The fourth battalion of the infantry guarded the south of the Yiwu line of defense, which was also the main attack direction of the bandits. After repelling the first tentative attack, the bandits launched another large-scale charge.

It was chaotic for several hours, and it was already bright and bright. Usman's plan to sneak attack in the early morning was completely defeated. Under the scolding of the leaders and the whipping of the horsewhip, the chaotic assault team was finally ready again up.

Tasted the taste of artillery fire once, saw the death of brothers around them, and the ignorant bandits also understood the powerful firepower of the People's Liberation Army, and understood the threat of artillery shells like rain to people and horses. The impact of the position is not very willing. No one is a fool. Everyone understands that the first to charge is the unlucky ghost. Only the one who goes up after exhausting the strength of the People's Liberation Army is the final victor and the winner.

The truth is easy to understand, but someone has to die!Under Usman's high pressure, he had to go unwillingly. These shock teams organized by countless gangsters of different sizes were destined to play the role of cannon fodder from the day they surrendered to Usman. Come on, I can't even think about it.

10,000+ bandits are attacking from several directions at the same time, and the defense force on each side of the independent brigade is only one infantry battalion. Can such forces beat the bandits back?Although the bandits are not well equipped with weapons, they have more than ten times more people than the independent brigade.

The answer is that it can be defended completely, regardless of the large number of bandits, but the scope of the independent brigade's defense is not large, because the Usman gang does not have heavy artillery, so it lacks long-distance strike capabilities. Since the bandits lack long-distance strike capabilities, the matter It's easy to handle, Li Yong ordered the troops to shrink the defensive range and hold their forces tightly together.So what if there are too many bandits? In a narrow attack area, there is no way to deploy troops. No matter how many people there are, only 3000 to [-] people can be used for each charge. target.

Some people say that as long as the target distance exceeds 200 meters, for ordinary soldiers, it is up to God to decide whether to hit or not.In many cases, the density of firepower must be relied on to make up for the lack of shooting accuracy. However, that is talking about ordinary soldiers, not sharpshooters like Ning Jinshan.

Ning Jinshan, who was lying in the trench, stretched out his rifle steadily, aiming at the bandit cavalry 300 meters away.Gently pull the trigger with the index finger of your right hand while breathing steadily, and the force of pulling the trigger should not be strong.You can't move too fast.It is so easy to make the gun body deviate from the target, you have to use a gentle technique, just like touching your own wife, and use a little more force than the trigger spring.

There was a bang, and a bullet from a [-]-type rifle was fired. The cool stock of the gun made Ning Jinshan's shoulders and cheeks shake slightly.It feels great.

In the distance, a blood flower burst out from the chest of a bandit who was waving a saber in the front, and the small bullet made his chest feel cold.By the time he realized that he had been shot, the bullet had passed through his body, and the corpse fell headfirst from the horse.

At a distance of about 300 meters, when using an ordinary rifle to hit a moving target, he still killed the enemy with one shot. The soldiers around him all exclaimed. once.

Ning Jinshan didn't care about the exclamation of the soldiers. What is this?

The muzzle of the gun turned slightly, facing the next target, the wind speed and the advance of the horse were all calculated, fired, snapped, shot, and another bandit was loaded off the horse.

There is an old saying that "shoot the man first, shoot the horse, and capture the thief first, capture the king", but the experience left by the ancestors of this sentence is obviously not applicable here in Ning Jinshan. Ning Jinshan, the commander of the fourth battalion, never aimed at the bandit cavalry. Instead of horses, they directly attacked people, cutting guns and meat.

Well, the emotions on the entire position were mobilized, and the soldiers also imitated their battalion commanders, firing precision shots at the bandit cavalry hundreds of meters away in the trenches, shooting at the entire fourth battalion position at once. The sound is loud, but the strange thing is that the sound of the Fourth Battalion here is different from other places. All the gunshots on the battlefield are rifle shots. Like suddenly disappeared.

The bandit's cavalry was a little closer, estimated to be only more than 200 meters away, and Ning Jinshan's firing speed was also significantly accelerated, and the five bullets in a rifle's magazine quickly ran out.

The soldiers who followed were very familiar with the ways of their battalion commander. Several soldiers gave up the opportunity to shoot by themselves, but devoted themselves to the work of loading their battalion commander's rifle.

Several rifles loaded with bullets were handed to Ning Jinshan in turn. This sharpshooter recognized by the whole brigade had focused eyes and concentrated attention. He had turned a blind eye to all external factors, and all he saw in his eyes were the figures of bandit cavalry .

