The Fourth Battalion Commander Ning Jinshan's thoughts were flying all over the sky, and he couldn't help muttering in his mouth: "His grandma, there are more than [-] bandits in total. What a scene it must be. Isn't it interesting that all the bandits in Xinjiang gathered together?"

Ning Jinshan inadvertently said a word, but he guessed the intention of Usman and others. In the small city of Yiwu, all the bandits in Xinjiang are almost there.

As soon as there are more bandits, there are more opportunities. This time it is our fourth battalion's turn to make meritorious service. We killed hundreds last time, but today we have to kill thousands. Otherwise, what is the regular army of the People's Liberation Army, or what kind of trump card? Then, a soldier came in and reported: "Report to the battalion commander, the bandits are coming."

Sure enough, the bandits came. After making a fuss for most of the night, they finally saw the shadow of the bandits. What about him, but it was not easy. Some soldiers were still asking each other: "It is said that the bandits run fast, but I feel that the speed is not very fast. So, are the bandits tired?"

Only they themselves knew whether the bandits were tired or not, but they were tossed so hard by Zhang Jinsong and his scouts that it was true.

Ning Jinshan lay on the lookout hole of the command post, and observed with a telescope in the direction of the soldier's finger. In the distance, there was a black line moving slowly between the sky and the earth. The black line was boundless, and it continued to extend to both sides. It was twisting and wriggling like a disgusting black bug.

After a few minutes passed, the distance got closer, and Ning Jinshan could see it more clearly. He saw that this big black worm was made up of countless bandits mixed together. It is closing in on Yiwu County from a distance.

When the bandits were spotted in the fourth battalion, the rest of the troops also saw the bandits at almost the same time. The bandits surrounded them from all sides, so the soldiers discovered them at about the same time.

The second battalion, third battalion, fourth battalion, fifth battalion, and several infantry battalions responsible for defense reported to the brigade headquarters almost at the same time.The bandit brigade came overwhelmingly, the exact number of people was impossible to estimate, anyway, what the eyes saw was either people or horses.

There are 10,000+ people, and the ground is raging. In addition, the bandits also have a large number of horses. The mixture of people and horses is much larger than the infantry formation alone, which further increases the power of the bandits.

It seemed as if a black tide had risen on the flat ground, rushing towards the Yiwu area wave after wave, and the bandit vanguard running at the forefront was like a rapidly advancing wave.Wave after wave.

The commander's order sounded from several positions: "Attention, prepare to fight."

Seeing the approaching bandits, the sleepy soldier who loved to sleep the most was gone, his eyes widened and his ears pricked up.Keep your weapons in hand.

Mortar positions behind, heavy machine gun positions on both wings.A booby trap planted on the open frontier.They are all quietly waiting for the arrival of the bandits.

Certain tactics must be adopted to deal with the cavalry. The soldiers of the independent brigade did not underestimate their opponents just because they were bandits. Holding it in the palm of your hand, the soldiers have been subtle.Firmly remember Li Yong's words in my heart, isn't that right? In order to fight the bandit cavalry more effectively, the soldiers came up with many ways.

In addition to digging a large number of horse traps.They also used grenades to set up countless booby traps at the front of the position. Aren't there many bandits and horses? Well, let them try the power of the mines.

In fact, the veterans of the Independent Brigade have used this method for a long time. They did it when they fought the cavalry of the Northwest Majia Army in the Yuandong area. A special device for mixing horse legs, a simple booby trap is formed, when the time comes, the hooves of the running horse will pull out the fire ring of the grenade, and the grenade will explode in a few seconds.

simple?It's really not complicated, but a simple method can sometimes solve a big problem. In the words of the soldiers, as long as the bandits can be killed, we can use whatever method works.

It was just dawn, and 10,000+ bandits came over like Mount Tai, just like a plague of locusts, filling up all the ditches and trenches. There were too many bandits, and their momentum was terrifying.

The local people also knew the critical situation, and closed their doors at every house, not daring to take a breath. In the year of war and chaos, who can care about the life and death of ordinary people, maybe one bullet will kill a person, one A misfired shell can wipe out a family.

The brigade commander Li Yong and political commissar Wang Chengde brought the guard company commander Li Jia and several soldiers to the front line. Seeing the bandits rolling over like a mudslide, Li Yong couldn't help but said to Wang Chengde beside him: "Old Wang, It seems that the bandits really regarded us as Tang monk meat, and they wanted to swallow us up in one bite."

Wang Chengde laughed. This political commissar of the independent brigade, who is usually very stable, doesn't pay attention to the bandit brigade. It doesn't matter if there are too many people. We are a heroic unit of the field army. Are we still afraid of the bandits?

