The beacon of youth

Chapter 638 The Unconvinced 4th Battalion Commander

Although the first attack was tentative, the casualties were too high, and they were blown back by shells without even touching their main position. Terrified, such a defeated army is not only useless but also affects morale, so Usman is furious.

None of his subordinates dared to speak out after being scolded, especially the bandit leaders who were in charge of going out to investigate, and they were even more frightened. They all knew that Wu Siman, who was angry, would kill people. This guy is moody. Whether you are a cronies or not.

They obtained all the information about the People's Liberation Army in the Yiwu area, and they also reported it to Usman. If you want to kill them, you have to kill them first.

A few bandit leaders who were in charge of snooping intelligence still had a little bit of fear. Isn’t it just a brigade of the People’s Liberation Army, with five to six thousand people, or sometimes six to seven thousand people. The equipment of the platoon and platoon should be the same. Why are there so many small cannons in one defensive direction?Wouldn't the People's Liberation Army concentrate all the artillery of the brigade?However, this is impossible. The bandits who surrounded Yiwu started to attack from several directions at the same time in order to put huge psychological pressure on the defenders. Even the bandits themselves couldn't determine the main attack direction, let alone the People's Liberation Army.

A few remnants of the defeated generals ran back, and it looked like they were some bandit leaders leading the charge, and a guy came to report: "Commander, the communist army's artillery fire was too fierce, even hundreds of brothers were killed, but they still couldn't charge up."

Wu Siman said with a livid face: "Understood, go back to rest, and bandage the wound well."

It is indeed not easy to be the leader of the bandits. Although he wished to kill a few guys who affected the morale, what he said was another word, with a comforting tone.

A bandit leader came over and suggested: "Commander, the artillery fire of the communist army is very fierce, but I think that it is impossible for the communist army defending on all sides to have such fierce artillery fire on each side. We can try to step up the attack from other directions. , and start attacking at the same time, let’s see what he can do.”

This method is good, Usman nodded, and was about to issue an order when a few horses ran over from a distance, and the knights on the horses rolled down in front of Usman: "Report—report to the commander. Our attacking men and horses met the Communist Party The army's superior artillery fire prevented the team from rushing up, and many brothers died, and the corpses of men and horses were blown to pieces, which is too miserable."

Usman's head buzzed.As you get older, this is a sign of increased blood pressure.Simultaneous attacks from several directions.They were all bombed back by the communist army's artillery fire. What does this mean?It shows that there are a large number of artillery in every defensive section of the PLA, and it is not simply to concentrate the artillery in one direction.

Attacks were launched at the same time, and they were all blasted back by artillery fire. How many artillery pieces did the Communist Army have?Is it fifty doors?Or sixty doors?Isn’t the Northwest Field Army of the Communist Army very poor, and it is said that it is not much stronger than us.How could there be such a force equipped with a large number of artillery all of a sudden?While Usman was muttering to himself, his mind was still rolling.

He didn't know that it was only the most basic battalion-level mortar fire of the Yiwu garrison of the People's Liberation Army that bombed them badly, and the heavy artillery was not used at all.

Damn, what the hell is going on.When will the poorest communist army become a wealthy household.

The eldest young master Sheldman came over: "Father, it seems that we have gnawed on a hard bone. I went to find out. According to the brothers, the communist army's shells were as much as the sand in the Gobi Desert. When they fell, they were It is in pieces, and there is no place to hide at all, which is different from the way we only have a few small cannons, each of which has only a few shells."

"Hmph, hard bones have to be gnawed. There are too many ants to kill elephants. I don't believe their firepower can continue like this. Inform the troops and prepare for battle. The leaders of each family must be optimistic about their own cubs. If anyone is half-hearted Usman can't spare him."

Shield's eyes lit up: "What does father mean?"

While commanding the bandits to continue preparing for war, Usman also took every opportunity to impart knowledge to his son Sheldman:

"The Seventh Cavalry Division is a unit that is very good at fighting. Your sister Yilier is even a hero among women. She has a good way of commanding and fighting, but they were all eaten by the Communist army. Why? Some people think that The communist army is very powerful, there is a whole brigade of troops, it is reasonable to eat the seventh cavalry division, I don't want to say what is unreasonable, I only care about your sister Yilier, and the communist army takes the seventh cavalry division How long will it take to digest it after eating it? There is a price to be paid for eating an entire division. The Communist Army is not a god. How much ammunition can it carry when marching long distances and raiding Yiwu from a long distance? The firing method like the one just now requires a lot I want to see how long the communist army can last like this if it consumes shells."

