The beacon of youth

Chapter 834 Command Power

Modern warfare requires a great deal of logistical support, and Li Yong is well aware of this. In order to prepare even a pack of biscuits and a round of bullets for the upcoming battle, the volunteer army's logistics organization has mobilized all available forces.

The difficulty is huge. The newly established logistics organization is still under construction, and the personnel are even more stretched. Fortunately, Deputy Minister Li Da has a little bit of foresight. With his painstaking efforts, the rear transportation capacity of the Volunteer Army is limited. It has been greatly improved, especially the loss during transportation has dropped significantly.

This is also thanks to the large and small hidden points opened up along the way, coupled with the continuous anti-aircraft artillery entering the DPRK and the gradually increasing air defense observation posts, the threat of enemy aircraft on our transportation line has been greatly reduced.

The reduction in air danger is directly reflected in the increase in transportation volume. The front-line combat troops are very sensitive to this change, because their food has been improved, and ammunition has also been quickly replenished, especially the ration of food at the headquarters has been cancelled. After the supply, the morale of the soldiers was greatly boosted.

Anyone who has led the army knows that morale is too important to the army, especially in the big battle that is about to be launched. Even though Li Yong did not go directly to the front line, his role is no less than that of a senior commander commanding the battle on the front line. Everyone recognizes it.

How many days have you been busy in a row?No one can remember, anyway, during this period of time, even Li Jia, the team instructor who loves cleanliness, rarely took a bath, let alone other people, basically sleeping together every night. It's smelly, if you keep doing it like this, it won't stink.

Vice Minister Li Da explained to the soldiers that if it stinks, it stinks.Also better than dead, we're doing a little more here.When the battle is fought, the comrades on the front line can save one point of casualties, and everything they pay is worth it.

The logistics work is complicated.It's endless, and I can't finish it even if I'm exhausted. When the concealment point is close to completion, everyone in the squad says that it's more tiring than fighting, almost like peeling off a few layers of skin.

Li Yong finally understood the reason why those front-line commanders were unwilling to do logistics. He was worried that he would not be able to achieve results without saying that he was working hard. If he did well, he should be punished.

Fortunately, the large and small hidden spots that were excavated urgently are about to be completed. Li Yong took his team members to complete the construction of the hidden spots on the transportation line and then returned to the headquarters of the Volunteer Army to report to the chief. When the buttocks are firmly seated, the guards will come to him.Said that the chief asked him to go to the meeting.

What meeting is so important?A sip of water is about to pass before you finish drinking it?

To be honest, Vice Minister Li has been in a good mood in the past few days. Thanks to his efforts, the completion of the hidden point on the transportation line has been several months earlier than in history. Don't underestimate the progress of these few months. Time, this is an extremely critical time, the time when you are stuck at a deadly node, it can be said to be an amazing big project.

Of course, the chief's order must be resolutely implemented, and it is also reasonable for him, the deputy director of the General Logistics Department, to attend the meeting.The travel-worn Li Yong came to the headquarters without even having time to take a rest, and followed the security personnel of the headquarters directly to the conference room.

The meeting room converted from a large mine was full of people. What surprised people was not the bright light bulbs that blinded people, but the scale of the meeting.After a cursory look, Li Yong felt that all the important personnel he had known since he came to the headquarters were basically all there, including the directors of intelligence and reconnaissance at the level of several regiments and above.

Both the reconnaissance and intelligence directors of the Volunteer Army Headquarters attended the meeting.Of course, he should come to the meeting with a high-ranking deputy logistics minister of the headquarters, but.As Li Yong's eyes swept over, he clearly saw that there were still a considerable number of people's army commanders and unknown Soviets in the conference room.

It seems that the meeting that he rushed over in such a hurry was really not easy.

Li Yongzheng, who had just returned to the headquarters, was unwashed.He strode in in a military uniform, in good spirits.

There is basically no difference between the clothes of Li Yong and the soldiers of the squad. The same clothes, the same standard m1 helmet, and the same deerskin combat boots. The only difference is that he has an m1911 common name gun tag on his waist Luzi's pistol instead of the submachine gun in the hands of the soldiers.

This outfit is obviously different from that of the participants, not only different but also very prominent, because the people who came to the meeting were all senior commanders from China, North Korea, and the Soviet Union, and few of them carried guns, not to mention that Li Yong was not only wearing a gun and Steel helmet, and two American grenades hung on both sides of the neck.

People from all three sides knew that as long as they were qualified to come to the meeting, they were definitely not ordinary people, but it was the first time they had seen a meeting with grenades hanging on both sides of their necks.

