The beacon of youth

Chapter 830 The Function of False Positions

Sure enough, as expected, the enemy planes in another air strike also changed their tactics. Instead of rushing to find a hidden point to bomb, they split into several groups and rushed towards the anti-aircraft artillery positions. +

Seeing that the intention of the enemy plane in the sky was to knock down the anti-aircraft artillery positions of the Volunteers first and then organize the bombing, just when everyone thought they had guessed the enemy plane's intention, a few enemy planes that swooped down suddenly pulled up again, without any contact with the enemy plane. The anti-aircraft guns on the ground were too entangled, but they climbed up to the middle altitude in an emergency, and the height was beyond the range of the guns.

This has been repeated several times, and the enemy plane will increase the range of the artillery as soon as it enters the artillery, and use the advantage of height to avoid the anti-aircraft artillery fire. Everyone is a little puzzled, what is the enemy plane trying to do?If you are afraid of your hands and feet, you will not be able to defeat the anti-aircraft artillery positions. Doesn't the U.S. Air Force understand this truth?Is it to consume the ammunition of the ground anti-aircraft artillery?That’s not true. In order to block the air, the ground artillery fire consumes a certain amount of ammunition, but the fuel of the air plane is more limited, and the time to stay in the air is limited. Compared with the ammunition consumed by the ground artillery fire, the fuel consumption of the aircraft is even higher. Hurry up, there was no aerial refueling capability at that time, as long as the fuel was alarmed, it had to return.

Just when everyone didn't understand the enemy's intentions, the enemy plane swooped down again, and the strange humming sound of the engine shook the sky.

The anti-aircraft artillery on the ground really doesn't care about this, what the enemy means, anyway, as long as you dare to come down, I will beat you, and it will be the same this time.

This time the enemy plane seemed to be playing for real, its attack posture was extremely fierce, and the airborne machine gun spit out fire snakes in the mid-air.The bullets rained down like raindrops, which meant that they wanted to clear the field first and then drop the bombs.

The anti-aircraft guns on the ground opened fire violently, and the rapid fire of boom boom knocked shells into the air.

The enemy plane swooped wildly.The explosion of shells and the "cuckoo" sound of the airborne machine guns resounded through the sky. Just as the battle was raging, several enemy planes suddenly left the attack route and rushed towards the old position of the guard company. .

Li Yong, who had been observing the situation on the battlefield, suddenly understood that this was the real purpose of the enemy plane, and fighting against the anti-aircraft gun positions was an illusion, and its purpose was to fight against the anti-aircraft guns.First use a large-scale attack to entangle the anti-aircraft firepower on the ground, and then use the speed of the aircraft to quickly penetrate the defense, trying to destroy the guard company positions that have attacked them in one go.

Not only Li Yong understood.The people in the guard company basically understood that the enemy is really cunning. They also understood that several enemy planes did not attack along the valley like last time.An attack along the valley would not hit the guard company positions.Several enemy planes directly launched air strikes and bombings from the back position of the guard company. Seeing the machine guns and aerial bombs on the planes pouring down, large clouds of black smoke rose from the position, and the black smoke strung together. There were red flames.

Napalm, this is the US fighter-bomber using napalm to attack the old position of the guard company, and the old position is full of flames.

The enemy is also a human being, and has a brain that can think. It is impossible to expect the enemy to suffer repeatedly.If the guard company is not prepared, it will still set up an ambush in the old formation.The loss must be insignificant.

Li Yuming, the company commander, wiped the cold sweat off his head, and secretly cried out how dangerous it is. The old position is not far from them, and the enemy planes strafing and dropping bombs can be seen clearly. I used to hear people say how much napalm bombs are. It's terrible, I really saw it today.

Napalm bombs are really powerful. Ordinary fragmentation bombs, as long as the anti-bunker holes are made stronger, it will be fine, but this method will not work against gasoline bombs. As long as a little bit of violently burning kerosene collapses, stones can be destroyed Burning and bursting, because the oxygen in the air is consumed, hiding in the hole is also likely to be suffocated to death, it is really difficult to deal with, the soldiers who have suffered many times in the later period have summed up an effective soil method, in the When the enemy launches a napalm attack, they must first block the opening of the anti-bunker hole to prevent a large loss of oxygen. Only in this way can it be possible to survive in the cruel battlefield environment.

"Brigade Commander, the enemy is trying to burn us all to death! Thank you for saving us, otherwise we will suffer a lot." Li Yuming said.

The three platoon leaders of the guard company were all in charge of the troops in their respective positions. There were only three other people in Li Yong's observation post, the company commander Li Yuming, the deputy company commander He Cuihua, the instructor Li Jia, and several guards who did not come in outside , because there is really not much space inside.

Instructor Li Jia is someone who has seen big scenes. She has served in the 36th Division of the Kuomintang Reorganization for a long time. At this time, she also said leisurely:

"When I was in the Kuomintang army, I listened to the lectures of American consultants. They always emphasized the victory of firepower. I didn't feel it at the time. Now I can see it. Napalm bombs are really terrible. It takes a lot of attention to fight against them."

