Two light cavalry rushed out again, led by Sheldman and Habuli Barry, the two giants. When they set off, Usman told them not to waste the energy of their horses blindly, and they didn't have to chase after them. The communist army was wiped out, as long as the reconnaissance troops of the People's Liberation Army could be suppressed, the brigade still advanced at a certain speed, and it would be easy to advance to the vicinity of Yiwu County, where it was time to fight the communist army to the death.

Zhang Jinsong led a battalion of scouts to keep entangled with the bandit's troops. If the bandits catch up, I will retreat. When the bandits retreat, I will catch up again. Anyway, the horses can't outrun the car, so I will bully you. What can I do?

Zhang Jinsong, the old Eighth Route Army, was used to fighting guerrilla warfare in the past. He spent all day fighting with the enemy in the big ravine. Later, when the conditions improved and the army became a field army, the guerrilla warfare gradually decreased. This time, he regained his previous feeling. Use this method to fight bandits.

Cool, when we fought against the little devils and the Central Army of the Kuomintang, the enemy's equipment was better than ours, and we had to pay a high price to win. Now the situation is reversed. With such good equipment, we have used it before. The tactics we are used to, let's go out and play with the bandits.

However, the situation has changed. Sheldman and Hablibari have learned from the previous lessons, and instead of blindly chasing after the reconnaissance battalion, they moved forward at a leisurely pace. In order to provide them with cover, Wu Sman also lifted part of the small number of light and heavy machine guns, and fired at the small jeep the soldiers were riding in, holding down the ground for the two light cavalrymen who attacked.

Hearing the sound of swishing bullets flying past his head, Zhang Jinsong cursed: "What the hell, the bandits have a long memory."

Since they did not blindly chase, Zhang Jinsong also lost interest in continuing to play with them, and the whole battalion suddenly accelerated.Retreating at a speed exceeding that of the cavalry, groups of cars jumped happily on the undulating sand dunes, and disappeared in a blink of an eye.

The bandits who followed saw all this very clearly, and only then did they realize that the People's Liberation Army had stuck with them earlier to tease them, and they were fully capable of withdrawing quickly.

Sheld's face is gloomy. This guy has dealt with the People's Liberation Army before, and he knows the value of this kind of fast-moving car. Usually, senior commanders in the People's Liberation Army are equipped with this kind of car, but the situation is not quite right now. ah.What they encountered was obviously a very ordinary unit of the People's Liberation Army at the lowest level. Why there are so many vehicles that only senior commanders are qualified to ride in is very strange.

Ambush a deputy division commander of the People's Liberation Army and burn down a car. This is already a great victory, and it also earned him the title of so-called warrior.But looking at the retreat of the People's Liberation Army just now, I am afraid that two or three hundred cars are equipped with this army.

Things have gone beyond the comprehension of Sheldman and others.After all, they are bandits in remote areas.They haven't seen any big world.

Zhang Jinsong led his soldiers, like jumping grasshoppers, galloping across the sand dunes. The soldiers were laughing and laughing in the car. Regardless of the bandits and soldiers pressing down on the land, everyone was in a good mood.

I got entangled with the bandit brigade in a mess for a while.Not only did they not have any casualties, but they also slowed down the speed of the bandits. According to the brigade commander, they overfulfilled the task. As for whether the brigade of bandits can eat up the independent brigade.The soldiers didn't think about this issue, because they thought there was no such possibility, didn't they see that the brigade commander didn't even want to use the tank battalion and artillery battalion.

They were happy, but Li Yong, the brigade commander, was always waiting for these guys with a heart. The jeeps that looked like little mice in the desert came back one by one, and waited for the last soldiers to withdraw to the independent brigade. After entering the main defensive position, Li Yong let go of a big burden in his heart.

A few days ago, in order to rescue Hu Qingshan and the soldiers led by him, the Independent Brigade and the bandits fought fiercely. Although they won the battle, they also paid a certain price. More than 90 people were sacrificed. Many veterans who fought from the northwest to Xinjiang, thinking of them, Li Yong felt very distressed. Although wars cannot avoid casualties, they should be avoided as much as possible. For example, these scouts who have been entangled with bandits outside for a long time Soldiers, if you lose a Li Yong indiscriminately, you will be held accountable.

A few candles were lit in the brigade headquarters of the Independent Brigade. The two windows were tightly blocked so that no light could be seen. The brigade commander Li Yong and the political commissar Wang Chengde were there. Combat troops at all levels have all entered their positions.

Battalion Commander Zhang Jinsong came trotting all the way with a grin. From his appearance, he knew that the reconnaissance battalion had done a good job. Before Zhang Jinsong could say anything, Li Yong asked, "How many casualties did the soldiers have?"

