The beacon of youth

Chapter 825 An Alternative Sneak Attack Plan

The fierce ground-air confrontation became a stalemate. The U.S. military planes in the sky wanted to eliminate the two anti-aircraft artillery positions as soon as possible, and then wiped out the hidden points of the Volunteers. Hold, don't let the enemy plane have the opportunity to dive down.

One of the planes suddenly trembled, and then pulled up quickly. At the same time, thick black smoke came out from the back of the buttocks.

want to run?Is it that easy? The soldiers gritted their teeth and aimed at the black-smoky exhaust nozzle of the plane, firing shells one by one.

"Tom tom tom" a shell tore open the skin of the plane and got in from the tail, followed by a booming explosion.

The explosion of the shell caused the fuel and ammunition in the aircraft to explode, and the whole body exploded into a fireball within a few seconds, just like fireworks in the air.

The soldiers shouted excitedly, as if they had forgotten their own casualties. Is this what war is all about, eyeball to eyeball fucking each other, and the plane swoops down. Whatever you hit is measured in advance, just shoot in the head.

It's easy to say, but it's not so easy to dare to face a dive plane and calmly fire. Not afraid of death is the most basic point. However, the veterans of the People's Liberation Army have such courage. In their hearts, they are not afraid of this kind of attack. Concept, what is fear?

Soon, black smoke came out from the back of another plane, and the plane with black smoke circled a few times in the sky and then fell headfirst.Like a fly with its belly broken, a white parachute popped out of the plane, boy.This is a U.S. military pilot parachuting.

More than 20 minutes after the start of the battle, the anti-aircraft artillery company paid a certain amount of casualties but also shot down two planes. The results are very good. So far, no enemy plane has broken through the blockade of artillery fire.

On the position of the guard company not far away, the soldiers were going crazy. We just stared at them while they were fighting? ?What is this?Damn, this is not the style of our brigade!The leader of the platoon, San Niu, couldn't bear it any longer, and asked Li Yong for instructions: "Brigade Commander, why don't we use firepower to support the brothers' troops. If we stay like this, we'll be nothing but a show."

Although Li Yong is now the deputy director of the Volunteer Army Headquarters, the soldiers of the guard company still used to call Li Yong the brigade commander.It's not easy to change for a while.Everyone thought it was too easy to call the deputy minister, and they were not used to it, but Li Yong didn't care, he could call him whatever.

The suggestion made by Sanniu is the idea of ​​many soldiers. Everyone wants to use infantry firearms to shoot in the air. Maybe they can also kill one or two enemy planes. San Niu came and slapped him.Shot on the head:

"Bullshit, what do you use for support? Is it the Maxim or the Czech style. Or the shell gun in your hand? The enemy's planes are at an altitude of several thousand meters. What use is our firepower? Can we use more brains? Erzi , you kid, don’t pretend to be stupid, hurry up and take people to catch the prisoners, and definitely get the American pilots back, be careful, don’t kill them.”

Sanniu was so beaten that he slumped his head and drooped his head, humming and chirping. In fact, he also understood that the family background he had in hand really did not pose any threat to the plane. He wanted to shoot in the air because his hands were itchy to watch others fight I can't control it.

The soldiers of the guard company were laughing aloud. Although Sanniu was young, his prestige in the brigade was not low. The company commander of the repair company also served as the director of the [-]th Army repair factory. He had five or six hundred people under his command. No. [-], a battalion commander who can stand up to the brothers' troops, usually in their company, San Niu's words are also orders, but now he is nothing in front of the brigade commander.

The veterans all know that San Niu and Xiao Cheng are the guards of the brigade commander, and they are used to being taught by the brigade commander. After becoming the company commander, these two boys work harder and perform very well, but in front of the brigade commander It immediately changed back to the form of the previous guard, and it became a problem.

San Niu was taught a lesson, and Ning Erzi's life was not easy. He was called by the brigade commander to lead people to capture prisoners. He had more opinions than San Niu. His three rows of guards were pure scouts, and their weapons were weak. The firepower is the main thing, and the guy in his hand is a Tom submachine gun and a shell gun.

Erzi Ning didn't even have a Maxim heavy machine gun in his hands, not even a Czech one. Although the number of people was the largest among the three platoons, he didn't have any weapons capable of long-distance shooting. The air shooting positions are all headed by the first and second platoons, and the third platoon has nothing to do without them.

