Li Yong's eyes were clear and bright, as if he saw the future in an instant, and the newly appointed Deputy Chief of the Volunteer Army's Logistics Department talked eloquently.

The noise in the small conference room suddenly became louder, yes, this is a good idea, since the Yankee’s air force bombs during the day, then let’s go at night and rest at dawn, and see what else he can do?How the hell can he fly down and fight with me with a bayonet?That's what you want.

Since the planes of the Yankees can't get down to the ground to fight bayonets, it means that Li Yong's opinion is very good. In fact, this is not Li Yong's idea. It is a method that the volunteers figured out in the later period of the Korean War. Brigadier Li just made it a little earlier. Time took out.

Next, Li Yong continued to talk about his suggestions or ideas: "After the establishment of a large material reserve point, several small reserve points can be set up between the two points, for example, one every ten kilometers, or one every five kilometers, so that we can Let the convoy that encounters an attack have sufficient hiding places. In addition, the large convoy can also be miniaturized. The number of vehicles starting from the hiding point can be dozens or one, two, or three. The advantage of this is that even if encountered To the loss, it is also within our tolerance."

"Okay, is this what we used to break up into parts when we used to fight guerrillas in China? This is a good way." It was the deputy commander Han Xianchu who spoke. This old Red Army soldier suddenly thought of the war when the army was weak career.

Years of war training have made these senior commanders extremely smart. Li Yong just made a suggestion, and they immediately gave a lot of supplementary suggestions. When approaching from a distance, they will shoot warning shots, and organize small-scale security forces to deal with enemy spies and so on.

An impromptu meeting achieved unexpected results, which made Boss Peng very happy. Li Yong's suggestion not only brought hope to the urgent logistics of the Volunteer Army, but also showed that he did not misread the wrong person.

"How is it! Isn't our new junior minister very good? Big man Hong, the assistant I picked for you is not for nothing!" Boss Peng's voice rarely had a hint of pride.

The eyes of Deputy Commander Hong Xuezhi and the other chiefs also changed, if this method is really followed.Although the logistics problem cannot be completely solved, it will also bring great changes to the traffic lines that are on the verge of paralysis. The suggestion of miniaturization of the fleet is a bit like turning the clouds into a cloud, according to Li Yong's method.Large-scale transport convoys choose to pass through at night, and they can be broken into parts during the day, and one or two vehicles can go forward alone, which can ensure that the traffic line can also pass during the day, and can also control the loss within an acceptable range. It's a good idea.

"Those who can do more work, I think that's the way it is. Give the task of establishing an air defense hideout to our new deputy minister. I, the minister, can also spare some time to do other work. Do you think it's okay?"

Deputy Commander Hong Xuezhi's proposal was unanimously approved by everyone.Li Yong did not expect that he would accept such a mission when he first arrived in North Korea, but this is indeed the most urgent problem that the army needs to solve at present.

Before the meeting was over, Boss Peng told Li Yong that a certain procedure had to be followed to appoint a deputy minister.Li Yong will report to the organization department for a while, and then he can officially take office.

After leaving the iron-clad wooden house, Li Yong took He Cuihua to report to the Organization Department. Deputy Company Commander He looked reluctant. She didn't care how high Li Yong's rank was. , it doesn't matter how big or small.Anyway, if there is no war, it is meaningless. What is she doing in North Korea?He wanted to follow Li Yong to the front to kill the enemy and make meritorious deeds. It was really boring to go to the hidden department.

The so-called organization department is nothing more than a few shed-like houses. In fact, the entire headquarters of the Volunteer Army is similar.This kind of residence can't be very good, it's just a place to shelter. It's better in summer, but it's too miserable in winter. The low temperature of minus [-] to [-] degrees makes the shed without heating facilities as cold as ice.But no matter how cold it is, none of us are willing to live in mines, because the inside is too humid, unless the American planes come to bomb, there is no way to enter the cave.

Led by several guards, Li Yong and He Cuihua came to the organization department of the Volunteer Army. People kept coming and going in and out of several rooms, which showed that this simple organization department was very busy. After calling out a report, Li Yong Yong walked in with a voice of please come in.

The people inside were also very surprised, because although it is said to be the organization department of the Volunteer Army Headquarters, with a high level, the people who come here to do things are basically familiar acquaintances. Sometimes everyone comes here countless times a day, always shouting that the report is too troublesome Yes, so I saved all the reports. I didn't expect that another guy who called for reports came today. Who is this person?

Li Yong walked into the Organization Department of the Volunteer Army amidst many surprised eyes.

Under the noon sun, a middle-aged female soldier was sitting behind a desk busy with something. Several wired phones rang from time to time. The female soldier picked up a phone and said a few words before busy writing. The material on the table reveals a kind of self-confidence and familiarity in the nervousness. It can be seen that this is a shrewd and capable female chief, and she must be of a high level.

