The beacon of youth

Chapter 695 Distant War

Siye is the most powerful of the several field armies, with a large number of people. In order to provide the North Korean brothers with the greatest support, the central government also recruited Korean soldiers to join the army in Yanji and Tumen. On this basis, three full-armed soldiers were formed. The full infantry division has a total strength of more than 4 people, and the field army has mobilized the best equipment for them.

The equipment of Siye was originally the best among the major field armies. In this way, the weapons of the three infantry divisions were even more powerful. It can be said that the equipment of the three infantry divisions at that time was already better than that of the Japanese army during World War II.

After the three infantry divisions were given to Kim Il Sung, the strength of the North Korean government rose sharply, and began to expand its troops based on these divisions.

Before the outbreak of war on the Korean Peninsula, the Korean Nationalist Republic already had ten infantry divisions, five border brigades, and one armored brigade. Its main technical equipment was more than 250 tanks (the main equipment of the Soviet Army in World War II, The latest t34), more than 180 aircraft (mostly propeller-type Yak XVI fighter jets), and several other artillery equipment.

This is a very powerful force, the backbone of which is the veterans of the Eighth Route Army and the People's Liberation Army. They are troops who have rolled out of blood and fire. They are much stronger than South Korea's Li Chengwan's army, and their combat effectiveness is strong.

While preparing intensively in the northern part of the Korean peninsula, the Li Chengwan government in the south is not idle. With the support of the United States, the size of the border guards has also expanded to 10,000+, and there is a tendency to continue to expand.

Both the North and South Korean governments regarded themselves as orthodox and wanted to unify the whole country, which created an irreconcilable contradiction. Therefore, the battle on the [-]th Front was clouded with clouds and gunshots continued.

Xinjiang in the northwest is too far away from the Korean peninsula, and the soldiers who live here are not aware of the tense atmosphere in the northern and southern peninsulas. A unit called the Independence Brigade under the First Corps of the People's Liberation Army is still on the ground. Carry out their training step by step.Fast forward to June.

This afternoon, after lunch, Li Yong and Wang Chengde were discussing something in the brigade command post. Suddenly the phone rang, and a staff officer on duty picked up the receiver and just listened to a few words before shouting: "Brigade commander, political commissar, It's the commander's call."

Li Yong and Wang Chengde were both stunned for a moment, and the commander himself called?Did something big happen! !

After walking a few steps, Li Yong took the microphone, only to hear Commander Wang say: "You and Wang Chengde, come to the Corps headquarters for a meeting right away." Then the microphone snapped off.

Commander's tone is wrong, what's going on?Wang Chengde looked at Li Yong: "What are you doing in a daze, let's go. Go to a meeting."

Li Yong seemed to suddenly remember something and asked, "Old Wang, what's the number today."

Wang Chengde replied angrily: "Did you get confused about training, today is June 25th, and all the single clothes for the troops have been distributed, so don't worry."

wrong.No, it's not about clothes.What day is June 25th.On what day did it come, Li Yong's body shook violently, it seemed that the one who should have come was still here, thinking about it, today is the day when the fucking Korean War broke out, and the commander probably wanted to report this.

The brigade headquarters of the Independent Brigade is not too far from the Corps Headquarters.The jeep arrived in less than ten minutes. When they got to the gate of the Corps headquarters, the two found that the situation was not the same as usual. The commanders above the brigade under the Corps were basically all present.

Wang Chengde also saw that the situation was different, and said to Li Yong one by one: "Dayong. The situation is not right. Something big must have happened."

Li Yong didn't answer Wang Chengde, but just thought in his heart, of course something big happened.

A large map was hung on the wall of the Bingtuan's battle conference room. It could be seen that it was a new one.

The commanders who came here were all veterans who had spent many years on the knife's edge. They were very sensitive to the atmosphere of the war, and their eyes were so good that they could see that something was wrong as soon as they entered the room.

Usually, the maps on the wall of the headquarters are border defense maps in the northwest area. What is it hanging on today?

While everyone was wondering, Commander Wang and several corps leaders came in, and the commander said straight to the point:

"I called you all here today because something big happened. You may have seen it. The map we hang up is the border map of the Northeast. You may ask, what are we doing with the border map of the Northeast? That’s the problem. Just this morning, a large-scale war broke out in our neighbor North Korea. Chief of Staff, please tell us the specific situation.”

Oh, and this thing, the eyes of the commanders who came to the room were all bright, scratching their heads, unable to sit still. These people are used to fighting and fighting, and it is really uncomfortable to be idle. I heard that other places I feel thirsty even when there is a battle.

