Xiao Cheng, who was kicked by He Cuihua, didn't dare to fart, and went around in circles to look at those precious machine guns. &

Ten 14.5mm large-caliber anti-aircraft machine guns were quietly placed there. Xiaocheng and Sanniu who just came in immediately looked directly at them. The caliber is so big?It still has two tubes, which is even better than the anti-aircraft machine guns equipped by our brigade machine gun battalion. What a good guy.

The second son of Chang Ning in the third platoon was about to drool, and this kid didn't care that there were other platoon leaders present, so he hurried forward to ask Li Yong for instructions: "Brigade Commander, you can transfer all these ten big guys to us. Well, we have a lot of people in the third row, just enough to tinker with these treasures."

Ning Erzi was obviously taking advantage of the large number of people in their third platoon, and wanted to get all the anti-aircraft machine guns to their platoon.

Sanniu and Xiaocheng became anxious immediately, what is this called?Ning Erzi's appetite is too big, he wants to eat all the anti-aircraft machine guns in one gulp, his mother's uncle can bear it, and his aunt can't bear it.

"What do you mean you have a lot of people in the third platoon? Although our first and second platoons are not as many as the third platoon, we are a guard platoon, and we should have heavy weapons. All of you in the third platoon are scouts. What anti-aircraft machine guns do scouts use? A submachine gun is enough, hurry up and take someone to find out the news, we will fight the plane in the first and second rows, and you will catch the spies in the third row, it will be great if there is no delay."

"Why can we only catch spies in the third row? Don't you have a few more Czechs in the first and second rows than us? With these treasures, we must be better than the two of you."

Several platoon leaders were arguing, and Li Yong stood aside to watch the excitement.Isn't it just a few anti-aircraft machine guns?funny.

This is the reason for the realm. Li Yong, who has experience in later generations, thinks it is normal to have some weapons and equipment in the army, but San Niu and his soldiers who are originally bumpkins are not good. It's a crime, but fortunately these good things belong to our own family, if they belong to the Kuomintang army like before.They have already started to grab it, and they are still arguing?Argue ass.

In fact, Li Yong already knew how to distribute these weapons.Only then can combat effectiveness be generated, and the opportunity now is very suitable. Didn't the soldiers in their several platoons not sleep, that's just right.

Soviet-style anti-aircraft machine guns are new weapons.Combat effectiveness can only be generated if the soldiers are familiar with the weapons.Tomorrow they may face a large-scale bombing by the US military, so the soldiers have only one night.

San Niu, Xiao Cheng and others were robbing randomly, and later saw that Li Yong didn't even say a word and understood, what are we robbing, maybe the brigade commander has already assigned it.

It really made a few of them right. Li Yong's distribution principle is that the first row and the second row each have three supporters, and the third row has four supporters.Divide it up early to save them from fussing.

"Since everyone didn't sleep, they all came here. While the masters who assemble the firearms are still asking for more advice from others, I will give you 5 minutes, go quickly."

Li Yong's order went down, and more than 5 fighters had arrived in less than 200 minutes. With good things to distribute, everyone was so anxious that no one could sleep.

On the principle of distribution, Li Yong took care of the emotions of the third row and gave them more support. The first and second rows had no objections. Anyway, the third row's personnel were about the same as their two rows combined. It is also reasonable to get an extra heavy machine gun.

Without unnecessary nonsense, Li Yong asked several platoon leaders to get back the weapons that belonged to them as soon as possible, so as to familiarize themselves with the performance of the weapons in the shortest possible time and strive to form combat effectiveness as soon as possible.

Li Yong still has confidence in his soldiers. The more than 200 people he brought out from Shigatse are all veterans selected from the whole brigade. Soviet style, British style, German style, Czech style, Belgian style, almost all the weapons that can be seen on the Chinese battlefield have touched. Such veterans have a great advantage, and they can get used to various types of weapons very quickly.

After almost a whole night of tossing, by the time of dawn the next day, the ten anti-aircraft machine guns had been deployed to the battle positions of each platoon, and the soldiers had also learned how to use them. In fact, it was nothing. It didn't take long for the veterans who were very familiar with infantry firearms to master the performance and working principle of the weapons.

Li Yong announced an additional rule that anti-aircraft machine guns are not allowed to fire without his order. As for why he announced this rule, Li Yong didn't explain and everyone didn't ask. Anyway, the soldiers felt that the brigade commander's decision must be correct.

In the early morning, it was another day, and the soldiers of the guard company who had been making trouble for almost a whole night not only did not feel tired, but also became more excited, because according to the brigade commander's speculation, the Americans should come to take revenge today, and they will use new weapons This is the opportunity for power, especially the third platoon with four anti-aircraft machine guns. From the platoon leader Ning Erzi to every soldier is eager to try.

