The beacon of youth

Chapter 785 Fighting Wenjing Again

The soldiers were already very tired. They marched in a hurry day and night. When they reached the ground, they began to build fortifications without resting for a minute, and then they started fighting. There was no time. When I was hungry, I took out the fried noodles from the dry food bag and put them in my mouth. When I was thirsty, I drank water during the march.

However, everyone regards this kind of thing as normal. The soldiers think that it is just like this, even their division commanders and political commissars are the same as them.

In order to achieve the suddenness of the battle, the troops marched in covertly, all the cars were put behind and did not come up, the troops did not take the road, and the division commander and political commissar, like ordinary soldiers, marched on the mountain on two legs, and the soldiers Run away like them.

The young commander and political commissar of the People's Liberation Army led a whole division to march in the mountains. There are roads, but they cannot be used because the enemy is on the road. The consequence of marching along the road is to meet the enemy head-on, and then break the battle into a rout. Fighting, this is not what our [-]th Division wants.

Wenjing is more than 20 kilometers away from Liangshuidong, where the battle just ended. Of course, this is more than 20 kilometers on the map, but the actual distance is even farther. The troops of the Second Regiment of the Sixth Division of the Republic of Korea are located in these two places A place in the middle to rest.

The second regiment has more than 3000 people. In order to cope with the orders of the division headquarters, only one battalion was used to open the way in front, and the main force of the regiment stopped on the way to rest. Camp is in trouble.

From the perspective of the Korean ** team, this is simply unimaginable.How can anyone dare to resist the attack of the United Nations? Could it be that their brains are broken!

This did not arouse the vigilance of South Korean officers and soldiers. They stubbornly believed that the sound of the guns was made by the brothers in the vanguard battalion.The purpose is to wipe out a small number of People's Army guerrillas.

It seemed to confirm their judgment. The sound of the guns only rang for a while and then stopped. After about 10 minutes, everything returned to the original calm. Well, it should be that a small number of remnants of the People’s Army were driven away. Or wiped out.

Time passed bit by bit in fear, suspicion, and confusion, and the officers and soldiers of the Korean Second Regiment were still discussing and arguing about whether to go to support.Some people said that since the vanguard battalion was fighting, it should go to support, the sooner the better.But some people said that there was no big deal, and that what the Vanguard Battalion encountered was at best some guerrillas from the communist army who had escaped.It's no use going early.It's better to send someone to contact them first, and then make a decision based on the situation, but what's disturbing is that no matter how the communications soldiers of the second regiment broke their throats, there was no answer from the vanguard battalion.

Why didn't the Qianwei battalion answer?Could it be that the whole camp was eaten by people?This idea was rejected as soon as it came up, it was impossible, because the defeated People's Army did not have this strength, but...

Just when the second group was worried about gains and losses.More than an hour has passed, and this is a critical hour.The confused judgment bought precious time for the volunteer army to assemble, and the scouts of the [-]th Division of the Volunteer Army had already discovered their location.

In more than an hour, tens of thousands of volunteer soldiers marched through the mountains and mountains for nearly ten kilometers. On the road that looked like a thin line, they saw a large number of Korean troops, more than they had eaten just now.

There are artillery on the road, there are cars, and there is obviously a logistics convoy pulling supplies.

The troops were excited, as if fatigue had been thrown out of the blue, and the soldiers were all whispering: "It seems that this trip was not in vain, there is another big piece of fat, and it is worth sweating profusely."

It’s really worth it. There are more than 3000 people in the second regiment of the Sixth Division in South Korea. After an avant-garde battalion was wiped out, there are still more than 2000 brothers. Take a big bite.

They didn't care about rest, and only gave the soldiers some time to catch their breath. Within a few minutes, the [-]th Division made a decision to attack. One regiment pressed forward from the front, and two regiments surrounded them from both sides. Try to swallow this whole regiment of the United Nations in one gulp.

Mobile warfare and interspersed warfare are exactly what the Chinese squadron is best at. The three regiments of the [-]th Division quickly maneuvered along the valley, and when the two interspersed regiments arrived at their positions, a communication signal came from the walkie-talkie.

The division commander Deng Yue heard the clear three-long and two-short blowing sound from the walkie-talkie and knew that the matter was over. His two regiments had already outflanked in place. In fact, the victory or defeat of each battle was probably decided before the start. Shang foolishly waited, but the other side was carrying out interspersed siege. With the strength several times that of the enemy, there was no doubt about the victory of the battle.

The battle started instantly, and the volunteers encircled the Second Regiment of the Sixth Division of South Korea from three directions. The sound of guns, grenade explosions and shouts resounded throughout the valley.

