Several years of war edification has already allowed Li Yong to melt into this world. As a soldier, you must follow orders, grab tasks if you have one, and go to it if you have difficulties.

Deputy Commander Deng Hua got up and patted Li Yong on the shoulder to let him sit down, and then explained: "Comrade Li Yong, the rank of deputy minister is not small but the responsibility is greater. Being an official is a good thing, but being the deputy minister is not necessarily a good thing, it is hard to do."

Chief of Staff Xie Fang kept nodding to express his agreement with Commander Deng Hua. The current Deputy Chief of the Logistics Department of the Volunteer Army is really not easy to do. The logistics and combat units are different, and the achievements are not obvious. To put it bluntly, do a good job It should be done. If you don't do it well, you will be punished. It's not an easy job.

Deputy Commander Hong Xuezhi squeezed over from the side, and forced Li Yong to his side: "Hey, old fellows, don't scare him. From now on, little Li Yong will be my old Hong's man, and you are not allowed to rob him indiscriminately. If you want to eat any mutton in the future, you must get my consent, hahahaha."

To put it simply, it is very simple. In less than 10 minutes, a deputy head of the logistics department of the Volunteer Army was appointed. In fact, this idea has been brewing for a long time. Boss Peng and Deputy Commander Hong Xuezhi both know it well, but they have not announced it.

What is the rank of the Deputy Chief of the General Logistics Department of the Volunteer Army? Li Yong hasn't figured it out yet, because there is no time for him to think about it carefully. The heads of the headquarters are very busy, and it is not easy to get together for a meeting today. , What they discussed next was the logistical issue that restricted the combat effectiveness of the troops.

The deputy minister of the General Logistics Department is definitely not low-level, and he is qualified to participate in such a meeting.It is justifiable for Li Yong to sit with the chiefs now, but the current meeting room is not only a young Li Yong, but also a confused He Cuihua.

He Cuihua was still in a quit now?What is the deputy minister of logistics?We came to North Korea to fight the war, so what's the use of having a deputy minister of logistics!

He Cuihua was very reluctant in her heart, but she didn't dare to argue with so many chief executives, so she just sat on the sidelines silently.

It was Boss Peng who saw the signs. He Cuihua had always been in a hurry. She was like that when she was a guerrilla leader, and she was still like that after she joined the regular army.When I used to get food for the army in the local area, I had a lot of contact with Boss Peng, and the boss also liked this girl who was one of three in the work.

"Hehe, let's formally discuss the issue of the supply of the troops. First, He Cuihua is the instructor of our ** brigade's supply battalion, and is also a good hand in logistics. Today, as an exception, I can also attend the meeting. He Cuihua. Tell me first. , How can we do a good job in the logistical supply of the troops.”

Boss Peng's words were somewhat joking, and he wanted to make it difficult for her. Who made this girl think about going to war all day long.

He Cuihua didn't expect that so many chief executives would be able to speak for her, and it was a great honor and trust to be able to listen in on the sidelines. He didn't even think about such an occasion before.

"Chief, me, me." He Cuihua muttered, a bit speechless.

"Little guy. Don't be afraid to say it. If you are right, the credit is yours. If you are wrong, we will take care of you. There is nothing to worry about." Deputy Commander Hong Xuezhi's voice was rough and loud, and everyone was talking To give advice to this minister, of course, we must cheer.

Boss Peng and Li Yong both looked at her with encouraging eyes, meaning, say what you have.

With the encouragement from the boss and Li Yong, He Cuihua became bolder. She was not a timid person. Once she let go, she really dared to speak:

"Gentlemen, let me tell you a little bit about our ** brigade. Our brigade has more than 4000 people. It has fought all over the Northwest, and then Xinjiang and Xinjiang. It has never lost a battle. One very important reason is that our brigade has strong firepower and the soldiers have enough to eat.

It is good for the soldiers to have enough food and physical strength. The firepower is strong and can suppress the enemy. Our brigade can rush up and beat the enemy to pieces. In order to achieve this goal, our brigade commander has formed a large supply battalion, which is our battalion. There are more than 3000 people in our camp. All the materials and ammunition are managed by our camp. We have everything to eat and drink. Even in places like Shigatse, we did not starve.

By the way, leaders, our brigade also has an artillery battalion and a tank battalion. When fighting, we first use artillery fire to stun the enemy, and then the tanks rush up and crush them. One guy can wipe out the enemy, and finally The infantry went up to clean the battlefield, which was very enjoyable. "

He Cuihua's speech was a little bit wrong, what was it all about? In the end, the girl said that she was excited and then brought up the theory of how to fight. At the end, He Cuihua herself seemed to feel something was wrong. It is to talk about how to do a good job in logistics, and it will be related to war after talking about it.

