The short jeep is extremely light and suitable for activities in terrain like the Gobi dunes. The Independent Brigade fought bloody battles with the Central Army of the Kuomintang for several years, and most of the cars captured were here.

Obviously, the hard work of all the soldiers of the Independent Brigade was not in vain. After entering the range, more than 40 light machine guns opened fire, and the rattling sound of shooting resounded through the empty Gobi.

Three bursts, just shoot at the shadows of people and horses. If the firepower density reaches a certain level, you can’t believe that you can’t beat them down. Erzi Ning’s method is very ordinary, but it is also very effective. I saw the bandit cavalry fell from the horse one by one under the moonlight. , like bundles of tattered sandbags.

Shooting, non-stop shooting, the light machine gun mounted on the jeep spit out clusters of projectiles, and dozens of Czechs shot randomly at the shadows of the bandit cavalry under the moonlight.

Why is it called random shooting, because the jeep is in motion, and the horses of the bandit cavalry are also in motion. How accurate is it to shoot one moving target at another moving target?Maybe no one can tell.

But at this time, we can see the advantage of the car. Except for one of the soldiers in the reconnaissance battalion as the driver, the rest of the soldiers can directly enter the combat state, and when shooting, they use two hands to hold the gun, which is better than cavalry. One hand controls the reins of the horse, and the other hand controls the weapon.

Most of the weapons of the bandit cavalry are rifles. Even if there are a small amount of light and heavy machine guns, there is no way to fire them on a running horse. There is no way to carry heavy machine guns on a horse. This becomes a very useful tool for scouting. In the situation of the battalion soldiers, the bandits have no way to take the soldiers from a long distance. If they want to besiege and kill all the scouts of the People's Liberation Army, they must be posted. Only when they get close can the bandits' rifles and sabers be effective.

Of course, the soldiers would not be so stupid as to let the bandits approach.Then hack them with a saber, our jeep is not slow at all like the bandits' horses, why let them get close, isn't that a fool's job.

Zhang Jinsong commanded a battalion of soldiers to retreat while fighting. They made full use of the advantages of the jeep and fired with automatic weapons while keeping a certain distance from the bandits. It can also deal some damage to the opponent.

The light machine guns carried by the soldiers in the four platoons on the two wings have all fired, and the sound of three bursts of fire is continuous.Under the rain of bullets, the riders and horses were knocked down one by one.

Fighting all the way, the reconnaissance battalion always kept a distance of 300 meters from the bandits' detoured cavalry, making it impossible for them to close together at this distance.In the bandits' ranks, the sound of rifle shooting was sporadic, and the occasional bullets fired did not pose any threat to the soldiers in the vehicle.The soldiers can open fire calmly.Although this firing is also aimed at the approximate position, it is a good thing to be able to fire.

This is the advantage of having speed. The speed is not slower than the bandits, and the weapons and equipment are better than the bandits. Want to catch up?Okay, I'll just hang on to you all the time.If you can't touch it, I can still attack you.

The bandit's two cavalry teams that wanted to surround the scouts of the People's Liberation Army chased for more than 20 minutes. Not only did they fail to achieve any results, they also suffered certain casualties.

The physical strength of war horses is limited.It was not possible to sprint endlessly. After a few kilometers passed, the speed of the two rangers of the bandits slowed down. Zhang Jinsong was keenly aware of this situation. The old soldier laughed: "Hahaha, damn it, why are you slow Run hard, see if your horse is faster or my car is faster, exhaust these bastards to death, order the troops, slow down their speed, and fire at them from this distance, killing one less than one."

As the speed of the bandits slowed down, the exasperated scouts also retracted the accelerator of the car. The two chasing and running teams kept the distance of more than 200 meters unchanged, and the light machine guns on the car kept barking. , each wave of bullets can kill or injure a group of bandits.

After chasing but not being able to catch up, and being able to fight but not being able to hit, the leading few guys ran back angrily, and went back to report the situation to their masters.

"Commander, these reconnaissance scouts of the communist army are too cunning. A few of them own a small car, which is very fast. Our cavalry can't catch up, and there is no way to get behind them. There are a lot of machine guns on the car. , The brothers chased for a while, and the casualties were not small."

There is no need to come back to report, Usman and the gangsters around him see the situation very clearly. Damn it, the reconnaissance unit of the People's Liberation Army is very well equipped. There are only a few soldiers with a car. Not only can they run fast, There are also a large number of automatic weapons, and the 'warriors' who chased them could only stare blankly and be beaten, without any power to fight back.

