The beacon of youth

Chapter 849 Big Ice River

After the artillery fire was extended, the [-]th Regiment began to attack, and thousands of soldiers rushed up the big ice river shouting and killing.

The enemy's remaining firepower began to revive, and bullets and rain swept over.

The open river is unobstructed and there is no concealment that can be used. The soldiers can only use their flesh and blood to meet the enemy's bullets without turning back.

People kept being knocked down by the enemy's bullets, and fell silently on the icy Linjin River. Under the extremely cold low temperature, their bones and blood quickly became one with the ice surface, and they were inseparable.

How many warriors fell on foreign lands?No one can say for sure, maybe the number will always be a mystery, decades have passed, many of their bones are still not known where they are buried, and they don't know where they are buried! ! !Deep mountains, dense forests, glaciers, or positions that have been plowed countless times by artillery fire—the souls are back, the warriors of the motherland.

The battle became more and more intense. The previously intact ice surface was now full of ice holes. Some soldiers lay down on the ice surface and used machine guns to counterattack the enemy's firepower, but the cold wiped them out of the ice surface in a few seconds. Frozen together and never got up again.

Li Yong, who rushed along with the troops, was keenly aware of this problem. He shouted loudly to tell the soldiers not to lie down and shoot casually, but to put a few straws under their bodies while counterattacking with firepower, so as to effectively prevent them from being frozen in the ice. The phenomenon of not getting up on the face.

It was only then that everyone realized that the straw, which no one looked at before, was really a good thing. They didn't expect it to play such a big role. Not only can wearing straw sandals prevent slipping, but it can also prevent being frozen on the ice.A few straws at a critical moment can save a life.

It was Li Yong's suggestion to deliver a large amount of straw to the frontline troops, and the straw seemed inconspicuous.But it can play a big role. Vice Minister Li Da, who has experience in later generations, certainly knows its benefits.

In order to conceal his intentions as much as possible.The main attacking units of the Volunteer Army entered the starting position several days in advance.

The low temperature is tens of degrees below zero. It is not easy for cats to persist in the tunnels and trenches for several days and nights. There was insufficient oil and water in the tank, and non-combat attrition due to low temperature increased sharply.

It's not bad that there was a large number of downsizing before the battle started.The Volunteer Army does not have modern equipment, nor do they have duck down sleeping bags to protect against the cold like the U.S. Army, so they have to use earthy methods to resist the cold, and straw is a good choice.

With a large amount of straw, soldiers can lay a thick layer under their bodies, and get into the trenches and tunnels full of straw, which is very effective for keeping warm and resisting the cold. Later, some soldiers said strange things, saying Drilling in the tunnel is similar to his mother's "bean storage" (a kind of rat animal in the Northeast, known for its ability to dig holes and store food. The scientific name should be called moving hamster) But no matter what, it's a good thing to work, Just like what a great man in later generations said: It doesn’t matter whether a cat is black or white, as long as it can catch mice, it is a good cat.

This is why Li Yong insisted on delivering a large amount of straw to the frontline troops before the war.It can protect against the cold when hiding, and save lives when fighting.

Troops are moving fast, and all warriors know that.As long as we can cross this great glacier, as long as we can step on solid ground.Victory is at hand, however.The Great Ice River is really difficult, and the enemy also understands this deeply. This is their best chance to counterattack, and it is also their last chance. All the firepower that can be revived is shooting at the charging troops.

The squad and the soldiers of the [-]th Regiment were mixed together, charging on the big ice river, and the projectiles fired from the enemy's position flew by. Everyone had the possibility of being hit countless times every second, and the death cost It was commonplace, and the contact between bullets and guns burst out bright red blood, and the independent brigade suffered casualties again after a lapse of recent years.

There is no way to do this. It is impossible to fight without sacrifice. The howling bullets don’t care who you are. The soldiers are not afraid of death, but their brigade commander is also in the squad, charging with them. If the brigade commander What can I do if I make a mistake?How to go back and explain to the head of the headquarters, let alone the head of the headquarters, even our political commissar will not be able to pass.

When the detachment set off from Shigatse, what Political Commissar Wang Chengde said was to ensure that the brigade commander was safe. If there was a mistake, several of their responsible company and platoon leaders would come to see them with their heads up. But the current situation is too dangerous, dangerous extremely.

Company commander Li Yuming led several soldiers to run in front of Li Yong all the time, using his body as a cover for his leader. Even the girl He Cuihua charged a few steps away from Li Yong without making a sound. Li Yong knew that They didn't want to die, they were protecting themselves with their lives, but this was not a good way. The enemy's machine gun fire was looking for places with the most people, and the more people gathered, the more likely they would suffer heavy casualties.

