The beacon of youth

Chapter 719 Brilliant record

He opened the leather holster at his waist, pulled out the exquisitely crafted gun plate, loaded it with a bang, and then directly hit it on the forehead of the sixth generation of the Tibetan army, Ben Maoxia, Li Dali was still muttering :

"Damn, what's the use of you if you don't know anything? Tell me, what's the use of you?"

The sixth generation Ben Maoxia didn't know what Li Yong was talking about, but the muzzle of the gun on the forehead was real, and the metal gun muzzle brought a cool feeling of death to the forehead.

Maoxia, the sixth generation, didn't dare to pretend to be a hero anymore, and knelt down in front of Li Yong with a common sound, yelling something.

There is no need for Lao Zhou's translation, Li Yong can guess it, but it is a language like forgiveness, but it is too late, and now that he knows that forgiveness, why was he so bold when he killed our scouts?

People in the Independent Brigade are familiar with Li Yong's move, knowing that their brigade commander is about to go crazy again, but some people don't know it, for example, the old Red Army Lao Zhou who came to the Independent Brigade later, and Erye They thought that Li Yong was just trying to frighten the boy into telling the truth, but to their surprise, what they heard was a crisp gunshot.

Ping, a gunshot, a bullet went into Maoxia's forehead and came out from the back of her head. What went in was a small eye, and what came out was a big hole. Blood and brains sprayed out from the back of Maoxia's head. The corpse was like a sack that had been emptied, lying limply on the ground.

Li Yong's finger left the trigger, and then he blew on the light blue smoke from the muzzle of the gun, and put the pistol into the holster around his waist.

Brigadier Li Da is very proficient in this set of movements. Obviously, he is used to it. He is used to it, and the soldiers of the Independent Brigade are also used to it, but others can't do it.The actions the soldiers are used to seeing are very visually impactful to outsiders. The scouts of the second field looked at each other, and they were a little confused. What's wrong?This is broken?

If someone else did such an act, the reconnaissance company commander of Erye would definitely stop it, and he might even say a few words, our PLA has discipline and is not allowed to kill prisoners, but Li Yong's position is much higher than his, familiar words.Li Yong is the real leader of the official rank, and he, a company commander, cannot make irresponsible remarks about the behavior of the leader.

As if he knew how he was feeling now, Erzi Ning poked him with his hand, and said in a low voice: "Hey, it's nothing, you'll get used to it later. Think about it carefully. This guy ordered to kill us Comrade, what's the use of keeping him? Don't you want to destroy him?"

To be honest, Li Yong's actions really relieved his anger, especially the soldiers of the Second Field Reconnaissance Company. Their avant-garde squad suffered heavy losses, and Maoxia was the culprit.

After the initial shock.The soldiers of the brother army all calmed down, and some soldiers were still muttering in private, killing well, the head of the family is comfortable in doing things.Lao Zhou of the engineering company also went back. Anyway, Mao Xia was also dead, so it was useless for him to stay.

Killing Maoxia, the leader of the sixth generation of the Tibetan Army, Li Yong did this out of a desire to avenge the soldiers, but it actually had another meaning. The captured Tibetan prisoners were indeed a burden. Unlike the captives of the regular army of the Kuomintang, as long as they are captured and educated for a while, they will become good soldiers in our PLA. These captives of the Tibetan army will not become good soldiers. Because of the huge differences in ideology, culture, and language, political work is difficult. , Letting it go will still cause future troubles, so the best way is to solve it all once and for all, and save trouble in the future.

Second son Ning has been standing by Li Yong's side and has not left, because this clever guy knows that the brigade commander has other tasks for him. The guy pursed his lips, and then took the beautiful guard company commander Li Jia to pat his ass and left.

Originally, this kind of work should be done by the company commander of the guard, but no matter what, Li Jia is a woman, and women are inherently inferior to men in doing such things, so it is better to leave it to the guy Ning Erzi, this is Brigadier's confidant.

Ning Erzi understood, and led a platoon of soldiers with him, two of them supported one, and dragged the Tibetan army captive like a dog to death.

What are they going to do?The veterans of the Independent Brigade could figure it out with their buttocks. Turning around a small hill, there is a forest behind, and this is it. Then there was the sound of submachine guns being fired.

Ning Erzi fired with the submachine gun in his hand and muttered: "What the hell are you, please be a good person in your next life, otherwise I will beat you up."

A not-too-large-scale battle was not completely over until now. The independent brigade wiped out one generation of the enemy at the cost of slightly injuring four people, and had a brilliant record.

Could it be that the Tibetan army is a local chicken and a dog with no combat effectiveness?Aren't they holding weapons?No, the Tibetan army is not without any combat effectiveness. There are deep-seated reasons for the achievements of the independent brigade.

