The beacon of youth

Chapter 791 Two Battles

After the victory of the battle, the troops of several main forces not only did not take advantage of the victory, but retreated back. According to the order of the Volunteer Army Headquarters, they retreated at least tens of kilometers. Tens of thousands of horses disappeared into the mountains of North Korea again.

After winning the battle, they not only did not pursue but also retreated. This made the Korean People's Army Command and the Soviet Military Advisory Group very angry, and they did not understand why the Chinese did this.

In the headquarters of the Volunteer Army, Viksky, the chief of the Soviet Advisory Group, asked the commanders at all levels, why didn't they pursue, why didn't they expand the results, and why didn't they fight the Americans?What kind of tactics is this?

The staff officers, officers, and security personnel in the headquarters looked at each other, not knowing how to respond to the hot-tempered head of the big brother's advisory group.

A staff member carefully brought a cup of tea to the head of the Big Brother Advisory Group, hoping that the head of the group who was shouting with a loud voice would drink some water to moisten his throat and reduce his anger. The head of the eldest brother waved his hand violently, knocked the tea handed over by the staff to the ground, and roared in his throat: "I don't drink your Chinese tea, I only drink coffee, you Chinese are all forced by the U.S. People are scared out of their guts, so get out of here."

The atmosphere was awkward and frozen. Although China and the Soviet Union were in the same camp, and the two armies were in frequent contact, there were still differences, especially the relationship between officers and soldiers. The Chinese and Soviet armies were very different.

In the Soviet army, there were huge barriers to rank differences, and the status of officers and soldiers was different. It was normal for officers to lose their temper and punish their soldiers physically.But the squadron is different. The squadron pays attention to the equality of officers and soldiers, and the cadres and soldiers have to share weal and woe.No matter how great an official is, he can't lose his temper with soldiers indiscriminately.

In fact, Viksky did not have any objections to the tea and the staff, he did it in a disguised form to show the face of Boss Peng who ignored him.

Boss Peng, who had been silent all this time, could no longer suppress it: "That's enough, Viksky, please make it clear to me that this is the headquarters of the Volunteer Army, not your Soviet Union. Want to shout? Go out and shout for me, China I won’t give you any more tea from now on.”

Boss Peng is known throughout the army for his straightforward personality, and he has never met anyone who dares to overturn the tea in front of him.Vieksky's set has indeed hit the iron plate.

The translator caught between the two was in a dilemma. He didn't know how to translate Boss Peng's words to the head of the Big Brother's advisory group. In Chinese, "Laozi" means father.

Wieksky is half-handed with China and knows some simple everyday expressions.But I don't know much about slang.I didn't understand what Lao Tzu meant, but I could tell from the look on his face that Boss Peng was angry.

The Soviet Union was a powerful country. After World War II, the old capitalist countries such as Britain, France, and Germany declined, and the emerging industrial countries headed by the United States rose and became the leaders of the new generation of Western countries. The national strength of the United States is unparalleled. .Only the Soviet Union has the capital to confront the Americans, and the soldiers of the Soviet Union also have a very strong ideology of great power chauvinism.In their eyes, all the countries in the socialist camp are their little brothers, and it is normal to be instructed by them. No one dares to lose their temper with the people they send out, especially the soldiers. Boss Peng's anger also made Vieksky A little confused and unexpected.

"I don't know what tactics? It's because your Frunze Military Academy hasn't offered this course yet. I can tell you clearly today that this is Peng's tactics."

Viksky graduated from the Frunze Military Academy, the highest military institution in the Soviet Union, and is an alumnus of Liu Yalou, the old chief of staff of our four fields and now the commander of the Air Force.

Boss Peng flicked his sleeves and left, leaving behind the chief of staff and several senior officers of the People's Army who followed him.

Far East, Joint Military Command Command

Various data show that there are indeed a large number of Chinese soldiers participating in the war in North Korea. The Korean Nationalist Army at the forefront suffered heavy losses. Even the First Cavalry Division, which the Americans are proud of, is also in Yunshan Losing a regiment is the most unacceptable thing, and it is a disgrace to the Americans.

But the stubborn Mai Shuai believes that the best time for the Chinese to send troops has passed. Coupled with the limited carrying capacity of the Yalu River Bridge, the Chinese can only dispatch [-] to [-] troops. Want to defeat the powerful United Nations?That designation was wishful thinking, so the next goal of the United Army was not to retreat, nor was it to defend, but to continue to attack.

Under MacArthur's strong pressure, the United Army did not learn the lesson after being beaten head-on, and attacked and advanced in all places where they might come into contact with the Chinese. Their goal has not changed, and it is still the Yalu River.

Only a few days after the first battle, the second battle on the Korean battlefield began.

North Korea in the [-]s was very cold. Snow began to fall in October. As time passed, the temperature quickly dropped to minus ten degrees. show up.