Commander Wang was amused by the behavior of these people: "Look at you guys, it's another country that is at war, so you're so excited."

A commander made an excuse: "Hey, Commander, aren't we in a hurry? Does the superior have a plan for us to transfer some troops to help? Our division applied first."

"What do you mean your division has applied first, why should you be allowed to go? Lao Tzu's troops are undergoing training and will be pulled out soon. Commander, we have applied to fight in North Korea."

Li Yong and Wang Chengde didn't say a word, Li Yong thought that it was all the same, why these commanders are more delicious than eating big pancakes when they hear that fighting is going to be better than eating big pancakes.

The chief of staff knocked on the table with a small stick: "Don't talk nonsense, you think it's a joke to go abroad to fight? Even if you go to North Korea to help, it won't be the turn of our Corps. There are more troops in the four fields, and they are still close. .”

Everyone thought about it, isn't it? Even if the superiors want to send troops, they have to go to the wilderness first, and it is impossible to send troops from Xinjiang in the northwest. Alas, it is depressing.

The chief of staff pointed to the combat map on the wall and began to analyze the situation of the enemy and the enemy in the north and the south, the composition of the troops, and their respective advantages and disadvantages. On the other side of the country border has a general understanding.

Stretching for a while, the chief of staff threw out the small wooden stick in his hand, and then said: "I have finished what we have learned recently and what the superiors reported. It's up to you next time. You guys, don't just listen to the story. Let's talk about it."

Dozens of people in the room stared wide-eyed, no one said a word, who said?say what?North Korea is at war. It has nothing to do with us. Besides, didn’t the chief of staff just say that even if troops are sent to help, it is the business of the four fields and has nothing to do with us.

Commander Wang looked around, then pointed to the direction where Li Yong and Wang Chengde were sitting and shouted, "Hey, Li Yong, tell me what we should do."

Li Yong froze for a moment, what's the matter, why did the commander drag himself out again, there were a lot of army commanders and division commanders in the room, and his position as brigade commander should be the lowest, so why did he let himself speak.

Wang Chengde gently poked him with his hand: "Don't hesitate, just say whatever you want, the commander is used to it."

Li Yong thinks about it, but it is true. When he was in the second column, the commander always wanted Li Yong to say something, even if it was nonsense, when he was in a meeting. Out.

"Report to the commander, report to the leaders, I just said that according to the analysis of the situation by the chief of staff just now, the total number of troops in North Korea and the South is about the same, both in the scale of 10,000+ people, which can match a little more than our corps strength, but fighting a war should not only depend on the strength of the army, but also on the combat effectiveness. The South Korean army has just been formed. Although it is supported by the Americans and has good weapons and equipment, they are all recruits who have not fought much. North Korea is different from them. North Korea's armed forces are composed of two parts. One part is the Korean detachment of the Soviet Red Army returning from the Soviet Union. , Therefore, as long as a war breaks out, if there is no external force to intervene, South Korea will be defeated, and there is nothing to analyze.”

Li Yong's speech was approved by everyone, but Commander Wang still didn't want to let him go: "Don't sit down, you kid, make it clear, what do you mean if there is no outside force to intervene? What does this mean?"

As worthy of being a commander, he grasped the crux of the problem at once, so Li Yong had no choice but to continue, but he couldn't make it too clear: "Commander, this is how I think about it. South Korea is the power of the United States. If the Li Chengwan Group can't stand it, they will go to their American masters for help, and the military strength of the United States is beyond North Korea's ability to keep up. My meaning is very clear. If the United States intervenes, North Korea will lose. Then North Korea will win, it's that simple."

Before the meeting ended, the commander told everyone that he would give everyone a daily briefing on the news about the Korean War, hoping to attract everyone's attention, be careful of the resurgence of bandits in Xinjiang, and use the international situation to stir up trouble.

The Independent Brigade has been training near the Dihua camp for more than a month. Because there is no war and the food can keep up, this more than a month of training has allowed the morale and physical strength of the tens of thousands of independent brigade troops to reach a peak .

During this period, many people turned their attention to the far northeast border, looking for the long and narrow peninsula on the map. Just as Li Yong analyzed, since the beginning of the war, the Korean People's Army has been advancing all the way, and the attack momentum is very fierce. , while South Korea's Li Chengman's army was defeated.

What's next?What else is there besides the commander's briefing?What is the independent brigade doing with such desperate training?The North Korean People's Army on the border with China is in dire straits. If things go on like this, it seems that North Korea's goal of unifying the whole country is about to be realized.

Old folks, give Laoba a few likes, the list has been pulled farther and farther, and it seems that he will not be able to catch up, brothers, don't bother, hurry up. (To be continued..)

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