The beacon of youth

Chapter 790 Covered up shortcomings

The first batch of volunteers to enter the DPRK was the 38th Army. Boss Peng had heard of this army a long time ago. Although he had worked in the Northwest Field Army for a long time, as the deputy commander-in-chief of the whole army, Boss Peng also had certain feelings for the troops in the Northeast. I understand, who doesn't know the famous 38th Army, in fact, the relationship between Mr. Peng and the 38th Army is not shallow, and its main force, the [-]th Division, is the old foundation of his Pingjiang Uprising.

Of course, the No. [-] main force in the field was given high hopes. In order to allow them to march faster, the headquarters of the Volunteer Army specially allocated [-] large Soviet-style trucks.

With one hundred trucks, the speed of the 38th Army should be faster, but it still backfired, and the marching speed of the 38th Army was not fast but dropped.

The narrow road is full of fleeing crowds, among them are some soldiers of the People's Army who have retreated. These soldiers who have fled have disrupted the establishment system long ago. They are in groups of three or five, a dozen or twenty, and follow the crowd. Flowing backwards and retreating, it was easy to see from the numb faces that these so-called fighters had lost their fighting spirit.

The arrival of the 38th Army brought a gleam in the eyes of these soldiers, but then it dimmed, because they saw that the weapons and equipment of the troops wearing uniforms that looked like the People's Army were also very ordinary. of.

The 38th Army, which was regarded as a newly formed unit of the People's Army, ignored these defeated soldiers. Army commander Liang Xingchu ordered the troops to advance at full speed and must reach the designated location according to the requirements of the Volunteer Army Headquarters.

But the command of the army commander is really difficult or impossible to execute, and the troops have to compete with the common people.From time to time, U.S. military planes came to make trouble in the sky, and the road that was not very good was full of bomb craters of different sizes. At night, the number of ordinary people who fled was a little less.But the headlights of the car are still afraid to turn on, because there are night planes of the US military on duty in the sky.

In the continuous air defense, the 38th Army's vehicles suffered huge losses, and the US military's aircraft were like all-pervasive flies laying eggs non-stop. Before traveling less than 100 kilometers, more than [-] vehicles that had just been dispatched by the headquarters were lost. Fortunately, most of the drivers ran out.Otherwise, the casualties will be even greater.

By the time the 38th Army staggered to the ground, the United Army designated by them to attack had already run away, and the despondent 38th Army only destroyed one company and the remaining troops.Adding everything together is only a few hundred people.

The prestigious 38th Army only killed a few hundred people after the long-distance raid, and almost nothing was captured. Such a small amount of victory is not enough for tens of thousands of people in the entire army.The whole army was furious.Even the most ordinary fighters were furious, they had never been so cowardly before.

The end of the battle of the 38th Army marked the end of the first confrontation between the Volunteers entering North Korea and the United Army. In the history of the Chinese Communist Party, this battle was called the first battle to resist US aggression and aid Korea.

For the Chinese and American militaries, the first battle was an encounter for which neither side was prepared. With its excellent quality, the Chinese army made the arrogant United States suffer. Anything to go home for Christmas has become empty talk.

Compared with the squadron.A battle is a moderate battle, it is said that he is big.It was because the troops of the four armies were invested at one time, and they were all the elites of the army. Not to mention, it was because the results of the battle were not great. The battles of the four armies basically turned into defeat battles. Although the battle effect was achieved, Not many enemies were wiped out. Only the 39th Army wiped out a regiment of the US [-]st Cavalry Division in Yunshan.

At the post-war summary meeting, the 39th Army, the 42th Army, and the 38nd Army were all praised. Only the 38th Army, the first main force in the four fields, was severely criticized. Boss Peng, who is known for his hot temper, called out the [-]th Army by name: "What he The mother's main force, the main force is a bird."

The 38th Army is the No. [-] trump card in the field. From the commander to the soldiers, everyone has a high spirit. It is an army with a high spirit. The commander Liang Xingchu has two nicknames, one is Liang Daya, and the other is a blacksmith.

Boss Peng's furious scolding made the angry army commander really unbearable, and contradicted the boss at the meeting: "You can scold me Liang Xingchu, but you can't scold the 38th Army."

In any case, the battle was won. The original purpose of the Squadron's entry into the DPRK has been achieved, and the troops have gained a firm foothold in North Korea, but there is also a trace of hidden worry in the victory. The shortcomings and deficiencies, the most obvious ones are that the technical equipment is too far behind the enemy, the troop maneuvering speed is not enough under the threat of enemy aircraft, and there is a serious shortage of logistical supplies.

The victories in several battles were achieved by the Volunteers by making full use of their advantages in terrain. Suppose, what would happen if we did not have advantages in terrain and did not exert the effect of sudden strikes?The most obvious example is that the 2000th Army was attacked by enemy planes at the end of the Wenjing battle, and more than [-] people were killed or injured when the overall situation was settled. They were all veterans of many battles. Their casualties made Deng Yue, the commander of the [-]th Division, stomp his feet in distress.

