It took just over a day for the Battle of Qamdo to start. Before the battle, the Tibetan army, which had vowed to fight to the death with the PLA, was completely defeated. In the end, even Lalu, the supreme commander in Qamdo City, ran away, and the whole city fell into panic.

Chief Manager Lalu ran away. This guy felt that the situation was not long after the battle started. All the troops were sent by him to the front line of the Jinsha River for defense. Since the Jinsha River, which is deployed with heavy troops and natural dangers, can't stop the communist army, how can he defend Qamdo, which has only more than 100 guards left?

After figuring this out, Lalu tried to reassure people on the surface, saying that the People's Liberation Army is nothing more than thunder and rain, and it is not so easy to break through the natural danger of the Jinsha River. In the midst of a decisive battle with the People's Liberation Army, the river was covered with corpses of Communist soldiers.

After appeasing the restless squires with his front feet, Lalu made preparations in his mansion with his back feet. All the gold coins and soft goods must be taken away, all the grains must be taken away, and all the cattle and sheep must be driven away. Ma Tuozi carried two large bundles of musk on his back. I heard people say that this thing is very valuable no matter in Tibetan areas or in the interior. You should bring as much as possible. No one can tell what will happen in the future, so bring more to save your life. Property is right.

Everyone thinks so, even the top commander of the Qamdo Tibetan Army is thinking about how to escape and preserve property, can the battle still be won?There is almost no hope of winning.

On the second night, when it got dark, the chief executive Lalu led a guard of more than 100 people and dozens of cronies, opened the back door of the chief executive's mansion, and slipped away quietly.

With the help of the cover of the night, the horse team walked for more than ten miles. At this time, Lalu, who was disguised as an ordinary person, heaved a sigh of relief.Finally escaped, a confidant came over and asked:

"Master, what should we do next? Should we continue walking, or take a break?"

Lalu has always been pampered and pampered in his mansion. He is served by someone to eat, drink and dress. He is a real nobleman. It's easy, see the subordinates and ask what to do next.The elder of Qamdo city replied lazily:

"Send a few people to find a place with a lot of trees and grass. Let's camp and rest first, and then get some food. We'll talk about it after dawn."

The confidant asked a little hesitantly: "Master Chief. It is not safe for us to camp here. What should we do if we are caught up by the communist army?"

Lalu snorted: "The Communist Army? The Communist Army is a human being, not a god. They won't catch up so quickly. Besides, who knows what bad things might happen to them if they walk around blindly in the dark sky. Tell me Order, all rest."

The confidant sighed secretly.I had no choice but to follow Lalu's order to arrange, and after walking a few miles, a soldier sent out to explore the road came back and said that he found a small forest, which could be used as a place to camp.Lalu was overjoyed, and headed straight there with a hundred or so people and a large number of pack horses.

The tent was set up, the two horse lanterns gave off an orange light, the flames under the copper pot flickered on and off, and the butter tea gave off a faint fragrance. Ah, it's so fragrant that it almost melts your tongue, and it's so warm in your stomach, it's very comfortable.

Lalu felt very strange, they were all the same butter tea, and they were also cooked in the same way, why it was not as sweet and sweet when drinking it in the manager's mansion, maybe there was something wrong with his sense of taste.

Don't think about it anymore, after staying up for almost half the night, a burst of drowsiness surged up, Lalu stretched his waist, and fell asleep half leaning there. After so many days, he never had a good night's sleep. The ten representatives under his command The regiment and a few militia guards have done themselves a terrible job. They are either asking for food or ammunition, and it seems that they have never stopped for a day.

The Jinsha River line of defense was lost, and Qamdo City was about to fall into the hands of the communist army. Lalu, the general manager who was the general representative of the Lhasa Daza government, fell asleep in the middle of his escape.

It's all right now, I don't have to think about how to fight against the communist army, and I don't have to think about how to raise food and grass for the soldiers. Lalu, who put down all the burdens, slept soundly, and slept from the night before until the next morning. When Lalu opened the tent and went out, it was already daylight.

Without Lalu's order, no one dared to enter the headman's tent casually. Although the subordinate guards and cronies were very anxious, they had to wait for the headman to wake up.

Seeing Lalu come out, a guard hurried over to report: "Master, there is a situation."

A string in Lalu's head tensed immediately: "What's the situation, is the communist army catching up?"

The guard hurriedly replied: "Master Huihui, it's not the Communist Army, but a lot of Daiben soldiers who broke down not too far in front of us."