The deputy company commander He Cuihua also agreed with Li Jia's suggestion in her heart, but He Cuihua said that she would not admit defeat, and she made a fuss and shouted:

"Oh, I really didn't expect, Instructor Li, so you have listened to the lectures of the Americans? Do you know the Americans who attended that day? Hurry up and call them down to surrender. It is also a great contribution to you ,how?"

Li Jia turned her head and ignored He Cuihua. She knew that you couldn't reason with He Cuihua, it would only make it more troublesome. The best way is to ignore her.

The false position of the guard company was full of debris and flames, and the fireworks rose. According to the thinking of normal people, it is impossible for life to exist. Several American fighter-bombers who thought they had succeeded shook their wings proudly, climbed up and flew away. .

Several fighter jets that succeeded in the attack flew away, and the more intense battle began again. The enemy planes in the sky took advantage of their numbers and separated several strands to entangle the anti-aircraft artillery positions, and kept swooping down and strafing bombs. I made up my mind to kill the anti-aircraft artillery positions.

The anti-aircraft artillery units on the ground fought back desperately. Thirty anti-aircraft artillery opened fire with all their strength. The shells hit the sky densely, and the white smoke from the explosion filled the whole sky. Huo Datou went down, and the two white parachutes descended slowly.

The anti-aircraft artillery unit has achieved results again, destroying two of them. The record is quite good. It's really fucking enjoyable. The soldiers of the guard company are also anxious again. Today is not the same as before. There should be no problem with the anti-aircraft artillery. Several platoon leaders came to ask Li Yong for instructions and asked to open fire for air strikes.

Without even thinking about it, Li Yong sent all the platoon leaders back, and opened fire now?That is impossible:

"Go back and take good control of the troops. If you want to fight, there are plenty of opportunities."

The platoon leaders didn't know what Li Yong meant, and why they didn't fire the anti-aircraft machine gun in their hands. This is not a fire stick, but serious Soviet-style equipment, or the latest model.

Li Yong didn't have time to explain to them. He just told several guard platoons that the ten anti-aircraft machine guns were not allowed to fire without his order.

Just when Sanniu, Xiaocheng and the others didn't understand Li Yong's intentions, two enemy planes bypassed the anti-aircraft guns and got in. The company commander of the anti-aircraft artillery company shouted nervously to Li Yong in the walkie-talkie: "Chief, Chief, two enemy planes broke through our firepower and rushed towards you. Two enemy planes broke through our firepower. rushed towards you."

Two enemy planes, carrying four heavy aerial bombs, flew around and penetrated the defense, and quickly approached the hidden point on the ground.

The situation is dangerous. With the familiar skills of the US military pilots, as long as they rush in, it is entirely possible to throw these four bombs near the entrance of the hole. Needless to say, it will take a lot of effort to throw just one The air defense concealment point was completely blown down.

The battle has been fought so far, and the tactics of the US military have been revealed bit by bit. First, they are divided into several strands to entangle the anti-aircraft artillery positions, and then they suddenly attack the infantry positions that are stuck in their necks. After destroying the infantry positions, they finally attack the hidden points To bomb.

These two enemy planes carried out the final task of blowing up the hidden spots of the Volunteers. They believed that the anti-aircraft artillery fire was entangled, and the infantry positions stuck around their necks were also knocked out. The only thing that tested them was the technology of low-altitude dive bombing. up.

When the opportunity came, Li Yong ordered loudly in the walkie-talkie that everyone was ready to fight, but the ten anti-aircraft machine guns were not allowed to fire.

The soldiers didn't understand what Li Yong meant. The enemy planes had already broken through the anti-aircraft guns and flew over. Why were the anti-aircraft machine guns not allowed to fire?Why?

But the battlefield is like this, there is no reason, the orders of the superiors must be resolutely implemented, and the soldiers of the guard company have prepared all the Czechs and Maxims, and wait for the enemy planes to drill in.

Ning Erzi's third platoon was depressed again. Originally, he wanted to play a style in this battle for the soldiers of the brother platoon to see. This is all right. The brigade commander has ordered that the anti-aircraft machine gun that he just got is not allowed to fire. Isn't that right? Is it embarrassing to stare at the eyeballs, watching the enemy planes and not hitting them?

Two enemy planes came in from the fire of the anti-aircraft guns, and flew along the curvature of the valley, preparing to blow up the newly-excavated hideouts of the volunteers on the ground in one fell swoop, while the soldiers who had ambushed the guard company took them He took out all his family assets, and waited for the two planes that came to seek death with wide-eyed eyes on the new ambush position.

The soldiers were right. The two enemy planes that penetrated the defense were indeed looking for death. The narrow valley greatly restricted the maneuverability of the planes. It is the position where infantry light weapons can exert their power.

Just like last time, the unsuspecting two enemy planes were destroyed by the sudden infantry fire, and the guard company once again achieved good results by repeatedly setting up ambushes.

The old lady is sick, and the old bus is taking care of her. (to be continued..)


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