Li Yong felt that he was a little angry. A big battle launched by tens of thousands of people had extremely high demands on the supreme commander. This is not a joke. A politician or politician who is a junior officer also wants to monopolize power?Also command the Chinese and North Korean coalition forces to fight!Isn't this nonsense.

Others may be intimidated by someone's identity, no matter what, he is also the commander of a country, but Li Yong is different. Li Yong is very clear about the level of someone's command ability.

"Nonsense, he wants to be the supreme commander of the coalition army just because of his two strokes? He really doesn't know how long his face is.

Li Yong's voice was neither high nor low. If it was high, he was whispering to Deputy Commander Hong, but if it was low, the People's Army and Soviet representatives on the opposite side could basically hear it.

The representatives of the People's Army were a little bit overwhelmed. The Soviets couldn't understand Chinese, so they had to use a translator to communicate. Even if they could speak a few words, it was very common everyday language. I didn't know what Li Yong's muttered words meant. However, Koreans are different. Many Koreans can speak Chinese, especially a considerable number of Koreans here have lived in Northeast China. Not only are they familiar with Chinese, even ordinary people Li Yong's slang is also very clear, and they can understand what Li Yong said, "The horse doesn't know how long the face means."

A representative of the People's Army wearing breeches and riding boots with a general's badge on it patted the table: "What rank is your comrade and what position is he? Do you know what occasion this is?"

The representatives of the People's Army spoke Chinese without translation, and the voice was very clear and standard.It seems that he must have lived in China, as soon as he asked this sentence.Let alone the Chinese present here, even the members of the Big Brother delegation can understand it.

Ask the other party's job title in fluent Chinese.They also patted the table. This is obviously a questioning rather than an inquiry. Subconsciously, they are telling the Chinese side that we can understand what you are talking about, and we are very dissatisfied.

Because of Li Yong's sentence "A horse doesn't know how long a face is", there was a slight smell of gunpowder in the awkward atmosphere.

It is reasonable to say that foreign affairs are no small matter, and it is a bit too much to say in front of others that they don't know what is good or bad, but this sentence was not said by Li Yong on the spur of the moment. Li Yong, who has experienced countless battles and battles, has already passed Impulsive age, although he is still very young.

Li Yong really doesn't like the faces of some people.what?Do you think you are great after spending a few days in the Soviet Red Army?Don't know how high the sky is and how thick the ground is?

If it weren't for China's backing, if it weren't for China's support in terms of manpower and material resources, a government that had just been established would have been thrown into the sea long ago. Now that it has taken a breath, it feels like an onion. ?Pooh.

Deputy Minister Li believes that the faults are rooted out. Some people have to be suppressed at critical times, so that they can wake up how much they have, and know how many bowls of dry rice they can eat. Maybe it will be better. Effect.He said that sentence on purpose for the other party to listen to. It was intentional, and there was also a subtext in Li Yong's words-I just look down on you, what's wrong?

Li Yong's style is in line with the temper of the bosses.Seeing that someone doubted Li Yong's identity, Deputy Commander Hong Xuezhi laughed and introduced Li Yong's position to the other two parties: "This is Comrade Li Yong. The deputy director of the General Logistics Department of our Volunteer Army is also my old Hong's deputy. He is a brigade commander in our field army combat unit, who has just been transferred from China. He has not been in the court for a long time, and we will know each other later on."

The deputy director of the General Logistics Department of the Volunteer Army?This level is quite high, and the rest of the two parties looked at this young guy with a bit of suspicion.

Boss Peng and the others, due to their identities, could not be too aggressive with each other, and kept silent on the proposal to replace the supreme commander proposed by the Soviet Union and the DPRK, but Li Yong did not have this scruple. , a leader with a population of several million, in China is the level of a local mayor, and wants to compete with our Boss Peng for power!To say 'horses don't know how long their faces are' is flattering them.

"Why, am I wrong? The situation on the battlefield is ever-changing, and the requirements for decision makers are very high. Every order issued by the headquarters is likely to be related to the lives and deaths of tens of millions of people. Therefore, the supreme commander is also required to have The ability to control a large battle command requires more experience in commanding a large battle. Is there any one of you who is qualified to command a large army like our Boss Peng? If you have any candidates, come out and listen."

Li Yong's words were very sharp, and he didn't save any face for the opponent. At a critical moment, good face is fatal. A general who is incompetent will exhaust thousands of troops. He doesn't want the soldiers of the volunteer army to die in vain.

