The beacon of youth

Chapter 778 The Chief of Staff Who Comes From Afar

The cadres and soldiers of the independent brigade were very curious about their brigade commander. On this day, a large group of people came to him, and everyone was talking nonsense in the brigade headquarters.

Artillery Battalion Commander Gao Xiang also coughed: "Of course the superior is not a fool, but we really have nothing to do here. Our battalion has more than 100 artillery pieces. We can only do operational training every day. We want to fire a few rounds. Live ammunition is not enough, brigade commander, can you think of a way to fight a battle so that we can apply for more ammunition with our superiors."

"That's right, we have to find a way to fight a war, otherwise how can we open our mouths to our superiors for supplies, there is really no place to seize them now."

The one who agreed with Gao Xiang was He Cuihua, the trainer of the supply battalion. This girl is a lord who fears that the world will not be chaotic. In fact, she can't be blamed. In the past, the Independent Brigade would capture every battle, and they could get something back anyway. Well, it's been more than half a year, and I haven't reaped any benefits. Sitting and eating has caused this headed trainer of the supply camp a headache.

Li Yong can't laugh or cry, what kind of people do you think these guys are? There is really no way to say about the supply. The Eighteenth Army sent someone to deliver food once, and it was the only supply. As for ammunition?Commander Zhang Guohua and Political Commissar Tan didn't even mention it, and Brigadier Li Da didn't dare to ask for it, so what?It is said that our independent brigade is going to conduct training, so the superior must replenish the ammunition?

Whoever wants to say this will say it, anyway, our old Li dare not say it, and if we say it, we will be scolded. Li Yong, 22, sometimes calls himself Lao Li.

Troops do have problems.In particular, Gao Xiang's artillery battalion is full of large-caliber heavy artillery shells, and it is too difficult to supply them.Now it’s not like when we were fighting in the past, we can find the Kuomintang’s troops to seize them, so the training is mainly based on operation, and the live ammunition is saved as much as possible, but this is not a long-term solution after all. It is impossible for troops to train with live ammunition. Do not fight?After coming and going, there were complaints from Gao Xiang and others.

Apart from these, Ma Changsheng and the others are actually most interested in the wars that span tens of thousands of miles. They came to the brigade headquarters to see what the brigade commander was doing.Li Jiangguo, who has the most eyes, blinked and asked:

"Brigade Commander, I've heard that the war situation is not good recently. North Korea is going to be tough."

This is Li Jiangguo's brilliance, he didn't yell like Ma Changsheng, but carefully expressed his doubts.

Artillery Battalion Commander Gao Xiang murmured: "What's the big deal if the battle situation is not good, at worst, let's send troops from China to support it. What is his joint attack? In my opinion, it is just superficial."

What Gao Xiang said is half right and half wrong. There are indeed some countries in the United Nations who are doing superficial things. They sent troops to North Korea just to sell the face of the Americans. The size of the troops is only at the company and battalion level. , but the United States and South Korea are different. The United States and South Korea are wholeheartedly trying to defeat the People's Army as their mortal enemy, and what they are doing is not superficial.And the British who follow behind the Americans are also working hard wholeheartedly.The British dispatched three brigades, all of which were composed of veterans of World War II. Their combat effectiveness was even better than that of the US military, but limited to their national strength, the size of the army was a little smaller.

Li Jiangguo was very dissatisfied with Gao Xiang's answer, and shouted at Gao Xiang: "What are you yelling about, is it as easy as you say to go abroad to fight? We all listen to the brigade commander."

The guy turned around and asked Li Yong flatteringly: "Brigade Commander, what do you think we should do in China? Will you stand aside and watch the fun?"

Gao Xiang angrily replied to Li Jiangguo: "Hmph, I haven't seen you for a few days, and Lao Li's flattering skills are getting better and better."

People were laughing and watching, Li Jiangguo's question was actually a question from everyone in the brigade headquarters, and everyone was eagerly waiting for Li Yong's answer.

It stands to reason that it is useless for them to ask such a big question as sending troops abroad to fight. Li Yong is just a brigade-level cadre of a remote area army. It's just such a habit, they subconsciously think that if they don't understand something, they should ask the brigade commander, and the brigade commander Li Yong will definitely give them a satisfactory answer.

Li Jiangguo and others are asking the right person. The question is so easy to answer. What’s so difficult about it? The real answer is that the squadron will definitely go abroad to fight, and it will last for nearly three years, but Li Yong answered like this Of course not, he couldn't pat his chest and say, you all come to ask, I know everything, not only whether I want to go abroad to fight, but also know that Mao Zedong was sacrificed by the Volunteer Army just over a month after leaving the country, even Boss Peng was almost there Under the attack of American fighter-bombers, he confessed that he would not be a monster if he said everything.

