The beacon of youth

Chapter 746 Oath of Sovereignty

He Cuihua, the trainer of the supply battalion, was determined to grab some tasks and go back. She also said that she couldn't get anything back and couldn't explain to the old seniors. , an authentic old Red Army who is very difficult to talk to.

Seeing that Li Yong was in trouble, Wang Chengde, the political commissar, had no choice but to say: "Okay, I have approved it, and I will let you go, but there is one thing, the personnel sent out should not be too far away from the army, and they must keep in touch with the main force of the brigade at all times."

The plateau is geographically empty and there are few reference objects. Wang Chengde was afraid that they would run around and lose their way when they were happy, so he asked the troops sent by the supply battalion not to be too far away from the main force.

He Cuihua jumped three feet high and ran away happily. Li Yong hurriedly asked: "What's the matter, old Wang, you really let them go!!"

Wang Chengde chuckled: "Do you think I'm so stupid? Don't you know what kind of temper He Cuihua has? If you don't let her do something, it's easy to get sick. I haven't let them fight for a long time, so let her Let's have a good time with Lao Yang, it's not bad for the troops, besides, it's not good to dampen their enthusiasm."

The political commissar has agreed, if there is anything else to say, let's implement it.

The supply battalion of more than 3000 people is very powerful. It is no different from a regiment-level force. It is not difficult to organize a hunting team of several hundred people. The hunting team is led by He Cuihua, the instructor of the supply camp, and Lao Yang, the deputy battalion leader. Without consulting the brigade commander and political commissar, he took the post of chief and deputy captain, and set off with a mighty force. The relevant matters at home were left to the battalion commander Sun Quanhou with a wry smile on his face. Two or two goods as assistants.

Hunting is indeed a good thing. Sitting in a car on the plateau to chase wild animals. If you catch up, you will be shot with a submachine gun or a rifle.I almost threw the grenade out.

How much did you stop?There is no specific calculation, but there are quite a few anyway. The snow-covered plateau is sparsely populated, and the altitude of several thousand meters is a forbidden area for ordinary humans, but it is a paradise for animals. The convoy of the Independent Brigade drove for a day and a half, and no humans saw it.But wild animals can often be found wandering not too far from the convoy.This is also one of the reasons why Li Yong and Wang Chengde made up their minds to hunt. At noon, all the hunting teams that were released for hunting came back, no need to ask.The effect is definitely good. [

A puff of smoke and dust rolled over from a distance, and many soldiers in the temporary camp were setting up awnings to look at the place where the smoke and dust rolled over. What's the situation?Isn't it just going out to hunt, can you still create such a big formation?

Some commanders put binoculars on their eyes to observe carefully, and the company commander Li Jia did the same. She held a small binoculars in her hand.

Li Jia opened his mouth more and more, and finally turned his head and said to Li Yong: "Brigade Commander, our hunting team has returned, and there are still many live prey in front of their team. It seems that they were blasted back."

Let Li Jia be right.The supply camp is worthy of a logistics background. The way to go hunting is different from that of the reconnaissance camp. The reconnaissance camp simply throws the killed prey in the car and brings them back. The supply camp is different. They not only bring back the dead .In the front of the convoy, a large number of jobs were brought back by means of bombardment.

Live prey is good, and those that cannot be eaten can be kept. Killing them when the ration runs out is much better than killing them all at once. Li Yong slapped his thigh and political commissar Wang Chengde looked at each other and smiled. It's really right to let He Cuihua and Lao Yang go out. Although these two treasures have a bad temper, they are still very reliable in their work.

"What are you waiting for, hurry up and catch all the living things that were driven back from the supply camp, and go quickly." Li Yong, the brigade commander, shouted loudly.

There was chaos in the camp again, soldiers surrounded them from all directions, and captured the prey and the people from the supply camp. He Cuihua and Lao Yang walked over triumphantly to report to Li Yong and Wang Chengde, of course , it was He Cuihua who reported, and Lao Yang didn't have that habit. He didn't salute when he saw the army commander or the political commissar, let alone two young men, Li Yong and Wang Chengde.

He Cuihua yelled in a crisp voice: "Report to the brigade commander and political commissar, we are back from hunting, and the prey is abundant. Please read it, chief."

What are you reading, hurry up and take a look, Li Yong turned around and left without any demeanor of a brigade commander, and when he left, he didn't forget to call: "Call Suolang Pingcuo here, let him take a look and catch them all What a baby."

Why Suolang Pingcuo was called here, because Brigadier Li's knowledge of the animals on the plateau is basically at the level of preschool children, and Brigadier Li didn't have to make a fool of himself by bringing a Tibetan soldier there.

The silver bell-like voice of He Cuihua who accompanied Li Yong never stopped:

"Brigadier, hunting is so fun. These animals are not afraid of people at all. We don't run when we get close, but stand still stupidly. It's really easy to catch. In my opinion, our rations will be used in the future." They replace."

