The beacon of youth

Chapter 726 Fangs

Following the advice of his subordinates, Lalu, the chief executive, sent a dozen groups of troops to collect the rebels who had been routed from the Jinsha River defense line, and said that as long as they follow them, they will be able to fill their stomachs.

For the hungry soldiers, the temptation to have enough to eat is too great. It didn’t take long for the dispatched personnel under the banner of Lalu to gather a large number of people. marauders.

There were so many people who wanted to eat their fill, so many that even the cronies who gave advice to Lalu were a little hesitant. Where did these people come from? Are they soldiers of the Tibetan army?

It’s no wonder that Lalu and his subordinates suspected that there were too many people who wanted to eat with them. Before the war, they could be identified based on their clothes. However, in order to fight against the People’s Liberation Army, the Daza government in Lhasa recruited a large number of people from various places. The militia, the militia, of course, there is no uniform uniform, just add a number of names, so that most of the weapons are brought by themselves.

The so-called militiamen looked okay before the war, and they could bluff the common people, and also added a little bit of confidence to Master Daza, but they couldn't do it when they really fought against the PLA, and they escaped faster than those acting regiments , A large number of militiamen temporarily recruited followed to make trouble, which made it difficult for Lalu, who recruited the soldiers on behalf of the army, because he couldn't tell who was real and who was fake.

After being in chaos for a long time, I finally figured out the approximate number of rebels gathered. There are a dozen or so generations, and almost all the troops of two or three militia guards are here. It's all here.

This is also because the local terrain is dangerous, there are only a few ways to escape back to Lhasa, and Qamdo is the only way, and the rebels must pass through here, so.Only then did it appear that the soldiers of the chief executive guard were very efficient, and countless people followed after raising their arms.

Lalu didn't expect that all the Tibetan soldiers would gather under his command with a promise to keep his stomach full. This was the only thing to be thankful for after the defeat.

A confidant ran to Lalu's tent: "Master Chief, the number has been clarified. The number of scattered soldiers we gathered is about 800."

After hearing this number, Lalu almost threw the teacup in his hand on the ground. How could it be possible? The total number of troops on the front line of the Jinsha River is only more than 1, and they have been fighting the Communist Army for several days.There should be quite a few people who were killed and injured, how could so many people gather together.

"Where did so many pawns come from? Could it be that you got the numbers wrong?"

"Master Huihui, the number cannot be wrong. But I think that not all soldiers from Daiben are here. There may also be some hungry people mixed in. That's why there are more people. Master, what do you think? manage."

Chief Manager Lalu is also a bit guilty of accounting, because things are beyond his expectations:

"Where did those acting commanders go? They won't even know their own soldiers."

Turning back to the old man: "The officers above the first (company commander) of each generation have long since disappeared, let alone the master of the generation (regiment)."

Lalu finally figured it out, after the battle started.The officers of the various Tibetan army regiments fled one after another when they saw that they were not the opponents of the People's Liberation Army. They fled for their lives after throwing away the soldiers under their command.

Chief Manager Lalu almost went mad with anger.These military officers are really nothing, my lord, I will take care of your food and drinks, and sometimes I will help you find women, but I almost worship you as Bodhisattvas, in order to let you fight hard and guard the country in the Tibetan area. It's good now, once the matter is gone, when the People's Liberation Army didn't come, they swore that they would be able to hold the Jinsha River defense line.

Moaning and thinking for a long time, Lalu finally made a decision. He ran away, and he could do great things without them. Master, I can bring these soldiers back to Lhasa: "Pass my words and let them gather. Master, I want to give a lecture. "

Sixty-seven thousand people were assembled, and the chief executive, Lalu, stood in front of the team and gave a speech, which probably meant, don’t look at us not defending the Jinsha River, but this is not over, we still have a chance to come back, and the journey from Qamdo to Lhasa is long, The communist army marched on foot. They walked all the way to Lhasa. If they were tired, half of them would die of exhaustion. Even if they were not exhausted, they would starve to death. Level, you can also reward cattle, sheep and money, anyway, everything depends on your performance.

Lalu’s lectures are still somewhat inspiring. Among the 7000 people who were gathered here, a considerable part of them are local idlers. At the beginning, they just wanted to make a living. According to Lalu, as long as they perform well, it’s okay. He was tempted to be promoted.

"Master Lalu, if there is anything we need to do, just say, Master Lalu, we will do as you order."

There was a lot of chaos underneath, like a vegetable market, but Lalu appreciated the atmosphere, which showed that his lecture had an effect:

"It's very simple. I want you to reorganize your team and go back to Lhasa with me, Master. Just do what I say, and I will take care of your meals first."

