The beacon of youth

Chapter 776 Beautiful China

After the meeting on Wake Island, the U.S. military changed its tactic of slowly attacking behind the South Korean troops. Instead, it crossed the South Korean troops from both sides and took advantage of the mechanized corps to advance quickly. The Eighth Army, the main force of the U.S. attack force The forward is the 200st Division of the Cavalry, which is renowned over [-] sides in the United States.

Under MacArthur's order, the First Cavalry Division moved forward at a speed much faster than other friendly forces, pointing directly at Pyongyang, the capital of North Korea.

The equipment of the first cavalry division is too powerful. According to the standard of [-] artillery pieces for each artillery division and [-] tanks for the tank division, this so-called cavalry division is equipped with three artillery divisions and one tank while realizing mechanization A division, that is to say, it is not a division at all, but a composite force composed of a mechanized infantry division, three artillery divisions and a tank division, it is a monster full of steel minions.

The menacing First Cavalry Division didn't pay attention to the remnants of the Korean People's Army. They thought that with more than 2 exhausted divisions, they wanted to block the footsteps of the "United Army"?It is simply a joke, a story from Arabic mythology.

After the People's Army was defeated and retreated from Busan, after traveling hundreds of kilometers, under the blockade of the U.S. ground and air fire network, not only lost seven or eight of its soldiers, but also lost most of its heavy weapons, and its combat effectiveness was not as good as before.

North Korea is an agricultural country. Most of the weapons and equipment needed by the People’s Army cannot be produced by itself, but are imported from the Soviet Union. At the beginning of the war, due to the abundant reserves, the troops’ weapons and ammunition can meet the needs of the front line, but in the later period.With the prolongation of the war, the war damage gradually increased, and the disadvantages of agricultural countries in the war gradually emerged.The weapons, equipment and ammunition of the People's Army began to be stretched.

The loss of personnel was huge, the supply of weapons and ammunition was insufficient, and the newly recruited soldiers had not been trained well. Everything was developing into a more and more difficult situation.

Under extremely difficult circumstances, the Korean People's Army concentrated most of its forces that could still be concentrated, and used more than 2 people to defend Pyongyang.Hope to use the geographical advantage to fight the US military decisively.

This was almost all the strength that the Korean People's Army could muster at that time. After the defeat from Busan, the main force of the People's Army fell into pieces.Less than 3 people escaped the [-]th parallel, and these [-] people are the only assets of the Korean People's Army.

Use existing personnel, take advantage of the geographical advantages of mountains and rivers, and take advantage of every street and barrier.Make good use of every rifle and every bullet.The People's Army envisions inflicting huge damage on the enemy in the Pyongyang area and saving the defeat, but it is clear that they still underestimated the strength of the US military.

In order to increase the firepower of the U.S. Cavalry First Division, MacArthur ordered the U.S. Far East Air Force and Navy carrier-based fighter wing to ensure that there are more than one hundred bombers supporting the First Cavalry Division at all times, and to ensure that every inch of the sky in Pyongyang They are all under the control of the US military. On this basis, a parachute regiment (4000 people) was added to the First Cavalry Division.

so far.According to the standards of the Squadron, the personnel and technical equipment of the First U.S. Cavalry Division have reached one mechanized infantry division and three artillery divisions.A tank division, two bombing aviation divisions (each division was equipped with fifty aircraft when the Volunteer Air Force entered North Korea to fight) and a parachute regiment.

Looking at the People's Army again, there are basically no tanks and aircraft (it was consumed in more than three months of combat, and it cannot be replenished later). There are very few artillery, and the ammunition supply is insufficient. Only infantry light weapons can play a role.

The personnel of the offensive and defensive sides are not much different, but the technical weapons are incomparable. The difference in firepower between the two armies is tens to hundreds of times. Although the battle is inevitable, they are no longer at the same level.

More than 600 heavy artillery fired a salvo, and the bombing points of the shells were dense like heavy rain. More than 100 bombers in the sky attacked with heavy aerial bombs and napalm bombs. The entire Pyongyang area was turned into a sea of ​​flames. Although they resisted desperately, but because of the huge difference in strength, the results were minimal.

Several hours of continuous firepower preparations destroyed all the fortifications of the first-line troops of the Korean People's Army, and the loss of personnel was huge. More than 200 tanks rushed to the front and used the vehicle-mounted direct-pointing tank guns to strike precisely at the remaining firepower points. After all the firepower points that could be seen were destroyed, the infantry launched an attack, and finally the parachute regiment was used to airdrop on the retreat of the People's Army.

Houses were blown down, fortifications were destroyed, and the thousands of degrees of heat generated by napalm bombs turned everything into ashes. The quiet Pyongyang turned into a piece of scorched earth. The First Cavalry Division fully demonstrated the steel tactics of the US military.

