The bandits made up their minds in the second day's attack, preparing to concentrate their efforts to break through the independent brigade's defensive position in one fell swoop, so as to resolve the Yiwu issue as soon as possible, and while gaining a major international influence, they also rescued their eldest lady Yilier.

A large number of cavalry were used in the open areas in the east, west, and south directions. In the direction of the northern mountains, infantry had to be used. Mountain warfare was used for sneak attacks or storms. It is easy to change the infantry. The cavalry simply threw away their horses. Yet.

In charge of attacking Beishan were the three bandit brigades led by Habuli Bari, with a total strength of more than 6000 people.

There are more than 6000 people in hand, and Habul Baal is full of enthusiasm. He has grown into his twenties and has never brought so many soldiers. When he went out to commit crimes, it was only a few hundred people. At that time, my uncle gave me a brigade of more than 2000 people. I thought that more than 2000 people would be enough prestige. Once I pulled it out for hundreds of kilometers, I had to rely on my own will. Who would have thought that I would call it to myself two days later. Two brigades.

What does more than 6000 people mean?What rank is it in the Kuomintang army?I heard that the seventh cavalry division that was wiped out by the communist army a few days ago was only more than 5000 people. If I say that, I have become a division commander in just a few days?Can Taiwan and the Americans recognize themselves as teachers?It should be possible, because my uncle has a lot of powers of attorney in his hand, and they are all stamped blank powers of attorney, just fill in the name.

Thinking about what was on his mind, the smug Habulibali brought his troops to the vicinity of Beishan. He didn't care whether there were PLA troops defending the mountain or how many people were defending. In order to carry out his uncle Usman's plan, he would use corpses To be piled on top of the mountain.

The fifth infantry battalion of the Independent Brigade was defending the Beishan position, with a strength of more than 1000. Battalion commander Wang Huo led the soldiers to re-fortify the mountain at an altitude of more than 2000 meters, although the fortifications left by the first battalion were not bad.But that was only a fortification built by more than 50 people in two squads, which was not at the same level compared with a large force of more than 1000 people, so this fortification had to be excavated again.

Digging, individual bunkers, traffic trenches for mutual support, positions for heavy machine guns and mortars, as well as headquarters at all levels and temporary resting points for the wounded, all in order.

The soldiers were resolute in carrying out their orders, but there were also a lot of weird words, and some said, "Hey. Look at the mountain we are defending. I heard that it is more than 2000 meters high. If you go up the mountain with your body empty, you will sweat. What's the point of digging hard?" Use? The bandits will not be stupid enough to really attack us?"

Others said, this time we are regarded as ordinary people.Hiding on the mountain to watch the excitement, the bandits can't come up anyway.Eat and drink enough and sleep well.

The warrior who speaks strange words also represents the views of some people.The soldiers believed that it was right to guard Beishan, but digging fortifications might not be of any use. The bandits are also human and have brains, so they would not leave the plains alone to climb such a strenuous mountain.

Battalion Commander Wang Huo calmly led a few soldiers around to check the position, and he heard a lot of strange things from the soldiers.But he didn't bother to answer. He believed that the soldiers would carry out his orders well even if they said strange things, and make the fortifications well.

The battalion commander who didn't say a word made the soldiers feel unfathomable.Later, the strange words became another form. Is what our battalion commander said false?He said that the bandits would definitely come if they could.

It seems to be to verify the magic of Wang Huo. Not long after he said this, the bandits really came, and there were quite a few of them. The line of sight on the mountain is very good, and the commanders above the platoon in the army all wear binoculars, condescending to watch more clearly.

With more than 4000 cannon fodder in his hand, Habulibali led his troops to attack the mountain before he could gain a firm foothold. There was no tactical arrangement, and there was no combat team to cover each other. He just insisted on climbing up the mountain.

The cavalry was originally a field unit on the plains, and it was really too difficult for them to suddenly switch to infantry to fight in the mountains. The commander Habl Barry who led the team was brave, but he was just a bandit. The army knows nothing about mountain warfare.

In a sense, bandits who fight with such tactics are stupid, but what stupidity brings to the opponent is the harvest.

Crowds of bandits climbed up like ants, and finally crowded the entire hillside. The battalion commander Wang Huo looked at the bandits attacking the mountain coldly. He just asked the soldiers to prepare for battle, but he did not give the order to fire for a long time. .

If you want to attack the Beishan position and win the commanding heights that control the overall situation, you must change the cavalry into infantry. How powerful can the cavalry be without horses?It's not that Wang Huo looked down on these bandits who attacked Beishan. They might have a little fighting power on horseback. After becoming light infantry, it would be a joke to compete with the Fifth Battalion. Under the condition of a little covering firepower, just climb up the mountain with your butt pouted like this, hey, this mentality is really good enough.