The security guard who led the way introduced Li Yong softly, this is Vice Minister Li of our Organization Department.

The deputy director of the organization department should be at the same level as Li Yong, the deputy director of the logistics department, but Li Yong has not officially taken office yet, so the deputy director in front of him is still the head in theory.

"Report, Li Yong, commander of the Independent Brigade of the [-]th Army, is here to report."

The middle-aged female soldier raised her head, looked at Li Yong with a scrutinizing gaze, and was still muttering: "The independent brigade of the [-]th Army? When did the [-]th Army have an extra independent brigade?"

For a full minute, the female soldier looked at Li Yong gradually from strange to familiar eyes, and then lit up with a smile: "Little Li Yong, it's really you, damn it, why don't you Come to me first to report?"

Li Yong was stunned when he was scolded, and then he took a closer look, my God, this deputy director of the Volunteer Army Organization Department who opened his mouth to curse is really an old acquaintance, who is it?Li Zhen, the eldest sister of the Northwest Field Army.

Sister Li Zhen is the old head of the Red Second Front Army. At that time, she was the head of the Organization Department of the Front Army. It can be said that the promotion and appointment of cadres in the entire Front Army cannot be separated from this elder sister. Therefore, Sister Li Zhen's prestige in the Red Second Front Army is quite high. , and later the Red Second Front Army was reorganized into the [-]th Division of the Eighth Route Army. During the War of Liberation, the Northwest Field Army was formed with the [-]th Division as the main team. Ms. Li Zhen's.

Sister Li Zhen was first born in the Red Sixth Army (the Red Second Front Army is composed of the Red Second Army and the Sixth Army), and most of the veterans of the Red Sixth Army are in the second column of the Northwest Field Army, which is now the Second Army of the Chinese People's Liberation Army. Li Yong's independent brigade originated from the Second Army of the People's Liberation Army.

Sister Li Zhen and Li Yong came from the same unit, both members of the Second Column of the Northwest Field Army. Compared to Sister Li Zhen, Li Yong was the real natal family, a younger brother who was many years younger than herself.

This is a real old Red Army soldier, a soldier who led the peasants of the whole county to engage in armed riots (the Autumn Harvest Uprising), and a very remarkable figure in the history of the People's Liberation Army.

"Eldest—elder sister, when did you come to North Korea? Why haven't I heard any news?"

Sister Li Zhen got up and pulled Li Yong over, then pulled a chair for him to sit down, and then told him: "I entered the court with Boss Peng. The boss said that the structure of the volunteer army is too big, and the personnel It must be indispensable, there is no special organization department, I was also pulled by the boss, why did you come to North Korea? What did the boss ask you to do?"

"Sister, I just arrived today, isn't it? I was appointed as the deputy director of the logistics department. I just reported to you after a meeting with several heads. Sister, I didn't come here on purpose. Come on, I really didn’t know you were also in North Korea.”

Li Yong hurriedly explained that Brigadier Li knew the eldest sister's temper very well. Unlike ordinary female soldiers, Li Zhen was a real military cadre, a soldier who had rolled out of blood and fire. She had survived a narrow escape and had a violent temper. If she knew that Li Yong did not come to see her on purpose, it would be minor to be scolded, and it would be normal to be kicked a few times.

Hahahaha, Sister Li Zhen burst into laughter, she was very shrewd, she knew that Li Yong was afraid of being beaten, so she hurriedly explained: "Okay, I know you didn't do it on purpose, but your boy has improved so fast, it's only been a few years His work is at the same level as a veteran like me, amazing."

"Eldest sister, you are not old at all, you are just in your early forties, which is a good age." Li Yong's mouth was very sweet.

Sister Li Zhen was born in 42, she was [-] and [-] years old in [-], she was indeed not old.

"I don't want to keep you, go back and prepare. First fix the place where you live. Pay attention to air defense. The American planes are very powerful. I know you brought a lot of people over. I'll see you at night when I'm done. .”

Li Yong, who simply went through the formalities, was kicked out by the elder sister, because the elder sister Li Zhen knew that Li Yong's time was precious now, and it was not the time for chatting and doing ordinary things.

All the formalities have been completed, and Li Yong will be considered as the deputy head of the General Logistics Department of the Volunteer Army from now on, but the most important thing right now is to fix the residence for himself and a guard company with more than 200 people, just like the eldest sister As told, we must first do a good job in air defense.

He Cuihua kept muttering to the side: "Can't I go in and have a look? Why are you leaving in such a hurry?"

He Cuihua also knew Sister Li Zhen, so she also wanted to go in and see the eldest sister. Li Yong told her that the eldest sister was very busy, and she promised to come to see us in the evening, so she had plenty of time.

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