Li Yong didn't expect that his bragging really helped. The independent brigade was temporarily free from the risk of being abolished. However, this was only temporary, and who could say better in the future.

The independent brigade back in Dihua calmed down. It was enough for the small group of bandits to have local armed forces to deal with them, but the main combat troops had nothing to do.

Li Yong, who was free, thought carefully for a few days. No wonder the superiors would let the troops carry out reclamation. There is no other way. With so many troops, the daily consumption is really not a small amount. With the production capacity of Xinjiang at that time, it was really difficult to feed so many troops, so most of the supplies had to be transported from the inland, but the distance from the inland to Xinjiang Far away, coming and going, the cost is too high.

However, this is not what Li Yong wants to consider. What is Li Yong going to do?We must hurry up to train the troops to prepare for combat. According to the time calculation, the Korean War will break out soon, and in a few months, the Thirteen Corps of the Four Fields will enter North Korea to participate in the war. Although the Independent Brigade is located in Xinjiang, it is too far away from the Northeast Frontier Far away, but the world is impermanent, and who knows what the superiors are thinking. Didn't the [-]th Corps of Yiye also enter the dynasty in the later period?

Political commissar Wang Chengde also approached Li Yong quietly and asked him what the so-called long-term planning meant.Why, as a political commissar, he didn't know at all, Li Yong just sued Wang Chengde with a smirk, it was all forced out by the commander at the time, if you don't say that, you can't, if you don't say that, our independent brigade might be messed up by the chief In this way, a Xinjiang simply does not need so many regular troops.

Li Yong did not elaborate on why, but Wang Chengde is so smart, he guessed the matter after careful consideration, and Lao Wang was also covered in cold sweat.Dayong is too courageous, he dares to say anything.

With the order of Commander Wang, things are indeed much easier to handle. From the next day, the logistics department of the Corps began to replenish the independent brigade with food, ammunition, clothing, fuel, including the most difficult anti-aircraft machine gun bullets. They were all sent over, and it took two full days to replenish the supplies consumed by the Independent Brigade for so many days.It can also be seen from this point that raising an army is really not an easy task.

A few days later, more than 600 soldiers dispatched from the Second Army also arrived, and the Independent Brigade was full of joy again, because some of them were old acquaintances.It doesn't matter what the assignment is, it's just that some people from the three main divisions of the Second Army are given to the Independent Brigade.It can be regarded as a personnel transfer in the army.It's just that the independent brigade always goes out to perform tasks alone, and the station is not together, giving people the feeling that they are in another army.

Speaking of the personnel transfer of the Second Army, there is another episode. More than 600 people are not a small number. Army Commander Guo Peng and Political Commissar Wang Enmao asked everyone to sign up on a voluntary basis, but unexpectedly.The number of people who signed up far exceeded the number required by the Independent Brigade. They were all members of the same army. Everyone knew that the Independent Brigade was not only good at fighting.The logistics are also rich and oily, and the weapons and equipment are beyond the reach of other troops. Those who don't want to go to such troops are fools.

Just because of this, I heard that the commanders of several other main divisions have some opinions (except the Fourth Division, because the Fourth Division and the Independent Brigade are one family). Independent travel is making a fuss as if we are all paupers.

But no matter what, the personnel are all here. Li Yong and Wang Chengde allocated the more than 600 people. The key units are undoubtedly the engineers and repair companies. After the replenishment, the independent brigade has more than 500 engineers and repair troops. It's still called a company, but its scale is as large as a battalion of other troops, which is considered awesome.

Xiao Cheng, the company commander of the engineering company, and San Niu, the company commander of the repair company, are frowning. These two boys are afraid that others will not know that they are rich, so they just say it when they see people. Don’t look at them as company commanders, they are also company commanders at the battalion level. , Coupled with a large number of allocated equipment, the strength of the independent brigade engineering unit has more than doubled several times.

According to Li Yong's request, what the independent brigade lacks now is the problem of the tank battalion. The fuel for the tanks and armored vehicles has been replenished in place. Only these various types of spare parts have no place to dig. Commander Wang is also instructing the corps. The logistical force went to the mainland to ask for transportation, but because the distance was too far, it was obvious that there was no way to transport it for a while.

This is not a problem. We still have time to wait. Although we don't know what the superiors mean, but from the personnel and materials allocated, the independent brigade should not be at risk of being abolished. The reason is very simple. If the superiors are determined to send a If the troops are cut down, there will be no replenishment of personnel and equipment for the troops.

During this period, the Independent Brigade launched large-scale troop training activities, and the troop training was highly targeted, mainly focusing on soil work.