However, the shortcomings and hidden worries of the Volunteer Army have not attracted enough attention. They were covered up by the victory of the Great War.

The news of the victory of the battle was quickly spread back to the country. Although the news of the volunteers going abroad to fight has not yet been announced, the senior commanders of the army are fully aware of it, and it is also an open secret among the troops. The Independent Brigade also heard the news.

The arrogance of the United Army was severely beaten head-on by the squadron, and he retreated in disgrace. This news made political commissar Wang Chengde and others elated.

The first battalion commander, Li Jiangguo, grinned his mouth wide and commented: "What the hell is the United Nations? It's bullshit. It's like a bear when encountering bayonets. I suggest that we also report to the superiors and go to North Korea to try the United Nations* *."

The proposal was supported by everyone, and the most noisy and uproarious boys were undoubtedly the most combative boys in the Independent Brigade, such as Ma Changsheng, the commander of the third battalion, Wei Gang, the commander of the machine gun battalion, and Gao Xiang, the battalion commander of the artillery battalion. The proposal was correct, and they argued that it would be better to go to North Korea. It was really boring to stay in Shigatse because there was no chance of fighting.

By the way, there is also He Cuihua, the instructor of the supply battalion, and Lao Yang, the deputy battalion commander of their battalion, booing together, saying that Shigatse is a place where rabbits don’t shit, and the independent brigade stationed here is a waste of food. The reconnaissance battalion dispatched a few platoons can solve the problem, and the bones of our large army hurt when we are idle.

The Independent Brigade is indeed used to fighting wars. Since its establishment in [-], it has been living in the war non-stop. There are many battles, large and small. After leisure, it feels uncomfortable. It always feels that there are some shortcomings. According to the psychology of later generations From the point of view, this is a kind of war syndrome.

But not everyone is like this. The independent brigade still has thoughtful and steady commanders, such as Ma Quanyou, the commander of the second battalion, Ning Jinshan, the commander of the fourth battalion, and Wang Huhu, the commander of the fifth battalion. Tiger, not only did he not boo with Li Jiangguo, but he also refuted his opinion. Wang Huo thought that the independent brigade's report to the superior to go to North Korea was pure nonsense, and the superior was not a fool. Go, he doesn't think the Independent Brigade is the most capable unit in the People's Liberation Army.

The headquarters of the Independent Brigade was full of cheers, only the brigade commander Li Yong sat there indifferently, and the careful political commissar Wang Chengde soon found that Li Yong's expression was a bit strange. Why is this guy so calm about such a big matter? There must be something wrong.

Wang Chengde moved Li Yong's head over, and said plausibly: "Hey, Dayong, there is something wrong with your head, I want to open it and have a look."

As soon as the political commissar reminded everyone, everyone noticed, yes, what happened to the brigade commander, why are we not happy after we won a big victory.

Li Yongxin said, what is there to be happy about? I know all these things. This is the first battle abroad, and the hard days are yet to come. Besides, the U.S. military is not like what Li Jiangguo said. In response, after mastering the combat characteristics of our army, the battle will become more and more difficult to fight.

Brigadier Li's thoughts are suffering because no one understands, or there is no way to express them, so he can only pretend to be quietly in his heart.

The independent brigade has tens of thousands of people, and there are only two people who have a certain understanding of the US military. One is the brigade commander Li Da, and the other is the battalion commander Jiang Tiexiong of the tank battalion.

Jiang Tiexiong is different from other Tuba Road commanders. He is an authentic armored soldier, and his understanding of US military weapons and equipment can be said to be the best in the whole brigade. The written materials seen in the information.

Seeing the excited commanders in the room, Jiang Tiexiong swallowed something quietly after he wanted to say something. First, he didn’t want to dampen everyone’s enthusiasm. Second, he still had some scruples about his identity. The commander can say whatever he wants. Third, Jiang Tiexiong believes that the Korean War has nothing to do with the Independent Brigade, and it makes no difference whether he says it or not.

The victory of the first battle also made the Korean People's Army and the Soviet Military Advisory Group rejoice. The supreme leader of the People's Army Command, Kim Xing, and the head of the Soviet Military Advisory Group, Viksky, sent condolences to the Volunteer Army Headquarters, and in the telegram Li encouraged the volunteers to take advantage of the victory and pursue, driving the United Nations Army into the sea and completing the reunification of Korea.

Unlike the excited mood of the friendly army, Peng Dehuai, the commander-in-chief of the Volunteer Army, was not dazzled by the victory. This veteran soldier who had been a soldier for a long time had already reached the pinnacle of grasping the situation of the battle. The squadron not only failed to take advantage of the victory, but also withdrew. (to be continued..)

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