How far can it be from the top of the mountain?It is less than 30 meters away from the ridge line guarded by the soldiers. Looking from the top of the mountain to the foot of the mountain, hordes of bandits extend all the way down the mountain. They are so densely packed that it is hard to see the number. Looking at it suddenly, I thought the whole mountain was moving. .

A distance of more than 20 meters is the limit distance for infantry defense. Only troops with rich combat experience and extremely good psychological quality dare to put their opponents at such a short distance. The Fifth Infantry Battalion of the Independent Brigade is such a force.

The Fifth Battalion is good at defense, all the soldiers are very stable in battle, and their psychological quality is excellent. Their battalion commander Wang Huo's standard for training his soldiers is that they don't change face when Mount Tai collapses in front of them.

Climbing up the mountain like a snail, after climbing a section and looking up a few times, I feel that the mountain is still so high, and there are still so many stones. I feel dizzy when I look at it more. I am used to being a cavalry. I want to ride a horse for everything. The road was tiring, let alone climbing such a high mountain, but fortunately there was no movement on the mountain, as if there was no communist defense at all.

This is a good thing, it’s better to be tired than to be beaten to death by the People’s Liberation Army. Didn’t you see the brothers down the mountain?

Just as the bandits couldn't help their wild thoughts, they got closer and closer to the top of the mountain, so close that they seemed to go up after a few steps. The commander and the commander all swore that there was a communist army on the mountain. Where did the communist army come from? Come?

Damn it, I don’t have to die at last. It’s definitely safer to charge on the top of the mountain than riding a horse. Facing the Beishan position that is close at hand, all the bandits relax and think their mission is completed. The altitude is more than 2000 meters Beishan is theirs now.

Haburi Bari, the commander observing from the mountain, was also puzzled. What's going on? Why is there no communist army on the mountain, and no one needs to defend such an important position?Is the head of the communist army commander flooded?Or kicked by a wild donkey?

But no matter how puzzled this guy was, seeing the cannon fodder he blasted up the mountain climbed up step by step, he still went up without a single casualty.

But could Beishan belong to them? More than 1000 PLA ​​soldiers are watching the performance of their idiots.

Seeing the bandits approaching loosely, the Fifth Battalion Commander Wang Huhu yelled loudly: "Fire."

The soldiers bowed their backs and remained motionless in the trench, waiting for the battalion commander's order to fire. When they leaned out, the bandits were only a dozen or twenty steps away from them. You can clearly see the yellow die in the mouth that doesn't fit.

The sudden appearance of the People's Liberation Army stunned the bandits who had climbed to the top of the mountain. It turned out that it was not that there were no People's Liberation Army on the mountain, but that they had not moved.

Before the dumbfounded bandits could react, the soldiers of the Fifth Battalion opened fire. Countless Tom-type submachine guns and Czech-type light machine guns burst into violent firepower. The frontier of the position was woven into a fire net.

The sudden burst of firepower was so dense that even a bird couldn't fly over it, let alone such a big bandit soldier.

The soldiers aimed at the impenetrable crowd and slammed the weapons in their hands into flames. They saw the chest and head of the bandit soldier more than a dozen steps away were beaten to pieces, and blood and brains sprayed out.

It's like ripe crops after autumn. Starting from the front, they were cut down row by row. The soldiers didn't know how many people they had killed, but they only knew that the submachine guns in their hands were not idle for a moment.

The bandits who climbed to the top of the mountain were swept away with flesh and blood, every body was hit by countless submachine gun or machine gun bullets, and every corpse was shot with a plug.

Facing the ferocious firepower of the People's Liberation Army's defense forces, the bandits wielding rifles and sabers had no power to fight back. The rain of bullets blowing like a strong wind shattered all the psychology of resisting, just like smashing an enemy with a hammer. Egg shell, no matter how hard you try, the egg shell will be smashed to pieces.

The heavy machine guns placed on the two wings also fired at the same time. More than 20 heavy machine guns were firing in salvo. The scene was horrific. Before the heavy machine guns were fired, none of the corpses were complete.

The soldiers of the Fifth Battalion shouted and opened fire, what a great opportunity, it is a good time to make a lot of contributions, if you don't seize this opportunity, it will be gone later, when Wang Huo got the task, many people said that their battalion commander was too To be honest, I will not compete with other battalion commanders. Now that I think about it, their battalion commanders are more powerful. Torturing and killing bandits in such a good location is not only enjoyable but also meritorious. It is really a good way to kill two birds with one stone. (To be continued..)

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