First, the tactical thinking of the sixth generation of the Tibetan Army is extremely backward, and they don’t even do the most basic fortifications under the situation of sticking to it, or they don’t know how to do it.

Second, the weapons and equipment are too different from those of the independent brigade, and it is impossible to carry out effective confrontation under the powerful firepower attack. There is not a single artillery in the entire generation.

Third, and most critically, the intelligence system is backward, and it is not known until the start of the battle that the strength of the People's Liberation Army is different from what they know.

Fourth, the Tibetan army of more than 1000 people still wants to fight some positional warfare with the large forces of the People's Liberation Army. Even if the brigade can win, it is impossible to be as comfortable as it is now.

Fifth, the independent brigade has high morale, sufficient ammunition, well-trained, and has gone through the baptism of the Liberation War for several years. It is the golden stage of improving combat effectiveness.

The combination of various reasons resulted in the complete annihilation of the Six Generations of the Tibetan Army.

The second son of the reconnaissance platoon, Chang Ning, who had completed the final mission, returned to the front post with his comrades from the brother army.

The company commander who was walking with him hadn't fully come to his senses yet, this guy asked in an uncertain tone: "Comrade Ning Erzi, did you kill all those guys you captured?"

"Of course, what's the use of keeping these scourges, it can only be a waste of food. Our supplies are already very tight. I don't want to give them my share of dry food."

When it came to supplies, the soldiers of the brother army were deeply touched. They were silent for a long time, and the company commander sighed: "It's okay to do it. In fact, I also want to destroy them all, but our second field is too disciplined." Strict, I really dare not, but I have to say it again, the firepower of your brigade is really powerful, and the battle is really enjoyable."

Ning Erzi's proud expression was undisguised, and this guy's tone was like that of a big chief: "What is this? Our brigade has only dispatched a few battalions. To tell you the truth, the big guys in the artillery battalion can't even cover the cloth." They didn’t withdraw, and the tank battalion just fired a few shots at the foot of the mountain. If our brigade puts all its strength into it, hum, these Tibetan troops are rubbish.”

The complacent Ning Erzi was also unhappy. I heard from the soldiers of the first and second battalions that the battle was won, but nothing was captured. All the weapons, ammunition and supplies on the Tibetan army's position It was all blown into powder by artillery fire, and when they rushed up the mountain, all they saw was scorched earth.

Hey, is there a war? There are perfect things there. The second son of Ning seemed to have been wronged so much. He led the soldiers to continue searching in front of the large army, because the brigade commander had an order. According to the information, they came from Qamdo area. The Tibetan army has two editions, one is the sixth edition, and the other is the ninth edition whose whereabouts are unknown. They want to find out the ninth edition as soon as possible, and then do it together, just like cleaning up the sixth edition. .

Gesang Wangdui, the commander of the ninth generation of the Tibetan Army, is a completely different person from the sixth generation of Ben Maoxia, and is also a representative of the leader of the Tibetan Army.

Gesang Wangdui believes that the strength of the Tibetan army is not of the same order of magnitude as that of the People's Liberation Army, and there is no way to fight against it. The Tibetan army (seventeen generations and some militiamen) with only more than 2 people in total also want to fight with hundreds of Ten thousand PLA arm wrestling?There is no hope of winning at all, and the so-called use of natural dangers to stick to it is nothing but wishful thinking.

It was precisely because of this thought that Gesang Wangdui's ninth-generation copy marched slowly and did not move actively. It was a long distance away from the sixth-generation copy, and did not cooperate with them. Gesang Wangdui saw Xia's behavior, and since he wanted to claim credit, let him go.

It is said that there are only 300 Communists in the Yushu area. With the strength of the two generations, it is no problem to eliminate these Communists. However, Gesang Wangdui, the ninth generation, does not think so. The communist army is small, but these are temporary. Even if a small amount of the communist army can be wiped out, 2000 or 2 people will come after them. How can we eliminate the PLA by then?

Gesang Wangdui, who had a lot of ideas, really didn't want to go to war with the People's Liberation Army, but he was just a commander of the original army, and his words were soft, which influenced the overall situation. Gesang Wangdui had no choice but to take one step at a time. The slow-moving Jiudaiben also released a large number of scouts while marching to spy on the surrounding intelligence and inquire about the news of the People's Liberation Army.

A few days have passed, and a large amount of news has been gathered in the hands of Gesang Wangdui. The intelligence is in a state of confusion and all kinds of information are flying all over the sky. However, it is undeniable that the news reported from different places has a common feature, that is, the PLA The discipline of the emperor is extremely strict, and he has never committed any crime to the poor people. (Brothers, don’t forget to give me a few likes from Lao Ba, thank you) (To be continued...)

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