The beacon of youth

Chapter 848 Iron Warrior

The demining team of the 20th Regiment advanced in the rain of shrapnel and bullets, and saw that there were still more than [-] meters left to get through. But at this moment, the artillery fire behind the Volunteer Army suddenly became intensive, and multiple artillery groups were firing rapidly. The roar of the artillery firing and the explosion of the shells when they hit the ground were like hundreds of drums beating together in the ears.

"Boom, boom, boom," the bombing points on the opposite bank were connected into a piece. Zhang Caishu knew that this was the last 3 minutes of artillery preparation time, and the volunteers' shells would basically be almost the same when they came down.

Three minutes later, the large army was about to start charging, but there was still a minefield more than 3 meters wide that had not been cleared. Zhang Caishu knew in his heart, and the soldiers behind him also knew that if the minefield was not cleared, countless comrades would die. it's here.

Zhang Caishu looked at the strings of landmines on the impact road. The steel wires gleamed dazzlingly in the artillery fire. He threw the submachine gun in his hand, but the mines did not sound, and then touched the mine removal rod with a habitual movement. Zhang Caishu was in vain, because the demining rods capable of detonating landmines had already been used up.

A series of signal flares rose into the sky, three in one group, three in one group, and they were extremely bright in the cold North Korean night. The shouts of the troops behind him came, and Zhang Caishu understood that the large troops were about to attack, and he had already There is no time.

what to do?what to do?Could it be that I really can't complete the task? Zhang Caishu, who was so anxious, suddenly sat up, turned his head and glanced at the direction of the troops behind him, then turned his body sideways, and rolled towards the minefield that hadn't been cleaned up.

Before the large forces began to charge, a volunteer soldier rolled out of the hiding place, rolling faster and faster in the smoke.In the area he rolled over, landmines were triggered one after another.

The explosions of landmines rang continuously.Zhang Caishu's bloody body couldn't help rolling forward. At this time, Zhang Caishu only had one belief.We must open up the minefield and clear a path for the comrades to charge. It is worth the sacrifice of Zhang Caishu.

Thousands of eyes from the [-]th and [-]th regiments were all looking at Zhang Caishu, looking at the rolling figure amidst the constant bangs. Many soldiers who were familiar with Zhang Caishu wiped their eyes with their hands. , trembling lips:

"Zhang Caishu, you're a good guy, you have talent."

Zhang Caishu.An old soldier who survived the anti-Japanese battlefield and a veteran of the Chinese People's Liberation Army, his actions shocked countless people, including the enemy on the opposite side of him.

The artillery fire extended, and in a series of signal flares flying into the sky, the entire 39th Regiment, the entire [-]th Division, the entire [-]th Army, and the entire volunteer army on the other side of the [-]th Parallel launched an impact, and the shouts of the large troops were like waves Same.

kill.Kill, kill, thousands of fighters from the [-]th Regiment shouted Zhang Caishu's name and rushed out from the attack position, launching a swift and violent attack like crazy.They want to avenge Zhang Caishu and smash the enemy on the other side into pieces, but when they rushed through the minefield that Zhang Caishu broke through with their bodies, they didn't see Zhang Caishu.Even if they didn't even see the dead body.

The environment on the battlefield is too chaotic because the task is urgent.The troops didn't have time to investigate carefully, and there was no whereabouts of this hero for a while.Zhang Caishu disappeared.

Many soldiers said that Zhang Caishu must have been sacrificed. There were so many landmines that even the iron man could not survive. The reason why the body was not found was that it was blown up by the landmines. Their [-]th regiment no longer had a demining expert like Zhang Caishu. .

But head Wu Baoguang didn't believe in such a result, he didn't believe it alive, he didn't believe that Zhang Caishu died so easily, could this guy die?Impossible, who is Zhang Caishu?He is a warrior made of steel by our [-]th Regiment, he will definitely not die.

Some people said that Commander Wu Baoguang was superstitious, and others said that Commander Wu was stunned. He didn't believe that his soldiers died because he and Zhang Caishu were old comrades in arms for many years. The eyes are watching, so there can be fakes!

But Captain Wu Baoguang doesn't care about these things, what is true or false, what superstitions are all fucking bullshit, you are the one who is insane, I want to see people when I live, and I want to see dead bodies when I don't see dead bodies , whoever dares to say that Zhang Caishu is dead, I will be impatient with anyone.

No one in the [-]th and [-]th Regiment dared to say that Zhang Caishu died, because their regiment leader wanted to eat people. After the battle, the regiment leader Wu Baoguang used almost all the connections he knew to search for Zhang Caishu like crazy. He didn't believe why the dead didn't The corpse is right under Lao Tzu's nose, it's impossible not to see even a shadow of it!He must be found.

