A commander who has been on the battlefield for many years, Smith is keenly aware that the retreat of the Chinese army is different from the defeat of the Korean People's Army. It is better to be careful in the face of such an opponent, and it is a taboo for military strategists to advance aggressively. Therefore, the second battle In the early days, the advance speed of the First Marine Division was not fast.

The slow-moving U.S. troops on the Eastern Front made the waiting volunteers extremely anxious. The opponent of the U.S. Army on the Eastern Front was a new designation-the Ninth Corps.

In order to be able to fight another big battle of annihilation before the United Nations Army discovered that a large number of Chinese troops had entered the court, the Ninth Corps of the East China Field Army (Sanye) also secretly entered the court.

The Ninth Corps is the first-class main force of the East China Field Army, that is, the Sanye. The Corps has three armies, the 26th, 27th, and [-]th, with a strength of more than [-].

The Ninth Corps is a unit preparing for the liberation of Taiwan. Not only is it fully staffed, but most of the companies are organized into four-four and five-five units. They were urgently dispatched to the northeast after the outbreak of the Korean War. .

The Sanye Ninth Corps is an old unit of the People's Liberation Army with extremely rich combat experience, but they also encountered a common problem in the Chinese army, that is, logistical supplies.

The Ninth Corps, which belongs to Sanye, has been stationed in the temperate zone for a long time. It has no experience in fighting in cold regions, and the equipment is not in place. Originally, they wanted the Ninth Corps to rest near Shenyang for a period of time and replenish their quilts while familiarizing themselves with the environment. However, because of the Korean battlefield Due to the ever-changing situation in the world, the Ninth Corps was forced to enter the DPRK ahead of schedule, and the combat order of the General Staff was read out temporarily in Shanhaiguan.

In order to block the offensive of the US military on the Korean peninsula on the Eastern Front, the Ninth Corps, which was going to supply supplies in Shenyang, entered the DPRK ahead of schedule. It turned out that the quilts prepared for them were not in place. Most of the soldiers in the Ninth Corps were southerners and did not fight in cold regions. Many commanders and fighters saw snow for the first time in their lives, and the ambush site they chose was the coldest Changjin Lake area in North Korea.

The Gaima Plateau in 50 encountered the coldest winter in [-] years. The temperature at night dropped to minus [-] degrees, and the dripping water turned into ice.The surface of the earth was frozen into cracks. Not to mention the southern troops, even the northeastern troops who were accustomed to the cold could not bear this temperature.

The [-]st Marine Division of the Arrowhead Troops of the U.S. Army on the Eastern Front was also frightened by the cold weather. The soldiers slept in thick tents and duck down sleeping bags and were shivering from the cold.They had no choice but to keep drinking the boiled hot coffee, but in this climate they received the order to continue to attack and move forward.

Commander Smith was extremely angry at such an order. His first marine division was organized by the navy, but he never thought it would be incorporated into the tenth army dominated by the army, and it had to perform the task of pioneering the way.

The army is fighting on the ground but the navy is the vanguard. Any navy commander is angry. Let alone fighting in such cold weather, even surviving is very difficult. Are the army commanders all idiots? ! !

The person who was questioned by Commander Smith was Almond, commander of the US Tenth Army, and his current immediate boss.Didn't Almond know that the current climate is not suitable for troops to fight?Of course not, Almond is a commander with a lot of experience in the battlefield, of course he doesn't want the troops to march and fight in such freezing weather, but Almond can't disobey the orders of his superiors.

Almond had worked beside MacArthur for a long time and was a trusted subordinate.There is a blind sense of trust in Mai Shuai. The attack order is given by MacArthur, and he must strictly implement it.

Under Almond's strict order, the sluggish [-]st Marine Division finally arrived, and plunged into the ambush circle of the Volunteers without hesitation, lying in the cold snow for six days. The Ninth Corps attacked them.

With the extreme cold and low temperature of more than minus 40 degrees, the Ninth Corps, which has no combat experience in cold regions, has reached the limit of endurance.In other words, they have already exceeded their limit. There are many attacking positions where none of the fighters opened fire, because they were all wearing single clothes and had already been killed by the cold, and they were killed by the cold in rows and rows.

After more than ten days of fighting on the Eastern Front, the Ninth Corps displayed a senseless fighting spirit and defeated the first US Marine Division and the US Seventh Division who came to reinforce them.The entire Wonsan area was recaptured, but it also suffered heavy losses, most of which were frostbite.

The Ninth Corps defeated the First Division of the U.S. Marine War, marking the end of the second battle after the Volunteers entered the DPRK.

A large army of 10,000+ people surrounded an opponent whose strength was only a fraction of theirs.The first enemy found out that the first enemy launched an attack, but they were defeated but not completely wiped out. The casualties on their own side were much greater than those of their opponents. A shade.