A platoon of more than 100 people is usually known as the main platoon in the whole company. This time, it’s good to stand on the sidelines and watch others fight. Take out a dozen Czech-style light machine guns. According to the brigade commander, as long as they are used well, the Czech-style light machine guns can also pose a threat to the aircraft. What about their third row?Hey, the people in the first and second rows said, aren't you in the third row scouts? Scouts can still masquerade?Anyway, there is nothing to do, just waiting to catch prisoners behind our asses!

It's great now, it's really a militia that captures prisoners, but the enemy pilots who fell down were not the credit of their first and second platoons, but were beaten down by two anti-aircraft artillery companies.

Are you convinced?It doesn't matter if you are not convinced, who told us to be scouts, scouts can't have any heavy weapons in their hands, and the depressed Erzi Ning took people to catch the prisoners. After returning, we must repair it first, so as not to let the brigade commander put it in his mouth when he asks for a statement. This is also the usual way in the brigade to deal with enemy prisoners.

Letting go of Ning Erzi and his men to capture the prisoners, Li Yong was not overwhelmed by the victory of shooting down two planes. The enemy's air force cannot be intimidated by such a small loss. The enemy in the sky must have some follow-up measures.

A bomber wing organized several consecutive attacks, not only failed to destroy the opponent's anti-aircraft artillery position, but was also beaten by the opponent. This is a shame for the powerful US Far East Air Force. The leader of the wing was talking wirelessly yelled:

"You are the pride of the U.S. Air Force. Your chests are covered with medals. Where are your honors and responsibilities? Once again organize an attack, we must kill their anti-aircraft guns."

Of course, the enemy is not a fool. There is only one reason why he treats the enemy as a fool. He is a fool. The American pilot who lost two planes once again organized an attack formation at high altitude, and once again swooped down to the ground position. The difference is that this time they used two brigades to contain the anti-aircraft artillery positions, and used one flying brigade to directly attack the hidden points of the volunteers.

The commander of the U.S. Air Force knew very well that even knocking out the opponent's two anti-aircraft artillery positions would not be considered as completing the task. The order given to him by his superior was to kill the Chinese air defense concealment points, which was the most important thing.

The enemy can understand the truth, and of course the anti-aircraft artillery units of the Volunteer Army are also very clear. He rushed over viciously, using his familiar aerial skills to find a way to get in through the gaps between the shells.

Seeing that several enemy planes penetrated the firepower net of the anti-aircraft guns, plunged into the valley, and flew at an ultra-low altitude along the space in the valley. This altitude is already a blind spot for the anti-aircraft artillery firepower, and the anti-aircraft firepower cannot reach the ultra-low-altitude flight. enemy aircraft.

"Brigade Commander, Brigadier Commander, the enemy plane is coming."

The guard post of the guard company immediately conveyed the situation. Several US fighter jets used their familiar personal skills to sneak in from the anti-aircraft gun firepower network, trying to avoid the anti-aircraft firepower by flying at an ultra-low altitude. Then attack the hideout.

Li Yong sneered, damn it, I knew the Americans would play this trick. The sixteen [-]-guns of two anti-aircraft artillery companies confronted a complete air wing, and they were at a disadvantage in terms of strength. Even if the soldiers tried harder, I can't help but miss the fish that slipped through the net. American pilots who have experienced World War II will not let go of such an opportunity, otherwise, they would not be the most powerful country in the air.

However, Li Yong has long been prepared for the U.S. Air Force's tactics. He has three air defense positions, two light and one dark. The air defense position is to deal with this method of tactics of the US military.

The first and second platoons of guards together have more than [-] Czech-style light machine guns. When starting from Shigatse, political commissar Wang Chengde temporarily asked Li Yong to take a mortar squad and a heavy machine gun squad in order to strengthen the firepower of the squad. Of course, it is useless to fight an aircraft mortar. The five Maxims in a heavy machine gun squad are the most important anti-aircraft firepower in Li Yong's hands.

Whether it is Maxim or Czech, they are all infantry weapons. Can infantry weapons deal with aircraft?Li Yong's answer is - can.

The so-called inability to shoot aircraft is because infantry weapons have small caliber and short range, and even if they fire, they cannot reach them. However, once they are within the effective shooting range of infantry weapons, as long as they are organized properly, they can still pose a threat to enemy aircraft. Yes, it depends on the organizational ability of the commander.

Li Yong's idea is to use two anti-aircraft gun companies to hard-top in the open, and use the guard company's twenty-odd Czechs and five Maxims to place in the dark to attack enemy planes.

How can infantry weapons sneak attack on enemy aircraft?Jet fighters can reach a speed of eight or nine hundred kilometers per hour, and infantry can also attack them?It sounds a bit like Tianfang Yetan, but according to Li Yong's arrangement, all this is really possible. (To be continued..)

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