The six or seven thousand scattered soldiers were reorganized again, and Lalu selected some of his own guards to serve as officers, which roughly formed another army.

When they escaped from Qamdo City, there were only a few dozen people, but in less than two or three days, it became six to seven thousand people. Although there was a bit of heartache from the food being eaten, Lalu was still a little complacent.

Six to seven thousand people, but a large team, as long as these people can be brought back to Lhasa, it will be a great contribution, don't look at the loss of the Jinsha River defense line, and Qamdo City, as long as there are these people, After returning to Lhasa, no one dared to say anything. Everyone knew that the Red Han people were powerful, and if another person went to guard Changdu, he might not be as good as my master.

Looking at the huge team, Lalu's heart was completely relieved. This guy was acting like a master, and shouted shyly: "Pass on the words of the master, let's have dinner at noon today, and leave immediately after the meal."

Nearly 7000 Tibetan troops, after lunch, bypassed Qamdo City at a faster speed than ordinary infantry, and rushed to their dream destination - Lhasa.

The Tibetan troops who escaped were basically cavalry, and logically speaking, they should be very fast, but because Chief Lalu still carried most of the vehicles, grain and soft goods, he could not gallop like a combat troop, so the speed was also very fast. Not so fast.

Just as Lalu gathered the rebels near Qamdo, the independent brigade of the People's Liberation Army from the northwest had quietly deployed in Leiwuqi, tens of kilometers away.

An intelligence station was wiped out in the Yushu area, a prisoner Suolang Pingcuo was captured alive, and then the sixth generation of Ben was wiped out, and the ninth generation of Ben was forced to revolt. The good thing is that almost no one from the wiped out Tibetan army can escape. This style of work is very beneficial to blocking news.

The heavy artillery was deployed on the back side of the mountain, and several infantry battalions (less than one infantry battalion) occupied all the commanding heights in Leiwuqi, while the tank battalion could only hide and wait. After receiving orders in Xinjiang, several days later Since running around, the independent brigade of tens of thousands of people finally showed its fangs.

Zhang Jinsong, the commander of the reconnaissance battalion, continuously collected the situation to the brigade headquarters. With the cooperation of a platoon of nine generations, the reconnaissance troops collected information much more conveniently than before.

Brigadier Li Yong is standing in his temporary headquarters to exchange opinions with political commissar Wang Chengde. Judging from various collected information, Chief Chief Lalu is determined to be an enemy of the People's Liberation Army, and he is not in a hurry after escaping from Qamdo Instead of returning to Lhasa, they gathered most of the defeated soldiers and prepared to fight to the end with the People's Liberation Army entering Tibet.

"That's fine. It's better to solve it all at once. My opinion is not to enter Qamdo City first, but to follow the words of the **. We don't compete for the gains and losses of a city or a place, and we focus on destroying the enemy's vital strength." The purpose, as long as this group of enemies is killed, not only Chamdo is at your fingertips, but even Lhasa will be in your arms."

Political commissar Wang Chengde nodded and replied: "Dayong, I completely agree with you. The total strength of the Tibetan army is only [-] daiben and some newly recruited militia guards, and there are [-] daiben and several It can be said that more than half of the possessions of the Tibetan army are here, and as long as we get stuck in Leiwuqi, the Tibetan army will be unable to fly."

"Report to the brigade commander and political commissar, the Tibetan army is coming, about ten kilometers away from us." A scout came back to report.

"Order the troops to prepare for battle. According to the advance speed of the Tibetan army, it will take more than half an hour to reach ten kilometers. Lao Wang, you stay at the headquarters. I want to go ahead and have a look."

Needless to say, Li Yong and Li Jia, the company commander of the guard, took a dozen soldiers and a walkie-talkie, got out of the hiding place, and went directly to the infantry battalion on the front line.

The political commissar Wang Chengde anxiously patted the wall of the bunker, but he had no choice but to watch Li Yong take the people away. There are divisions of labor in the army, and the brigade commander has the final say. Dayong is not the first time Do such a thing.

Li Yong used four infantry battalions to set up a pocket formation on the area where the Leiwuqi Tibetan Army was going to pass. He and the reconnaissance battalion are used as mobile forces, and the anti-aircraft machine gun battalion is deployed on the hillside positions on both sides. They are used as support firepower. As for Gao Xiang's artillery battalion, Li Yong has not considered using them. (The old bus needs a few likes, old guys, don’t bother) (To be continued...)

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