The beacon of youth

Chapter 841 Linjin River

The troops of the People's Liberation Army are not afraid of fighting, but their logistics supply is also a big problem. After entering the court for more than a month, they fought two major battles in a row. After a few days of rest, the third battle will start again. Yes, the continuous high-intensity combat has made the logistical problem, which was already a short board, more prominent. ←,

The war is about to break out, but where is the food?Where is the food?The commanders at all levels had blisters on their lips in a hurry, and they were on the verge of scolding their mothers. The good news is that the logistics department finally did a good job. Chili stew.

It's beef soup!This works so well.

How does it feel to eat a big bowl of hot beef and chili soup after lying down in the icy and snowy trenches for several days?It’s as comfortable as being a god in heaven, not to mention the gratitude of the commanders at all levels, the soldiers talked more, some said that they should give credit to the chief who bought the chili beef for them, and they also had to ask their superiors To make a report, you have to write a lot of letters of commendation.

The Volunteer Army's 39th Army, [-]th Division, [-]th Regiment on the main attack direction was also in a mess. However, the soldiers were going to ask for credit for the head of logistics. Yes, the superiors still use you to praise them?Even if it's his mother's request for credit, you guys don't need to make a fuss!

Beef and chili, etc. Of course, all these were brought back by Li Yong with his people. Li Yong understood the difficulties of the army at that time. In fact, the chili and beef had been prepared long ago because the quantity was limited.It can only be distributed before the war, so that the soldiers can have a few meals of steaming chili beef soup at the most critical time before the war.This means that good steel should be used on the blade, and now is the best time to use it. (Historical data confirm. Before the three battles, some volunteer troops did eat chili beef soup, but not all)

The task of the [-]th Regiment is to break through the enemy's strongest defense line in the middle, tear a hole from the enemy's strongest defense, and open the way for the large troops. Similarly, surprise, tension and anxiety are intertwined. The combat mobilization he made for his soldiers is:

"The commanders of the [-]th Regiment know what kind of troops they are. They are the aces that specialize in hard nuts. That's why the commander entrusted the most difficult task to our regiment. This is the glory of our regiment. My old Wu and the chief The military order has been issued, and I will not come back to see the chief until I break through the enemy's line of defense."

The mobilization before the war was only one of the intense preparations. The area where the [-]th Regiment wanted to break through was the Linjin River, which was heavily fortified by the enemy.

The Imjin River is a major tributary of the Han River, originating in the Taebaek Mountains, with a total length of more than 250 kilometers, running through the central part of the Korean Peninsula.It is the most famous river on the Korean peninsula, known for its abundance of water. On both sides of the river are large rice-producing areas, with a width of more than 200 meters.The average water depth is 1.5 meters to [-] meters.

The middle section of the Linjin River happened to be on the 39th Parallel. Therefore, this section became the area that the [-]th Army wanted to break through.

The river surface is more than 200 meters wide.The water depth is about two meters, minefields, roadblocks, and iron wires.There are permanent fortifications mixed with reinforced concrete, and there are a large number of visible and invisible light and dark firepower points.Coupled with the powerful artillery and the U.S. Navy Air Force aviation, they are one of the opponents of the [-]th Regiment. How to overcome these difficulties is the biggest difficulty that regiment leader Wu Baoguang and his soldiers will face.

Meetings have been held countless times, and solutions have been brought up one after another. Today Wu Baoguang came to his command post early on purpose to wait for someone, the scout Zhang Guohan sent by their regiment.

It was dark, and there was still some time before dawn, and nothing could be seen on the river. Wu Baoguang knew that it was impossible to see Zhang Guohan wearing a white camouflage in the command post, but he couldn't help it, and used the mask again and again. Observing through the telescope, he was very worried about the soldiers he was carrying out dangerous missions, and he was also a veteran brought out by himself.

Zhang Guohan is a well-known reconnaissance hero in their entire division. He is famous in the whole army for his boldness and carefulness. Zhang Guohan, who set off in the middle of the night yesterday, should be back soon.

In the middle of the night, with the biting cold wind, a volunteer soldier was crawling forward bit by bit on the icy river surface. Behind him was a shallow snow ditch pressed out by his body. The traces brought by the crawling of the volunteer soldiers disappeared, and even this soldier was also hidden in the wind and snow-the biting cold wind is not necessarily a bad thing.

It was Zhang Guohan, a scout from the [-]th Regiment of the Volunteer Army who crawled forward. In order to reduce the number of targets to be discovered, Zhang Guohan asked the chief to carry out the mission alone and ensured that he would come back alive.

This is a veteran soldier who has experienced many battles, and he has made the determination to die in order to complete the task.

