The beacon of youth

Chapter 631 Respective Abacus

After the brigade commander Li Yong's order was announced, some were happy and some were worried, but Lao Sun, the battalion commander of the supply battalion, looked calm. Lao Sun thought, are we doing logistics? Of course it is better to do logistics well. It's meaningless to compete with combat troops. It's not like these. What is the comparison?Lao Sun thought about it in his heart, let's see who has more people, one of my supply battalions has more people than your two battalions, what does this mean?It means that my old grandson can stand up to two battalion commanders alone.

This is a bit similar to Ah Q's idea, self-comforting, but it works, at least I don't feel anxious to get angry.

Smoking his own dry tobacco pot, Lao Sun is very happy and feels very comfortable.

Lao Sun thought so, but the trainer He Cuihua didn't think so, so He Cuihua thought about it, our camp has a lot of people, a large camp of 3000 to [-] people can completely mobilize seven or eight hundred combat soldiers, each of whom is assigned a A submachine gun, the combat effectiveness is no worse than that of an ordinary infantry battalion, why not use it with such good conditions?

The deputy battalion commander Lao Yang had the same idea as him. After the Yiwu siege battle was over, the squad leader Lao Yang handed over his beloved jujube horse to the Yiwu county government and to the county magistrate Zhang who still had one arm left. Then he returned to the supply camp and continued to be his deputy battalion commander.

The old Red Army stayed in the Independent Brigade for a long time, and the trainer He Cuihua got very angry with each other, and went to other troops without fuss. The old and young deputy battalion commanders and the trainer often discussed together. How can we take over some tasks from the brigade commander and political commissar and earn some battles.

For this matter, battalion commander Sun Quanhou has made a big head. He Cuihua used to be enough to worry about people, but now there is a deputy battalion commander, Lao Yang. You say, this is just adding to the chaos.But this can only be thought about, he dare not tell Lao Yang, Sun Quanhou is a serious old eight-way family, with very old qualifications, in the independent travel training, ordinary people are fine, others can only listen , but it won't work when he is in front of Lao Yang. He, a veteran, becomes a recruit.

what?There is no way to do it, so do what you like, and then the old grandson thought about it.Anyway, I can't control it, so I just don't care, these two guys can do whatever they want, they can't become bandits anyway.

Everyone has their own concerns, and the old grandson of the supply camp is preoccupied with how to do a good job in logistical support.Instructor He Cuihua and Deputy Battalion Commander Lao Yang were a bit out of business, and they often talked about something together.Even worse than them was Wei Gang, the battalion commander of the Machine Gun Battalion.

I didn't win the battle last time.This time the brigade commander and the political commissar put their machine gun battalion on standby again. Isn't that killing people? How can I explain to the soldiers when I go back?

After being together for a long time, Li Yong doesn't know what Wei Gang is thinking, but.It's not easy to fool Wei Gang away this time, and this kid has learned a lot.

"I know what you guys want to say. Go back and tell the soldiers that you will definitely fight the battle. But when to use it depends on how the situation on the battlefield changes. Don't worry. When you have your play, this time it will be the same as last time. The Seventh Cavalry Division is different, there are more than [-] bandits gathered, it is very difficult to deal with, we must hurry up and prepare for battle."

With Li Yong's guarantee, Wei Gang was so happy that he jumped away, as long as there is a battle, it doesn't matter what other conditions are.

In the season when the weather is getting warmer, people will take off their thick robes in a few days, and those who work hard in the fields have already changed into unlined clothes.

An unprecedented storm is brewing in Xinjiang. Neither the enemy nor the enemy is idle, and they are trying to find the opponent's weakness, and then bite to death.

After attending the meeting with the former commander of the field army, Commander Wang asked Luo Yuanfa, commander of the Sixth Army, and Chen Haihan, the former commander-in-chief of the enemy, how many fast troops they could have.

Although Commander Wang ensured that the Independent Brigade could withstand the attack of the bandit brigade in front of a group of commanders at the meeting, he was still a little worried about them in private. In any case, the number of bandits was about ten times that of the Independent Brigade. It is impossible for the old chief to not worry at all.

Chief of Staff Chen Haihan gave a report to the commander with a wry smile: "Report to the commander, we only have two cavalry regiments that can run fast, and there are more than 3000 cavalry regiments in total. The infantry turned into cavalry can only be said to not fall off when the horse runs, which is far from the bandits who grew up on horseback since childhood."

Commander Wang nodded, this is an indisputable fact, even if you want to deny it, you can't do it right away in a day or two:

"Since there are two regiments, it is better than none. Order these two regiments to maneuver towards the Yiwu area as quickly as possible. However, when you join the battle, you must obey the orders of the independent brigade. What do you two think?"

