 people. The request of the brigade commander Li Yong is that each of their battalions must stand alone On the one hand, use the existing troops to resist the impact of the bandit brigade, and if there is a critical position, you can use the first battalion as a mobile force for reinforcements.

Three, artillery battalions, tank battalions, and machine gun battalions wait for orders while getting ready for battle.

These three battalions are the heavy firepower units of the independent brigade, and they are also the trump card of the brigade. They are the most effective weapons against the cavalry. However, in the initial stage of the battle, Li Yong did not want to take them all out, and kept some of them in his hand. The consideration of the hole card is also that one guy will scare the bandits away, so that the order to entangle the bandit brigade in the Yiwu area will not be fulfilled.

Fourth, the cavalry battalion and reconnaissance battalion intensified their activities around Yiwu, expanded the search area, and reported the situation in a timely manner.

Li Yong's request for the cavalry battalion and the reconnaissance battalion is that they can contact the bandits, but they must not love to fight. When encountering a bandit brigade, they must withdraw immediately. This is to prevent unnecessary casualties. The cavalry and reconnaissance units are not equipped with heavy equipment Weapons, it is foolish to fight with bandits who have an overwhelming force.

Fifth, the supply battalion is doing its best to do a good job in logistics support. To meet the needs of the front line, the supply battalion must deliver what is needed, and it is not allowed to hold back the frontline troops.

After the order is announced, some are happy and some are sad. Of course, those with combat missions are very happy, like the infantry battalions. The tank battalion and artillery battalion have made great achievements in the last battle, so it doesn't matter now. Gao Xiang, Jiang Tiexiong, and Li Yuming are very smart, don't look at the brigade commander who wants our tanks and artillery to stand by, it's just to fool the bandits, once the main force surrounds us, we can still do it, and then the credit will not escape, hehe hey-hey. (The old bus also needs to recommend tickets) (to be continued...)

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