The beacon of youth

Chapter 718 The Toad at the Bottom of the Well

The Heavy Artillery Battalion of the Independent Brigade fired two rapid fires in a row, using special anti-personnel grenades and incendiary bombs to attack the Tibetan army's hilltop position, and then the infantry attacked under the cover of the armored soldiers. This is also a classic attack of the Independent Brigade. Way.

At this time, let’s look at the soldiers of the sixth generation of the Tibetan Army on the top of the mountain. Let alone they have never seen such a formation, they have never even heard of it. The difference between the two troops is not the same level. Confrontation is tantamount to being slaughtered.

All over the sky, the Tibetan soldiers who had never seen the world were stunned by the bombardment. The soldiers and officers only cared about finding a place to hide, even for a second.

After the artillery attack, the infantry began to charge. As soon as the remaining firepower of the Tibetan army was exposed, the tank troops at the foot of the mountain were keenly aware of it before they fired. The communicator in his hand directs the tank gun to fire, and destroys it as soon as there is a sign, and we can talk about it first.

Tank guns are a type of cannon. Within the effective strike distance, tank guns are very accurate in attacking fortifications and personnel on the slope. If there are no effective protective equipment and anti-gun fortifications, the personnel on the slope will suffer huge damage. Loss, this is the lesson that our army exchanged blood and life for the attack of the US military on the Korean battlefield, and therefore invented the anti-slope fortification. How could the Tibetan army understand these ideas at this time.

With the strong fire support of our own side, the two infantry battalions who launched the attack rushed at a very fast speed. From the foot of the mountain to the top of the mountain, the whole process rushed up in less than 10 minutes.

Chong rushed to the top of the mountain. The soldiers of the two infantry battalions felt that this is the time for the submachine guns and grenades in the hands of our infantry to start to exert their power. Close combat is our infantry's forte, but we went to the top of the mountain to take a look.What I saw was a piece of scorched black land, even the stones were blown up by the artillery fire and then burned again. It is a miracle that life survived in such an environment.

What kind of war is this? Although the soldiers rushed up to occupy the position, they were still a little depressed because they had no chance to shoot at all. For a whole generation, more than 1000 Tibetan soldiers lived under the attack of artillery fire. The ones who got down were very limited, even if they were lucky enough to not be killed by the bombing, they were frightened and a bit insane.

Li Jiangguo, the commander of the first battalion, and Ma Quanyou, the commander of the second battalion, followed the troops up the mountain.These two guys reported to the brigade commander Li Yong through the walkie-talkie: "Report to the brigade commander, the battle is progressing smoothly. We have successfully occupied the enemy's position and have not encountered effective resistance. We are currently searching for any surviving prisoners. "

It can only be to catch prisoners.Not many people on the mountain were killed, if not killed.Also in a trance.Soldiers from the two battalions searched the mountain with a net, and finally reported back that more than 30 people were killed and more than [-] enemies were captured.

Two infantry battalions, two thousand and several hundred soldiers, only killed more than 30 enemies in one battle.There were more than 60 prisoners, and the total result of the battle was only about a hundred people. It is a bit embarrassing to say such a record, but there is really no way.Because the rest of the enemies were blown to pieces by the heavy artillery of the artillery battalion, the infantry had nowhere to find them if they wanted to, and all they found were broken arms and legs.

The results of the battle came back, and the casualties of the attacking troops were also reported. First Battalion Commander Li Jiangguo replied feebly to Li Yong's question on the walkie-talkie:

"Reporting to the brigade commander, none of our two battalions died, and there were no serious wounded, only four minor injuries. We have completely occupied the position on the top of the mountain. By the way, none were captured. Please instruct us on the next step."

"Li Jiangguo, what's the matter with you boy, why are you not happy after winning the battle? Answer me louder, which army is the Tibetan army, and who is the commander?"

Li Jiangguo's voice was a little aggrieved on the walkie-talkie: "Brigade Commander, Lao Li can't understand what these birdmen are saying. Why do you want me to interrogate the prisoners? Let Lao Zhou come over."

The old Zhou that Li Jiangguo talked about was of course the old Red Army Zhou Daxing who was picked up by the Independent Brigade. It was the first time that Lao Zhou saw the troops officially fighting since he joined the Independent Brigade, but this first battle made Lao Zhou see blood. It was boiling, and the engineer company had no combat missions, so it could only watch from a distance. Lao Zhou was watching the dancing, shouting so much that he almost rushed up.

Xiaocheng, the company commander of the engineering company, had to remind a few words from time to time: "Old Zhou, don't get excited, it's nothing special. Our brigade has always fought like this. If you don't blow the enemy stupid, the infantry won't charge. Next you Look, there's more to come."

Lao Zhou slapped his thigh and scolded his mother: "Damn it, you know a piece of bullshit. Back then, even if we had half of the firepower now, no, even if it was one-third of the firepower, our company should at least live longer!" More than half of the people who came down, more than half of the people, all of them are good."