Originally, they wanted to wipe out all the scouts of the People's Liberation Army so as to block the news, but this is good. Not only did they not surround any scouts, but also killed some of them. But the communist army, what the hell are you chasing after, let the brothers come back and take a rest."

Yao Lebosi, who was on the side, also saw the situation clearly, and the bandit's No. [-] person pretended to persuade: "Commander, a small setback is nothing, the Han people have a familiar saying, if you run away from the monk, you can't run away from the temple. The communist army has so many cars because they are scouts. I don’t believe that other communist army soldiers have such good equipment. Once you get it, the equipment of the communist army is not all yours.”

Wu Siman snorted. He didn't know whether Yao Lebosi was telling the truth or lying. Anyway, this kid didn't have any good intentions, and he had a few tricks hidden in his fart. It's better to be on guard against him .

"Sir, you really deserve to have dealt with the Han people for a long time. You can even understand the idioms of the Han people so well. With your good words, let's take down Yiwu County and grab all the Communist Army's cars. Brothers, continue on your way."

The two horse teams went back, and a row of Changning's second sons reported through the walkie-talkie: "Battalion Commander, Battalion Commander, the bandits stopped chasing them and ran back."

Battalion Commander Zhang Jinsong was scolding his soldiers: "Hey, you guys, stop shooting. The bandits are all gone and ran back. What's the use of shooting again? Won't you save some bullets? I fought a war back then. It doesn’t even use ten rounds of ammunition, if it was built like this for you, he would have seen Marx a long time ago, and you can tell me how much work you have put into it for a while.”

Empty Czech-style light machine gun magazines are piled up under the feet, each magazine has twenty rounds, who can carefully calculate how many bullets are fired, everyone knows that their battalion commander is used to living in poverty, and has a kind of Every time they fight, they have to yell indiscriminately. After a long time, the soldiers are used to being scolded. They pretended not to hear the scolding of Zhang Jinsong.

Amidst Zhang Jinsong's scolding, the gunfire gradually stopped, and some soldiers muttered dissatisfiedly: "You are the one who is allowed to shoot, and you are the one who is not allowed to shoot. It's dark, how do we know that the bandits will stop chasing you?" , I was having a good time doing it, hmph, I was scolded again."

After scolding his soldiers, Zhang Jinsong felt very happy. Damn, the bandits will stop chasing him. It’s easy to do if we don’t chase him.

More than 1000 soldiers, under the order of the battalion commander Zhang Jinsong, rushed back to meet the bandit's brigade. Now it was their turn to chase the bandit.

Zhang Jinsong has his own considerations. The soldiers sent by the battalion to deliver letters have long since run away, and the cavalry battalion has also withdrawn. Presumably the brigade commander, political commissar, and comrades all know the news of the bandits' arrival, and the mission of the scout battalion has been completed. , now is the time for me, the battalion commander, to play temporarily on the battlefield.

How to play?Let the bandits see the demeanor of the old bone troops of the People's Liberation Army, and let them know what war is.

The small jeep rushed over like a gust of wind, and the machine guns on the car rattled. Although Zhang Jinsong told his soldiers to save bullets, it depends on when, at the critical moment, they should be used.

The actions of the People's Liberation Army's reconnaissance troops made the bandits angry. This group of communist troops was more courageous than the sky. They dared to chase after 10,000+ people. A bandit leader ran over:

"Commander, the communist scouts are here again."

Usman's stomach was about to smoke from anger. He looked around and said, "Everyone, who can find a way to kill the scouts of the communist army."

Called a few times, but no one answered, the situation is obvious, the reconnaissance troops of the communist army run very fast, the horses can't catch up, the weapons and equipment are not the opponents of the communist army, and they are the ones who get beaten up, who wants to do such a thankless task things.

Morale is too important to an army, and Usman also understands this truth, but how is it now?A reconnaissance unit of the communist army has overwhelmed 10,000+ people. How can we fight like this?

Just when Wu Siman was frowning, two young men came out: "Commander, we are willing to go."

Usman took a closer look and found that the two young men standing under the moonlight were his son Sheldman and nephew Habulibari.

At the critical moment, it has to be his own relatives. Wu Siman was annoyed with a hint of relief. Both his son and nephew are leaders of the younger generation. Is it a Han wife? Does he have a man as brave as me?

Seeing Sheldman and Habulibali who took the initiative to fight, Usman missed his daughter Yilier even more. Although Yilier is a woman, she is no worse than a man. As long as there is hope, she must be rescued. , With these three young people, who else can compete with me! !

On Monday, votes are recommended, bow down. (To be continued..)

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