Li Yong told He Cuihua that the animals in Tibetan areas are not afraid of people because they don’t see human activities at all, and they don’t know the horrors of humans. Using these animals can replace part of the food, but it’s not enough to use meat as the staple food. The Han people There must be foods like rice and noodles in the eating habits, otherwise it is easy to get sick. In the words of ordinary people, eating too much meat is easy to get angry.

Soon, Li Yong and a large group of people around him saw the captured animals. The trembling animals were tied tightly by the soldiers with various ropes, and Suolang Pingcuo beside him was captured by Li Dalu When it grew out, he said in a low voice, "Give us an introduction."

Suolang Pingcuo came to these bound animals and introduced them one by one. This is gazelle, this is blue sheep, this is wild horse, this is red deer, and this is……………… …[

Li Yong was puzzled while listening. He introduced it for a long time, but he didn't hear Suolang Pingcuo mention the famous Tibetan antelope in later generations. Could it be that not a single Tibetan antelope was captured?Or in this area, there is no wild horse at all. The wild horse that Suolang Pingcuo said does not look too much like a horse. Its thin body and long pointed ears are comparable to donkeys. Also, it is called wild by Suolang Pingcuo. Deer animals are also very similar to the rare animal white-lipped deer.

In fact, Li Yong didn't understand that the Tibetan antelope is a big name, and the local people don't call it that. For example, the wild horse that the local people talk about is actually the common name for the Tibetan wild donkey.

Regardless of whether there is a Tibetan antelope among the prey caught or not, whether it is a white-lipped deer or a Tibetan wild donkey, they are all protected animals for later generations, but they should be eaten and eaten. It will be decades before they want to protect them. For the time being, we can still eat enough The belly is the number one priority.

The camp was boiling again. The soldiers were all young men in their twenties. They were at the age where they could eat and drink. Who would be unhappy to see so many good things? She is beautiful and capable.

He Cuihua's ears were very sharp, and she heard a lot of weird words from the soldiers, but at this moment she was not in the mood to talk to those guys, He Cuihua's thoughts were all on Brigadier Li.

Holding Li Yong's arm, He Cuihua walked around with him in a very disfigured manner, looking in all directions as if he hadn't seen her, and her mood was so comfortable.

She was relieved, but Li Yong felt uncomfortable. Brigadier Li was burned by one arm held by her, and his towering chest was pressed against his arm. Li Yong really wanted to find a place to punish this girl again. Once, but it can only be thought about, there is really no chance to start.

After several years of fighting and seeing many big scenes, Brigadier Li still had a little concentration and managed to restrain his mind. Li Yong suddenly thought of a question. Among the most famous wild animals in Tibetan areas, there is a kind of Why haven't I seen the wild yak? I heard that this animal has very good physical strength and is also very suitable for use as a means of transportation in plateau areas.

He Cuihua didn't understand why, so Li Yong had to ask Suolang Pingcuo, who was following far behind.

Suolang Pingcuo was very depressed. The brigade commander didn't dare to go back without saying a word, but he was a bit suspected of being a light bulb when he was with the commander. He was very afraid that the hot-tempered He Cuihua would deal with him later. However, this guy is not slow. Looking at other people, I followed the brigade commander's guards and made a cameo for a while. When Suolang Pingcuo was thinking about it, Li Yong called him over from the front.

Seeing that Li Yong asked about yaks, Suolang Pingcuo replied that wild yaks are rare and huge, and they are rarely seen at ordinary times. The weight of an adult wild yak can reach more than 1000 kilograms, and the two curved horns on its head can hold a car Turns out, the yaks that you often see that can carry supplies are domesticated, and they are incomparable with wild yaks.

After answering the question, Suo Lang Pingcuo walked away knowingly. He Cuihua glanced at the new Tibetan warrior approvingly, but he didn't expect this kid to be a sensible person.

He Cuihua held Li Yong's arm and "randomly" walked with a certain idea. To put it bluntly, it was for others to see. Li Jia, a beautiful girl, was by Li Yong's side all day long, which made her very unhappy. She was swearing sovereignty by doing so. However, He Cuihua overlooked one point. In the entire independent brigade, everyone knew that only the health captain, Hu Xiaolian, was the brigade commander's wife-to-be.

Lunch and dinner are very rich, stewed meat in a big pot, and drink soup in large mouthfuls. I understand that it is soup, meat can be eaten casually, and wine is not allowed. Fortunately, there are almost no alcoholic drinks in the independent travel, so I don’t want to drink it Find a place.

He Cuihua was very excited, they made a great contribution to the logistics camp, so they ran over to have dinner with Li Yong, Li Jia is a very smart girl, he had already guessed what He Cuihua was thinking, although he was a little dissatisfied, but she was ready My wife Hu Xiaolian didn't say anything, so what can she do.

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