The U.S. military, which has experienced the baptism of World War II, has brought into full play the power of high-tech equipment. The crushing attack caused by the unequal national power has made the Korean People's Army powerless. Major damage, Pyongyang still inevitably fell after trying its best.

Four months after the start of the Korean War, the battle turned to the south. Pyongyang, the capital of North Korea, was captured, and the main force of the People's Army lost its casualties.

The helpless North Korean government immediately thought of assistance during its escape, and thought of finding forces that could help it counter the U.S. military.

Is there such a force?Of course there are, because there are two giants standing behind it, one is the leader in the socialist camp - the Soviet Union, and the other is the beautiful China that has just been founded.

Who to turn to for help?Of course, the Soviet Union is better. The Soviet Union has a strong national strength and a solid industrial foundation. The army trained in the Great Patriotic War has a strong combat effectiveness. It has a powerful navy and air force deployed in the Far East. Only the Soviet Union can become the opponent of the US military, and only the Soviet Union is qualified. Become an opponent of the US military.

With great hope, the special envoy found the Soviet government and earnestly begged Big Brother to send troops to help North Korea to save the people from the fire and water.

North Korea’s doing so is well-founded. In the early days of the establishment of the People’s Army, in order to obtain aid from the Soviet Union, North Korea obtained a huge amount of weapons and equipment (9 tons of gold, 40 tons of silver and [-] tons of other equipment) from the Soviet Union by barter. The ore was exchanged for Soviet weapons and equipment of [-] billion rubles) There are also a considerable number of Soviet military advisers in the People’s Army, and Kim Il-cheng himself has become good friends with Stalin. It is the best way to seek assistance from the Soviet Union based on circumstances and reasons .

In March of the [-]s, the North Korean government, which had received huge aid from the Soviet Union, presented its plan to the Soviet Supreme Command.

The confident North Korean government believes that with their current strength, the unification of the Korean peninsula will surely succeed. This war plan was under the supervision of the Soviet High Command, and it was not notified to the new China around it until May, when the war began. It has only been more than a month, and New China is fully preparing to liberate Taiwan Island.

Hope is beautiful, but reality is also cruel. The big Soviet brother who is regarded as a god and has high hopes does not want to send troops. The advice they give to those who are eating the wounds of World War II is, if you can’t fight, don’t fight. The general trend is over. North Korea established a government-in-exile, and this government-in-exile is best located in China for safety reasons.

What the Soviet Union said was consistent with their actions. There was no change in the navy and air force deployed in the Far East, and there was no increase, even a warship or an aircraft, under the situation of the Korean War.

North Korea's heart is cold, it's completely cold, and the backers they rely on don't want to make a move. For now, only the new China is their last hope, but can China send troops?

From the first Opium War in 100 to the founding of New China in [-], the land of China has experienced countless wars, from the Revolution of [-] to warlord melee, from Yuan Shikai's Red Constitution Emperor to the War to Protect the Country, From the War of Resistance Against Japan to the War of Liberation, the flames of war have never stopped for more than [-] years.

The founding of New China gave tens of millions of Chinese people the opportunity to recuperate and recuperate. The war made them suffer a lot, and people were extremely war-weary.

Starting from the August 22st Nanchang Uprising, the People's Liberation Army has gone through 500 years of arduous armed struggle, and finally created a brand new country. By the end of [-], the People's Liberation Army, whose total strength had grown to more than [-] million, began to be demobilized in large numbers.

The veterans whose bodies are covered with gunfire and gunpowder smoke talk the most every day about what they will do after returning home, how many acres of land they will plant, how many chickens and ducks they will raise, and by the way, veterans around the age of 30 will marry a daughter-in-law , To give birth to the next generation.

Seeing a cow on [-] acres of land, the days when their wives and children are hot on the kang are about to come true. This is the ideal they have fought for for many years, but at this time, a large-scale war broke out in their neighbor North Korea. How could they manage?How would you choose? ? ?Will it take chestnuts for its neighbor, North Korea?

In the final analysis, a war is fought over the comprehensive strength of a country. In 70.00, the total industrial output value of the United States accounted for more than half of the total output value of the capitalist world, its gold reserves accounted for 700% of the capitalist world, and the output of wheat, a symbol of food crops, Thirty percent of that of the capitalist world, steel production reached more than 140 million tons, more than [-] times that of New China, and the United States was the most developed country in the world at that time, with the largest group of scientific research and technical personnel with the highest level reserve.

At the end of World War II, the United States still had 80.00 aircraft carriers under construction. The number and gross tonnage of its aircraft carriers accounted for [-]% of the world's aircraft carriers, and its strong industrial production capacity ranked first in the world.

All the data show that the United States and its military will win all wars, but what does our new China look like? ?

New China is a country that has just been built from the ruins. Years of continuous wars have stagnated its weak national industry. (to be continued..)

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