Seeming to have suddenly understood or enlightened, Sheldman clenched the whip in his hand: "Father, I understand your intention, what should we do next?"

"Notify the leaders of each family to prepare the troops, and the next attack will start immediately. Tell them to pay more attention to fighting. When charging, don't line up too densely. Pull out the skirmish line and reduce the firepower of the communist army against the attack. Casualties of warriors."

After the order was conveyed, Usman ordered the bandit team planned in advance to launch an attack immediately, without giving the PLA in the defensive position any breathing time, but the bandits were still bandits after all, and even if they wanted to carry out Usman's order, they made the team look like It was like a mess, and when the wounded were finally carried down and the attacking team was ready again, more than two hours had passed.

Looking at the mess of his subordinates, Usman, as the commander-in-chief, was also at a loss. This is the quality, the bandits are not regular troops, and it is the best attitude to come to Yiwu and the communist army to fight for their lives under his orders. Let them It is simply impossible to order and prohibit like regular troops, even if it can be done in the future, it will be a matter of the future, and there is no such ability at present.

But in any case, another attack by the bandits is still ready. With a whistle, the attack from the east, west, and south directions began. After learning the lesson from the previous time, the density of the bandits' attacking teams in each direction was greatly increased. Lower, the line of skirmishers is long.

It was still artillery fire falling from the sky, and it was still raining shells, but it is undeniable that Usman's method of reducing the density of personnel did play a certain role. Compared with the previous attack, the casualties were much smaller.

Compared with the regular army, bandits have many disadvantages. Their weapons, tactics, and discipline are far different. However, bandits also have their own advantages. Bandits are crazy and dare to risk their lives at critical times.

Seeing that the casualties were much smaller when passing through the artillery fire, these bandits were all excited. The communist army did not look at the artillery fire, but there were still too few people. As long as the method was right, they could rush up, and as long as they rushed up, ten people could beat one , Victory is not easy.

Based on this idea, the charging bandit cavalry increased their speed to the limit, and the bandit soldiers with excellent riding skills leaned on their horses, roaring and charging.

But it was too early for them to be happy. If there were only such means, the People's Liberation Army would not be called the People's Liberation Army.

The Independent Brigade belongs to the Second Army of the People's Liberation Army, that is, the Second Column of the Old Northwest Field Army. This is a veteran army of the People's Liberation Army. With less experience and more experience, can the independent brigade have fewer methods under the tutelage of such a unit?

As soon as the horse team got out of the area blocked by artillery fire, they plunged into the pre-set minefield, which was booby-trapped with countless grenades.

Two small wooden sticks stood upright against the ground, and a rope that was not clearly visible was pulled between the two sticks. The fire ring of the grenade buried in the ground, a few seconds later, there was a violent explosion behind the rushing horse.

When soldiers set up minefields, they tied several grenades together and used cluster grenades to increase the power of the explosion. Now, this method has been fully verified.

Boom, boom, there were huge explosions under the belly of the horse. The violent shock wave threw the horse and the rider on the horse high, and then fell to the ground fiercely. A large number of horses and riders were swept down, and the explosive grenade exploded the horse's belly, cut off the rider's limbs, and turned the explosion site into a bloody area.

After entering 300 meters, Ning Jinshan, the commander of the fourth battalion, ordered the soldiers to shoot freely. Of course, not with submachine guns, but with a large number of [-]-style rifles. Ning Jinshan, the commander of the first battalion, also brought a few guard soldiers Came to the forefront of the trenches.

An infantry battalion has more than 1000 people, which is quite a remarkable thing. Smaller battles do not require the battalion commander to take action. Therefore, Ning Jinshan has not been at the forefront to participate in battles for a long time.

As the number one shooter recognized by the whole brigade, this is not a good thing. If you do not participate in the battle for a long time, not only the skills may be reduced, but the most uncomfortable thing is that you really can’t enjoy yourself. This is for Ning Jinshan who is used to fighting. , no less than a torment.

This kind of suffering became even more uncontrollable after listening to the battle report made by Hu Qingshan, the deputy battalion commander of the first battalion. Could it be that I can't do it myself? In terms of shooting skills, although Hu Qingshan is not bad, but he is still a little bit worse than himself, Ning Jinshan still has some confidence in this. (to be continued..)

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