The beacon of youth

Chapter 720 Nine Generations

At a small price, we wiped out a generation of the Tibetan army, and the record is good, but this is just an appetizer, and it is incomparable with the big battles fought by the independent brigade before.

According to the information, the Tibetan Army General Manager Lalu transferred from Qamdo consisted of two generations, the active sixth generation was wiped out, and the whereabouts of the ninth generation is unknown.

The brigade commander Li Yong is now thinking about how to take another bite and get rid of the nine generations of the Tibetan army.

As far as the Tibetan army is concerned, there are only two paths left for them, one is to fight and the other is to run. Fighting is impossible. Li Yong also hopes that the Tibetan army will come to compete head-on with his own army, which will save trouble I searched everywhere, but what is worrying is what if the Tibetan army ran away?

Tibet is different from the mainland. The terrain is dangerous and it is not suitable for mechanized troops to march. The oxygen content in the air is low. People with poor physical fitness, let alone fighting, will feel uncomfortable and have a fast heart rate after running a few steps. As a local, the Tibetan army , have been accustomed to the plateau environment, and most of them are cavalry, and the maneuvering speed is fast. Once they escape, it will be very difficult to chase, and it is difficult to wipe them out.

Li Yong believes that the troops have just arrived at the plateau, and there is still a process of adaptation. Fighting guerrilla warfare with the Tibetan army in the plateau area is to attack the enemy's strengths with their own strengths. This is not what he, the brigade commander, wants to see, so he said However, regardless of the poor combat effectiveness of the Tibetan army, there are also troublesome places.

At present, the biggest worry of the Independent Brigade is that the Tibetan army will run away. As long as they don’t run away, they will be the food in our bowl. Li Yong's biggest worry now.

Since we want to destroy the enemy, we must first find the enemy. This is a very simple truth, but this simple truth has become a big burden after entering the Tibetan area.

Intelligence, intelligence.Intelligence work is too important. In the past, in the old liberated areas, the enemy's every move and army could be known in advance. The Kuomintang army was like a deaf and blind man. But now everything is different. Things seem to be reversed. The Independence Brigade's eyes were dimmed. The people in the Tibetan areas did not understand the PLA. Coupled with the differences in language and living habits, it was difficult for the soldiers to know anything from the people.

Work has to be done little by little.Li Yong understands all these things, but time waits for no one. Brigadier Li Da has no choice but to tap the potential in his own troops. In the independent brigade of more than 1 people, only Lao Zhou can speak the local language.But Lao Zhou has never been here, who else can understand the situation in this area?

Brigadier Li Da, who was thinking about the past, suddenly remembered a person.I remembered Suo Langpingcuo, a telegrapher at the Yushu Intelligence Station who was captured.

Suo Langping has been doing well since he was caught by mistake.The orders given to him can be actively completed, and the telegram communication with Qamdo is good. Although it is said that a large part of it is because this kid is afraid of death and being frightened, but it is natural for him to be able to fool the two agents of the Tibetan army. It can be said that it is a credit, even if Suo Langping was misplaced.He doesn't dare to go back now, this kid has no way to go back.

That's right, why did he forget about him, Li Yong immediately asked someone to bring Suo Langping over by mistake.

As a confidential officer, Suo Langpingcuo is a type of person with a relatively high level of education in the Tibetan army.I have read a lot of books and have been to the mainland. My head is more enlightened than ordinary Tibetan soldiers. I don’t have any aversion to serving the People’s Liberation Army. I was arrested anyway. Survival is the most important thing.

Li Yong first affirmed his work in the previous stage, and then chatted with him for a while. In fact, what he said was nonsense. Li Yong's central topic was to ask where the Tibetan army could be intercepted if they wanted to escape. live?This is the most critical question.

Suo Lang Pingcuo gradually understood what Li Yong meant. This guy pointed out a location on the map for Li Yong—Duoka, and told Li Yong that if the Tibetan army wanted to return to Lhasa, this was the place they had to pass through. Doka, no one can escape. The eager Suo Langpingcuo further told Li Yong that there is a bridge in Doka—the Zhaxi Dasang Bridge, which is the throat of the throat. As long as it can be guarded, the birds will fly don't go.

This is the advantage of the locals. Their understanding of geography is better than that of maps. After learning about Doka and Tashi Dasang Bridge, Li Yong's heart gradually became clear. As long as the Tibetan army does not return to Lhasa, they will not be able to escape.

"Order the first infantry battalion to maneuver towards Doka at full speed, and take the camera to occupy the Tashi Dasang Bridge, guarding the throat of the Tibetan army between Tibet and Qamdo."

Li Yong handed over the task to Li Jiangguo's first infantry battalion, and also gave Suo Langpingcuo to the first battalion, asking him to lead the way for the troops. If he was brought to Doka, even if he made a great contribution, after Tibet was liberated, Suo Langpingcuo could go home and be a commoner, and he could also join the ranks of the People's Liberation Army.