"Dayong, what Tang monk meat, we are iron bumps, the enemy wants to eat it, it's easy to handle, let them break out a few front teeth first."

The words of the political commissar made Li Yong proud: "That's right, let's let the bandits break out a few front teeth first, all of them have it, listen to my orders, prepare to fight, each battalion will act independently, and the battalion commander will be responsible for the decision on the battlefield. .”

Political commissar Wang Chengde then added a few words: "Comrades, according to the intelligence of the superiors and the materials we have, the bandit leader Usman has already gathered all his forces, that is to say, as long as we put this If the battle is won, the banditry in Xinjiang will basically be completely resolved, and the common people will have a bright and sunny day."

Wang Chengde was a political worker, and his words were very inspiring, but it’s not bad to think about it carefully. These 10,000+ bandits are almost the entire strength of the bandit leader Usman. Getting rid of them will not solve the banditry in Xinjiang.

After giving the order, Li Yong and Wang Chengde returned to the brigade headquarters, came in and took a look, good guy, the room was almost full of people, Li Yuming, the instructor of the tank battalion, Gao Xiang, the battalion commander of the artillery battalion, and the battalion commander of the machine gun battalion Wei Gang is there.

"What do you mean? What are you doing here instead of waiting for orders in your own battalion headquarters?" Wang Chengde asked a little puzzled.

The guys who ran over laughed, but didn't say a word. Li Yong snorted twice angrily: "What's the matter? Do what you should do, and you won't be afraid of being shot if you run together? One shell hits us, and we're all doomed."

Things are also strange, like the machine gun battalion and the artillery battalion, the battalion commanders ran over, leaving the instructors to control the troops at home, except for the tank battalion, where the instructor Li Yuming rushed to the front when there were missions, and the battalion commander Jiang Tiexiong controlled the troops at home.

In fact, this is also a habit. The battalion commander of the tank battalion, Jiang Tiexiong, is a bit older, ten years older than Li Yuming, who is just in his early twenties. If there is anything similar to grabbing credit and robbing tasks, he should be the first to come. Big Brother is promoting style, Li Yuming is a very clever young man, so he naturally understands his psychology.

Unlike other soldiers in the army, when they saw Li Yong and Wang Chengde, they had a sense of awe, and regarded them as the brigade commanders who were aloof. These guys in the room were buddies who had been together since the day the spy company was established. So many rules.

Li Yuming sighed and said: "Hey, I said the brigade commander and the political commissar. The two chiefs have put us all in the air. It's useless to go back. It's better to wait here with you. If we have a task, we will know it as soon as possible, and it will save us money." You called."

Gao Xiang took over the conversation and said: "Isn't it? We are idle and we are idle, and join in the fun with you two chiefs. As for the shells, don't scare us. The command team of our battalion has already scouted many times. , I also asked Zhang Jinsong, the bandits don’t have heavy artillery at all, besides, you have made the headquarters so strong, I guess the shells will be fine.”

Li Yong looked back at Wang Chengde, there was nothing left to do, these guys couldn't be driven away, since they didn't go away, let them follow and command the battle, anyway, they don't need a few battalions to dispatch now.

The location of the brigade headquarters is very good. It is on a commanding height like an earth bag. The earth bag can be more than ten meters high. According to the old people, it used to be an earthen platform for singing operas, but it was not used all the year round. And lack of maintenance, it becomes like a big bag of dirt.

More than ten meters is nothing, but in the area of ​​Yiwu where there are bungalows built with yellow mud all over the ground, the height is not low. Standing on it, you can clearly see the situation outside the city. This is Xiaocheng’s work. The engineering company was built in an emergency. In order to ensure safety, in addition to using a large number of sandbags, thick bulletproof steel plates were added, so there was no need to pour reinforced concrete.

For the safety of several heads of the brigade, Xiao Cheng was very caring, and led the soldiers to move out the house, so that the headquarters that were created in this way could ensure safety as long as they were not directly hit by heavy artillery shells.

A few lookout holes were opened in front of the headquarters. Xiaocheng got an artillery mirror from somewhere. He said that in order to prevent bullets from coming in through the lookout holes, several chiefs could use this mirror to Observe the battlefield situation.

It is indeed safe to use the artillery mirror, no matter how powerful the bullet is, it will not bend, but Li Yong and Wang Chengde always feel that it is not good to use this mirror, it is not as comfortable to observe directly with a telescope. The high-tech equipment brought back by Xin Jin has become a decoration.

Li Yong, Wang Chengde, Gao Xiang, Li Yuming, and Wei Gang formed a row on the observation hole, and each of them set up the telescope in their hands to observe. (to be continued..)

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