Resisting He Cuihua's enthusiasm, or it is also called harassment, Li Yong did not do anything out of the ordinary, because he was no longer the young boy with a young head, but the leader of a brigade and a powerful army. Commander, if you don't have this bit of concentration, how can you achieve great things in the future? Let's talk overnight, and the troops will continue to march on the third day.

The troops have been walking for two full days since they set off from Qamdo. Today is the third day. According to the marching speed of the Independent Brigade, although it is not fast, it can cover more than 500 kilometers. That is to say, the journey from Qamdo to Lhasa is more than half .

With a large amount of prey to replenish, the logistics crisis of the independent brigade has been alleviated to a great extent. From the political commissar of the brigade commander to every soldier, they are all in a good mood, and the mood seems to have improved. Sometimes people in Tibetan areas can be seen sporadically, which shows that the Independent Brigade is getting closer and closer to its target Lhasa.

The closer the target is, the greater the danger. According to past experience, human beings are the most dangerous creatures, even more dangerous than the most ferocious animals. Li Yong ordered the whole brigade to attack and move forward. Those who are provocative and have unknown motives can all be killed, regardless of whether they are killed.

Political commissar Wang Chengde didn't understand Li Yong's order, and thought it was too tough. Li Yong told him that it was nothing. The goal of our independent brigade was so big that a fool could understand that the PLA was marching. Just hide away, who can dare to provoke under such circumstances?It must be our enemy, and we must not have the slightest bit of mercy and softness towards the enemy, they must all be crushed into powder.

The troops suddenly accelerated their marching speed and rolled forward in a brutal way. Li Yong's second order was to form an avant-garde force with the first and second infantry battalions as the main force, supplemented by a part of the reconnaissance battalion. Advance at full speed while ensuring safety.Arrive at the designated position in advance to open the way for the main force of the independent brigade. The commander of the vanguard force is the first battalion commander Li Jiangguo.

First Battalion Commander Li Jiangguo, Second Battalion Commander Ma Quanyou, Reconnaissance Battalion Commander Zhang Jinsong, and three independent brigade generals stood in front of Li Yong and Wang Chengde. Li Yong told them three.You are all veterans of the Independent Brigade, and you are very clear about our brigade's combat style. The brigade party committee's request is that the vanguard troops advance lightly and arrive as soon as possible to shorten the opponent's reaction time.Lay the foundation for the smooth entry of the brigade's main force.

Of course, Li Yong has his own considerations for why he temporarily set up a capable vanguard force. From the third day of the march, signs of human activities have been seen around the Independent Brigade. Who knows if there are any hostile humans in these activities? As a spy of the power, when the whereabouts are exposed, a fast-moving army can catch the opponent by surprise.

Because of the drag of the tank battalion and heavy artillery battalion.The advancing speed of the independent brigade is only twenty or thirty kilometers per hour, which is not much faster than that of the cavalry, while the speed of the vanguard troops consisting mainly of the first and second infantry battalions and some scouts can at least double. [

The heavy mechanized units look impressive, but they have high requirements on the road conditions. Take the tank battalion of the Independent Brigade as an example. Most of them are old tanks and armored vehicles. The rugged roads of more than 1000 kilometers are all driven by motorcycles. The crawler drives in.It is a miracle that they have not been lying down until now, and it is impossible to expect them to increase their speed. Among them, Sanniu's repair company has contributed the most.

San Niu, like Xiao Cheng, used to be Li Yong's bodyguard and was seriously injured in the Battle of Yulin. Since he became the commander of the repair company, this young man who is not much younger than Li Yong has devoted all his energy to Company building.The repair company has also continued to grow and develop in his hands, so that it has become a key force for the rapid mobility of the whole brigade.

Under the maintenance of various logistics support capabilities, the independent brigade is like a murderous iron stream, galloping forward.All the obstructing forces ahead will be crushed into ashes by them.

The first battalion commander, Li Jiangguo, expressed his determination on behalf of the vanguard. This guy who always liked to joke had a cold expression on his face at this moment: "Please rest assured, the commander, and the party committee of the brigade, we will definitely complete the task and remove all obstacles on the way forward."

Li Yong: "You are the commander of the avant-garde troops. You can make decisions on your own in case of emergencies. Remember the rules of our brigade. You can't do things that are disadvantaged, otherwise I will take you as a question."

Doing things without losing money is a rule that was established when the Independent Brigade was still a company, and it has been doing this all these years. Of course, the three of Li Jiangguo knew it very well.

Li Yong respects the veterans of the Independent Brigade very much, and rarely speaks cruelly to them. They are heroes who have really rolled out of the dead. Today, because of the uncertainty of the situation, in order to increase their confidence, Only then did he put the cruel words on Li Jiangguo's head.