Four 30 anti-aircraft artillery companies are waiting in full force. Their mission is the same as before, try their best to block the enemy planes at medium and high altitudes. There are more than [-] anti-aircraft guns. The scale is not small. No matter how many enemy planes come, they should be able to After a while, Li Yong felt more at ease.

The strange thing is that the soldiers who had eaten a long time ago never saw any planes coming to attack, and the guard posts placed in the distance did not respond.

What is the reason for this? Don't Americans come to retaliate after they suffer?This is not the character of the powerful U.S. Air Force. As the saying goes, it’s hard to wait for others. The soldiers who are waiting for the enemy’s air strikes are anxiously upset. This guy walked back and forth on their platoon, and kept saying:

"Why don't the Americans come? Damn, why don't they come?"

The eagerness of the third platoon to perform meritorious service is understandable. After nine o'clock, the deputy company commander He Cuihua couldn't bear it anymore, and quietly asked Li Yong: "Brigadier, why didn't the enemy come here? Didn't they all say that the U.S. Air Force is very powerful? And there are so many planes, so it’s not because of fear that you can’t stop coming.”

The elder Li Dali is here, so he is not in a hurry. In war, we must find a way to gain the initiative on the battlefield. Regardless of whether we are ground troops, the initiative is also in our hands. It is better if the enemy plane does not come. The large hidden point is completed, and then it is better to go to the next construction, and it will be beaten when it comes. In other words, it will be beneficial to the volunteers if the time is prolonged, and the enemy will not fail to understand this reason, so they must come.

Li Yong, who was lying on the observation hole, was using a telescope to inspect the ground and the sky back and forth. He saw Ning Erzi walking back and forth in three rows.

Li Yong casually grabbed the microphone of the walkie-talkie beside him: "Second son, what are you rambling about, hurry up and hide, leave the observation post, and everyone else hurry up and take a nap."

It's not good to be too nervous. Li Yong wants the soldiers to relax. The air defense post of the People's Army garrison is placed several kilometers away, so there is still time even if there is a situation.

Sure enough, just after ten o'clock, the firing sound of the People's Army's unique m1 rifle was heard from the top of the mountain in the distance. Jin Yingzi, who was in charge of the liaison between the two troops, ran in panting and reported to Li Yong loudly: "Report to the brigade commander , the enemy plane is coming."

"How many have you come?"

"I can't see clearly, there are many anyway, much more than yesterday."

The air defense post in charge of Jin Yingzi did not find out the number and type of enemy planes. In fact, this is also normal. The planes are moving at high speed. It is really not easy to find out the number and type at once. However, Li Yong doesn't care about these, how many come? You can beat as much as you want, anyway, I'm going all out.

"All are there, ready to fight."

Crack, crack, crack, the sound of shooting from the air defense post was getting closer and closer. It was the sentry on the post carrying out a relay pass. A few minutes later, there were bursts of rumbling sounds coming from the sky.

In the line of sight, at the end of the clouds, small black dots suddenly popped up one after another. The small black dots quickly grew in size, and it didn't take long for them to become black fighter jets.

Damn, how many are here?Not to mention the female soldiers at the air defense post, Li Yong couldn't count them clearly in the binoculars, anyway, there were too many more than yesterday, and the American grandma really spent a lot of money.

The four anti-aircraft artillery companies that were the main force in the battle removed their camouflage, and a group of five rounds of shells stuck into the bore of the gun. The barrel of the gun was raised high, turning back and forth to lock and aim the enemy plane.

The soldiers of the anti-aircraft artillery company knew very well that this was hard work, so what camouflage was needed?

Li Yong roughly counted, and the number of enemy planes in the air strikes was at least fifty, and the size should be two aviation wings. The Americans are really rich landlords, just rich.

The momentum of dozens of fighter-bombers rushing forward together was astonishing. The less timid might have trembling hands, but none of the soldiers on the ground was afraid. I don't know what danger is.

In the blink of an eye, the enemy plane entered the range. The effective range of the Soviet-style Sanqi anti-aircraft gun was about 6000 meters.

Dozens of Sanqi anti-aircraft guns on the positions of the four anti-aircraft gun companies fired at the same time. The machine's attack lines are all covered.

The enemy planes in the sky made a circle, as if they were discussing something with each other, then split into several strands, and stabbed down towards the ground crazily.

Li Yong's deployment of the anti-aircraft artillery positions is that each company fires at one position at the same time, forming a cross-fire attack on the air. Destroy the anti-aircraft guns that pose a great threat to them, and then bomb the hidden points. (To be continued, please search, the novel is better and updated faster!

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