Hearing the brigade commander's question, Zhang Jinsong replied proudly: "Report to the brigade commander, report to the political commissar, and toss with the bandits for more than two hours. None of the victims were killed, and there were no serious injuries. There were only a few minor injuries. They have been bandaged by the health team. I heard from several doctors in the health team that as long as you take a good rest for a few days, it will be fine."

After listening to Zhang Jinsong's report, Li Yong, Wang Chengde and the others felt relieved. Zhang Jinsong is a good guy, and he fights well and skilfully. Thinking about it later, how many commanders from the old eighth road know how to do it? , it seems not.

The eastern sky showed a grayish white, and the sight gradually became clear, and the sky was about to brighten.

The bandits who were supposed to arrive at three or four o'clock in the morning still didn't see their shadows. Knowing that the news could not be concealed, the brigade of the Usman gang was not in a hurry. In their view, the People's Liberation Army in the Yiwu area was already The turtle in the urn can't escape their grasp no matter what, it doesn't matter if it is sooner or later, anyway, there are no other troops of the Communist Army within hundreds of kilometers around.

This is a command post of the frontline troops. The space is not large. The two sides are connected with the trenches where the soldiers are guarding. The roof is covered with logs and door panels. The logs are covered with a thick layer of sandbags. The thick soil layer is very strong, as long as it is not directly hit by heavy artillery shells, safety is still guaranteed.

Dig a few meters back along this small command post, so that the limited space can be expanded a little bit, the corners are full of boxes of bullets and grenades, and there are some unopened cans and buckets filled with water, so , this small headquarters can store some food and ammunition in addition to the command function, which is very useful, at least the soldiers can eat and drink for a day.

The trenches extending to both sides from this small headquarters are full of soldiers from the Independent Brigade, well, not all of them are lying on their stomachs, most of them are observation posts in the army, and the rest of the soldiers have some The soldiers dozed off sitting on the bullet boxes, some covered their cigarette butts with their caps and smoked quietly, and some got together and chatted randomly.

I didn't hear what they were talking about, but I could guess the content of the chat. Some planned to kill a few bandits, and some planned to make great achievements. The strangest thing was that a young soldier said that he It had been a long time since he had eaten mutton. After this battle, he had to find a way to capture a few sheep to improve food for the class.

The squad leader patted the guy on the head and told him in a low voice that the idea is good, but everything should be focused on killing the enemy. As for improving the food, we have to wait until later. When the opportunity comes, the whole class will go up. Capture all the bandit's sheep.

Lie on the ice for several hours in a row, the good-tempered soldiers kept silent, while those fighters who were prone to irritability couldn't help cursing in a low voice:

"He's a bandit, what a fucking father, I'm sleeping soundly, I have to wake us up, get up as soon as I get up, come quickly, when I come, I will greet you and beat you up Die, the world is clean, so I can go back to sleep."

The soldier's swearing drew laughter, and the tense atmosphere relaxed. A cadre-looking person in the command post looked back, and the soldiers' laughter made his face happy. He could feel that the troops were not afraid to fight, and the soldiers were high-spirited.

The commander who turned around was Ning Jinshan, the commander of the Fourth Battalion. Ning Jinshan is a very steady commander and a very smart guy. The contribution made by the brother battalion made his heart very hot. The tank battalion, the artillery battalion, and the fifth infantry battalion were all named and praised by their superiors. Even the first battalion surrounded by two platoons did well. , Even the telegram sent by the commander said that their merits and demerits should be offset. Although the first battalion has no credit, it is considered famous. On the other hand, looking at my own fourth battalion, although they also participated in the battle, they are just not in pain. Itchy little thing, compared with his brother troops, he is not very promising, but Ning Jinshan can hold his breath, unlike Ma Changsheng, the commander of the third battalion, who can jump eight feet high when encountering things. By the way, there is also a supply battalion. Instructor He Cuihua, this girl must be unhappy too.

Li Yuming, the instructor of the Tank Battalion, and Gao Xiang, the Battalion Commander of the Artillery Battalion, have done meritorious service. These two guys have been amazing for a few days. , can't you be more steady, and learn from Wang Huhu, the commander of the Fifth Battalion, that is the demeanor of an old soldier who is not surprised.

As the old saying goes, success is prepared for those who are prepared. Regardless of the temporary prestige of their battalions, our fourth battalion is no worse than them. According to the enemy report delivered by the brigade commander, 10,000+ bandits rushed Come here, should this be a good thing? The more bandits come, the greater our chances. At least part of the credit will go to our fourth battalion. Just as Ning Jinshan's thoughts were flying, a soldier came in to report (To be continued..)

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