Li Yong's promise made Suo Langpin feel wronged. If a person who is a prisoner can also join the PLA team, that would be a very big deal. The leading infantry battalion set off overnight and rushed to Doka at the fastest speed.

The first infantry battalion marching rapidly gradually disappeared into the vast night, with military orders like mountains, they had to find out the predetermined location within a time limit.

At the same time that the independent brigade was deploying intensely, the Jiudaiben, which the Tibetan army set out from Qamdo, was not too far away from Yushu. Like their commander, Gesang Wangdui, the Jiudaiben's soldiers and grassroots officers were all at a loss. What to do, I don't know how to go in the future.

The strict discipline of the People's Liberation Army greatly admired Gesang Wangdui, the commander of the Ninth Generation Army, because he knew that the food of the troops entering Tibet had encountered problems, and the troops had not had enough to eat for many days. Under such circumstances, military discipline could still be maintained. It was not easy, not to mention others, Gesang Wangdui had no confidence in his subordinates.

In the case of starvation, discipline can be strictly observed, and the local people can be harmed without any crime. It can also be explained from one side that this is a very terrible army.

It is really hard to have confidence in fighting against such an army. Just when Gesang Wangdui was worried about gains and losses, a frightening intelligence came.

Gongga, a confidant of the ninth generation Ben Gesang Wangdui and a well-known scout in the team, was sent out by Gesang Wangdui very early to collect information in the Yushu area. On this day, early in the morning, Gongga He ran back with a panicked face.

"My lord, my lord, something is wrong. The sixth generation of the Maoxia headman is finished."

Gongga’s voice was too sudden. The ninth generation benge Sang Wangdui seemed to be thrown into an ice hole for three or nine days. His whole body was cold. Tell me what you hear and what you see."

"Master, it's like this. I went to inquire about the news on your order. I saw the leader Maoxia and his six generations of soldiers in Zhubalong. They also fought a battle with the Communist army and killed more than a dozen people. The Han People's Liberation Army, however, got into a catastrophe because of this. They were surrounded when they were about to fight another battle with the Communist Army. There are a lot of cannons and tanks. The communist army bombarded the six-generation books on the mountain with cannons. The many shells wiped down the mountain. Maoxiatou and his soldiers were all finished, and none of them escaped. They were all killed by the communist army. The cannon blew up."

Gesang Wangdui grabbed Gongga by the collar of his clothes: "Gongga, false reporting of military information will be punished by military law. Is what you said true? How could two or three hundred communist troops have so many cannons? How could Surround more than 1000 people with six generations of books?"

"Master, I, Gongga, have followed you for many years and have never deceived you. The communist army that came from the Yushu area is not a few hundred people at all. According to my observation, there are at least a few thousand people. There are so many troops that you can't see the end at a glance. "

Gesang Wangdui's heart was completely chilled. He knew that big things would happen in seconds, and a few thousand communist troops was no small force. Let alone a mere nine-generation army, even if all the defenders in Qamdo were transferred over, they would not be seen. You can defeat the People's Liberation Army.

"What else did you see, think about it carefully, and tell me everything."

"My lord, I saw it when the communist army was fighting with the sixth generation of the Maoxia headman. I recited the "Saving Buddha's mother and defeating the enemy method" three times on the mountain, but it was useless. It looks like it has eyes, and it is specially designed to bomb places with many people. It seems that the Communist Army has supernatural powers to help them. They are all magic soldiers. How can we fight against magic soldiers? Master, please quickly think of a way. A safe bet.”

The room where the Nine Generations had their meeting was dead silent. The leaders were waiting for Gesang Wangdui to make up their minds. They would definitely not be able to beat the People’s Liberation Army. Since they couldn’t beat the People’s Liberation Army, there was only one way to escape. No need to ask, just look at the expressions on everyone’s faces I can also understand that everyone wants to run away, but they are just too embarrassed to say it out of face.

Running is one way, but where to run, you need to carefully weigh it, run to Qamdo?No, there are more People's Liberation Army near Qamdo than they have encountered before, and running to Qamdo is even a dead end.

If you don’t go to Qamdo, you can only go back to Lhasa. After arriving in Lhasa, it is a good way to think of other ways to fight the communist army. After some discussion, Jiu Daiben’s opinion was surprisingly unanimous, and he quickly retreated and returned directly to Lhasa.

But at this juncture when a big decision was about to be made, several more scouts came back, and these scouts brought back a news that shocked and frightened them, that Doka was occupied by the communist army.

What does it mean that Doka is occupied?It means that they will never return to Lhasa.

Gesang Wangdui's hands were trembling. He looked at a few dusty scouts and asked, "How many people can there be in Doka's communist army? How about the weapons and equipment?"

He also took a little bit of luck, if the troops occupied by the People's Liberation Army in Doka were too small, the nine generations of them could have given it a go, and maybe they could still fight a bloody road. (Like is very important) (to be continued...)

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