The beacon of youth

Chapter 816 Deputy Minister

After the second battle, the Volunteer Army pushed the front line to the vicinity of the [-]th parallel, while the United Nations Army ran to Seoul in one breath.

It is a good thing to win the battle, but from another perspective, the difficulty is getting bigger and bigger, because the supply line of the Chinese army that is making great strides is getting longer and longer, so long that the U.S. Air Force and Naval Aviation can cut it off at will in a day and night. countless times.

The Fifth Air Force of the U.S. Far East Air Force deployed more than 700 tactical fighters on the North Korean front, more than 20 bombers of the No.300 Air Force, and more than 200 carrier-based fighters of the Naval Air Force parked on the aircraft. In other words, there are more than 200 fighter jets and bombers deployed in the front line of the US army, which are constantly pouring bombs on the Chinese people, pouring down like heavy rain.

The logistics supply of the Chinese army, which lacks experience in modern warfare, is extremely poor. There is no specialized logistics system. The so-called logistics department just established has only a dozen people, and these dozen people have no clue about the logistics supply in modern warfare.

The Chinese army started out as a guerrilla army. It was only during the Liberation War that large-scale field armies emerged. During the Civil War of Liberation, the army’s solution to food problems was to raise food on the spot. One approach will not work in North Korea. In foreign countries, the Chinese army chasing forward often marches in uninhabited land of hundreds of kilometers.There is no one to be found, and there is no talk of raising food on the spot. The experience of the civil war has become a not-too-distant history in North Korea in the [-] years.

Supplementing ammunition and weapons and equipment is even more troublesome. Most of the weapons in the hands of Chinese soldiers were captured during the War of Resistance Against Japan and the War of Liberation.There are all kinds of calibers, and the inconsistency of calibers has brought great difficulties to the supply of ammunition. The lack of ammunition for front-line troops has become a common phenomenon.There are guns but no bullets. For this reason, commanders at all levels are extremely anxious.


Ammunition is scarce, food is scarce, the troops are exhausted, but the battle has to be fought, and the domestic news is that the situation is very good.Boss Peng, who knew the facts clearly, fell into extreme contradictions.

Boss Peng believes that, from a military point of view, there should be no immediate fighting.The Volunteer Army has fought two major battles in a row for more than a month after entering the DPRK, pushing the front line to the vicinity of the [-]th parallel. The development of the battle situation is beyond everyone's expectations, and the armies on the western front are already very tired.The Ninth Corps on the Eastern Front suffered even greater losses.The non-combat attrition caused by the severe cold exceeded half of the total strength of the Ninth Corps. There was no news about the need to recruit veterans with combat experience, and the supply of food and ammunition was even weaker. Moreover, although the enemy fled quickly at the end of the second battle, the losses were not large. Large, most of the active forces are preserved intact, and the enemy's retreat does not mean a complete defeat.From the perspective of common sense in war, it makes sense for the US military to retreat.One is that they have no danger to defend in the plains north of March [-], and the other is that the U.S. military needs to replenish and quickly leave the battlefield, relying on favorable terrain for rectification. The reason for seizing favorable terrain is not blindly retreating. Judging from various signs, the United Nations army is retreating in an organized and planned way, and the enemy——is not made of mud.There are a large number of permanent fortifications south of the [-]th parallel, with a three-dimensional cross-fire network, and it is difficult for the volunteers to transform from ambush and guerrilla warfare to field battles.

It was Boss Peng who broke the dullness: "Our army has always been fighting in hardships. Let's say we are the Northwest Field Army. Fighting on an empty stomach is commonplace. I believe that soldiers can overcome difficulties."

"Our soldiers are all good. They know the difficulties of their troops. No one complains of suffering or tiredness, but our troops are too miserable. They don't even have cotton coats when fighting in the severe cold of minus 20 degrees. Some The squad only had one pair of cotton shoes, and the squad had to stipulate that only soldiers on guard could wear them. They only had eight taels of food in their stomachs every day, and there was not a single speck of oil in their stomachs. The Director of the Political Department has been negligent in his duties, and sometimes he doesn’t know how to speak to the soldiers.” Du Ping, the director of the Political Department who was speaking, had a choked voice, and he could hardly continue.

"It's me, Hong Xuezhi, who's dereliction of duty, not your old Du. I'm the logistics chief of our volunteer army."

Deputy Commander Hong Xuezhi stood up in a huff, then looked at Li Yong and He Cuihua who were stunned and said: "You two little guys, I won't hide it from you after eating your mutton meal. Our troops are already in extreme difficulty. The ration of food for the first-line troops is eight taels of food per day, for the second-line troops it is six taels, and for command organs above the army level and logistics personnel is rationed at four taels a day. Regardless of the fact that this is the headquarters of the Volunteer Army, the commanders-in-chief and deputy commanders of us are also If you don’t have something good to eat, you have to be hungry.”