Li Yong was about to die of laughter, He Cuihua's two-stalk strength really made people unable to say anything, not to mention Li Yong, all the heads in the meeting room had smiles in their eyes, and these heads were very good at fighting. For those who are obsessed, let’s say Deputy Commander Hong Xuezhi. If Boss Peng hadn’t pushed him hard, he wouldn’t be the head of logistics. War is everyone’s favorite. Seeing He Cuihua is like seeing himself back then.

He Cuihua sat down a little embarrassed, still muttering: "Chief, Chief, I may have said something wrong."

Everyone sitting here is a smart person. Although what He Cuihua said was a little confused, everyone still heard a lot of information from her words. For example, in the big supply camp, a brigade can have more than 4000 people. It's very strange. The strangest thing is that there is a logistics troop with more than 3000 people in charge of logistics. How much supplies are there? No wonder Boss Peng transferred Li Yong, a young man from Shigatse, to the North Korean front. It seems that there are indeed Two brushes.

In the War of Liberation, there were twelve main infantry columns (armies) and one artillery column in the four fields. These were the main force of the field army. In addition, there were dozens of ** brigades and regiments. It is fixed, but a competitive relationship. That is to say, no matter which main division, the troops are the main force if they fight well, and they are relegated to the second-line troops as ** brigades. If the ** brigades perform well in combat, they can also be promoted to The main force division, Deputy Commander Deng Hua and others are all the old heads of Siye, and they are no strangers to brigade-level troops. Siye is the largest field army in the country, and the brigade-level troops under its jurisdiction are only 7000 people, and they have never heard of it. There are more than 4000 brigade-level troops. Isn't that more than the main division?

"A ** brigade of more than 4000 people, a supply battalion of more than 3000 people, and tanks and artillery. Isn't your ** brigade simple? Let me ask a few questions. How do you raise the supplies for your brigade?" It was Du Ping, Director of the Political Department who spoke.

Just like all the political personnel in the People's Liberation Army, Director Du Ping is also very meticulous. Since He Cuihua's speech is a little out of tune, let them ask questions. After a few questions, they should be able to clarify the problem.

He Cuihua, who sat down, poked Li Yong with her hand: "Brigade Commander, it's up to you, I've made a fool of myself."

Li Yong thinks about it too. It is better for him to be the brigade commander if he wants to discuss something in detail. How can he put forward the original idea?

"Commanders, there are three main sources of supplies for our brigade. One is to raise money on the spot and develop local villagers to help our troops. This is no different from other field armies. The second is the millet allocated by Boss He from Shanxi. The third is to seize from the hands of the enemy."

"Let's talk about the key points, which ones are the most important."

Director Du Ping deserves to be the senior commander of the Volunteer Army, so he hit the point with one sentence.

"The third is the most important thing. Most of our brigade's material sources depend on seizures. We have poor land in the Northwest and few resources. There is no way to support a large number of troops by relying on local villagers."

"The country is different from North Korea. Tell me about your views on the current situation." It was Deputy Commander Hong Xuezhi who asked the question. Obviously, he wanted to test whether the new minister was worthy of his reputation.

Boss Peng smiled and said nothing. He also wanted to see if Li Yong, the wise commander of the Northwest Field Army, could bring him some surprises.

Li Yong knew that the key point was coming. Regardless of the fact that these chiefs agreed with him to be the deputy logistics minister of the Volunteer Army, a considerable part of it was based on their trust in Boss Peng, and it did not fully represent their own views.

Li Yong stood up steadily, his bright eyes seemed to be able to see through the iron-clad wooden house in front of him, and the memory of later generations seemed to overlap with the real scene.

"Dear leaders, North Korea has a small population and has been in war for a long time. The output value of industry and agriculture is low. There is no way to feed our hundreds of thousands of troops. The method of raising food on the spot is obviously not feasible. Modern warfare has brought us a lot. Enlightenment, the foundation of the large corps' operations still depends on a strong rear, and the supply depends on the country. This is true, but here comes the problem. The Americans also know what we think, so they will desperately attack our rear communication lines. The most urgent task is to find a way to deal with the American Air Force.

The American air force is very powerful, but it is not invulnerable. Their attack capability at night is very poor. Therefore, the night in North Korea is still ours. Set up a large air defense reserve point for the driving distance at night. Vehicles and personnel rest during the day and operate at night, and materials and ammunition are transported up by relay. "

Thank you old buddy "Yan Bing" for your support. This chapter will be stopped for a few days after the update, and there is no way to do it. Recently, things in the old bus unit are a bit chaotic. The superior inspection failed, so the up and down are very Annoyed, the top leader was taken to the red base to reflect, and the small-level officials were all trembling, haha, so the old bus was also very nervous. (I envy those great gods who can support their families by writing, so I don’t have to be useless)

To answer a question from the old man of "Black Wind Wing", about whether the protagonist can be a few generations of prime ministers in the future, to be honest, I really dare not write it. Now it is equivalent to being placed under house arrest. It clicked off, and that's all. (To be continued..)

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