The beacon of youth

Chapter 840 Beef Soup Before the War

The winter of 20 came very early, especially on the Korean Peninsula. The cold wind blowing from the Gaima Plateau turned the land into a silvery white. After entering December, the temperature dropped sharply. By the end of the month, the temperature had dropped to more than minus [-] degrees. . + ◆,

It is more than 20 degrees below zero, the sky is freezing, and the dripping water turns into ice. People who go out for activities must be careful, lest they accidentally stumble in the ice and snow, but at such a temperature, a small room is steaming. The atmosphere in the temporary conference room of a small unit of the Volunteer Army was high.

"Brigade Commander, our artillery squad insists on following the troops, and we promise not to hold back our comrades."

Another voice also sounded at the same time: "Our machine gun squad is the same, resolutely follow the troops."

The two people who spoke were the squad leaders of the heavy machine gun squad and the small artillery squad.

Li Yong's squad encountered a little problem in the pre-war preparation meeting, that is, whether the artillery squad and the heavy machine gun squad would follow the troops.

The difference from the previous operations is that the next long-distance interspersed task that the squad will perform has no roads, no cars, and no support from the local people. All weapons and equipment must be carried forward by soldiers. As the saying goes, roads Far from being lightly loaded, marching against heavy machine guns and small artillery is not an easy task.

Small cannons and heavy machine guns are the most important support firepower of the squad, and they are also the current treasures of the squad, but their weight is also a very troublesome problem.

The heavy machine guns equipped by the squad are all Maxim water-cooled. This type of heavy machine gun has the advantage of fierce and continuous firepower, but its own weight is much heavier than other types of machine guns.The empty gun weighs more than [-] kilograms, not to mention the large amount of ammunition that needs to be carried.

The same is true for the small artillery squad.The artillery plate, artillery mount, and artillery body must be carried separately, whether it was in an independent brigade or in a small unit before.There are a lot of cars for them to use. This time is different. Not only are there no cars, but there are no decent roads. The small team has to move through the mountains and forests, and all the weight has to be on the shoulders of the soldiers. Whether the heavy firepower squad can keep up with the advancing speed of the troops is a big question.

The squad leaders of the two firepower squads knew what Li Yong was worried about, and knew that the chief was afraid that they would be unable to resist on the interspersed road. One squad leader stood up and spoke: "Brigade Commander, I am a veteran, and most of the soldiers in our squad are our old Northwest Field Army Veterans, we used to live a hard life, relying on marching to conquer the world with our feet, walking is nothing special, I am here to make a statement, if our squad can't keep up with the marching of the troops, the chief will shoot me."

It was the first time for the two squad leaders to have a meeting with the brigade commander, and the squad leader's attitude was resolute.

Morale can be boosted but not let down.Li Yong thought about it. He felt that he should have confidence in his soldiers. The soldiers selected for the squad were all in the best physical condition, and they were all veterans who had fought guerrillas.Long-distance raids are not new, and the physical training of the independent brigade is a daily subject, in order to prevent the troops from becoming dependent on cars.Trust them to get the job done.

The meeting finally determined that all members of the squad will be dispatched, wearing all weapons and equipment.And try to bring as many five-kilo packs of explosives as you can, of course.Everything has to be carried by the soldiers themselves.

Before departure, Li Yong also asked the troops to bring some of the captured M1 large eight-grain rifles to make up for the lack of long-range firepower of the squad. Several company commanders and platoon leaders were a little doubtful about Li Yong's decision. Company commander Li Yuming quietly He asked: "Brigadier, the American guns are good, but the ammunition cannot be replenished. In my opinion, it is better to equip them with a [-] big cover."

The squad has almost one American Tom-style rifle. The Tom-style gun has good firepower, but its accuracy and range are really limited. In order to deal with emergencies, under Li Yong’s order, some soldiers replaced it with American-style M1 rifles. For ammunition supply The problem Li Yong is very interesting. After the big battle, even if the volunteers hold their own weapons, they still have insufficient supplies, and they are also short of food and ammunition. It's better to use the enemy's weapon. Anyway, Yankee's m1 rifle is much stronger than the little devil's [-]-year-old big cover.

Under the direct intervention of the head of the headquarters, the squad of more than 200 people all changed into the uniforms of the Korean National Army. Of course, Li Yong himself is the head of the headquarters, and he is also the head of the logistics. Get some captured enemy clothes Still very easy.

The time for the start of the war is approaching day by day, and large units of the Volunteer Army are constantly gathering covertly on the front line. According to Mr. Peng's deployment, Li Yong's small unit will follow the troops of the 39th Army to break through the enemy's line of defense. The specific assault force is the 39th Army. The [-]th Regiment of the [-]th Division of the Army.