Xiao Cheng had to listen silently. What he said was even more exciting was that the artillery used incendiary bombs to attack. When he saw the fire all over the mountain, Lao Zhou muttered to himself, good guy, if you keep doing this, how can the enemy survive? The infantry just went up and strolled around.

Just as Lao Zhou estimated, the first and second infantry battalions were no different from traveling up the mountain. When they met those who were in a daze, they shot a few shuttles, and when they saw half-dead, they arrested dozens of them. Battalion Commander Li Jiangguo's conversation on the walkie-talkie was also clearly heard by Lao Zhou.

Lao Zhou ran over without the order from the brigade commander to cooperate with the infantry to interrogate the prisoners.

There is an old man in the family, like a treasure. Zhou Daxing, an old Red Army soldier who came to the Independent Brigade, solved a big problem. Needless to say, Lao Zhou, the instructor of the engineering company, made a guest appearance to interrogate some prisoners. After a short time, the results of the interrogation came out. up.

The enemy surrounded by the independent brigade is the sixth generation of the Tibetan army, and it is the army sent by Lalu, the general manager of Changdu. among the captives who lived there.

Hehe, yes, after one battle, we wiped out one generation of the enemy. It took less than an hour for the troops to deploy to the end of the battle. They even captured the commander Maoxia alive. The brigade commander Li Yong was in a good mood and ordered the first battalion commander Li Jiangguo and Ma Quanyou, the commander of the second battalion, brought all the prisoners here. He wanted to see who had the guts to kill our scouts. He wanted to see who the sixth generation Ben Maoxia who gave the order was. .

Maoxia, the confidant of Lalu, the chief executive of Qamdo, and the commander of the sixth generation of the Tibetan Army, is in her thirties, with a pair of small eyes revealing a cunning look, but the current Maoxia is not cunning. Yes, the People's Liberation Army's fierce attack completely frightened him. He thought he could rely on natural dangers to fight against him. He really answered that sentence. The toad at the bottom of the well does not know how big the sky is.

The more than 60 guys who were captured alive were drowsy, and the two soldiers dragged them to Li Yong one by one, including Maoxia whose face was blackened by the gunpowder smoke.

"What's your name? How old are you, what are your positions, and what is your mission here?" Lao Zhou, a part-time translator, clearly conveyed Li Yong's question to the sixth generation Ben Maoxia.

He was carried to Li Yong by the soldiers and fell to the ground. Mao Xia came to his senses. He also knew that the person in front of him was a senior officer of the People's Liberation Army. This kid just thought, doesn't your People's Liberation Army have a policy not to kill prisoners? Well, I just don't say anything and see what you can do.

Mao Xia stiffened her neck and stood there without saying a word, as if she didn't hear Li Yong's question and Lao Zhou's translation.

It's pretty tough, if you dare to fight when you get caught, then it's easy to handle.

Li Yong was interrogating the captives publicly, so there was a large group of soldiers onlookers, including soldiers from Erye's reconnaissance company, because the scouts from Erye who died earlier were of course the most eager to know the result of the interrogation.

The reconnaissance platoon leader Ning Erzi who was with them knew that it was broken when Maoxia rolled her eyes and said nothing. This idiot, how dare the brigade commander not say anything?

The reconnaissance company commander of Erye didn't understand what Erzi Ning was muttering: "Comrade Erzi Ning, what's wrong, the enemy has been caught by us, can they escape?"

The second son Ning patted the company commander on the shoulder: "Comrade company commander, what I said is bad is because the officer of the Tibetan army, originally, it was not easy to save his life under the shell. .”

Sure enough, as Ning Erzi expected, the impatient brigade commander Li Yong turned his head to look at the soldiers surrounding him, and also saw Ning Erzi who shrank his head.

"Second son, come here and see what our political commissar is up to."

Ning Erzi: "Brigade Commander, I don't need to look at it. Our political commissar is currently visiting the wounded in the health team. Don't we still have four wounded?"

The Independent Brigade is a large force of tens of thousands of people, and the marching queue has been stretched for more than ten kilometers. Even if it fought a battle with the sixth generation of the Tibetan army, it did not use all its strength at all. Only four battalions were used for the operation, one tank battalion, one artillery battalion and two infantry battalions. The rest of the troops still lived as usual, and it was useless to worry.

The health team marched slightly behind the brigade headquarters, a short distance from the vanguard.

Hearing that the political commissar went to the health team to visit the wounded, Li Yong smiled and was completely relieved. Since he became the brigade commander, he has basically lost the opportunity to participate in the front line, let alone machine guns and rifles. The handy shell gun is useless, what is in my hand now?A small gun brand roll.

The gun brand Luzi is a good gun, except that it has not opened for several months after shooting Usman's daughter Yilier in Xinjiang. Today, I will try the gun with this stubborn guy.

It's Monday again, and Lao Ba dares to ask for a few "likes" from his brothers, please. (To be continued..)

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