The beacon of youth

Chapter 643 Crowd Tactics

The continuous attacks of the bandit cavalry were beaten back one after another. In the end, no one dared to charge on horseback anymore, because it was obviously an act of courting death.

No one would do anything to find death. Later, all the bandits who dared not go back all lay down on the road, lying behind the dead horse, using the dead horse's body as a cover to avoid the bullets of the People's Liberation Army, and the cavalry became lying on the ground. Infantry waiting to die on the ground.

The bandit leader Wu Siman howled in anger, wishing to shoot all the fearful ghosts lying on the ground, because he knew that he only had four days at most, and every hour and minute was very precious to him. The PLA is not afraid of procrastination.

Yao Lebosi, the number two person, curled his lips and said to himself, don't put on an air, the dead are the cubs of other people's families, what's there to feel bad about, if you have the ability to use your own direct descendants to fight against it.

I can only think about this, and I can't say it out of my mouth, but Yao Lebosi also knows the urgency of time. The large troops of the People's Liberation Army don't care whether he and Usman have any conflicts. He said that at present, Yao Lebosi and Usman are still on the same boat.

"Commander, the attack cannot be stopped. We must send troops to continue to charge up. Once we stop, our early efforts will be in vain."

The reasoning is easy to understand. Wu Siman snorted, agreed with Yao Lebosi's opinion, and then ordered loudly: "Listen to me, and continue to attack the Communist Army's positions according to the plan studied yesterday. If you dare not obey the order, I will enforce battlefield discipline, Sheldman, and bring those who came back to me."

A few desperate deserters were brought over, and they were forced to kneel down in front of Usman, and Sheldman reported loudly, "Commander, a total of nine were arrested."

Even though this kid is Usman's son, in front of everyone, he should call him Commander just like everyone else.

Several deserters who were captured seemed to know the situation within seconds.Weeping and shouting: "Commander, spare your life, Commander, spare your life, we will never dare again."

"In the future, if you don't kill you, others will take my order as a joke, thinking that I, Usman, is talking fart, so you must die."

While yelling, Us pulled out his gun, put it on the foreheads of these guys, and shot without hesitation.

Clap, clap, a few shots down.The brains of these unlucky bastards were blown apart, Sheldman led the guards and dragged the dead bodies down, and Usman, who was covered in blood, looked like a demon king who had sprung out of hell, waving a pistol and shouting: "Look!" If not, they are role models for anyone who dares to escape without permission. Pass on my order and the attack will continue."

The leaders who were not too far away shivered in fright.He ran out on horseback.Go call out to their minions, because the next wave of attacks will be their turn.

These guys thought while running. When they went to Usman, they thought it was a good place to enjoy the shade under the big tree. In the future, President Jiang of Taiwan will also have a good future when he counterattacks the mainland, just as Usman promised. Get a regimental commander or something.But now it seems that everything is going to be too much, not only is there no trace of the future, even the life is about to die, but it is easy to get on the boat and difficult to get off the boat.There is no regret medicine to buy in the world, and today I can only bite the bullet and take it.

There were countless cavalry, and there was another roaring charge. Before setting off, someone suggested to Usman: "Commander, there are still many brothers lying on their stomachs on the way of our attack. What should we do with these people? Horseshoes will trample people to death." .”

The point of comment is that the bandits lying on the ground will be trampled to death by horseshoes during the next impact.

Usman replied viciously: "Tell them, follow the team and rush up. As long as I can keep up, I, Usman, will not blame the past. If you don't flinch, you can directly trample to death with horseshoes, or you can be killed. You don't need to ask me for instructions. "

Hei Huhu's large cavalry rushed up, and the horse's hooves knocked the ground with a thud. The bandits lying on the ground were frightened, and they jumped up from the ground and ran to the sides. The bandits who attacked later didn't care if there were any People, someone has to step over.

A leader shouted: "The commander asked me to tell you, follow behind the team to attack the PLA positions, and those who keep up will not be blamed for the past, and all those who retreat will be shot."

Hulala Countless bandits rushed over, including the brigade of cavalry who launched the attack later, and the infantry left lying on the ground during the previous waves of attacks. The cavalry mixed with the infantry, overcrowding the entire attack area.

This is a very typical human sea tactic, using a large number of people and horses to consume the strength of the People's Liberation Army on the opposite side. The bandit leader Usman also had his own ideas. The Communist Army stationed in this area first ate the entire Seventh Cavalry Division. A tough battle, not to mention human beings, even five or six thousand cattle and sheep, would have to sweat profusely if they were completely slaughtered. It is impossible for the communist army to not consume at all. Now it is causing Usman and the gangsters the greatest trouble The most important thing is the powerful firepower of the People's Liberation Army, and powerful firepower does not fall from the sky out of thin air, but is supported by a large amount of ammunition. Without sufficient ammunition, the so-called powerful firepower becomes nothing.