Including the political commissar Wang Chengde, everyone didn't quite understand what the brigade commander Li Yong did. Training is the training of the troops. The troops must be trained, but why should they focus on a single subject and spend all day muddy with trenches and bunkers? What does the brigade commander mean when dealing with the bomb hole?Why do you try to get the soldiers to practice digging anti-cannon holes, and they still need to dig anti-cannon holes to fight bandits?Do bandits have heavy artillery?

Although they didn't understand it, the soldiers were still meticulous in their execution. Everyone believed that what the brigade commander did must be useful, and this was an old habit developed over the years.

Why should the troops focus on practicing soil work?In fact, Li Yong was doing preventive work. What he was afraid of was that one day his superiors would suddenly order the Independent Brigade to go to the front line in North Korea. It would not be a bad thing to make more preparations.

Practice, practice, continuous training all day long, even after the bandits were beaten, the cadres and soldiers of the independent brigade emptied out a small mountain near the station, just to practice the soldiers' soil work ability.

Why do you want to do this?Because on the Korean battlefield, the U.S. military has always advocated firepower to win wars. On the ground are tanks and heavy artillery, and in the sky are carrier-based fighter jets of the Army Aviation and Navy. For troops of the same level, the U.S. military has dozens of times more firepower than the Volunteer Army.

To give a simple example, if an infantry company of the Volunteer Army is defending a position, and an infantry company of the U.S. Army is attacking, a company of the Volunteer Army has only more than 100 rifles, a small number of light and heavy machine guns and grenades, and maybe one or two more. There are mortars with few shells (supply can't keep up), and when the US infantry company is attacking, an infantry captain can command a heavy howitzer company and a tank company in addition to his own company. , a squadron of fighter-bombers came to assist. In this way, the attack firepower of a company of the US Army is how many times that of the guard company of our Volunteer Army. It is impossible to calculate, because it is not an order of magnitude.

Heavy artillery covers the bombing, tank guns shoot directly at the target, and fighter-bombers drop napalm bombs overhead. This is the steel tactics of the US military. You must know that napalm bombs can form a high-temperature flame stream of more than 2000 degrees. Under the napalm bomb, life It's hard to survive.

What does the Volunteer Army rely on to fight the U.S. military in a cruel environment?Relying on volunteer planes?Rely on those short-legged (insufficient range) MiGs?You must know that even when the Volunteer Air Force was at its peak, it only opened up a so-called MiG corridor on the rear transportation line, while the frontline troops had to fight their opponents desperately with bombs on their heads.

What should I do if my plane is unreliable?With those poor anti-aircraft machine guns and anti-aircraft guns in small numbers?Obviously even worse, the limited anti-aircraft artillery fire of the Volunteer Army has to protect bridges and passes, and the frontline troops can't count on it at all, so how can the Volunteer Army withstand the indiscriminate bombing of the ground-to-air firepower of the United Nations Army?

The secret lies in the soil work ability of the Volunteer Army. Most of the soldiers of the Volunteer Army are farmers, and they have a natural sense of familiarity with digging ditches. In addition, since the Red Army period, whether it is against the Japanese or the Kuomintang, the firepower of the People’s Liberation Army They are all at a disadvantage. Therefore, in order to win the battle and reduce casualties, the troops of the People's Liberation Army are extremely picky about the terrain and terrain where the battle is launched, and they have also developed the habit of digging fortifications in every battle. The biggest secret of confrontation is the tunnel.

Tunnel tactics developed during the War of Resistance Against Japan and the War of Liberation, and were carried forward in the Korean War. This was also the result of being forced out by the cruel environment. What Li Yong has to do is to develop on the basis of his predecessors. Know if it will come in handy.

While the Independent Brigade was preparing for war in the northwestern border of the motherland, the Korean Peninsula next to the northeastern border of China was full of battles.

The total area of ​​the Korean Peninsula is about 22 square kilometers, and the population at that time was 500 million. After the end of World War II, North Korea, which was originally a unified peninsula country, was divided into two by the United States and the Soviet Union. A horizontal line was artificially drawn on the line, and since then, the [-]th Line, which has been famous all over the world for decades, was born.

After the beginning of the Cold War, North Korea and South Korea were controlled by two opposing camps, and they each formed their own national defense forces. Kim Il Sung, who was born as a poor child and grew up in Jilin, China, was supported by the Stalin government at that time. In the name of the North Korean detachment, the northern part of the peninsula was liberated. Then, in order to expand its own strength, the North Korean government delegation came to China less than a month before the founding of New China and asked for support.

Considering the international environment at that time and the big family of the Communist International, New China assigned all Korean cadres and soldiers in the four field forces to the Kim Il Sung government.

Shino's army is too big, one million and hundreds of thousands of troops, some of them are Korean veterans who have been tested by war. (Please praise, please praise) (to be continued...)

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