The snow on the surface of the river was more than half a foot thick, and the white hair wind mixed with fine snow particles poured in from his collar and cuffs, and then took away the little heat from his body. Zhang Guohan, who was wearing a white sheet, was I feel that my hands and feet are becoming more and more ineffective, and my whole body is about to freeze.

It's cold, it's too cold, but the colder it is, the happier Zhang Guohan is, because in cold weather, the enemy's sentries will be careless, and they will ignore the observation of the river in order to avoid the cold. It is convenient, and most importantly, the cold weather can freeze the river surface, and the thicker the ice layer, the better for the troops to break through.

The river is more than 200 meters wide and the water depth is about two meters. If it does not freeze, Zhang Guohan can't think of any way for the troops to break through. Building a pontoon bridge will definitely not work. First, it will expose the target, and second, it will attract enemy aircraft and superior artillery fire Bombing, armed swimming?That would cause even greater losses. After thinking about it, it seemed that the only way for the troops to cross the river was to rush over while the river was icy, and he was responsible for the task of scouting the attack line for the whole regiment.

The task is too important, Zhang Guohan understands that every slight negligence of his own may bring unpredictable consequences to the troops, thinking of the weight of the burden on his shoulders, Zhang Guohan becomes more and more cautious.

The watch was given by the head of the regiment before departure. It is the head of the regiment’s own watch. I heard that it was seized from the enemy when he was beating up the little devils. Watch, he has been climbing for more than an hour.

It took more than an hour to climb to the center of the river. He stopped and put one ear on the ice to listen carefully. The center of the river is the place with the most turbulent water flow and the thinnest ice layer. Of course, It is also the place that Zhang Guohan is most concerned about.

Whether the troops can pass or not depends entirely on this. As long as the ice layer in Jiangxin is thick enough, with the combat power of the [-] regiment, they should be able to break through. Thinking of this, Zhang Guohan stood up cruelly, not only stood up, but also used all his strength to jump on the ice.

The sound of bang bang bang can be transmitted very far at night. Zhang Guohan who does this is very dangerous, because it is easy to expose himself and be shot by the enemy's machine gun on duty, but Zhang Guohan can't control these things in order to complete the task. He must To find out whether the weakest part of the Jiangxin ice layer can withstand the impact of troops, we must find out.

Zhang Guohan is a strong man from the Northeast, he is not light, and the river that is too thin to freeze can't help him jumping like this. There is a prelude to the cracking of the ice layer, and there will be a heart-shaking sound. To Zhang Guohan's joy, he Jumping with all his strength did not bring any changes to the ice layer in the middle of the river. The surface of the river was so hard that it didn't move at all, it should be frozen solid.

Another advantage brought by the cold weather is that the soldiers of the United Nations Army on the opposite side of the river did not notice this guy who dared to jump around under their noses. Maybe their officers on duty could not withstand the biting cold and went to drink and boil it. There is still time to see if anyone is moving on the river.

Zhang Guohan, who lived in the Northeast since he was a child, is very adaptable to the cold climate. After jumping for a while, he feels that his body is not so cold and his hands and feet can move freely.

go back?The task should be considered completed here, but Zhang Guohan didn't give up. He still had a question in his mind that he couldn't figure out, that is-what is the [-]th parallel, and he wanted to touch it with his own hands.

The bold and bubbling Zhang Guohan didn't rush back, but continued to climb forward. He thought that the enemy didn't notice that I was jumping around on the river, which showed that the vigilance of the soldiers of the United Nations Army was not very good. Since the enemy on duty was a Confused, he will take this opportunity to get more information so that the chiefs can rely more on their decision-making. Maybe Zhang Guohan is still curious when he does this. What is a line.

Zhang Guohan continued to climb forward, this surprisingly courageous old soldier wanted to figure out what the [-]th parallel was, and if the situation allowed, he would also seize a few of these lines to show the chiefs.

But what surprised him was that he climbed to the other side of the river, climbed to the front of the enemy's position, and didn't see any lines, let alone lines, there was not even a rope, and all he saw were bunkers and fortifications, which made Zhang Guohan Very depressed, I have climbed across the river without getting a single thread, isn't this a waste of time?

Of course it can’t be done in vain, since when did our PLA engage in a loss-making business!Lao Tzu came here, and he said he wanted to get something back. Thinking of this, Zhang Guohan laughed a few times in his heart, even if we can’t get any 39th line, we have to get something back, anyway, we can’t go back empty-handed. (The above chapters are adapted from the real historical deeds of Zhang Guohan, the combat hero of the [-]th Division of the [-]th Army of the Chinese People's Liberation Army. Long live the invincible Chinese People's Liberation Army.) (To be continued..)


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