Crack, crack, crack, the shooting at intervals of a few seconds was steady and continuous, and the riders under his gun were shot down one by one from their horses, all of them were killed by one shot, and then several soldiers took turns It feels pressure to press the bullets for their battalion commander. The speed of loading the bullets can't keep up with the speed of the battalion commander's shooting. Ning Jinshan's shooting seems to be not aimed at all. He just raises his hand at the approximate position and shoots. But the gunshot fell, and the bullet was not in vain.

Ning Jinshan's miraculous shooting ability once again shocked the soldiers around him, good guy, how many have our battalion commander killed in just a short while?I'm afraid there are dozens of them.

Ning Jinshan had a great time playing. Hey, I haven’t done this for a long time. It’s a rare opportunity. After playing, I feel better and better. Ning Jinshan also found the old squad leader who taught him to fight when he was a recruit. course.

Scrambling is a term used in a specific period in the Eighth Route Army. The specific action is that a person hides in a trench or some hidden fortifications. When the opponent attacks, he suddenly leans out of the bunker, shoots when he takes out his gun, and shoots. After the end, turn around and hide. This is a shooting method that is forced to deal with the enemy with strong firepower. Because the shooting time is very short, there is no way to aim at all. It is purely a feeling. Shooting by feeling, the gun sounds amazing. .

Of course, the soldiers' methods are not as magical as Ning Jinshan's. Many soldiers shot while muttering: "Hey, we are not as good as the battalion commander, so we will attack the bandits' horses first, put the horses down first, and wait for the bandits to shoot." When the cavalrymen fell from their horses, they shot at people."

Compared with the riders on the horses, the targets of the horses are relatively more. With the bursts of rifle shots, the charging horses thumped and fell down, while the riders on them were thrown to the ground. Su, dizzy.

Without horses, cavalry is no longer called cavalry. The speed advantage they are proud of is gone. target, and it's free.

In order for the cavalry to charge, the bandits chose relatively open areas to attack. Such terrain is very suitable for horses to run, but everything has pros and cons. The flat terrain is indeed very suitable for cavalry to charge, but once the cavalry With the horse dead, the cavalry who fell to the ground couldn't even find a place to cover them, and were completely exposed to the opponent's firepower.

The dazed bandit cavalry who were thrown couldn't even distinguish between the southeast and the north. Groups of three or five, dozens of groups, wandered around the attacking area. This was a pure act of courting death, and the soldiers naturally would not Missing such a good opportunity, the rifle in his hand rang happily.

Afterwards, they were finally beaten to understand, and the rest of the dead ran back desperately, but how many people could run back without the horses and the covering firepower!Many bandits were running, only to be hit by a bullet through the back of the heart, and then out through the front chest.

Artillery bombardment, landmine bombing, plus countless rifle shots, the bandit cannon fodder who attacked suffered heavy casualties again, the casualties were horrendous, bloody and bloody, and finally, the confidence of the riders was once again shattered by the blow. The killed knight turned his horse's head and ran back regardless of his head.

The lightly wounded who were abandoned were crying and crawling back, and the seriously wounded could only lie there waiting to die. No one dared to rescue them under the precise shooting of the People's Liberation Army.

The bandit leaders didn't care much about such things, because even if they were rescued, if there were not enough medical staff and medicines, what awaited them would be death.

The bandits who had escaped reported to their master Usman: "Report—report to the commander, we encountered a minefield of the communist army. The communist army planted a large number of mines at the front of the position. The horses sounded when they rode, and the brothers died. , less than half of my team ran back."

The bandit cavalry brigade was formed only in the Badashi area where they gathered. There are 2000 people in a brigade, and not even half of them escaped, which means that in just ten or twenty minutes, more than one The "warrior" in the thousand deserts met Hu Da.

Wu Siman frowned, and the situation became more complicated. From various signs, it can be seen that the Yiwu Communist Army has long been prepared. This is a very strong team with a very tenacious fighting power. The two attacks have no effect at all. While casualties have been suffered, morale has also been hit to a certain extent, and the consumption of ammunition by the People's Liberation Army has not decreased.

what to do?In Usman's hard thinking, when it was noon, both the attackers and the defenders temporarily put down their weapons. No matter what they did, they had to eat their fill first.If you think it’s okay, give Laoba some recommended tickets. (To be continued..)

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