"Li Yuming, don't hang around in front of me, drag all the machine guns over here."

There was a heavy machine gun squad in the squad, equipped with five Maxim heavy machine guns. The soldiers of the machine gun squad were also in the charge, but because of the heavy load, they and the artillery squad were dragged at the end of the team.

Hearing Li Yong's shout, Li Yuming hurried over to bring the machine gun squad over. The five machine guns of more than twenty soldiers had all arrived. There was no need to talk nonsense. Li Yong told the soldiers to immediately set up a firing position on the river. Suppress the enemy's machine gun fire and cover the troops' charge.

Of course, the brigade commander had to execute orders immediately. The soldiers in desperation unloaded their backpacks and stacked them together as a bunker, and temporarily set up a heavy machine gun position in the middle of the big ice river. Five Maxims spit out flames, densely packed The rain of bullets swept towards the opposite bank.

The disadvantage of the Maxim heavy machine gun is that it is too heavy. The whole gun weighs more than [-] kilograms. It is not easy to carry when the troops attack. A firepower network composed of Maxim heavy machine guns blocked an area of ​​hundreds of meters.

The fighters in the squad are all veterans selected from the brigade, as are the heavy machine gun shooters, all of whom are experienced old machine gun shooters. The enemy's firepower was suppressed, and the firepower of the United Nations Army's position on the opposite bank was significantly weakened.

This is a rare and good opportunity. Li Yong told the soldiers in the machine gun squad to find a way to persist for 2 minutes. As long as they can persist for 2 minutes, the sharp knife troops of the [-]rd, [-]th and [-]th regiments will be able to break through and land. It is difficult for the volunteer army.

Charge, charge, the sharp-knife troops of the [-]th Regiment had already rushed across the center of the Linjin River, but suddenly several shells hit in succession, blasting a big hole in the river where the [-]th Regiment was about to break through. Get down.

Veterans with battlefield experience can tell from the ballistics and the sound of the shells that this is the mortar fire of the enemy's frontline troops, and it is the remaining artillery remaining under our firepower preparations.

Mortars are small-caliber guns, which are incomparably powerful with those large-caliber heavy guns, but this kind of guns also have their own advantages, such as easy to carry, fast firing speed, and no shooting dead angle.

It was these mortar shells that blasted a large hole several meters long on the impact road of the [-]th Regiment. The river water rolled out and several soldiers who were about to charge fell down.

This is an unexpected situation on the battlefield. This was also considered in the pre-war meeting of the [-]th Regiment, so the troops were still prepared. I saw these soldiers who fell into the river shouting loudly: "Ladder, hurry up!" Bring the ladder over here, quick."

Amidst the shouts, someone immediately lifted a long ladder, with both ends set up on the glacier, and a simple battlefield pontoon bridge was completed.

Ladders are a standing tool of the Volunteer Army. They can be used to build bridges and attack cities. They are very useful. Therefore, when the troops make a surprise attack, they are carried by the troops as a backup.

In the rain of bullets, a simple pontoon bridge was built, and the troops who rushed up followed quickly passed by stepping on the ladder, but at this time, a difficulty that was not expected beforehand appeared.

Because the ice surface that was blasted was very wide, the span of the pontoon bridge was too large. When people stepped on the middle part of the ladder, the force was too heavy and it was very unstable. Several soldiers fell down when they passed.

A few soldiers who fell into the water built ladders and were desperately climbing to the top of the ice layer. Because the temperature is too low, people can't last long in the water in an extremely cold environment. They have to climb up quickly , As long as you can climb up in time and put on dry clothes, you can continue to participate in the battle, otherwise your life will be in danger.

There are also soldiers on the ice layer who are helping the soldiers who fell in the water, trying to pull them up as soon as possible, but the soldiers who are climbing on the surface of the soldiers saw the instability of the pontoon bridge and saw that someone fell down again , They pushed away the hands of their comrades on the ice, turned around and rushed towards the pontoon, resisting the pontoon with their shoulders in the biting icy water.

Resist, you must resist, otherwise the big ice hole in the center of the river will pose too much threat to the charging troops.

The large army passed quickly, and countless soldiers passed on the pontoon on their shoulders. Li Yong led the small team to rush over on the pontoon as well. Li Yong seemed to hear the teeth of the soldiers standing in the water fighting with each other. clucking.

Deputy company commander He Cuihua turned her head while running and shouted: "Comrade, hurry up, I'll pull you."

Several soldiers standing in the river didn't say a word, they just signaled the soldiers on their shoulders with their eyes, leave us alone and pass quickly.

Li Yong knew in his heart that these soldiers who only showed their heads were speechless, and they were supporting themselves with the last strength of their lives. (To be continued..)

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