The 39th Regiment is the main regiment of the 800th Army. Each infantry battalion under it has more than 4000 people. Counting the directly subordinate teams, the total strength of the regiment is more than [-]. It is one of the most powerful field infantry regiments in the Northeast Field Army. It is also an old bone unit of the People's Liberation Army.

Early this morning, the head of the regiment, Wu Baoguang, came to the command post he set up at the forefront. A front command post is only a few hundred meters away from the shore. The situation can be seen clearly.

It is an old tradition of the People's Liberation Army to command from the front. In order to conceal the enemy, shorten the attack distance, and of course, also to achieve the most effective air defense, the [-]th Division used hills, mountain packs, small river ditches, Bushes and natural rain trenches have built hundreds of shelters and dozens of battalion-level command posts, plus traffic trenches, wounded dressing stations, ammunition storage depots, artillery bunkers, etc. The area up to several thousand meters has been completely hollowed out.

The amount of work was really big. Fortunately, the troops of the People's Liberation Army have old experience in digging holes and trenches. After several days of non-stop efforts, everything went smoothly, and the other side of the river did not notice the slightest movement of the volunteers.

In the past few days, head Wu Baoguang's life has been really not very good. All kinds of things have hit the back of his head as a busy head.

Seeing that he was about to enter the attacking position, but the food supplies for the troops had not been fully supplied, and the dry food bags of the soldiers were still shriveled, including himself. The guards only prepared a few bags of the enemies captured in the last battle for him. biscuit.

What good are a few packs of biscuits? You can chew them all in less than two days. For this reason, Wu Baoguang scolded the guard Xiao Chen to death. In fact, he also knows that the guards cannot be blamed for this matter. Let Xiao Chen come up with a solution, if it is fighting in the country, just find the local fellows and the government to solve the problem, but now our troops are in North Korea, or near the [-]th parallel, this area is South Korea At the junction of North Korea and North Korea, forces from all directions are intricate. North Koreans, South Koreans, Americans, Chinese, and people from the Soviet Union and some other countries, the military uniforms and accents are varied, and the local people are dazzled. No one would approve of it, and Xiao Chen couldn't let Xiao Chen snatch it.

Wu Baoguang's head hurts from worrying about the food. What to do, you know, once the battle starts, it will be tens of hundreds of kilometers of continuous combat. How can the troops fight without even a little food in their stomachs? Damn food .

Just when Commander Wu was at a loss, there was good news. It was said that a new head in charge of logistics had arrived at the headquarters. This head in charge of logistics had thought of many ways. Shipping ahead.

What is chow mein!It is composed of 70.00% wheat flour, 30.00% sorghum or soybean flour, and [-]% salt. It is the first generation of field rations invented by the Chinese People's Liberation Army during the war.

People who have never eaten it may never understand. People who have eaten it think that fried noodles are okay for the first few days, but if they get moldy once they get wet, they will be finished. The soldiers who talk strangely think that it is better to hang moldy fried noodles. On the tree, the American planes didn't blow up when they saw it. Of course, this was all a joke. It would be nice to have fried noodles for the advancing troops.

Looking forward to the stars and the moon, I finally hoped for the food. The logistics department quietly delivered a large amount of food at night. The food was mainly fried noodles. Surprisingly, there was some cooked beef in addition to the fried noodles. The soup was boiled with chili, and the logistics department brought over the soup including the beef. They said it was for the soldiers to eat beef and drink the chili soup. They also said that this was the opinion of the head of the headquarters, and it could protect the troops from the cold. .

beef?This is really a good thing. After going abroad for so long, the soldiers don’t have oil in their stomachs at all. Being able to eat beef before the war makes people don’t know what to say. It’s better than the Chinese New Year. .

Commander Wu Baoguang was so moved that he almost burst into tears. The low temperature was tens of degrees below zero. In order to prevent the enemy from discovering the traces of the troops, lighting fires was absolutely prohibited. The soldiers nestled in the fortifications, gnawed on cold dry food, and poured it into their mouths when they were thirsty. Fill the snow or knock down the ice edges on the edge of the fortifications to add more. Before the battle started, there were already sick and downsizing. This is the army of the four fields. Most of the soldiers are from the Northeast, and their physique is very cold. Changing to the southern army, Captain Wu did not dare to think what would happen.

The chili beef soup came too timely, so timely that it can directly affect the combat effectiveness. If the troops can eat a meal of chili beef soup every day, with hot beef and chili at the bottom of their stomachs, I will be able to rush over in one go. The enemy was smashed to death, and Captain Wu was thinking about his mind while drinking soup. (to be continued..)

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