The beacon of youth

Chapter 777 Can't beat it

The eight-year Anti-Japanese War (14 years including the Northeast) shattered the industrial foundation accumulated from the late Qing Dynasty to the early Republic of China, and the Westernization Movement, which brought a glimmer of fresh hope, was destroyed in the flames of war. A large number of factories were blown up again. China in [-] was still a country dominated by agriculture, and what the Communists took over was a troublesome mess.

In 1950, China, which was established less than a year ago, suffered from food shortages due to successive years of wars. Banditry was rampant in the Northwest and Southwest. Hundreds of thousands of bandits shouted slogans to cooperate with the Kuomintang in Taiwan to counterattack the mainland. The PLA and local governments Thousands of grassroots staff were killed, including two division-level PLA cadres, one of whom was about to become an ambassador to a certain country.

The new government has too many things to do. Apart from suppressing bandits, most of their energy is put on the first five-year plan. Let the common people in the city and the countryside have food, this is the top priority.

At that time, the total industrial and agricultural output value of New China was only more than 500 billion yuan, which was a fraction of the output value of the United States when converted into US dollars. The country’s electricity consumption was not as good as the installed capacity of a hydropower station on the Tennessee River in the United States. Most of the weapons used by the People's Liberation Army are old-fashioned equipment from the War of Resistance Against Japan and the War of Liberation, and the Navy and Air Force have just been established (listed).

The People's Liberation Army is still an army armed with millet and rifles, and the supply of "millet" is not sufficient, and the rifles are also made of different models.Composed of old-fashioned rifles of different calibers and different nationalities.

There is a huge gap in national strength, and the technical equipment of the army is not at the same level.what to do?Faced with the crying request of the North Korean special envoy, New China once again fell into a dilemma.

North Korea has lived under the wings of a powerful China since ancient times. The sons and daughters of the Chinese people have a natural sense of mission to protect this weak nation. At the end of the Qing Dynasty, because of the weak national power, the nations on the peninsula became Japanese colonies.Are we going to let history repeat itself today?

If the new China does not help, Hao has no doubts.The Korean Peninsula will become the sphere of influence of the United States, and the United States is full of hostility to the new China. As soon as the Korean War began, the Seventh Fleet of the US Navy entered the Taiwan Strait.This caused the People's Liberation Army's plan to liberate Taiwan to run aground again and again.

Once the United States, which is full of hostility to the new China, occupied the Korean peninsula.The future troubles brought about are too great. China and North Korea have a border line of more than 1000 kilometers. In order to guard against the opponent's attack, the border guards have to stand by day and night. Even so, the strength of the opponent makes it difficult. China's border guards must keep their spirits tight at all times, because behind them is China's largest industrial zone.

Most of China's heavy industry is in the northeast, and most of the industrial bases in the northeast are in southern Liaoning.The iron and steel output of Anshan, a steel city, accounts for half of the country's total. If Benxi is added, it will reach 80.00% of the country's total.Fushun, the capital of coal, has the largest coal mine in the country. The large thermal power plant in Fuxin, an electric city, is the main power plant of the Northeast Power Grid. The central city of Shenyang has more than [-] large and medium-sized factories. These cities are within a straight-line distance from the border of China and North Korea. [-] kilometers, if the surrounding Dalian (the largest port in northern China), Jinzhou (used to be the textile industry base in northern China), and Jinxi (later renamed Huludao, it has the largest oil refinery in the country and the largest oil refinery in the world) Rare metal molybdenum mines, etc.) are even more impressive. These urban agglomerations are called China’s Rhine Heavy Industry Zone and play a pivotal role in the construction of new China, but they are all within the combat radius of American fighter bombers , Once bombed, the consequences are unbearable.

What is before the new China is that if the war continues, it is not a question of whether to fight or not to fight, but whether to fight or not.

In order to reduce the burden on the country, since the beginning of the [-]s, many troops have been mobilizing veterans to demobilize and let scarred veterans return to work in the local area.

These veterans are used to being in the army. They think that the army is their home, and they don’t know what they can do when they go back, so mobilization is very difficult. In order to emancipate their minds, some cadres set an example by saying that they will go home with the demobilized soldiers. Going back to the locality is the same as doing revolution and building a new China.

All signs show that peace is really coming, but are these all true?

The mobilization work lasted until June of [-] and stopped suddenly. What was even more surprising later on was that not only did the army not want to demobilize the veterans, but they also wanted the cadres who mobilized them back home to mobilize them back and return to the army. Then join the army.

