The beacon of youth

Chapter 784 The first battle

An avant-garde battalion of the Sixth Division of South Korea came along the road at the foot of the mountain. This is also the only road in Shuangliudong area, so the commanders of the volunteer army ambushing in this area are very relieved that the enemy will not go here.

But when all the so-called joint forces entered the ambush circle, everyone discovered a phenomenon. It was not the Americans that the troops had always wanted to touch, but the South Korean troops, that is, the puppet troops that everyone was used to calling in China. For this reason, The soldiers of the confident [-]th Division were a little unhappy, or couldn't be called excited.

Damn it, what's the point of fighting the puppet army, the soldiers whispered.

The commanders at the company and platoon level ran back and forth in the trenches, and kept warning while running:

"Cheer up, don't say weird things, the soldiers in South Korea are also the United Nations, ready to fight."

When all the troops at the foot of the mountain entered the ambush circle of the 700th Division, the scouts reported to their division command post that there were about [-] enemies, which should be the size of a reinforced battalion.

Indeed, the avant-garde battalion extended by the Sixth Division of the Republic of Korea is a reinforced battalion equipped with a howitzer company, with more than 750 people in the battalion.

An avant-garde battalion is equipped with a heavy howitzer company. In the eyes of the Volunteers, such a configuration of troops is simply too luxurious. Unfortunately, no matter how good the weapons and equipment are, it is useless if the people are not good enough.

The total strength of South Korea's vanguard battalion is more than 700 people, and the volunteers ambushing on the two sides are two whole regiments of more than 8000 people. The ratio of troops is more than ten to one. This does not include individual combat capabilities. Compared.The two regiments of the [-]th Division are elite soldiers who have been trained in many battles, and they are tiger-like troops.

200 meters, 100 meters. At 50 meters, the Korean army is getting closer and closer to the forefront of the volunteer army's ambush position. The closest one is less than 50 meters away. After walking a few steps, they will be in touch. The soldiers can already clearly hear the opponent's chatter voice.

The squadron is used to fighting in close combat, and is used to putting the enemy under their noses before attacking. This has something to do with the fact that their weapons and equipment are always inferior to their opponents.It wasn't until nearly 30 meters away that Deng Yue, the division commander in the command post, waved his hand violently and shouted: "Start."

The small Shuangliudong area is boiling.Because of this battle, it was forever recorded in the history of the Chinese Army. On October 25, [-], the Chinese People's Volunteers fired the first shot to fight abroad.this day.It is also the Memorial Day of the War to Resist US Aggression and Aid Korea.

"Tududu", machine guns, rifles, submachine guns, mortars, grenades, all weapons are firing at the Korean army at the bottom of the mountain at the maximum rate of fire, two squadrons of the whole regiment, 8000 Many people fired at the same time, and the density of the bullets was indescribable. This vanguard battalion in South Korea was not prepared at all.The troops on the march were knocked out at once.

The team of more than 700 people who were marching was ambushed by more than 8000 people from both sides.One can imagine the tragic situation under the crossfire. Even though most of the squadron soldiers are holding [-]-type rifles, the number is too much. On average, ten [-]-type rifles are aimed at one person. Shooting, even if that person has a great ability, it is probably enough.

The equipment of the [-]th Division is also made in several countries, mainly Japanese and American, and most of them are Japanese. Most of the weapons in the hands of the soldiers are captured [-]-type rifles. The infantry light weapon has no automatic and semi-automatic functions, and its rate of fire is slow, but its accuracy is very good. In addition, the users are all veterans. The bullets fired from the volunteer positions are very accurate. Many South Korean soldiers were shot in the head. .

Under the sunlight at noon, the blood splashed from the South Korean soldiers was particularly eye-catching. Under the sudden firepower, the soldiers fell in groups, and those who were not dead ran around in panic. The troops were about to lose control.

Several Korean army officers shouted to let the soldiers who had not been killed use various concealed objects to resist, but their efforts were doomed to be in vain. Say hello to places where there are many people and resistance, and the tiny shrapnel will cut the human body into pieces of minced meat.

The grenadier is a light weapon used by the Japanese infantry. It is a roughly launched weapon without an aiming device. When it is used, it relies on the experience of the soldiers. Proficient in this portable grenade launcher, because it is light in weight and easy to carry, it is very popular in the squadron.

The Korean Militia Corps is composed of the police and gendarmerie of the former Japanese occupation period, plus a large number of newly recruited soldiers. Such troops have not been baptized in the Great War, and they have not considered tough battles ideologically. It's okay to play tricks on the backs of Americans, but it's not good once you encounter hard stubble.

However, most of the Chinese army are veterans, and the [-]th Division is a famously tyrannical unit. Two people came into contact with each other and judged each other. A few undamaged cars turned around and tried to escape, but as soon as they made a move , A few grenades fell from the sky, blowing up the fleeing vehicles, and the narrow road was blocked.

