The beacon of youth

Chapter 824 Ground-Air Confrontation

Before a large hidden spot was fully completed, it attracted air strikes from U.S. aircraft. Li Yong, the commander of the volunteer army who was in charge of directing the battle, could clearly see the number and type of aircraft in the binoculars. **

There are about twenty or thirty F80s and F84s, which should be the size of a US military flight wing, that is, a flying regiment.

During the Korean War, the Air Force of the Volunteer Army was organized into a squadron of two planes, a squadron of four planes, a brigade of eight planes, a flying regiment of three brigades, and a division of two flying regiments. The basic configuration of each flying division of the Volunteer Army is About fifty fighter jets, the U.S. Air Force and the Volunteer Air Force have different establishments, but twenty or thirty fighters came in one breath, which is probably a flying wing.

Using an air wing to deal with an unfinished concealment point, the US military is really willing to spend the capital, Li Yong murmured, the fucking Americans are indeed landlords and rich, just rich.

There are three positions against the aircraft, one for the Volunteer Army's anti-aircraft artillery, one for the People's Army, and one for the Chief Guard Company. The three positions are arranged in a triangle with high and low levels.

Li Yong didn't think that his infantry light weapons were just for display. Fighting is about tactics. Before the battle is over, everything is possible.

The U.S. aircraft fleet flew closer and closer, and the two anti-aircraft artillery companies were the main force of the air defense. The barrels of sixteen [-] anti-aircraft guns moved back and forth, locking and aiming at the aircraft fleet in the sky.

The rangefinder kept reporting the altitude and distance of the plane, and all the information was simultaneously transmitted to Li Yong's command position through the wireless walkie-talkie.

When Li Yong heard the enemy plane's altitude of [-] kilometers from the walkie-talkie, he yelled at the walkie-talkie and opened fire.

The effective range of the Sanqi antiaircraft gun is 6000 meters. 5000 meters is completely within the effective range, and it is just right to fire.

However, Li Yong's order stunned the soldiers of the anti-aircraft artillery company.They felt that 5000 meters was too high, and they should let the enemy plane fly lower and closer before firing, so that they could be more confident.

This is an old habit of the People's Liberation Army, because in the People's Liberation Army, no matter what branch of the army, they all come from the same branch, that is, the infantry in the army.

The Army is the Big Brother force.It is the origin of all arms and arms, so this anti-aircraft artillery unit, which has just been formed for a short time, has also inherited the consistent tradition of the army-to destroy the enemy in close combat.

Close combat and night combat are the traditional tactics of the People's Liberation Army.The troops are used to fighting, and the soldiers are also used to it. They always feel that when fighting, they should put the enemy under their noses, and then defeat them in one fell swoop.Completely defeat the enemy psychologically and physically.That's the fun.

Li Yong didn't think so. He knew that fighting infantry and fighting planes were two different concepts. The role of the anti-aircraft artillery unit was not to shoot down planes. It was victory if the opponent failed to achieve his goal.

There are many kinds of victories, one of which is to let the opponent fail to achieve the goal. How can the opponent fail to achieve the goal?The method is also very simple, just don't let the plane fly to low altitude.Fighter-bombers have a limited amount of bombs and limited fuel.There is also no post-modern downward-looking radar, and it is impossible to shoot accurately without diving down. Therefore, as long as the anti-aircraft artillery company can hold the enemy's aircraft at medium and high altitudes, it will be a victory.

"Tom, tom, tom, tom, tom" the two anti-aircraft artillery companies fired together, and five bursts of shells exploded in the sky with puffs of white smoke, and the broken shrapnel scattered all over the sky.

The caliber of the Sanqi antiaircraft gun is not large, and the range is not high, only more than 6000 meters. And the reaction was very quick, blocking the attack route of the plane with shrapnel within ten seconds.

Before the battle started, Li Yong explained to the two anti-aircraft artillery company commanders that even though the enemy is aggressive, they also have weaknesses. American planes carry limited fuel and cannot stay in the sky without limit. The battle mission of the anti-aircraft artillery company is to do its best to deal with the enemy's air force, consume the fuel of the enemy's aircraft, and let the enemy return without success. Our goal has been achieved, and this is victory.

The two anti-aircraft artillery companies strictly carried out Li Yong's orders. Although they didn't know whether the young chief understood the shooting principles of anti-aircraft artillery, the military orders were like mountains, and the first-level official crushed people to death, let alone compared to the two company commanders. In other words, it's not a matter of the official rank, Li Yong's rank is much, much higher than theirs.

The three-seven small anti-aircraft guns were firing rapidly, and the shells were fired in succession to chase after the aircraft fleet in the sky, while the planes in the sky were flying around like frightened sparrows, scrambling to climb higher, trying to get out of the range of the anti-aircraft guns as soon as possible.