The news leaked out is too strange, even a little weird. The cadres and soldiers of the People’s Liberation Army are all battlefield masters who have fought for many years. They have an extremely sensitive sense of war. What do you want our group of veterans who have already retired and returned home to do?

Indeed, from the beginning of the Korean War, the leadership of New China began to prepare. To be prepared, the four major field armies, with more than 500 million troops, can fight tough battles everywhere. The most powerful has to be said to be Shino's troops.

The Thirteenth Corps is one of the most capable corps in Siye. The Corps has jurisdiction over the 38th, 39th, and 38th armies. These three armies are also the original first, second, and third columns of the Siye. (Fighting, rushing, and chasing) are the toughest troops in the People's Liberation Army. There are many Red Army regiments in the main division, such as the main force of the [-]th Army, which has the old background of Mr. Peng's Pingjiang Uprising.

After the founding of the People’s Republic of China, the Central Military Commission mobilized the [-]th Corps with powerful combat capabilities, and chose Henan for them to garrison, because Henan is located in the hinterland of China’s Central Plains. To put it plainly, the central government uses the Thirteenth Corps as a strategic reserve force, as a mobile force in the palm of its hand. According to the current fashion, it is called a quick reaction force.

The specific deployment is that the 38th Army is stationed in Xinyang, the 39th Army is stationed in Piaohe, and the Forty Army is stationed in Luoyang.

(Of course, these are the original plans, which have not been realized. The current deployment is that the 38th Army is stationed in Baoding, the 39th Army is stationed in Liaoyang, the 54th Army is stationed in Jinzhou, and Henan is the site of the [-]th Army. The old army, this is something later, haha, it is also declassified information)

The veterans who are about to be demobilized are all guessing the intentions of their superiors, guessing where they are going to fight again, but where is the enemy?Who are we going to hit?The little devils are gone, the Kuomintang is gone, who else is our opponent?The grassroots officers and soldiers were puzzled.

The same is true of a certain independent brigade of the People's Liberation Army far away in Tibet. The brigade commander Li Yong stays in the war room all day long. Not idle, but studying the border defense map between North Korea and China. What is the situation? ?

The soldiers were very puzzled. Although Tibet is far from the mainland, the middle and high-level commanders have long known from internal reports that there is a country called North Korea outside the northeastern border of the motherland. The war is very fierce, but this has nothing to do with us. Does it matter?

The northeast is so far away from Tibet that the soldiers don't understand that their brigade commander studies the enemy's situation all day long.

There is nothing to study. Even if the superior wants to send troops abroad to fight, it is a matter for the Northeast Army. It has half a dime relationship with our troops stationed far away in Tibet. We don’t believe it. The superior can transfer our independent brigade from Shigatse Go northeast! !That's too much.

It is true that the superiors did not intend to transfer the Independent Brigade from Shigatse, but Brigadier Li Da still stayed in the war room every day, and it seemed that his whole energy was devoted to it. Fortunately, the Independent Brigade has entered a stage of steady development in Shigatse. With no battle to fight, Wang Chengde, the political commissar, contracted out most of the trivial work, and Li Yong, the leader of the brigade, let him do whatever he wanted.

That's what I said, but it's different when it comes to wars. The commanders at all levels of the independent brigade, that is, the veterans, are not as calm as the political commissars, but go to the brigade commander when they are free. What Li Yong was doing specifically, he even said that he wanted to see what monsters the brigade commander was doing.

Li Yong didn't think too much about it. The Korean War was a major event that affected the history of the entire twentieth century. Although it has nothing to do with himself and the Independent Brigade from the present point of view, as a military commander, it seems that if we study the two sides It is also a very normal thing.

This morning, Li Jiangguo, commander of the first battalion, Ma Changsheng, commander of the third battalion, Wei Gang, commander of the machine gun battalion, Gao Xiang, commander of the artillery battalion, and others all ran over. By the way, He Cuihua, the instructor of the supply battalion, also came together. brigade command post.

A group of more than a dozen people rushed in in a mess.

There are wall charts and sand tables in the brigade headquarters. Except for the border area that the independent brigade is currently guarding, most of them are about Northeast China and North Korea. Brigadier Li Da is busy with it alone.

Ma Changsheng, the commander of the third battalion, sat down and shouted loudly: "Brigade commander, we all know that North Korea is fighting, but what does this have to do with us? If we really want to fight, we should report to our superiors and send our entire brigade Pulling it over will save us from being uncomfortable here."

The first battalion commander, Li Jiangguo, knocked Ma Changsheng on the head, and said in a long voice, "You kid, are you messing around, reporting to your superiors? Are you trying to drag our brigade away? Could it be that your superiors are fools?" (To be completed continued..)

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