Later, a miracle really happened. In a field hospital in the motherland, people inquired about a seriously wounded man named Zhang Caishu, and after careful questioning, it was indeed the Zhang Caishu of their [-]th Regiment, just as the regiment leader Wu Baoguang estimated. That way, the guy isn't dead.

not dead?how come.

Zhang Caishu really did not sacrifice himself. It is said that he told the soldiers who went to visit that there was a time gap before the explosion of the landmine, and he took advantage of this slight time difference. Fortunately, he did not die. Of course, this is a narrow escape. Most of it was down to luck. By the way, Zhang Caishu was able to survive thanks to the stretchers who rushed to the battlefield in the first time.

Those responsible for carrying the stretchers were strong farmers from the Northeast. The honest farmers couldn't bear to see so many casualties. They tried every means to save the wounded they carried down.

The low temperature is tens of degrees below zero, and the natural conditions are extremely harsh. When the wounded lose a lot of blood, their lives are too fragile.

In order to revive the wounded who were carried down, the peasant brothers of the stretcher team almost took off their clothes and covered the wounded. Later, they also came up with a simple way to make a fire on the spot, then heat the stones, and then put the burned stones on the ground. Hot stones are placed in the bed of the wounded, which can effectively prevent the loss of body temperature of the wounded and provide conditions for follow-up rescue work. Not to mention, the local method has played a big role. Many soldiers have been saved by this method. Among them Including the hero Zhang Caishu, of course, these are things for later.

The above pages are adapted from the real historical deeds of the No.30 No. [-] Ninth Army, [-]th Division, [-]th Regiment, the combat heroes Zhang Caishu and Zhao Zhenhai. Long live the invincible Chinese People's Liberation Army.

Li Yong and the soldiers of the team saw all this clearly. The heroic behavior of Zhang Caishu and the demining team shocked the world and wept ghosts and gods. Yong does not believe that there are still unwinnable battles. No matter how backward our equipment is, we will definitely win. This is the belief that the army is invincible.

As the vice minister in charge of logistics of the Volunteer Army, Li Yong was deeply moved by Zhang Caishu and others, but he also blamed himself deeply. Even if our logistics is better, our security is better, and our artillery shells are more Many, many excellent fighters can reduce casualties, but all of this can only be a hypothesis. In the new China of [-] years, the defense industry is really far behind the opponent.

Company Commander Li Yuming, Deputy Company Commander He Cuihua, San Niu, Xiao Cheng, Ning Erzi, and all the soldiers in the squad were all excited to see the long-lost battle, the long-lost battlefield, and they could no longer control their emotions. When the [-]th regiment launched an attack, they also rushed up, including the girl Li Jia, the instructor.

Li Jia was the only member of the team who was not equipped with a long weapon. The girl in charge of the radio communication quietly wiped the tears from the corners of her eyes, followed Li Yong without saying a word, and rushed towards the big ice river.

The cold wind is biting, and across the 200-meter-wide river is the enemy's heavily fortified position. Although most of the fortifications and firepower points have been destroyed by artillery fire, everyone knows that there will definitely be remnants of the enemy's firepower to resist, and this 200-meter-long flat road The river surface is the best place for the enemy's firepower to be exerted.

The team's deployment before the battle was that the [-]rd, [-]th and [-]th regiments would follow behind to cross the river after they had completed their breakthrough, in order to reduce losses, because they had different tasks.

Of course it’s good to follow the [-]th Regiment. Someone will open the way ahead, and the enemy has brother troops to clean up. When the team crosses the river, all dangers will pass, and the dangerous Linjin River will become a smooth road, but all of this They are all based on the lives of comrades in the three, four and six regiments, not their own achievements, so they just follow behind others?

What is our team?Although there are not many people, it represents the entire independent brigade. Our independent brigade is the trump card of the Northwest Field Army. There have been countless battles, big and small. When did we ever follow others?

Killing, all the members of the squad jumped up at the same time, including Li Yong, all of them jumped up from the position and attacked forward with the [-]th regiment.

The more than 200-meter-wide river surface is covered with countless bullet holes blasted by the artillery fire of both the enemy and us. The ice surface covered by snow particles is extremely smooth, and it is a slippery step on it.

However, the fighters who deal with the slippery ice surface have long been prepared. Chinese soldiers are born in hardships and have a good way of overcoming difficulties. The harsh environment over the years has also formed the habit of using simple methods to deal with difficulties. Similarly, each of the charging warriors wore a pair of straw sandals under their feet, so the smooth ice was not a big threat to them.

A few handfuls of ordinary grass can be used to make shoes and put them on the feet to deal with great difficulties. This is a method that the soldiers came up with. Although it is very rustic, it is very effective.

As expected, intensive machine gun firing sounded from the enemy's position on the opposite bank. This was the remnant firepower point that had not been destroyed by the artillery fire waking up, and the bullets swept across the river. (To be continued..)

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