After the initial panic, the fleet gradually stabilized. American pilots who fought in World War II experienced ground fire from Germany and Japan. Of course, they also have a mature set of tactics to deal with anti-aircraft guns, but they were beaten by their opponents in unexpected circumstances. One was caught off guard, and two were slightly injured.

The two anti-aircraft guns did not shoot down a single plane even when they fired suddenly. They just blasted the enemy's planes all over the sky like chasing rabbits. It looks good, but the actual effect is not at all. Some soldiers were still muttering in private, damn it, not even one was killed, so many shells were wasted for nothing.

This is the thinking of veterans of the People's Liberation Army who are used to living a poor life, and are always afraid of wasting things.

Li Yong reminded the soldiers of the anti-aircraft artillery company on the walkie-talkie to be careful of the enemy's attack. Although the planes in the sky seem to have no combat effectiveness, this is just the panic at the beginning. The fierce battle is still to come. The American pilots are not Chinese cabbage.

Sure enough, after flying out of the 6000-meter shooting range of the Sanqi anti-aircraft gun, the enemy plane circled in a big circle in the sky. Dozens of fighter-bombers formed a new formation, and then divided into two groups, facing the anti-aircraft gun on the ground. The formation rushed over viciously.

The enemy plane's intentions were very obvious, and they also noticed that the firepower of the Volunteer Army's antiaircraft artillery position was not very strong, so they had to destroy the ground's anti-aircraft firepower first, and then destroy the so-called hidden points in one fell swoop.

The jet fighter increased to the maximum speed, plumes of black smoke rose from the rear, and it swooped down towards the anti-aircraft artillery positions on the ground. The sound of the air being torn apart by the supersonic fighter was deafening.

The attack methods of fighter jets without guidance are almost the same. First, they have to dive down, use the large-caliber machine guns or machine guns on the aircraft to clear the field, and then use the mounted bombs to destroy the opponent. Veterans in the PLA army know this. Routine, they call the plane's dive and strafing the rooster rice, and throwing bombs at the buttocks to make the hen lay eggs is a very vivid and popular name.

The battle unfolded in an airspace of several kilometers to several hundred meters. Under the early morning sun, you can see clearly without any telescope. Li Yong somewhat admires the US military pilots in the sky. You know, the black smoke behind the plane's butt is Because the engine booster is turned on, it is not easy to dare to turn on the engine booster when diving. , the pressure the pilot has to bear is much greater than without afterburner.

The anti-aircraft gunners of the Volunteer Army are all infantry soldiers who came from combat units. They know very well what the U.S. planes are going to do when they dive down.

However, is it useful to play desperate tactics with the veteran infantry of the People's Liberation Army?is that useful?The answer is that it is useless at all. If you dare to fight your opponents, the troops of the People's Liberation Army are the ancestors.

The soldiers were not afraid at all, or in other words, these artillerymen who came from the infantry did not know what fear was at all. The muzzle of the [-] anti-aircraft guns moved and beat the swooping enemy plane head-on.

Tom tom tom, continuous shooting, use the muzzle to hold the head of the enemy plane, shoot face to face, if you want to go all out, I am more ruthless than you.

The f80 and f84 fighter-bombers are equipped with six 12.7mm large-caliber airborne machine guns, which are very powerful. When they dive, the machine guns fire like heavy rain. Counterattack, the battle suddenly became fierce, the enemy and us are fighting for who will collapse first, and the one that collapses first must be the loser.

Shooting, firing rapidly, the gunners desperately pressed a group of five shells into the barrel of the gun and then fired them out. The violent shooting made the muzzle vibrate non-stop.

The muzzle of the gun pointed at the muzzle of the machine gun of the plane, let go of the body and fired violently, using the shells to fight the enemy's plane desperately. He took off his hat and carried shells back and forth shirtless in the severe cold of minus [-] degrees.

The female soldiers of the People's Army on the opposite side were also unambiguous. They wanted to fight their opponents with their lives just like the men, and the plane in the sky would not be sympathetic to them just because they were women.

The shells exploded continuously, shrapnel flew all over the sky, the enemy plane screamed and dived downward, and the battle on the anti-aircraft artillery positions became more and more intense. Compared with the enemy planes in the sky, the sixteen 12.7 small guns of the two companies were still missing At this point, the U.S. pilots skillfully manipulated the fighter jets and got out of the gaps between the shells. They saw the machine guns on the plane firing. The six [-] mm large-caliber machine guns scattered bullets on the ground like fans, and the machine guns on the wings fired. The flames flickered.

The soldiers on the anti-aircraft artillery positions immediately suffered casualties. Several soldiers fell down with their hands raised. It is unlikely that they would survive after being hit by a large-caliber machine gun.

The other soldiers didn't seem to see their comrades sacrificed. They ran more and more quickly, carrying the shells in rows, and then fired them continuously. (to be continued..)

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