The beacon of youth

Chapter 836 Two Battles

This is what Li Yong wanted, and he was offended anyway. Even if he didn't say this, a certain prime minister who didn't get the highest command would be very dissatisfied with Boss Peng and others, so it's better to take this opportunity to deter and Hit the other party to let them understand what international relations are, know how to behave, and lay the foundation for future exchanges between the two countries. Let some people know that a big country is a big country, and Lao Tzu is Lao Tzu. All equal, that's just a beautiful fairy tale, being tough - sometimes it's not necessarily a bad thing. ▲∴Top▲∴Point▲∴Small▲∴Said,

"Attention, attention, comrades in China must pay attention to your attitude. Prime Minister Kim is the supreme leader of North Korea and the only supreme commander here. He is the only commander. We must respect his opinion."

A representative of the Soviet delegation who had been on the sidelines stood up at this moment, supported the table with both hands, and shouted fiercely at Li Yong in broken Chinese that he could not understand.

When Li Yong confronted the North Korean representative, there was always an interpreter who told the Soviet delegation what the two sides meant. Therefore, the Soviet representative understood why the two sides were arguing. The water is flat, but it points the finger at the Chinese.

Heh, someone came to fight against the injustice. Li Yong stared at the Soviet representative who was speaking with sharp eyes, and asked without showing any weakness: "Who are you?"

"I am the head of the Soviet delegation, Vyshinsky, with the rank of major general. Your attitude is very unfriendly."

A major general wants to show off his might here?

After the Great Patriotic War, there were almost as many generals in the Soviet army as there were, but Li Yong, a major general who pretended to be a tiger, really didn't take it seriously.

"Comrade Vyshinsky. I think you must first understand one thing. You are the head of the Soviet military delegation to North Korea. Not the head of the Soviet delegation to China, and the delegation representing the entire Soviet Federal Socialist Republic There is an essential difference. Let me make it clear that your status is too low to represent the Soviet High Command. Therefore, I think it is best for you to be a bystander when it comes to issues of dispute between China and North Korea. "

Li Yong's words made sense. At that time, some people were blinded by Vyshinsky's identity, or they were also shocked. They all thought that he was the head of the Soviet delegation.It must represent the opinions of the Soviet Union Command, since it is the big brother, it must give face.

In fact, Vyshinsky's status is not that high. It can be seen from his military rank that he is only a major general. He was only the head of the delegation sent by the Soviet Union to the People's Army at the invitation of the North Korean side. He has the right to make suggestions, but only the right to make suggestions, and has nothing to do with the Volunteer Army, let alone the right to represent the Soviet Command.

"You, I will report your words and deeds to the Supreme Commander of the Soviet Union. You must be responsible for your words and deeds."

Being questioned by a young Chinese military officer, Vyshinsky felt that his prestige had been hit. Although he was only the head of a delegation stationed in the People's Army, he lived the life of an overlord in North Korea.Those who come and go again and again really regard themselves as the highest officer.

"I must be responsible for my words and deeds. However, Comrade Vyshinsky. I suggest that our Chinese opinions be fed back to Comrade Filipov as soon as possible, and he will issue specific instructions."

I heard Li Yong mention a Soviet name that I had never heard of before.Vyshinsky froze for a moment, opened his mouth and swallowed what he wanted to say.His face also calmed down, as if he suddenly woke up from the anger.

Who is Filippov?Others may not know him, but he knows it clearly. It is the pseudonym of Stalin, the supreme commander of the Soviet Union. This is the top secret of the Soviet military. Where did a young Chinese Communist learn about it?

Stalin's alias is the top secret of the Soviet Ministry of Internal Affairs, with a very high level of secrecy. Vyshinsky did not know the details until he served as the head of the People's Army delegation. Li Yong mentioned this alias to let Vyshinsky figure out his Just a head of delegation with the rank of major general, not Stalin.

The meeting was at a stalemate until now, and the seasoned Commander Hong Xuezhi laughed and smoothed things over: "It's time for lunch, let's continue the meeting in the afternoon, and invite comrades from the Soviet Union and North Korea to taste our Chinese food."

The host said that they were going to have a meal, which was exactly what the Soviet delegation wanted. They wanted to hurry up and send the content of the meeting to the Soviet headquarters, so they were the first to walk out of the venue.

The Soviet representative left, and the North Korean comrades also went out. The rest in the big meeting room were Chinese personnel. Everyone became more excited. Although Boss Peng didn't say anything, he could tell Boss Peng's mood by looking at his expression. It's much better. Deputy Commander Han Xianchu even grinned and laughed, and said that he should drink a little wine when eating at noon. Director Du Ping of the Political Department was muttering with Chief of Staff Xiefang. The comrades in the Northwest know this. Li Yong's words are sharp, and he has learned a lesson today.