Usman's tactics are very cruel and primitive. He wants to use up uninterrupted intensive attacks to consume all the ammunition of the PLA. In the end, the advantage of personnel becomes an absolute advantage.

From the standpoint of the bandits at the time, this was a method, and it was also a very effective method. Although the crowd attack was very primitive, it also captured the weakness of the People's Liberation Army.

What are the weaknesses of PLA troops?The officers and soldiers are of the same mind, the commanders and fighters have high ideological awareness, and the troops have a tenacious will to fight. Is there any weakness in such an army?

Yes, the troops of the People's Liberation Army also have weaknesses. As we have introduced before, the weakness of the People's Liberation Army lies in their logistics.

Logistics is a very life-threatening topic. Some military strategists commented that logistics is what is fought in war, especially in modern warfare, which puts greater pressure on logistics. From the period of the Red Army with millet and rifles to the later period of the War of Liberation, The logistics problems of the PLA have not been well resolved. Siye, which developed from the Northeast region with strong industrial production capacity, is better. They have a large number of cars, as well as developed railway transportation, and they have companies that can produce various types of guns and ammunition. The arsenal, when fighting, can fight, rush and chase without any scruples, forming the unique so-called three fierce tactics of the four fields, and the poorest and most miserable field is much worse. The military industry in the Northwest is weak, and all the field Arms and ammunition depended on capture, and if one battle was not fought well, the next was almost impossible, simply because ammunition ran out.

This is not alarmist talk, but the facts at the time. Who would have imagined that the deputy commander-in-chief would personally approve the note for a few rounds of shells, or for a main attacking brigade with a difficult task?

(The Battle of Panlong Town, the Fourth Brigade of the Second Column of the People's Liberation Army, before the start of the battle, Boss Peng specially approved the eight-shot mountain artillery shells)

If it is an ordinary PLA brigade, it may be very difficult to be besieged by Usman with such tactics. Although the soldiers are brave, what if the ammunition is exhausted?

It's a pity that what Usman and his gangsters encountered was not ordinary PLA troops, but an independent brigade with strong transportation capabilities that had been fully motorized, and it was also a well-known hero brigade in the field army.

The independent brigade is not only five or six thousand or six or seven thousand people as they think, but a special brigade with a total strength of more than 7000 people, which is not counting the number of cavalry battalions strengthened by the Fifth Army.

The bandits who charged intensively made the officers and soldiers of the independent brigade find the feeling they haven't seen for a long time. They haven't fought a big battle for a long time. The fight hasn't happened in a while, how long is it?It is estimated that it has been several months.

The soldiers on the ground murmured: "Damn it, we still enjoy working together, we can still compete with each other, this time there will be another competition to kill the enemy, with the battalion as the unit, and see which battalion has the most victories."

The opinions of the soldiers were quickly reflected to Li Yong and Wang Chengde. The top officers of the two independent brigades smiled and replied to the commanders at all levels below, "Very well, we will implement according to the opinions of the soldiers. After the battle is over, we will perform meritorious deeds." Awards.

Rush, run, the bandits ran forward desperately, the narrow attack area was in a mess, and the defending soldiers on the ground looked at the bandits' movements in wonder, because the soldiers didn't understand that they could rush forward with this method. come up?Don't the bandits know that bullets can kill people?

The bandits know that bullets can kill people, but they use their own equipment to measure the independent brigade on the opposite side. Most of the 10,000+ bandits are blind and have no contact with the outside world. Like Yao There are not many people in the entire bandit team who are familiar with the outside world like Lebos. Therefore, in a relatively closed environment, the vast majority of grassroots bandit personnel do not understand the infantry's heavy firepower. They think that as long as they use horses Destroy some of the minefields of the People's Liberation Army, and then use the method of attacking in turn to rush up, and the victory will be at hand, but can they charge up?

The mortars belonging to the battalion were fired non-stop, and the shells were shot out one after another. The sound of the explosion never stopped. Fortunately, each infantry battalion of the Independent Brigade had its own platoon directly under it, and the shells were still adequate.

Only solid logistics can make a unit burst out with lasting combat effectiveness. From the day the unit was established, solving logistics problems has always been a concern of brigade commander Li Yong. Later, the unit expanded and conditions improved. Under Li Yong's insistence, the first-level unit of the independent brigade and battalion set up a heavy platoon, and the brigade set up a heavy battalion, both of which were established to solve logistical problems to the greatest extent. Today, facing the continuous attacks of Usman bandits, the independent brigade The strong logistical support capability has once again been prominently displayed. (to be continued..)

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