Two and a half battalions, with nearly 3000 troops, under the leadership of the first battalion commander Li Jiangguo, left the main force of the brigade and galloped away at full speed. The dust brought up by the wheels formed a gray-yellow earth dragon on both sides of the convoy.

The night is approaching, the setting sun is like blood, and the blood-like setting sun seems to indicate some uncertain factors.

Lhasa, Prince Regent's Mansion, Prince Regent Daza is looking at a telegram worriedly. This telegram was sent a few days ago, and he has read it countless times. The surrounding area of ​​the telegram has been rolled up. Stubble, the more you look at it, the more bitter it is, which is not a taste.

On October [-], [-], various units of the Southwest Military Region of the People's Liberation Army forcibly crossed the Jinsha River and launched the Battle of Qamdo, which had been prepared for many days. The army launched a swift attack.

More than a dozen Tibetan army regiments guarding the front line of the Jinsha River were so vulnerable that they were defeated one after another, so that even the telegram of the People's Liberation Army's launch of the battle was not sent out until a week later.

The battle began on October [-], and the telegram was not received until the twelfth by the Regent Dazha. One can imagine the efficiency of the Tibetan army's intelligence system. However, this also reflects the rapidity of the People's Liberation Army's attack at that time from another aspect.

In order to prevent turmoil and panic in various parts of Tibet, the Lhasa authorities decided to block the news, concealing the news that the People's Liberation Army had crossed the Jinsha River line of defense and the main force of the Tibetan army was wiped out. It's like drinking doves to quench your thirst. You don't need to think about it. The large troops of the People's Liberation Army who are forcibly crossing the Jinsha River must be marching towards Lhasa. How long can this news be blocked?How many days will the good days last?Daza's heart was bleeding.

Just when Daza was feeling uneasy, a stooped servant came in. The servant first spread his hands and stretched out his tongue, and then said: "Master, some of the spies we sent came back. They said there are Important information will be reported to you.”[

Rubbing a few blue veins beside his temples, Daza stood up abruptly, and shouted with a hoarse throat: "Let them in quickly, quickly."

A few people in leather robes came in. From the dust on their hats and clothes, it could be seen that these people must have traveled a long way. One of them bowed to Daza with a respectful expression. He said in a tone: "My lord, the big thing is not good. The Jinsha River and Changdu failed to block the Communist army's footsteps. The children are in danger. We saw the troops of the People's Liberation Army on the way."

Daza had known the news of the fall of the Jinsha River defense line and Qamdo for a long time, and what he was concerned about now was where the People's Liberation Army that drove over had gone and how many people there would be.

Gritting his teeth, Daza asked eagerly, "How many people are there in the Communist Army? What kind of weapons and equipment are they carrying?"

"Returning to the prince, there are too many people in the People's Liberation Army. They are all sitting in the car, and the car is covered with cloth. It is impossible to see how many people there are. The Communist Army is very vigilant. In addition, we did not dare to get too close, so the exact number of people is not clear, but it is estimated to exceed 1 people. As for weapons and equipment, we saw countless cannons and tanks. very scary."

When he said the last sentence was terrible, the leader of the spy couldn't help shaking, as if he had seen that terrible scene again. Prince Daza was hit by five thunderbolts of anger, and he was so frightened when he described the situation. How can he fight against the People's Liberation Army in the future? Hey, he really wanted to kill the spies who reported with a single shot, but then he thought about it, the spies who were sent out to spy on the intelligence were all selected elites, and it was the season of employing people, so it's a pity to be shot like this.

Suppressing the anger in his heart, Daza continued to ask: "How far is the People's Liberation Army from us?"

"If you go back to the prince, according to their speed, there are still two to three days to go."

The two-to-three-day itinerary meant that the Lhasa government still had more than two days to prepare, and many things could be done in two days. After Daza sent a few spies out to rest, he summoned another person. After a while of whispering, this person also went out.

Daza was left alone in Nuo Da’s room, and the murals and various decorations that used to feel comfortable in the past seemed to have lost their previous meaning. Daza murmured: “The Communist Army, the Communist Party Army, is it true that they want communism and wives as rumored? If it is true, it would be terrible."

Daza was in a trance, fearful of sin and remorse, remorseful for the reckless decision he made at the beginning. If he hadn't issued an order to fight against the PLA, maybe the dozen or so children of the generation would not have died!Those are more than a dozen generations, tens of thousands of children, and they all disappeared in just a few days. What else is there in Lhasa now?There are only a few Tibetan army surrogate regiments and some private soldiers of the leaders whose combat effectiveness cannot be put on the table. At best, there are only a few thousand people. Is it possible to continue to fight against the People's Liberation Army with these thousands of people?

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