Boss Peng and others have long been used to Li Yong's attire. They have fought for half their lives and they don't think there is anything wrong with this attire. Just like Deputy Commander Han Xianchu said, it is good to hang grenades on both sides of the neck. Well, it can be thrown out very conveniently during a war. If I am not a deputy commander, I would like to hang one up like this.

Boss Peng and Deputy Commander Han, the generals who got out of the sea of ​​blood, didn't think there was any danger in what Li Yong did, but the faces of the representatives of the People's Army and the Soviet Union Big Brother who came to the meeting were very exciting.

What do the Chinese think, why a young man is allowed to come to the meeting? What is even more incomprehensible is that this young man is still wearing a grenade. It is too rude, or too dangerous for the Chinese to do so. When these two grenades went off, the senior personnel from the three parties in the venue were all finished.

In fact, Li Yong didn't want to bring the grenade to the venue, but he came in a hurry today, and he himself forgot for a while, so he just rushed in.

There were indeed a lot of people in the venue, but what was surprising was that the atmosphere was very delicate. Not only did no one speak, there was not even a single person panting loudly, which was very strange.

What is this scenario.

Li Yong was very sensitive to the fact that something was wrong with the atmosphere. No matter what kind of representatives, no matter if they were Chinese or Soviet, since it was a pre-war meeting, they had to discuss it, but no one said a word during the meeting. Pre-war meeting, is that still called a meeting?It's better not to open it.

Li Yong, who didn't understand the situation, didn't speak. He just raised his hands to salute Boss Peng and other major leaders. Then he walked to Deputy Commander Hong Xuezhi and sat down. The chair was pulled over by Deputy Commander Hong himself.

Sitting upright, with the standard posture of raising people, Li Yong took off his helmet, scanned the venue with bright eyes, then turned his head and said to Deputy Commander Hong Xuezhi in a low voice: "Commander Hong, what's the matter? Why didn't anyone speak? "

Li Yong, who had just entered the venue, was of course paid attention to by several people. Several years of wind, frost, snow and rain made Li Yong look a few years older than his actual age, but no matter what, he was still a young man in his twenties Man, such a young man can come to such a high-level meeting?Although the people's army and the Soviet delegation did not speak, the doubts in their eyes were obvious.

But Li Yong's inadvertent move made them feel a little confused, that is where he sat down.

The Chinese side has the most people attending the meeting, which is understandable, because this is China's home stadium, but such a young man who just came in is sitting very close to Boss Peng, which is a bit confusing. I know that Deputy Commander Hong Xuezhi is one of the main leaders of the Volunteer Army. To be able to sit next to him must be an unusual person.

Perhaps because of the atmosphere, the main leaders of the Chinese side did not introduce Li Yong to the other two parties. Of course, the translators did not dare to make their own claims, so Li Yong’s identity is still a mystery compared to the Soviet and North Korean sides. .

Deputy Commander Hong Xuezhi lowered his voice and introduced to Li Yong the reason for the strange atmosphere in the venue: "Hmph, they have a big brother as their backer, and they are coming to seize power with us. North Korea's Prime Minister Kim wants to be the supreme commander of the campaign, and he wants to command China and North Korea. To put it simply, they want to be the top leader, and they want our Boss Peng to be his deputy, damn it."

No wonder the atmosphere in the venue was so weird, Li Yongmeng suddenly understood, yes, in his memory, it seemed that before the three battles started, North Korea’s commander Kim xx wanted the highest command of the Chinese and North Korean coalition forces Quan, later pushed back by Boss Peng, it is said that it was very unpleasant. It seems that the meeting in history to grab shifts and seize power happened right in front of you. Good guy, he really caught up with him. .

Li Yong raised his head and looked at the representative of the People's Army not far away, isn't he? There is indeed a young man in his thirties (should be a young man) in the center, looking at him out of the corner of his eye. This person did not wear a military uniform like other representatives of the People's Army, but was dressed in gray Chinese clothes, surrounded by representatives of the People's Army like stars holding the moon.

No need to ask, Li Yong can be sure of his appearance and style. This must be Prime Minister Kim xx, the supreme commander of the People's Army. It is better to be famous than to meet him. I didn't expect the famous Kim to be like this.

The appearance of Prime Minister Kim on the opposite side did not leave a deep impression on Vice Minister Li Da. He had seen too many awesome people, and he had no interest in this person.

Li Yong didn't understand. A low-level officer who had been in the Chinese army and the Soviet army, a person who didn't know what commanding a large battle was at all, and a person who didn't have any experience in large corps combat, how could he Dare to speak boldly and ask to command a big battle involving tens of thousands of people. How thick-skinned is this? To put it lightly, it is shameless to be so shameless. To put it seriously, it is taking the lives of hundreds of thousands of officers and soldiers Joking with the future of the country. (To be continued..)

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