It was indeed a depressing thing. Li Yong didn't say whether he could go abroad to fight, but asked everyone a question: "He stabbed the bayonet down your neck and said he had no bad intentions for you. You said we should what to do?"

The Fifth Battalion Commander Wang Huhu, who had been silent all this time, replied sullenly: "It's very simple. Only by stabbing them to death first can we feel at ease."

Wang Huo's words were as simple as he was, and Li Yong didn't speak at all, but turned around and continued to look at his map.

Everyone in the room understood, and the meaning of the brigade commander was obvious—if the war situation continued like this, China would definitely send troops to North Korea.

The commanders at all levels of the independent brigade are all veterans who have fought countless times on the battlefield. They trust their brigade commander very much. This is the experience summed up in many battles. The Fifth Battalion Commander Wang Huhu was also a little impatient:

"Brigadier, what should we do? Stare at the excitement??"

At this moment, Li Jia, the company commander of the guard, came in from the outside, and said softly to Li Yong: "Brigade Commander, Chief of Staff Chen is here."

Li Yong was stunned, what is Chief of Staff Chen? The Chief of Staff surnamed Chen came from there. Apart from the Independent Brigade, there is only one military headquarters of the [-]th Army in the nearby troops, but the Chief of Staff is not surnamed Chen. A message came from afar: "Dayong, you won't forget our old Chen!!"

who is it?The voice was very familiar. Li Yong and everyone suddenly looked up and looked out. Because there were too many people in the room, the door was always open. From a long distance, they saw a soldier walking over. Look at it, my God, isn't this Chen Haihan, chief of staff of the Sixth Army! !

Including Li Yong, all the people in the room rushed out, scrambling to say hello to Chief of Staff Chen, shaking hands, saluting, joking, making a fuss.

Chief of Staff Chen Haihan is Li Yong's old comrade-in-arms and old superior. In the past, he often led the troops to cooperate with the Independent Brigade. The old people of the Independent Brigade basically knew the most capable brigade commander in the sixth column of the Northwest Field Army. column and chief of staff.

Li Yong went up and hugged the guy who fell from the sky, and asked loudly: "Where did you jump out of? Why didn't you say hello in advance, why didn't you blow away the wind of the Himalaya snow mountain?"

Chen Haihan pinched Li Yong's arm fiercely, muttering in his mouth: "You are still so strong, so you can't say something nice. Of course, we old Chen came here for a reason."

Lao Chen sat down, picked up the water glass on the table and took a big gulp, then took the cigarettes handed over by everyone, straightened his thighs, took a few puffs beautifully and said:

"Of course there is a reason for you to come to a place where rabbits don't shit. The commander knows that you are short of food, isn't that right? I am afraid that you will be hungry, so I personally led a team to bring you supplies. There are thousands of mountains and rivers." , but we have been tossed badly, so I'll take the opportunity to see you, how are you doing, are you used to your life?"

Our old chief still misses us. Li Yong couldn't tell what it was like. If it wasn't because he was afraid that the army would be reduced to a peasant corps, Sun Tzu would be willing to leave the commander.

"How is the commander? Are you in good health?" Li Yong, Li Jiangguo and others asked eagerly.

"The commander is in good health, but he's been too busy recently, sometimes he can't take care of eating."

Ma Changsheng squeezed in front of Chief of Staff Chen, and asked very strangely: "There is no battle to fight in Xinjiang, what kind of trouble can a bandit cause, and what can make our commander so busy that he can't eat?"

Chen Haihan sighed: "Hey, the superiors have decided to convert our 22st Corps and 20nd Corps (the Kuomintang uprising troops) into peasant corps and stay in Xinjiang forever. The two large corps have more than 20 people. It is not easy to take root in the frontier. First of all, we need to solve the wives problem for the veterans. How can we take root without wives? The local population in Xinjiang is sparse, and the living habits of the ethnic minorities are different from ours. There are very few intermarried together. Besides, even if the girls of the ethnic minorities are willing It's not enough to marry us soldiers, we have two large regiments with more than [-] people, so it's difficult."

The news brought by Chief of Staff Chen stunned everyone in the room, didn’t he? I really didn’t think about these issues before. During a war, white knives go in and red knives come out. Maybe it will be glorious that day. Who can tell? Thinking of daughter-in-law and wife, but it is different now. Since you want to take root in the frontier, you must solve the wife problem for those veterans. This is a top priority.

Li Jiangguo, who has always been articulate, stuttered. Anyone who came out of Xinjiang didn’t know that the land is vast and sparsely populated, and sometimes he can’t even see a human hair after walking hundreds of miles, let alone women and wives: "What's wrong with that? Our commander is not Guanyin Bodhisattva, where can we find a wife?" (To be continued...)

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