The beautiful Shuangliu Cave instantly became a hell on earth. The fierce firepower lasted for about five or six minutes, and the piercing sound of charging horns came from the peaks on both sides.

The soldiers of the [-]th Division ambushing on the positions on both sides first threw grenades downward fiercely, and then rushed down with the cover of the explosion smoke, shouting to kill.

The dense rain of bullets like the wind, then the grenades like hail, and finally the soldiers charging like tigers. With the ratio of troops as high as ten to one, the fate of the vanguard battalion of the Korean Army can be imagined.

The soldiers who jumped out of the trenches pressed sharp bayonets on their rifles, and began to charge from a high position. The highest peaks on both sides of the Shuangliudong Highway were only more than 200 meters away. The nearest ambush position of the volunteers was only a few dozen away from the Koreans. Mi, such a small distance is not a distance for the soldiers of the [-]th Division who are accustomed to fighting in close combat. They rushed up in one breath, and then heard a heart-shattering scream from the road. A cry of despair after being stabbed into the body.

Puff, puff, puff, the sound of the bayonet piercing into the human body resounded everywhere on the battlefield. Because of the language barrier, the soldiers shouted that the guns would not kill the opponent and could not understand, so the Korean soldiers who were lucky enough to survive fled indiscriminately. These fled indiscriminately Without exception, all the soldiers were stabbed with bayonets by the soldiers, and only a few clever guys knelt on the ground and surrendered.

cruel?This is a battlefield, how much is cruelty worth?

The squadron does not kill prisoners, so the Korean soldiers who surrendered saved their lives. How long did the battle take, about 20 minutes, a reinforced battalion of more than 700 people was eaten by the [-]th Division , By the way, there is also the artillery company that was released earlier, without firing a single shot, it obediently raised its hands and surrendered.

It was an appetizer before the battle of the 105th Division, but the capture was really good. Although the combat effectiveness of the Korean National Army is not very good, the equipment is really good. The big boss in the United States is still Really rich, twelve 1mm howitzers, dozens of cars, hundreds of m[-] rifles, and dozens of light and heavy machine guns. In fact, the most envious of the volunteers are the individual rations for field battles, which are comparable to those on the shoulders of soldiers. The fried noodles on the back are too strong.

Cigarettes, lighters, flashlights, and individual water bottles are all good things. Some soldiers even changed their shoes. The shoes of the United Army are really good. They are made of leather, strong and warm.

Damn it, if you don't take it for nothing, the soldiers cleaning the battlefield will swipe at them when they see a good thing, regardless of whether it is alive or dead, as long as it is useful to us.

Doing this somewhat violates the "Three Disciplines, Eight Points of Attention" that do not allow the pockets of prisoners to be searched. However, the Three Great Disciplines and the Eight Points of Attention are the disciplines we must abide by when we are in China. Should we use this set of disciplines when fighting against foreigners? No one knew, not even the commander, so in the end they simply pretended not to see it.

The troops of the People's Liberation Army have strict discipline and are not allowed to harass the common people. This is for sure. The whole army is the same, but the son of a mother is also different. For example, the five fingers are not uniform. It is hard to say which unit has the best discipline here, but which unit has the worst discipline?There must be Shino's troops.

It is said that when the 40th Column of Siye attacked Shenyang, in order to go one step earlier to rob the big warehouse in the city, Wu Faxian, the political commissar of the column, asked the confidential soldiers to deliberately damage the radio station. Once the radio station was broken, they could not receive orders from the field department. And they can let go of their courage to rob. When they robbed the warehouse, they even had a fight with their brothers. What the twelve columns did was to suppress the soldiers of the brother columns with bags of flour, and they moved wantonly. The onlookers were watching the excitement, booing while watching, look, the People's Liberation Army fought the People's Liberation Army, and later the commander and political commissar of the [-]th column were severely criticized by President Lin. (Siye Twelve Columns, that is, the No.[-] Ninth Army of the Chinese People's Liberation Army, Commander Zhong Wei, known as the Fox of the Black Land)

At least a few living people were caught in this avant-garde battalion in South Korea. After interrogation, it was learned that there was a second infantry regiment behind them, which was only about ten kilometers away from them. For the convenience of communication, the [-]th Division was equipped with There is a Korean translation.

After hearing the news, the division commander Deng Yue ordered the troops to stop cleaning the battlefield immediately. The target was the [-]nd Regiment of the Sixth Division of South Korea. The enemy came one after another, giving us a chance to eat them one bite at a time. Why not take advantage of such a good opportunity? ! !

The 3000th Division began to move forward rapidly again. After a few minutes, more than [-] people from the whole division disappeared into the high mountains of North Korea. (To be continued..)

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