The Korean army is backed by the big boss of the United States, and its equipment has been mechanized for a long time. However, the mechanized troops also have shortcomings. They rely too much on the road. The road march also caused the soldiers to be lazy, and they could not fight without cars.

Taking advantage of the geographical advantage, the soldiers of the Volunteer Army threw grenades down wave after wave. The grenades hit their heads like a heavy rain, and then there were impenetrable explosions and dead bodies everywhere.

The Second Regiment of the Sixth Division of South Korea under the banner of the United Army was stunned. From the density of firepower, they judged that the opponent's strength was at least no less than 1.

1 people?That's the size of a whole division. Most of the North Korean Communist Army's forces have been wiped out, and the rest are mainly scattered guerrilla fighters. It is impossible to organize such a large counterattack while escaping. Where did it come from?Could it be the reinforcements that fell from the sky?

I couldn't figure it out, and finally I just didn't think about it. Under the fierce attack of the volunteers, the second regiment of the Sixth Division of South Korea was like a long snake lying on the kilometers. There was no way to organize a decent counterattack and defense. In chaos, the soldiers were running and fleeing indiscriminately. Later, the frightening sound of bugles sounded from the opponent's position, and the communist army began to charge.

Blocking the head, censoring the tail, hitting the middle, dividing the opponent into small segments, and then eating them in one bite, this is the old routine of the squadron.

The dense bayonets were surrounded by flashing cold light and dripping blood. The courage of the Korean soldiers was about to be frightened. As long as there was still a breath, they would run away desperately. The mountains were full of forests. .

As expected, it was another beautiful encirclement and annihilation battle. The battle of the [-]th Division took a little longer this time. The battle ended in less than an hour, and a regiment of Korean troops was wiped out. All of them were wiped out. According to the count after the battle, at least a few hundred people ran away, but this is already very good.

After one regiment was wiped out, more good things were captured, but the division commander Deng Yue once again ordered: "The whole division will spend 10 minutes cleaning the battlefield, replenishing what is needed for the battle, and then gather immediately to attack Wenjing."

They ran non-stop for several days, and then fought two consecutive battles non-stop. The physical exertion of the soldiers had almost reached their limit, but the commander Deng Yue still gave the order to continue the attack without hesitation. Could it be that he didn't Do you know that the troops are tired?

The 32-year-old commander Deng Yue knows everything, because he also runs like the soldiers and marches hungry. Unlike the soldiers, he is a division commander and his weapon is a pistol, which is lighter than the soldiers' long guns. , the division commander on the march only took advantage of such a small amount, or this is also called an advantage.

Boss Peng’s order was for the [-]th Division to capture Wenjing and block the advance of the United Army. Orders during the battle can be executed flexibly, but the ultimate goal must be accomplished. Master Deng Yue understands the weight of the burden on his shoulders, because they have always The [-]th Division is the unit closest to Wenjing, and it is duty-bound.

The battle to encircle and annihilate a regiment of the enemy was over, but the post-battle assessment was that the Korean army ran away with hundreds of people, and these hundreds of people would definitely return to the Korean Sixth Division in Onjeong to report the news if nothing happened.

The two battles of the [-]th Division were fought very beautifully. There are many factors in this, firstly the unequal strength of the troops, and then the geographical advantages. These hundreds of routs fleeing back to Wenjing will inevitably make the Korean Sixth Division vigilant. What will the vigilant troops do?Of course, the defensive strength will be strengthened, they will step up the construction of fortifications, and step up the replenishment of ammunition, and all of these will increase the losses of the attacking side. Therefore, the decision made by the [-]th Division Command is not to leave any enemy Take a breather, overcome all difficulties, and then occupy the warm well.

There is only 10 minutes to clean the battlefield, what can you do in 10 minutes?Veterans tell you that they can do a lot of things. Although they have seized a lot of m1 rifles and light and heavy machine guns, they can only look at them, or equip them with a small amount. Greedy, let's play with our own [-] big cover!

But it’s not that everything can’t be used. The melon-style grenade produced by the Americans is very popular among soldiers. This is a good thing, and it’s easier to carry than our wooden handle grenade. I got a dozen or twenty, and I feel a little rich.

Of course, there is also the US military's individual rations, which are even more popular. After tens of tens of minutes of hustle and bustle, the [-]th Division set off, and the troops went straight to Wenjing, where the Korean Sixth Division was stationed.

Onjeong, the resident of the Sixth Division of the Republic of Korea.

The Sixth Division has been resting in Wenjing for a day and a half, and the follow-up joint campaign has not kept up, which makes the more than 1 officers and soldiers of the Sixth Division very dissatisfied.

Thank you brothers for your support, especially those old buddies, I still want to say a few more words, but think about it or forget it. (to be continued..)

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