A commander in his thirties approached Li Yong with great interest: "Comrade Deputy Minister, you haven't been in the court for long, how do you know about Comrade Filipov?"

Who is this guy? The question is so tricky.

Li Yong looked back and recognized him as the Director of the Intelligence Department of the Volunteer Army Headquarters.

The rank of the director of the intelligence department is much lower than that of the deputy director of logistics, but the intelligence department is not just for nothing, it has a very keen sense of smell, and the questions people ask are very good. How can you, a comrade who is new to the court, know Stalin's alias.

Here comes the question, Deputy Minister Li will never say that Lao Tzu is from the information of later generations, but how to answer this guy's question is really a headache.

But who is Li Yong!Vice Minister Li, who has seen many big scenes, is not enough to let this kid down. Li Yong replied with a tense face: "Comrade Director, we also have aliases. Tell you, besides, your authority is not enough."

The Northwest Field Army is poor, and its personnel and weapons and equipment are not good, but the old field army also has an advantage that other field armies do not have. The troops of the field army have been with the headquarters and the heads of the central government for a long time, and they know a lot of information, such as just now , Li Yong just opened his mouth to come, our ** also has a pseudonym (in the War of Liberation ** the pseudonym Li Desheng, the small unit number he led was the Ninth Detachment), this kind of news is true, but it was only limited to the senior commander of the Northwest Field Army at that time The staff members knew that Li Yong used this news to question a director from the four fields, so of course he stopped this guy.

The director was taken aback, good guy, don't look at this deputy minister who is not young but has a temper, he opened his mouth to be the head of the headquarters, shut up and fucked, who the hell can bear it.

Deputy Commander Hong Xuezhi stood aside as if he was watching a joke. At this time, he came up and drove the director away: "Okay, my lord director, I will guarantee that Comrade Li Yong is definitely not a spy, so the head office will be fine!"

The director replied with a bit of embarrassment: "Chief, I didn't say that the deputy director is a secret agent. I was just curious, so I just asked, hehe."

Li Yongxin said, what about him, your curiosity scared me to sweat, and you didn't even look at your identity. Of course, this is what Deputy Minister Li said to himself in his heart.

It was almost three o'clock in the afternoon meeting. Boss Peng and others deliberately delayed the time, in order to give the Soviet delegation and North Korean comrades a chance to discuss on their own, and wait for them to confirm their opinions. In the future, the three parties will formulate the rules together, which will save time and wrangling.

Unexpectedly, during the meeting in the afternoon, the members of the Soviet delegation were uncharacteristically, turned around and firmly supported China's opinions. His sincerity is completely different from that of the morning.

Deputy Commander Hong whispered to Li Yong quietly: "What's the matter, big brother? Could it be that you were confused by you?"

Li Yong smiled and replied: "I'm not confused, I must have received a telegram from my superior at noon, and it may not be the telegram from the Supreme Commander, why don't you praise us like a flower?"

Deputy Commander Hong thought about it. He must have received a telegram from the Supreme Command.

Li Yong privately made another suggestion to Deputy Commander Hong. I think our intelligence director is smart enough. How about you give an order to let their intelligence department find a way to get the contents of the Soviets' telegrams, so as to save their troubles? Take your own nerves.

This was a good suggestion, and Deputy Commander Hong immediately agreed: "Damn, let those boys from the Intelligence Department find a way to get the content of the telegram. Those guys are all dogs, and they have good noses."

Without the support of Big Brother, the representatives of the People's Army also knew that they could not be the supreme commander of the coalition forces anyway, so they had to sit down and honestly discuss with the Chinese side the upcoming big battle, known as the three battles in history .

Sunset——covered the sky, and Li Yong, who had been away from the headquarters for a while, and the soldiers of the squad returned to their home again. No matter how broken the home was, it was better to go home. Food is eaten, and the presence of a large number of anti-aircraft artillery units saves them from having to fight against the air all day long.

Li Yong, who had just finished the meeting, went into the room and lay down, he was finally relieved, he had to hurry up and take a rest, he didn't know how busy he would be after the battle started.

Fortunately, He Cuihua, the deputy company commander of the personal security company, was busy. Deputy company commander He prepared all the hot water for Li Yong, and then waited for deputy director Li to take off his clothes and take a big bath. It was such a luxurious experience that Li Yong even forgot when was the last time he took a hot bath.

The door was closed, and He Cuihua, who was smiling, asked her to rub her back before going out. When people relax, they tend to think about messy things. (To be continued..)

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