You—the representative of the People's Army who slapped the table on the opposite side blushed when Li Yong asked. He also understands that the size of the People's Army is really limited. When it comes to commanding a large army to fight, the Chinese comrades are much better than them. What's more, Boss Peng, who has a high prestige in the People's Liberation Army, but, but......

"But what, when your people's army had the largest number of people, it was only 10,000+ people. What big battles can 10,000+ people fight, let alone now, I also know that the people's army has formed a few new legions, and the total strength has returned to There are more than 7 people, but how many veterans are there among the 7? Not even [-]! The rest are mostly farmers who have just picked up guns, and they are recruits with no combat experience. , Once you encounter a cruel environment, it is likely to collapse. I suggest that you comrades in North Korea focus on how to train the troops. If you have time, let the recruits fire a few more shots and let them know that guns and hoes are different. , The battlefield and the crop field are also different, don't wait for the guns to piss your pants after the guns go off, and don't keep thinking about command power, so as not to lose the chain at critical times."

Li Yong's words were very unpopular, sarcasm and sarcasm, although what he said was very reasonable, but the tone of the lesson was extremely heavy.

It is not unreasonable for Li Yong to say this. At the beginning of the three battles, several regiments of the People's Army fought well, but when it came to the most difficult stage of defense in the four battles, the People's Army couldn't stand it anymore. There were many recruits and training. The deficiencies and shortcomings are all revealed. Under the attack of powerful US ground-to-air firepower, they abandoned their positions indiscriminately. What is even more frightening is that they did not notify the volunteer troops of their neighbors when they abandoned their positions, so that the flanks of the volunteers were exposed to the U.S. forces. Under the assault group.

Being taught a lesson by a Chinese Communist in his 20s on such an important occasion is indeed quite unacceptable, especially the representatives of the People's Army with strong self-esteem, who was slapped naked in the face. got up, scratched his neck and shouted:

"Don't look down on people. Our People's Army has fought big battles, and we have also fought big battles. We have fought the enemy from around the [-]th parallel to Busan. If it weren't for the US imperialists and their lackeys who launched a surprise attack on us, now It is very likely that North Korea has been unified."

The venue was a bit chaotic, with different expressions on the faces of the people. The Soviet delegation didn’t know what the fast-talking Chinese and Koreans were yelling at, and the translator didn’t have time to communicate with them. To know what the situation is, we have to whisper to each other and inquire about it.

The North Koreans were blushing and trying to distinguish various reasons with Li Yong. A certain prime minister kept his face livid and said nothing. Li Yong glanced at it with his eyes, not knowing what the prime minister was thinking, but Li Yong didn't care at all. , how do you think it is your business, want to be the supreme commander of the coalition forces?There are no doors.

Only the members of the Chinese delegation seemed very relaxed, and a few guys were still snickering in private, wasn’t it? Don't mention how comfortable and powerful it is in my heart.

Li Yong slapped his hands lightly a few times, and raised his voice slightly: "Comrades in North Korea, please pay attention, there is always a gap between reality and imagination. The defense was heavily deployed, so that the enemy took advantage of the loopholes, the elite troops and heavy equipment were lost, and a large number of people were captured. Now the strength of the People's Army can only be one-third of what it used to be, right? "

Compared with the People's Army, the U.S. Army's Incheon landing operation in North Korea is a scar that the People's Army is unwilling to uncover. Usually, this topic is deliberately left out during meetings and discussions. Today, this scar was suddenly uncovered by Li Yongmeng.

Several representatives of the People's Army who stood up were speechless when asked. Although the words of the Chinese representatives were harsh, they were true.

Seeing that several people's army representatives were speechless when asked, Li Yong continued unhurriedly and said: "In this battle, our volunteer army contributed six combat troops, and the 30 veterans recruited from the country also It has been assigned to the front-line troops, and the total strength of the volunteer army will exceed [-]. After the battle begins, all frontal attack areas will be in charge of our volunteer army. Therefore, no matter from any point of view, the commander-in-chief of the Chinese and North Korean coalition forces must be Mr. Peng, This is unquestionable, please think about it carefully, and don't make too many meaningless and unnecessary interpretations."

What Li Yong said was clear enough. The so-called joint operations should be dominated by the volunteers, and the People's Army is just for cooperation.

Vice Minister Li Dae glanced at the commander-in-chief of the People's Army opposite him while expressing his opinion. Prime Minister Kim, who sat among the representatives of the People's Army, had spent a long time in Northeast China, so of course he understood Chinese very well. The meaning Li Yong wanted to express was also very clear. The prime minister's face turned red first, then turned white, and finally turned livid. Obviously, he was pissed off by Li Yong's words. (to be continued..)

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