Almond, commander of the U.S. Tenth Army, and Walker, commander of the U.S. Eighth Army, were outstanding figures on the battlefield of World War II. They had a natural sense of danger. The sudden retreat of the Chinese also made them full of doubts. retreat? ?Why do the Chinese do this?But their immediate boss, MacArthur, ordered them to move forward, to show the prestige of the United Nations, and to let the children go home as soon as possible, so the United Army set off after hesitation.

On the western front, the U.S. Eighth Army rushed forward, using modern equipment, to catch up with the invisible Chinese squadron. In their view, the powerful United Army has overwhelming ground and air superiority, even with the Chinese What's the point of participating in the battle? It's not yet a target under their fire net.

The Eighth Army is not a pure US military force, but a mixed force that includes Koreans, Americans, British, Turks, etc., with a total strength of nearly 20.

The Volunteer Army did not head-on with it, but used the 38th Division of the 38th Army to perform the task of luring the enemy, and retreated while fighting, gradually introducing the United Army into the ambush circle, and then used the [-]th Division of the [-]th Army to conduct a large-scale attack. Combat deep and interspersed, the army marched for [-] hours, maneuvered for seven to five kilometers, cut off the retreat route of the United Army, and a big battle recorded in history began.

In November 30, the 20th Division of the No.20 Eighth Army of the Chinese People's Volunteers moved from Dechuan to Junyuli and Sansuoli. They fought continuously for [-] hours and defeated them successively. The Korean Seventh Division , Turkish Brigade, US No.[-] Fifth Division, First Cavalry Division, and British No.[-] Ninth Brigade each, cutting off the enemy's retreat.

In this interspersed battle, the [-]th Division showed incomparable bravery, and the battles were basically carried out on the move. In order not to leave time for the enemy to react, every time they encountered the enemy, the Vanguard Regiment would charge to resolve the battle and search for troops in the enemy Annihilate the opponent before the electronic signal is sent out.

In this battle, the attacking speed of the 38th Division of the 40th Army of the Volunteer Army reached the infantry limit speed of [-] kilometers per hour. The speed they created was still unable to be surpassed by their opponents [-] years later.

In the 90s of the twentieth century, the U.S. military performed a left uppercut in the Gulf War. The attack speed of the U.S. Seventh Army was 18 kilometers per hour, and the U.S. No.[-] Airborne Army was [-] kilometers. An armored mechanized unit with complete air supremacy, the Chinese soldiers back then were pure infantry.

The heroism of the Chinese People's Volunteers shocked the world and wept ghosts and gods. Later Chinese and foreign military historians commented on this battle, "In the history of mankind, the infantry has never been so brilliant." "Flying Tiger".

In the second battle, the 38th Army showed unparalleled combat effectiveness. Its three main divisions were used separately by the headquarters of the Volunteer Army. The [-]th Division lured the enemy deep, the [-]th Division interspersed, and the [-]th stormed the frontal battlefield. All the battles were wonderful. Unsurpassed, the action of its military department sending a small team to blow up the Wuling Bridge was even made into the movie "Surprise Attack".

After the battle, Boss Peng's last sentence in the commendation order to the 38th Army was "Long live the Chinese People's Volunteers, long live the 38th Army." Since then, the Long Live Army has become famous both at home and abroad.

The Volunteers on the Western Front have achieved brilliant results, but they are in serious trouble on the Eastern Front. The main force of the United Army on the Eastern Front is the US Tenth Army. The Tenth Army includes more than 10 US troops. Its arrow troops It's the [-]st Marine Division.

The Marine Corps has a special status in the U.S. military. Although it belongs to the Navy, it does the work of the Army. The upper-level figures in the Army once wanted to transfer the Marine Corps from the Navy to the Army. Therefore, for the Marine Corps, The Navy and the Army often go to court. Later, in order to put an end to the Army’s thinking, the U.S. Navy stipulated that every chief officer of the Marine Corps must be selected from among senior naval officers. The senior officers of the Navy believe that the Marine Corps will always be the Navy, even if they It was a land battle.

Like the First Cavalry Division, the Marine Corps is the pride of the U.S. Navy. It is famous for its high combat quality in training hard-working soldiers. As the largest military branch of the U.S. military, the Navy has devoted a lot of effort to the Marine Corps. Whether it is equipment or personnel funds, the landing corps comes first. By the end of World War II, the total strength of the US Marine First Division reached an astonishing [-] or so, which is already the strength of an ordinary squadron.

With a large number of personnel and advanced weapons and equipment, the First Marine Division, which has experienced the baptism of World War II, is one of the best trump cards in the US military, and its commander is highly valued by the high-level navy. Commander Smith is such a highly experienced naval officer. ( To be continued..)

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