"Fucking scared me, my own soldiers have nothing to be afraid of."

The guard faltered and replied: "Master, it is true that our soldiers are our soldiers, but now these soldiers are difficult to manage. They seem to have no food and are looting everywhere. If we hadn't hidden well, they might have snatched us." Here it comes."

"Bold, don't they even dare to rob me? If it's concealed or not, go to a few people and blow them away, just say that I, Lalu, are here, and let the rout soldiers go elsewhere to rob. How much they rob has nothing to do with me."

Lalu was really angry, because the words of his subordinates and cronies made him feel that his authority had been challenged. Hmph, what about the defeated soldiers, I, Lalu, are still their master, so what if I escaped from Changdu? So, as soon as you arrive in Lhasa, the sky is still the same as before.

A trusted staff member boldly reminded: "My lord, this matter is not that simple. Soldiers without food are no different from wild wolves on the pasture. They won't listen to people's advice. It's easy to bombard them rashly." It caused a rebellion, and once the soldiers rebelled, it would be very difficult to stop, so it is better to find a way to recover, and it will be a great help for you in the future, sir."

"This method is good, but how to recover it? Have you thought of a way?"

"My lord, things are not difficult to deal with. Food is what the fleeing soldiers lack most, and what we need most is food. As long as you show your name, lord, and promise to give these soldiers some food, I think they will all be satisfied." Come here and worship at your door, sir."

Lalu pondered, the suggestion of his subordinates is really tempting. If the rebels can really be brought under his sect, he will have an account with the Daza government in Lhasa. Losing Chamdo is not a glorious thing, but gathering Soldiers can also commit crimes and make meritorious deeds, but there is also a prerequisite for doing such a thing. If you want to recover the rebellious soldiers, you must have enough food. As the old saying goes, you can only gather troops with food.

"Is the food we brought enough?"

"If you come back to the master, we brought a hundred or so pack horses and vehicles, as well as a large number of cattle and sheep, enough to support thousands of people for a while, and it will be no problem to return to Lhasa."

"Okay, since there is enough food, I will do as you said, and I will gather all these rebellious soldiers. It is also a good thing for me to do after losing Qamdo City."

The Tibetan soldiers who retreated from the defense line along the Jinsha River ran all the way, lost their brothers, and lost their officers. Under the fierce firepower of the People's Liberation Army, they almost lost their souls. It doesn't matter what the leaders and officers are. My little life is thankful to the Bodhisattva for blessing.

I have been running for several days, and the dry food I brought out in a hurry has already been eaten up, and the stomach that has not eaten grains for a day or two is gurgling, and the taste of starvation is too uncomfortable.

What should I do if there is no dry food?Go and rob it, but there are too many rebels who have retreated, and they have robbed the places that can be robbed several times, and some local people have no more supplies to rob at their homes.

The defeated Tibetan army was like locusts crossing the border, eating everything that could be eaten. The people along the way complained endlessly, food, horses, cattle and sheep were all eaten, and even the seeds left behind were robbed and eaten. I don't know how to get through the next year.

The people who were robbed gritted their teeth in hatred, and some of them secretly asked why the People's Liberation Army didn't come over and kill all these pests. I heard that the People's Liberation Army was the Red Army back then. The benevolent and righteous troops who will not rob the common people of food.

The people who were robbed complained, but even this could not satisfy the hungry stomachs of the defeated soldiers. If they starved any longer, they could only kill the horses. This was the last resort to use as a last resort. Once the horses were killed, they could run back to Lhasa hopes were basically dashed.

Just when the hungry Tibetan soldiers were at a loss, a few groups of people suddenly ran out of the open field. These people wandered around on horseback. Lalu's people, the chief steward is looking for them, as long as you follow them, you will have food to fill your stomach.

Can you fill your stomach?This is a great event, and it is what the rebels need most at present. Gradually, more and more soldiers followed behind these people. of rout soldiers.

Groups of people were gathered in front of Lalu's tent, and even the staff in charge of counting couldn't figure out how many people gathered, anyway, it was a mass of black heads.

Lalu was also shocked by the scene in front of him, this guy moved his thick lips and muttered:

"Damn, it's not like all the rebellious soldiers have gone to my master! How much food will be consumed in this day, come, let me find out how many people there are, and where is their leader, master? Where are the commanders of the originals?" (The old bus needs praise, haha) (To be continued...)

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