After the second battle, more than 40 troops entered the DPRK. Even if each person only ate one catty of food per day, it would cost more than 40 catties. This does not include the consumption of weapons and ammunition. The poor logistics system made the front-line combat troops miserable Word.

According to the estimates of the US military, the Yalu River Bridge can only guarantee the logistics supply of 7 to [-] people. This is still in good condition. Once the bridge is blown up, I really don't understand how the Chinese survived.

Deng Hua, Deputy Commander Han Xianchu, and Chief of Staff Xie Fang didn't understand why Lao Hong talked to Li Yong and He Cuihua like this. The difficulty lies here. They didn't recruit them. What can two young people in their 20s do? good idea.

Of course, Deputy Commander Hong Xuezhi didn't speak indiscriminately. Others didn't know, but he already knew Boss Peng's plan. He tried his best to solve the troubles and difficulties encountered by the volunteers in the logistics system, and let him know that there is no harm at all, so he can get into work as soon as possible, because the three battles are about to start, and time waits for no one.

Boss Peng clapped his hands and asked Deputy Commander Hong to sit down, then looked around and said, "Since everyone is here, I will take this opportunity to hold a meeting. Our logistics system is terrible. According to our intelligence, The U.S. military uses an average of four or five logistics personnel to support one front-line soldier in combat, while we have one logistics personnel to support hundreds of front-line soldiers in battle. It is not difficult to understand the lack of food and ammunition."

Boss Peng paused for a while when he said this, as if he wanted to think about the next words: "There is a reason why I transferred Xiao Li Yong here from Shigatse in the southwest. You may not know, our Li Yong Comrade is not only good at fighting, but also good at logistics. His brigade is the wealthiest brigade in our field army. I often hear that the soldiers in his brigade never go hungry. Everyone, the Northwest is not as good as the Northeast. Not starving in the Northwest is a major issue related to the victory or defeat of the battle, and I, the commander of the Northwest Field Army, did not miss his benefits."

When the boss said this, everyone understood a little bit, even Li Yong and He Cuihua almost understood that Boss Peng didn't transfer him here for war, it seemed that he was specifically for logistics.

The heads of several headquarters looked at each other, and it was Deputy Commander Han Xianchu who spoke: "Hehe, I can see that Comrade Li Yong is capable, and his small army is very rich, and it is not as good as his mother's United Nations. It’s even better than the army, and there’s so much mutton, it’s even more delicious.”

Yes, yes, the heads nodded in a hurry, right? Li Yong made everyone eat a meal of stewed radish with mutton as soon as he arrived. This is a great event.

Seeing the expressions of a few people, Boss Peng wanted to laugh angrily. It was too immoral to bribe a few guys with a meal of mutton.

"Since everyone is here, I will make a long story short. I plan to appoint Comrade Li Yong as the assistant of Deputy Commander Hong, and fully assist Lao Hong in his work. Is the position... I will tentatively be the deputy director of the General Logistics Department of the Volunteer Army. What do you think? ?”…

The deputy director of the General Logistics Department of the Volunteer Army?This position is a bit too high, and Li Yong himself can't believe that Mr. Peng has been appointed in such a way.

Several half-life deputy commanders, chiefs of staff, and directors of the political department looked at each other, shit, the 22-year-old deputy director of the logistics department of the Volunteer Army! ! !Boss Peng is trying to create a record for our PLA.

It's not that everyone has doubts about Li Yong's ability. Boss Peng is very accurate in judging people and won't be nepotism. Everyone can trust this, but Li Yong is really too young, too young.

After a long time, Deputy Commander Han Xianchu, known as Commander Whirlwind, said: "I agree, as the saying goes, if you take someone's hand short, eat someone's mouth short, why would I, old Han, eat Comrade Li Yong's mutton first? It's gone, and now it's spit out anyway, damn it, let him do it."

Hahahaha, there was laughter in the small meeting room. It was easy for someone to start. After a few minutes, the few people around basically agreed. This shows that Li Yong's deputy logistics department chief The position is the result of collective discussion, and it is a certainty. The so-called temporary is just a process that needs to go through.

Seeing that his opinion was agreed by everyone, Boss Peng solemnly shouted: "Li Yong, the commander of the Independent Brigade."

Li bravely stood up, touched his heels and stood at attention, and replied, "Yes."

"After organizational research, it was decided to appoint you as the deputy director of the General Logistics Department of the Volunteer Army to fully assist Deputy Commander Hong in his work. Is there any problem?".

Li Yong replied in his usual tone when accepting tasks: "Please rest assured, chief, and resolutely complete the task."


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