What else can I do? The commander has assigned these two cavalry regiments to the independent brigade, so he will execute them. While giving the order, the staff officer Chen Haihan whispered: "Hey, the commander has selfish intentions. The speed can be faster, now it’s better, it’s cheaper than that boy Dayong.”

Commander Wang laughed loudly: "Luo Yuanfa and Chen Haihan, you two can scold me, but you can't scold me in person. If you want to scold someone, wait until I leave."

"We don't dare to scold the commander, even if we want to scold, of course we have to pick a place where the commander can't hear it.

A telegram was sent again, the content was very simple, the former finger ordered the two cavalry regiments to rush over at the fastest speed, and after arriving in the Yiwu area, they would follow the orders of the independent brigade and they would be in charge.

Li Yong and Wang Chengde discussed while reading the telegram. It is a good thing, but they must be very cautious. They both know that the two cavalry regiments have just been formed, and the soldiers' will to fight is nothing to say. For the soldiers of these two regiments, the war horse can only be a means of transportation that can carry them over. When fighting, they must dismount and fight on foot. Cutting is temporarily hopeless.

"Let them keep a certain distance from the bandits, don't get too close, and wait to join the battle."

This is the common idea of ​​Li Yong and Wang Chengde, because there are 10,000+ bandits, and these two cavalry regiments who just know how to ride horses only have more than 3000 people. If one accidentally breaks into the middle of the bandits, it will probably be broken. There is not even a bone left after eating them.

While the Yiwu garrison of the People's Liberation Army is preparing intensively, the bandits gathered in the Badashi area have almost completed their final deployment, and the bandit leader Usman is making the final mobilization:

"Brothers, it has been a few days and the Communist Army has not found us. This is a very good thing. It seems that we have exaggerated the Communist Army in the past and said how and how the Communist Army can fight. I think it is nothing more than that. , we have 10,000+ people, only a few tens of kilometers away from Yiwu, how about we can catch them with one hand? The communist army hasn’t found it yet. Let me finally emphasize that there is no communist party within 10,000 kilometers. Therefore, according to the marching speed of the infantry of the communist army, even if they are aware of our intentions now, there is at least four days left for us to attack. Brothers, it is a full four days of attack time. We use [-]+ People go to eat thousands of them, do you have confidence?"

The commander-in-chief is wise, and we will follow the commander to wipe out the communist army.

The bandit leaders were crying and howling, and for a while, ghosts and ghosts were rampant in the Badashi area.

The enemy and our forces are all setting up their positions. The idea of ​​the independent brigade is to use its own and geographical advantages to entangle the bandit brigade and create opportunities for the main force. At that time, the bandits were encircled by a large and deep penetration method, and the bandits wanted to use their own superior force to make a time difference, destroy the independent brigade guarding Yiwu and rescue Yilier before the large troops of the People's Liberation Army arrived.

Each side is making their own calculations, and they don't want to suffer a loss. In the end, whoever can achieve their strategic intentions will have to look on the spot.

If you look down from the sky at this time, you can see that in the small area surrounding Yiwu, several forces are busy and busy.

The People's Liberation Army Independent Brigade guarding Yiwu is doing its best to repair the fortifications and build various firepower launch points. Soldiers are busy everywhere on the position.

The bandit suppressing army in the rear was trotting all the way. The soldiers were lightly armed. Apart from weapons and ammunition, all they could leave was dry food and water. The clothes on the soldiers were wet and dry, dry and wet again. , the military uniforms were covered with white saline, and the troops were marching rapidly.

After mobilizing for battle, the bandit brigade emerged from the sand dunes of Badashi. There were hundreds of people at first.

Hundreds of pioneers, followed by 10,000+ horse cavalry.

10,000+ bandits, all of them are cavalry, they came overwhelmingly, the whole earth trembled under the beating of horseshoes, and the cavalry all over the mountains and plains gave people the illusion, as if the whole sand dune, the whole mountain was moving .

The scene of the bandits was too big to be concealed even if they wanted to. Not too far from the Badashi area, they confronted the reconnaissance battalion and the cavalry battalion.

The reconnaissance battalion and the cavalry battalion were ordered by Li Yong to expand the search area in the Yiwu area and check for all suspicious persons. The speed of the horses and jeeps allowed the soldiers to expand the search area to dozens of kilometers away.

A soldier suddenly shouted to Battalion Commander Zhang Jinsong: "Battalion Commander, Battalion Commander, look to the south, the black ones are probably bandits."

Zhang Jinsong stood up from the jeep and observed carefully with the binoculars on his chest. Damn it, what the hell is it? They might be bandits. Bandits, like locusts, rushed over in groups.Recommended tickets (to be continued...)

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