Dayu Cave, Volunteer Army Command.

This is an abandoned mine. After many years of mining, there is a lot of space inside. There are several old steel rails erected outside the entrance of the cave. You know, this is the headquarters of the Volunteer Army, only 30 kilometers away from the front line.

The end of the second battle gave the Chinese army a certain understanding of the U.S. military. The combat effectiveness of the U.S. military’s ground forces relies heavily on firepower and roads, so it is not difficult to deal with it. However, the air force is too annoying, like a group of flies about to lay eggs. All-pervasive.

With thousands of hours of flying experience, drinking countless tons of aviation fuel, and hundreds of thousands of air battles, the US military pilots have extremely high technical and tactical skills. Throwing into an unprepared cave, the volunteers who had suffered many losses came up with this no-way solution. They pulled out the abandoned railway rails and stood them on the entrance of the cave to prevent the Americans from throwing bombs directly in.

At night, the cold wind howled and the temperature dropped sharply. An old soldier was standing under a few small pine trees not far from the entrance of the cave, thinking about something. A few guards were scattered tens of meters away and observed the surrounding situation vigilantly. , a security guard whispered to his companion: "It's such a cold day, why doesn't the chief go in? If it freezes any longer, he might get sick."

Another replied: "What do you know, the chief must have something on his mind. He is thinking about big things. Let's just stand on guard."

Who is this old soldier?He is Mr. Peng, the current commander-in-chief of the Chinese Volunteer Army.

Boss Peng has been in the army for decades. He has fought countless battles, big and small. This is the first time he has encountered such an opponent. Having regained a lot of lost ground, as the commander-in-chief of an army, he should be happy, but Boss Peng is not happy anyway.

Because the casualties of the Volunteer Army have exceeded Boss Peng’s expectations, the Second Battle on the Western Front went well, especially the 38th Army, which performed extremely well, but on the Eastern Front, the Ninth Corps suffered a big loss that has never been seen in history. , according to the post-war assessment, a main force of 10,000+ people has more than half of the casualties in one battle. What does more than half of the casualties represent?It means that the Ninth Corps has lost its combat effectiveness.

In just one battle, the famous Huaye Ninth Corps lost its combat effectiveness. There are too many problems to think about.

Another head came out, he walked quietly to Boss Peng and stopped, as if he knew what the boss was thinking, this head said softly:

"Boss, the casualties of the Ninth Corps were mainly caused by the severe cold. This year is the coldest winter on the Korean Peninsula in 50 years. The temperature in the Changjin area has dropped to more than minus 40 degrees. Our troops are from the south and have no experience in resisting the cold, so the casualties are high." It’s a bit bigger, but we will learn from our lessons and we will definitely not make the same mistake in the next battle.”

"Comrade, our price is too high. Has the number of frostbitten soldiers come out?"

"It has been calculated that the number of frostbitten soldiers from the Ninth Corps exceeded 3."

"We can't just count the number of casualties, but also count the soldiers who were severely frostbited. They will become disabled. What a good soldier. I, the commander-in-chief, is responsible for causing such a large number of casualties."

After being silent for a while, the chief came out and said, "Boss, you can't bear all the responsibilities. We discussed it together and asked the central government for punishment."

"Let's ask for instructions and punishment later. How is our opponent?"

"According to statistics from our intelligence system, more than 6000 people from the First Division of the U.S. Marine War were frostbitten, and they also lost the ability to participate in the next battle."

"Eating canned beef, drinking hot coffee, and sleeping in duck down sleeping bags, more than 6000 people were frostbitten. It shows how bad the weather is and how difficult our troops are in. Let's take the Ninth Corps down to rest and tell Song Shilun not to worry. He still fought the battle, and the current task of their regiment is to rest well."

"The order has been issued a long time ago, and I personally sent it over. Lao Song was really in a hurry. He looked at the map in his corps headquarters with tears in his eyes, and didn't talk to anyone."

"How can you not be sad? The Ninth Corps is all soldiers brought out by him. Of course he feels sorry for the heavy casualties. Our logistics is not good. Compared with the enemy, the gap is too big."

"Boss, there is no way around this. The logistics organization has tried everything, but our supplies still can't be delivered. The U.S. military can use more than 1000 aircraft in the Far East, and some of them can be transported from aircraft carriers. Taking off directly, our rear communication line was blown to pieces, and the transportation team suffered a lot of casualties."

"Yeah, if our logistics can be more timely, we can save a lot of deaths on the Eastern Front. Even giving each soldier a military coat can effectively reduce the casualties caused by the cold. Damn logistics, yes Where it really gets stuck."

To answer the questions of old folks such as "Black Wind Wing". Recently, writers such as Lao Ba have been hit hard. Not much to say.

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